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  1. I really don't want to wait that long if I'm going to be making reservations. And it also affects what neighborhood we'll want to choose a hotel in.
  2. May 2! Looks like we'll be on there together!
  3. I did some searching, but it seems everyone is trying to get on their ship as fast as possible. I have the opposite question. My husband and I will be on the Millennium out of Tokyo next spring. Schedule says it departs at 7pm. What is the latest we can get on? I'm just hoping to maximize our time in Tokyo, since we will probably only get in a day and a half early (I'm already going to be over my allotted PTO for the year with this one trip). I know Yokohama where the port is will take a bit to get to, so I will factor that in.
  4. Husband and I took advantage of the Black Friday sale and booked Millenium for May 2024 Japan. Had no idea there had been so much trouble with cancellations so recently still! We had our April 2020 Japan cruise canceled, but this is our first time trying it again. Hoping it all goes well!!
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