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Posts posted by ent

  1. 18 minutes ago, awestover89 said:


    Honestly, the human to human transmission of coronavirus is exceedingly low. CDC has reported that all current cases of H2H transmission have occurred between individuals with extended close contact (< 6 feet) while the infected person was at their sickest. There hasn't been any indications that it behaves like the flu where it stays on surfaces for hours or can be spread before symptoms appear

    I would be cautious of spreading this information as the CDC website itself states otherwise. They are saying that's typical or often the case with respiratory viruses, however there are indications that the Coronavirus has been spreading through the incubation period. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2001468


    From what I'm reading from news outlets, the Diamond Princess case where the man who tested positive for Coronavirus and the source of the spread on the currently quarantined ship reported having no symptoms on the ship and some time after getting off the ship (I've seen up to 5 days later) tested positive when he started having symptoms. Now 10 people on the ship have tested positive so far.


    To respond to the OP, you can't control what others are doing. RC has taken certain precautions but there's no foolproof way of denying people entry if they lie or use birth certificates. I would recommend just staying educated about it and making the decision knowing yourself. If you decide to go and you're super worried the entire time and not enjoying yourself that's something you have to take into consideration with the amount financially you'd forfeit if any, etc. 

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