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Posts posted by angeleski

  1. I was down 1 lb on Thursday. I have been visiting friends this weekend so I ate tortilla chips yesterday. i am still doing my workouts. I have been busy shopping for new clothes as my choices in my closet have gotten quite limited. As for holiday eating, I am confident that my willpower will get me through. I have been trying out a plant based diet based on whole foods for the last two weeks. I hope to be able to continue on with that as that should really limit any potential damage of the Christmas season. I hope everyone has a great week!

  2. Hello everyone,


    I am back from my conference and had a big week. since my last weigh in I lost 5 pounds. I am 2 pounds away from my goal. now the reasons behind that weight loss are not good. I was down and out with the flu for 6 days. Barely ate anything... stayed in bed for 6 days so that meant no working out.


    I managed to start insanity on Wednesday. it is Insane and completely different beast than p90x. As I am now eating normally, my goal is to stay level this week. after loosing 8 pounds in two weeks, I think that is the best case scenario.


    as for eating, when I did start eating again, Most of it has been at banquet style events. what I have learned is that if you ask, you shall receive. I had all of my meals customized to some degree. I opted out of the fat filled mashed potatoes for an extra serving of green beans. as I was eating those, I could taste the butter that they were covered with. My tastebuds did not enjoy that. Even one of my salads had so much dressing that I didn't eat it. being presented with a four course meal when you are used to eating 300-400 calories per meal results in a lot of food waste. I made sure to never finish my plate but eat enough to deal satisfied. I had discovered that red quinoa is fantastic! on my home from the airport, yesterday, I stopped at a health store to pick some up for my pantry.


    well enough of my adventures. I hope everyone is doing well!



  3. Mbrodrig, I reached my 90 days on Saturday. I did every single workout except the last two because I have the flu. I lost 22 pounds during the 90 days. Reading my comment, I exceeded my goal which is exciting. Setting a goal for me has been a huge part of my success. I have also cut out red meat from my diet. I try and incorporate 3-4 days of vegetarian eating which is working very well for me. I have 80 days until my cruise and will try to loose another 10 pounds.

  4. I am down 1 pound this week. 10 more to go. 99 days until we cruise, so we are at the double digit countdown! My goal was to loose 4 pounds per month prior to my cruise. so this should result with being 2 pounds under weight goal.


    I am having a hard week as I am sick. Right now sitting at my desk, wishing I was in my bed. I split my workout yesterday to get through it. I took my recovery drink before the major part of it to give me a boost. I only have 17 of 90 days left so I really want to get through it and not fall behind on my progress. Nor do I want to extend my time with Tony Horton beyond these 17 days.


    Eating is going well. I have been sticking to approximately 1400 calories per day and I feel good (apart from this cold). We have had Halloween treats in our house for the last 3 weeks and not tempted yet. I think I will make it through the weekend okay. And I do have a stash of mint chocolate protein bars that I can "cheat" with if I feel the need for chocolate. As I am close to finishing my 3rd month of healthy eating, I find the cravings rare. I have my go to pure almond butter and tortilla snack and air popped corn snack that are go to snack foods. Also strawberries. I never mind going my 1400 for those options. It is about making good choices and staying satisfied.


    Hope everyone has a good week!



  5. Hello everyone! Very excited this morning. I am down two pounds. I was very happy as I though it would be difficult to loose after a three pound week last week. I am enjoying my Fitbit. I am having some accuracy issues with some of my heart rate on some of my workouts and my 1.5 hour Yoga registers no steps. 11 pounds left to reach my goal. cruising on Feb 5th so there is plenty of time to get there at this pace. I just have to get through Christmas!


    good job on the weight loss everyone! shooter, I am at about 1400 calories per day. I am targeting a 700 calorie deficit per day. That is about a pound and a half a week. The Fitbit really has me tracking everything.


    wishing everyone a good week!

  6. Good stuff Shootr! I had an awesome week as well. after only loosing one pound in two weeks, I managed to loose three this week! Yay! Only 1 more proud to reach this months goal. I did p90x yoga tonight. I am not happy with the calories my Fitbit is recording for 1.5 hours of my time. the next two days are heavy cardio workouts so we will see how it goes. I know I am toning muscles though. today is day 60 of p90x so that leaves me with 30 to go. Wishing everyone a good weekend.

  7. I was away yesterday so my weigh in had to wait one day. I am down 1 pound. I had a piece of cake on my birthday. It was tiny. What is the point if you can't have cake on your birthday.


    idid relatively well at my work conference. I had to special order all of my meals. The one diner, I had to eat my veggies saluted in oil. When you have cut back on fat, you can definitely tell the difference. They did serve creme brûlée for desert one night. I had to have half of it. It was a small one. I don't feel guilty as it was a choice.


    I did all my workouts and I am off to workout now.


    have a good weekend everyone!

  8. hello, I have lost my 1 pound for the week. I am happy with this. I have 18 more to go. We are in the midst of some really nice weather.


    I had an end of season golf banquet today. There was a desert buffet that I managed to avoid. Everything was cooked in sauces so ended up having salad and a tomato basil soup.


    My birthday is on Sunday so I hope to get through that day without too much damage.


    next week I have a work conference. That will be the toughest test so far of my will power. I will be away from home for two days will meals being prepared elsewhere. I am really stressed about this. I figured out how I would switch up my workout schedule to accommodate.


    Big week for me. Hopefully everyone else has a good one.



  9. I was excited after the weekend. I was down two pounds. Now the scale says I am back to my weight from last Thursday. I think this is due to pms bloating. I have kept to my nutrition plan. I rewarded myself with a glass of red wine on Saturday night and that was all. I was low on calories so I did some air popped popcorn. even with these two indulgences, I was under my calorie goal. I did all seven workouts.


    I was drinking too much Coke Zero pre-diet. I have cut that out completely. I have gone back to drinking water and tea. I drink a lot of steeped tea. tea shops are all the rage now. There are some great fruity kinds or spicy. You can serve over ice for something more refreshing. if you can try to find a store, I like David's Tea, there are so many different flavors. You could possibly find one to replace a soda once in a while. I never feel the need to add any sweetener as the flavors are really good.


    hope you all have a nice week. I like readying the poem.



  10. I am cruising in Feb 2016 aboard the Carnival Sunshine. on Monday, I started p90x workouts and nutrition plan. I was very sore until yesterday. I feel so much better today after workout number six. There is plenty to eat, too much really. I don't remember the last time I felt this energized. I have 20 pounds I would like to loose.

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