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Posts posted by BuffyIndy113

  1. having a hard time choosing. been told weather in the seas in october for greek isles is rough, and to avoid at all costs...because of my husbands leave from work we are limited

    also considering changing to an NCL ship instead...the jade,


    any ideas/opinions? i really dont know what to do now !

  2. we would like to go on a greekl isles RCL cruise next october, our son will be 4.

    the only ships in RCL that do greek isles are the smaller vision class ones , vision, rhapsody, serenade etc...


    we went on the indy last yr with our son and we loved it , so im worried that the actual ship will not live up to our expectations in terms of modernity, facilities, size etc....


    for example theres no H20 zone, then again there never was when i went on the enchantment of the seas 15 years ago and i had plenty of fun at age 9..


    so what do you all think ?

    ive done greek isles before as a teen, but never with my son and husband


    any tips ? suggestions ?



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