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Posts posted by HemiCouple

  1. Thanks for all the input thusfar. I don't mind non-smokers commenting I understand that it is an issue for some, I try to be as polite as reasonable about my habit, one of the reasons I made the thread I understand some are very passionate about it. I enjoy smoking personally and try to keep it for me without affecting others and try to avoid making snide remarks about non smokers like they do me :P


    P.S. Working my last shift before I head to NOLA for a much needed cruise.

  2. I realize this thread will bring out plenty of negative comments but the unfortunate truth is some people do in fact smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes etc. With that being said and hopefully encouraging civility in the thread. Which Carnival ships have the best smoking areas? When I went on the Valor in 2011 there was a great little bar/lounge that I enjoyed a lot because of it's smoker friendly atmosphere and great staff (don't remember the name of the lounge but I do remember the "banana ladies" that decorated it.) Let's talk briefly about Carnival ships with the best smoking areas and please include why such as: bar close, cigars allowed, good view, away from public scorn etc.

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