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Posts posted by jbjb9300

  1. Quick question about the onboard account. We have a couple of gift cards that we will be applying to our onboard account, also bringing cash to put on our account. My question is, "if I also link our account to a credit card, just in case we go a little over, would they deplete the gift cards then cash then use the credit card as a final choice"? Thanks in advance for any input.

  2. You can sail with just a birth certificate. However, having a passport in case of an emergency situation where you need to fly back home from one of the ports which requires a passport is a must.


    Best thing to do with your belongings while swimming is to put them in a waterproof bag inside another waterproof bag inside another waterproof bag and keep them with you at all times in a pocket on your swim trunks.


    In grand Cayman if you have booked an excursion through carnival you will have priority getting off the boat and on the tender. How early you want to get to land is up to you. We would normally get breakfast on the lido deck then head to the tender. That will allow all those in a hurry to get to shore allowing you to get right on the tender for the short ride to land. Be prepared to be back to the return tender with plenty of time to wait in line to get on the tender and back onboard in plenty of time.

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