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Posts posted by Poppyprincess

  1. Thanks Toseaornottosea, we do have travel insurance but BA have told them the same story .... Seabourn did not do what they were meant to do. Will definitely book my own flights in future. It is horrible being in the hands of others and all of this anxiety is having an effect on my mother. She has started having difficulty in breathing again, we think due to stress but the insurance company wants her checked by the doc again and it is a bank holiday today in Barbados so everything is closed! 

  2. Hi, just spoken with our TA, Seabourns largest agent in UK apparently, as they booked the flights through FlightEase they are saying there is nothing they can do. They have spoken to Seabourn Guest Relations and I have had to email them. I also emailed the president Rick Meadows and the CEO S Kruze. The crux of the matter is that Seabourn rang BA but BA needed further information from them and Seabourn never rang them back with it. If they had BA would have deferred the flights!

  3. Robert, thank you for your reply but we are also diligent handwashers and sanitizers. We are not talking about a tummy bug here, but a heart condition. I am sure that if you were in my shoes you would be feeling v upset at having to pay for airline tickets that you had already purchased due to Seabourn’s negligence. They were informed by me, and I have my call log to the ship, at 11.30am that my mother was not fit to fly. We are informed by BA that they were contacted after the flight had left which was at 8.05pm.

  4. Hi Julie, I would have done this had Seabourn not said that they would organise everything. Also our Atol certificate name Seabourn as the carrier and responsible for us! I was told onboard at the medical centre that they change flights all the time. What happened to us transpires to be (We were told this by BA) that Seabourn did call them, but too late, the flight had already left, so we were down as no shows. How that can be when we had been advised by the hospital in Barbados that mum couldn’t fly at 11.30am which I communicated with the ship and have a call log and our flight didn’t leave until 8.05PM!

  5. A word of warning before you book your flights with Seabourn Air (FlightEase). I boarded the Seabourn Odyssey on 21st December with my husband for our honeymoon. We had a PH for 4 weeks. My parents joined us on 4th Jan for our last 2 weeks. My 82 year old mother was ill for the last 3 days of the trip and was disembarked by ambulance to a hospital in Barbados on 18th January therefore missing our flight back to the UK. My 83 year old father has dementia and currently we are in a hotel here. My mother was discharged today and has been pronounced fit to fly by the doctor after suffering with pulmonary congestion. My problem is this, we booked our tickets with Seabourn Flight Ease, first class with BA. I am unable to access the booking as it says agent has to do it. I now hear from BA that Seabourn called to amend the ticket but BA needed further information. Seabourn did not go back to them until after the flight had left so we were classed as No Shows. BA have said that it is down to Seabourn to sort it out, they are the named party on the Atol certificate. Seabourn Family Assistance in Seattle are telling us that they can not assist us and our only choice is to purchase tickets for c$21,000Us, 3 club seats and 1 premium economy. I am getting no where fast! Having spent over £60,000 on this trip I feel that Seabourn have left us high and dry!

  6. Hope you have a great time but hope you don’t fall ill!  I boarded the Seabourn Odyssey on 21st December with my husband for our honeymoon. We had a PH for 4 weeks. My parents joined us on 4th Jan for our last 2 weeks. My 82 year old mother was ill for the last 3 days of the trip and was disembarked by ambulance to a hospital in Barbados on 18th January therefore missing our flight back to the UK. My 83 year old father has dementia and currently we are in a hotel here. My mother was discharged today and has been pronounced fit to fly by the doctor after suffering with pulmonary congestion. My problem is this, we booked our tickets with Seabourn Flight Ease, first class with BA. I am unable to access the booking as it says agent has to do it. I now hear from BA that Seabourn called to amend the ticket but BA needed further information. Seabourn did not go back to them until after the flight had left so we were classed as No Shows. BA have said that it is down to Seabourn to sort it out, they are the named party on the Atol certificate. Seabourn Family Assistance in Seattle are telling us that they can not assist us and our only choice is to purchase tickets for c$21,000Us, 3 club seats and 1 premium economy. I am getting no where fast! Having spent over £60,000 on this trip I feel that Seabourn have left us high and dry! Their strapline of Your Seabourn Odyssey, your home from home certainly does not extend to looking after their sick passengers once they have left the ship in a medical emergency. 

  7. I do hope so. I’ll report back. Have found out from BA that Seabourn called them, BA we’re happy to defer the ticket but required further information from Seabourn. Seabourn did not call me for this info or go back to BA so consequently we were down as a No Show. BA have told us to go back to Seabourn. Family Assistance answer .... buy 4 new tickets! 

  8. Seabourn’s largest UK agent. I would have called them straight away on Saturday if the Guest Manager and the Medical team on the Odyssey had not said that they would do everything necessary. At the point I was just anxious about my mother and about to go with her in the ambulance. I was then told on my return to the ship to collect my father and husband that Seabourn Family Assistance would take over everything so I have not contacted the travel agency yet. By the time Family Assistance told me that there is nothing they can do I then tried them but they are closed due to time difference. I will be contacting them first thing. I always was such an advocate of Seabourn but this has left such a bad taste and I suppose a warning to other passengers that may unfortunately be taken ill. They use the strap line onboard ‘your home away from home’ but once you are off the ship you are alone and forgotten about. Not very nice for my elderly parents!

  9. No as we were told whilst onboard the Odyssey that they would sort out the flights and change ticket to an open return. Then they called me to say that Seattle needed a date to work to, even if that had to be changed. We have the date as 23 Jan, my father and husband were still onboard at this time. Then when I went back to the ship to collect them and bags etc we were told that the ship itself could do no more, they had alerted BA to the situation but that Family Assistance in Seattle would take over. I am trying through Family Assistance, the chap is very nice but he is not having much luck with FlightEase.

  10. Yes we have travel insurance but mum and dad’s only covers them. We had to stay as dad could not be alone due to his dementia! This is a total nightmare and I can believe that after our loyalty to Seabourn from when it was called The Yachts of Seabourn that we are being treated like this. BA say that their hands are tied, that it is possible to change the booking but only FlightEase can do it!!


    Thank you for your help and taking the time to reply. 

  11. Can anyone advise me please. I boarded the Seabourn Odyssey on 21st December with my husband for our honeymoon. We had a PH for 4 weeks. My parents joined us on 4th Jan for our last 2 weeks. My 82 year old mother was ill for the last 3 days of the trip and was disembarked by ambulance to a hospital in Barbados on 18th January therefore missing our flight back to the UK. My 83 year old father has dementia and currently we are in a hotel here. My mother was discharged today and has been pronounced fit to fly by the doctor after suffering with pulmonary congestion. My problem is this, we booked our tickets with Seabourn Flight Ease, first class with BA. I am unable to access the booking as it says agent has to do it. Seabourn Odyssey were able to cancel our booking for 18th but now Seattle are telling me that they can not assist me but BA are telling me that I cannot do anything other than buy 4 tickets home and that the only people than can do something is the flight agent. I am getting no where fast! Having spent over £60,000 on this trip I feel that Seabourn have left us high and dry! Am I missing something here, does anyone else have any experience with a situation like this that could give me some advice.


    Thank you and best wishes.

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