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  1. But then you might return to your cabin and find the lost card and could have avoided the trip to guest services. But if wasting time at guest services is your thing, go for it.BTW, there is no charge.
  2. I wear mine on a necklace. Apparently, I took it off the night before and left without putting it back on!
  3. Here is a small, but positive medallion story. On a recent Princess cruise, I left our cabin, walked around the ship, went to a lecture and did not make use of my medallion. I returned to my cabin and realized that I didn't have my medallion. Did I lose it on my walk? Did I drop it at the lecture? Was it in my cabin? Thankfully, my steward was able to use his device to show that, indeed, it was still in my cabin. If I had a key card, I would have had no choice but to retrace my steps or go Guest Services to request a new card. Love the Medallion!
  4. I sent my usual request by Fax. After 10 days of not receiving credit, I called and was given e-mail for customer support and was told to use www.stockperks.com/carnivalcorp in the future. Waiting to see what happens. MJ
  5. Two other ways to check is to go to your cruise personalizer and see if the room number has changed or see if your credit card has been billed the additional amount.
  6. I am 74, but admit that I would try some of these new fun spaces. However, my fear is that it will attract a lot of families which would mean more children on the ship.
  7. Booked on the same date, same category and felt the price was in line with previous Princess cruises.
  8. This sounds much like our embarkation day plan. I agree, that I would rather starve than eat at the buffet on Day 1!
  9. What, exactly, are the good options for non-alcohol drinkers? Coffee that costs $3.00 or sodas for the same amount vs. $10 for a glass of wine? I enjoy the pizza on the Lido deck, but it is not equal to eating at Alfredo's. Two special desserts? Who wants that everyday? Reserved seating? On my last cruise, the reserved seating was 80% empty until 5 minutes before showtime when they sent the SRO guests to that section. Unless you drink 4 or more alcoholic beverages per day, I fail to see the value!
  10. I agree with most of your post. Although, we do get a larger cabin, that is our choice. We bring one bottle of wine each. We use OBC, pay the crew appreciation fee and get discounted wi-fi as Elites and rarely spend beyond our budget, except for special excursions that appeal to us. We have enjoyed Alfredo's which is more than just pizza. However, our next cruise is on the Emerald, so no Alfredo's and will definitely not pay for it on future cruises. We have done specialty dining on previous cruises, so no need to go again. MDR is excellent. On our last cruise (Caribbean Princess), the reserved section was mostly empty and five minutes before showtime, they sent the SRO cruisers to that section. We don't need special desserts and I can practice TaiChi in my cabin, so no interest in fitness classes. My fear is that they will slowly charge or increase charges for things we do enjoy: bingo, trivia, use of the gym or who knows what!
  11. Today we received an offer to pay $5999 for a balcony package or $7499 for a suite package which contained Future Cruise Credits, onboard credits, hotel stays and more, good for 24 months. We live one hour from Fort Lauderdale and do one or two Caribbean cruises annually as well as other land and cruise trips. Has anyone else received this offer? if you accepted, how has it worked out? Sounds good, but...
  12. Not to contact another agent, but to let Princess Corp know how pleased we are with RR.
  13. If you are really happy with your Princess Vacation Planner, who should you contact?
  14. The price for WiFi is also having a considerable jump. Apparently $25 per day additional charge.
  15. We booked late and had to accept a guaranteed cabin. I was unhappy with the location and bid on an upgrade. I bid $20 over the suggested bid. Two days ago, I was told my bid was not accepted. Today, I got the e-mail congratulating me on my successful bid. Paid the bid and am happy with the result.
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