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Posts posted by LuckyDuckCanuck

  1. On 12/2/2023 at 9:13 AM, 2 cruises a year said:

    If you travel a lot, look into the Luggie. It is a travel scooter, so it is compact and light. My wife has one and it is perfect on a cruise ship. It is narrow and fits between the walls and room service carts with out having to move them around.

    I second this scooter.  I have 2 scooters and Luggie (elite) is my favourite for cruising, for the same reasons given.  The 4 wheels give great stability and it folds like a charm.


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  2. On 9/12/2023 at 3:05 AM, DisabledSeawoman said:

    Orthostatic Intolerance? POTS? If you are seeing a cardiologist or neurologist for care and have a diagnosis, then you are well within your rights to request special accommodations. I would be providing a letter from your doctor to the cruise liner prior to departure so that you discuss any appropriate accommodations.

    I have POTS, and personally, I don’t feel the need to “push in”, but if a chair could be placed in the shade, at check in, I would happily wait until it would have been my turn should I have been able to stand in the queue. I do this whenever I have to queue. People are understanding once the realise that you don’t want jump the queue, your body’s thermostat just doesn’t work properly! 

    I am 65 and also have POTS.  After some scary moments I now use a scooter for all things cruising and airports. Lines pose no problem now.  Long pier, port shopping, excursions?  No problem. I have a nice folding travel one that I can fold in less than a minute so that I can still enjoy all the ports, whether tendered or not.  I snorkel, and even zipline if there is an elevator to get to the launch. Can I do everything? No.  You have to know your limitations. I am sure that some people are confused when they see me be able to get off and walk around, looking perfectly fine, but I don't let that bother me.  I'm glad I can do that - but I still need it to prevent a seriously high heart rate leading to collapse. Time and distance is my enemy - oh, heat too. POTS is no joke - and it's totally invisible to others.  Same with so many other invisible challenges/illnesses people face.  

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  3. 2 hours ago, Fear-the-turtle said:

    Our travel companions and friends are still on board and running out of toothpaste! The ship store doesn’t have any, and their steward hasn’t located any. If any of you has a spare, Peter and Rinkje are in C236. Thanks so much; Cruise Critic folks are the best!



    Ask the kitchen staff for baking soda.  Works great on a wet toothbrush!


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  4. I wonder if perhaps the family was on the elevator with her and the doors opened on a floor that was not their stop and the girl got out by mistake, then made her way to the railing to try to follow her family and get their attention as they would be getting off (they would have been going down, so she knew to look down.) The elevators being glass, she may have been able to watch them go down.

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