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Posts posted by greggsgirl

  1. Here are some pictures from my latest trip to St. Thomas. The group of corals and the turtle were on (and in) the WIT Concrete Boat. The turtle was especially cool when he came out from inside the boat. The crew said he always hangs out there.


    The eagle ray was a pleasant surprise. That was in Hidden Valley, and I had just lost both my buddy and the rest of the divers. I knew my buddy would be okay, and it was too hard to look for him in all the little canyons there, so I proceeded with a solo dive, which I love to do. I came over an edge and here was this beautiful eagle ray below me. I followed him and got a lot of great pictures. Oh, I also hooked up with my buddy and the group back at the anchor line so all ended well. LOL












    We have two cruisers with us on Oasis Oct 6th to Nassau, St thomas, St Martin....one is certified and one will be taking the PADI course on board which includes two dives. Do you know which ports they will dive in?

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