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Posts posted by 5Porthill

  1. It amazes what they try to pass off as a formal night dinner. On a transatlantic cruise with more than 2 formal nights, the menu included fried chicken. I thought, sarcastically, "This must be some fried chicken!" I ordered it to find out and boy was it ever, not! The maître d' passed me and looked at me and the chicken due to my earlier remarks. So I told him I was curious to see what they were serving. We made the chef walk the plank later that night.:D I think they usually serve that NY Steak with a sauce so I order mine "dry" which is asking for trouble.;)




    Absolutely loving your revue, we are travelling on the Legend over the Xmas holidays, your observations have been very valuable.


    Having been to Rome several times, I have to agree the Pantheon is an absolute must, we were there in May and when standing outside overheard two fellow cruise passengers saying they wouldn't bother to go in when they could just Google it!!!!

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