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Posts posted by topgeek

  1. These meetings work out well if an extrovert (of any kind) is there early and acts as a sort of greeter and creates a welcoming space.


    I agree... been on 4 cruises this year and have almost always had to be the instigator of conversation. It is hit or miss... but folks, you gotta show up if its gonna get any better! I go every night, even if its just to have a drink and a quiet moment. On my last cruise, a gay couple had spotted me and my friend early on but never came to FoD because "they didn't want to intrude"?!? They only showed up after we approached them and invited them to the last night, and ended up having a great time!


    And I like grrl2grrl's idea about spicing it up somehow. It would help draw more people into it. Will probably require someone on each cruise taking the initiative... but it would have to be reflected in the schedule or no one would know it was better.

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