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Ginge from Boston

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Posts posted by Ginge from Boston

  1. We recently cruised to Bermuda from Boston. I am a frequent traveller and like tour a city or area upon arrival. I found a fabulous tour guide on a Bermuda tourism website: Lewis Foggo. He was friendly, attentive and extremely knowledgeable. There were four in our group, each relatively curious. No matter the topic, history, botany, social, economical... he could answer our questions. He made great suggestions for beaches, attractions, shopping and restaurants.


    We had originally booked him for a half day upon arrival, but were so pleased with his service; we booked for a full day later in the trip. We all agreed he was well worth hiring a driver for the day. I should also add the cost to hire Lewis was half that of the tour package offered by the cruiseline.


    He was such good company we asked him to join us for lunch so we could continue our onslaught of questions. He oblidged. While it may seem I am 'pitching' for Lewis, I was so pleased with his service I would be remiss in not sharing my review. His contact information: lewis_foggo@hotmail.com or Call: 441/704-2109.


    Good luck, and travel safely!

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