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Posts posted by JeanTangerine

  1. Sorry for the late reply everyone. I got a very bad case of the flu, but I'm mostly recovered now :).


    However, before I got sick, I was able to call Celebrity regarding my situation. I was told that all requests to disembark early needs to be submitted in writing to Celebrity at the email address emergencyteam at celebritycruises dot com.


    So I submitted a written request, and it took a couple of days to get the request approved, but it was approved with very little pain. Both my roommate and I were approved although I mentioned in my request that only I need to leave a day early. However, when I asked if my roommate can stay for the entire duration of the cruise, they replied yes.


    It seems that if someone applies to disembark early and the request is approved, the whole room is approved to disembark early but can choose to stay till the end of the cruise.


    I just have to show my approval letter on the day I want to get off (9/27).

  2. Thank you everyone for your advice and encouragement.


    I had some trouble choosing whether to get off the ship in Tokyo on 9/27 or to get off a port earlier in Hakodate on 9/25, but I finally decided to just leave on the 27th. Hopefully, this will be a simpler request for Celebrity to meet.


    If work's not too hectic, as it has been, I'll give Celebrity a call tomorrow afternoon, and report back the verdict.


    Thanks again!

  3. Thank you everyone for your replies and advice!


    I decided not to get travel insurance, as it doesn't really apply to me shortening my trip.


    Yes, I was looking at a Vanilla Air flight, but I'll look into later flights (or possibly disembarking a port earlier). My friend's wedding is at 3pm on Saturday 9/27, and the wedding venue is less than an hour from Incheon by public transit. If the ship docks in Tokyo on the 27th at 5:30am (it docks in Yokohama on 9/28 at 6am), what is an estimate of when I can be off the ship and free to leave on the morning of the 27th?


    My family won't let me cancel the cruise, as this is our annual family vacation :o. They were like, "Well, if you miss the flight, I'm sure your friend understands that you tried, and then you can spend one more day with us :D."

  4. I'm going on the Celebrity cruise departing Vancouver, BC on 9/12/2014 and ending in Yokohama on 9/28/2014.


    I just found out yesterday that my friend has set the date of her wedding to be 9/27/2014 in Seoul, Korea. I would really like to attend her wedding, and that would mean ending my cruise a day early to do so.


    I was wondering if this is possible with Celebrity, and if anyone has recent experience disembarking early on the Celebrity cruise line. I read through Celebrity's FAQ and couldn't find much info. I know that Celebrity and Royal Caribbean have the same parent company, and Royal Caribbean would allow this.


    Googling this topic just turned up results that say you can't end a cruise early if your destination is in the U.S., but my destination is Yokohama Japan, and the ship will already be in Tokyo the day I want to get off.


    Finally, will there be a lot of paperwork/interviews/inspection the morning I leave the cruise (the cruise will stop in a couple of spots in Hokkaido Japan before reaching Tokyo, so will immigration things be taken care of at the first stop in Japan)? I don't mind that hassle if it can be taken care of a day or more in advance, but I have a very tight time frame to make my flight to Seoul after disembarking. I'm a U.S. citizen, so I'm hoping that I won't have too much to deal with for immigration related things, as I don't need a visa for Japan or South Korea.


    Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer some advice and expertise.

  5. I'm going on the Celebrity cruise departing Vancouver, BC on 9/12/2014 and ending in Yokohama on 9/28/2014. I have paid 50% of the cruise cost as deposit, and the rest of the payment is due soon. I am currently signed up for celebrity's travel insurance/trip protector, but I don't think I've paid for it yet.


    I just found out yesterday that my friend has set the date of her wedding to be 9/27/2014 in Seoul, Korea. I would really like to attend her wedding, and that would mean ending my cruise a day early to do so.


    I was wondering if I will benefit from the travel insurance at all, as I usually don't buy travel insurance. I'm young and in good health, and I'm planning to arrive in Vancouver from San Francisco more than 24 hours before the ship leaves.


    The only travel risk I can see is I have a short frame of time from when the ship docks in Tokyo at 5:30am on 9/27 to when the flight at Narita leaves at 7:55am. Does the travel insurance cover missed flights (and costs to rebook a significantly more expensive flight with a different airline to make the wedding in time)? And if it does, will it even be valid in my case since I'm catching a flight a day before my cruise ends?


    Thank you in advance for any helpful advice or expertise.

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