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Posts posted by redheadinlove

  1. Absolutely love this!! Whether she figures it out or not...it is a wonderful journey (and will end with an even more wonderful journey!)


    I planned a trip to Pebble Beach for DH's 40th...the cost of the room & golf round made me ILL (I mentioned to my mother we could have cruised for a week for that price!! We literally were gone less than 72 hrs) At one point he asked if we were going to Phoenix? Vegas? Pebble Beach? (WHAT??!!:eek:--I had only mentioned he could golf there). SO one evening a couple weeks before when I was out I had a friend call & claim to be from Hilton Head resorts to confirm....did we want 2 doubles or one king...any special requests. He did NOT mention this that evening so I KNEW it threw him--perfect! The day before departure there was a huge ice storm from Missouri to WV & DH began to panic that we would miss connections. On the way to our hotel the night before I said--stop worrying, we aren't going to Hilton Head (GOTCHA)


    Of course as we checked in the airport in Omaha, & the clerk said "2 to San Francisco" DH says "Where on earth am I going to golf in SF?" DARN CLERK responds, "Well, Pebble Beach of course!"--NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

    But still a wonderful surprise & a wonderful trip--worth every penny.


    Keep it coming--I'll be following!

    'Wow! Id love to keep such a surprise for that long!

  2. I can feel that this is going to turn into a beautiful thread of beautiful stories -- all because of a wonderful husband doing something so sweet for his wife. I have had 2 cancer surgeries and both cruise critic and planning memorable vacations with my family and friends has gotten me through some low times. My husband is also a wonderful man. He knows how much I enjoy cruising and spending time with my family and friends that he works hard at side jobs just so we can travel. Just today I got home from work to a note on the counter (he had woke up from 6 hours sleep, spent 7 hours at his side job and is now at his 'real job' for another 9 hours). His note said - "Good day, more $$$$ for your trip". Gotta love these wonderful men!!

    My fiance is much like this. He's working long hours, little sleep, not much time together or with his our new daughter, not just to provide for us (I work too) but also so we can have a wedding and honeymoon we will love. He'd be happy going to the courthouse but it would break my heart. So, while he's only required to work 5 days, he works 7, just so we can have our wedding next year.

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