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Posts posted by MamaE

  1. I think there are pros and cons to using a TA. As some previous posters have mentioned.. they are extremely knowledgable and can sometimes get you certain perks. Also, if there is a problem the TA can go to bat for you.


    However, just be aware of what's being offered, in a general sense, before you employ the services of a TA. For instance, if a TA is pushing a particular cruise line over another it could be they are close to reaching a goal--- compensation, etc. When I went to see a TA about an upcoming cruise, I knew ahead of time what bargains were available online, I wanted to see if she could do better. Once I was in her office she was really steering me towards one particular cruise line, even after I pointed out all the incentives I had for choosing a different one. She kept on pointing out a lot of negatives regarding the one I was showing interest in. At the end of our meeting, as she was standing up and shaking my hand, she said, "I only have 3 more to book before my husband and I go on our dream European cruise." She said it off handedly, but I got the message loud and clear. She wanted my business because she was looking out for herself. In this case, my best interest wasn't considered. I want to say though, that I fully believe MOST TA's act and behave ethically!!! I think this particular person wasn't ethical and regardless of her career choice would behave similarly. But only because I had done some online homework was I able to recognize that I could get a better deal, closer to what we were looking for in amenities and destinations, by doing it myself online. I do realize all TA's receive some type of incentive from various businesses, whether it's the hotel industry, the airline industry, etc. But I also believe that most of them want repeat clientele and will put their client's best interest first.

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