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Posts posted by shaun07

  1. Great job, I really enjoyed reading it. I am currently booked in this cabin number  on the Edge. Could you tell me how the location was. Looks like its near the elevators and restaurant. Was it loud or a busy area? Any pros or cons? Would you have selected one of the other Royal suites? 

  2. I really think it's unfair for people to be so judgy about the Internet usage of others. I think the OPs point is that NCL advertises and sells Internet packages that allow streaming at a premium price but they are not delivering the product. If you can't deliver the product then you shouldn't be selling it.... Right???



  3. Not attacking... just curious why the OP didn't do his work from the port in Bermuda? The Escape's 2018 summer route is Bermuda if I'm not mistaken and the ship is in port for 3 full days. I understand that duty calls and sometimes you have to log in while in the middle of the ocean... but the cell and data service in Bermuda is perfectly fine, so catch up on work on those days where you can and deal with the mediocre service for emergencies during the sea days. I've sailed to Bermuda and it literally costs me $10/day on Verizon for the international plan while in Bermuda and it's very good service. For a total of $30 I can post, chat, email, surf the internet, etc. for 3 full days without any issues (I don't stream on a regular basis so can't speak to that option with Verizon). I use the 250 free at sea wifi minutes if I have to use my phone on the ship. It's not great service, but it does the job in a pinch.


    Oh I did in Bermuda which was great. The internet was usable onboard while in port. That wont help me in Panama lol.


    Again if Royal can do it Ncl should be able to. They should at least stop saying they can and charging like they do. Just because its internet people are like "what do you expect". I expect if someone is going to sell and charge me a premium for a service I should get what I pay for. If it was the UBP and all the beer was warm would everyone say "well its the middle of the ocean what do you expect".

  4. While I do need internet for work. I also enjoy going online and reading articles, checking the news and sports. Scrolling through Fb. I look at it the same way as reading a newspaper or magazine.

    I don't buy the whole phones are bad and nobody communicates anymore argument. All we do is communicate and share. When was the last time I cut a newspaper article out and mailed it to someone? Never...maybe once or twice in my lifetime. I used to maybe get a picture of my cousins kids once a year for their school photo. Now I see them almost once a day. I grew up in a different country and I can honestly say I have a family member make me laugh at least once a day.

  5. We used to take one maybe 2 7 night cruises a year. I would be disconnected for the week and it was fine.

    Now because of technology we can take 3 or 4 10 night or longer cruises a year. We booked this 7day last minute and to see how Ncl is as we had not been on them in a few years.

    Yes I know its a ship, and I know internet will be bad at times. It was bad for the whole cruise. That is why I am upset. They advertise it like its amazing. Like its Vroom. It was not like that for me . This is a premium fee they are charging. If it was $5 a day then ok, I don't expect much. For $30 a day I expect it to work for at least part of the day.

  6. Question for OP, curious what kind of hardware and/or devices were you using for the connection ? As, it could be one variable to take into consideration, just saying ...


    I've been lucky over the last several years and count the blessings. Using roaming cellular 3G, 4G & LTE connections whenever I can and have access to, thanks in large part to Google "Fi" (T-Mobile's 2G in 130+ countries is nearly useless, except for voice and SMS/basic texting)


    I have an Iphone X. I tried safari, chrome and firefox. All were very slooow. Also tried MacBook air so I doubt thats the issue but that was a good thought.


    I had zero issues on Rcl Allure of the seas which has more passengers. The internet was so fast i could watch shows from my tivo box.


    I just find it crazy expemsive for something so slow. Does anybody know if Ncl has any plans to upgrade their internet ?

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