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Posts posted by Heidils

  1. Ice show


    Thanks for the suggestions, any thing else you wish you would have known before you got on the Explorer? anyone?


    Don't order drinks in the MDR....very weak. The Aquarium Bar gives the best pour, and it's right outside the dinning room. Don't miss the salad bar in the MDR for lunch. Amazing! They put it together for you, so eveyone isn't touching the same stuff. Also they serve unlimited cocktail shrimp.


    The EX is a great ship. There is always a place to go and find a seat. Watch the clock. I gave the chair hogs a good hour before I called the pool patrol over to take the seats. The people didn't show up for another hour, and I'm just glad I didn't understand their language.

  2. Would you hate me if I said all of them? :D


    Sorry it's taking so long. A lovely young-in blasted into me on the Explorer and knocked me down. My back has been killing me to the point that I went to the hospital. I have a herniated disc. People please watch your children. He didn't even say he was sorry, just ran away. The last two days, I had to deal with the lovely elevator people.


    That being said, I tried to upload the compass' with both of my scanners and can't seem to figure it out. My neice is coming over today, maybe she can figure it out. If no one post's them by Monday I can't take them to my daughters and she can do it for me.

  3. We were toying with the idea of booking Chops one night, and then I noticed Chops isn't on Explorer. Guess they removed it or I got my ships confused. I remember reading awhile back the the steaks in Portofino were actually better than those in Chops. Can anyone confirm or deny that, or was I hallucinating that too?


    One of our table mates went to Portofino's on the Explorer and said it was very good. Beef anywhere on the ship was less than good. Although the tenderloin was good.


    I had salmon at least 4 nights. It was very good! NOT farmed.

  4. I want to look into reserving a cabana once I board (the website keeps telling me they are available then when I submit the request, it says to check once on board). Can someone tell me where on board the excursions desk would be, and what deck we board? Have never been on this ship. Many thanks in advance.


    I hear they are lovely. Expensive but lovely. If you don't get one, here's a tip. Go early! And go to the last beach all the way to the right! We got chairs righ on the beach, a few hours later, people couldn't find a spot. The water there is wonderful!


    There is actually decent shopping there. You can't Hard Rock t-shirts for $7.

  5. This jumble of two different topics is driving me crazy too!


    However, the experience that you quoted was mine. We boarded 11/25 in Galveston port. This was their 2nd US boarding (first being the Thanksgiving week) after returning from Europe. I'm not sure if that is relevant, but wanted to point it out as they may not have had time to really figure out what they were doing yet vs. some of the year round ships or those that have been back since the policy went into effect.


    Here is more of a summary:

    1. Many of you have read the thread around how terrible this embarkation was so I won't re-hash that. I was among the first to enter the building. As it relates to the wine....I had mine in my back pack for carry on. Security verified I had wine in the bag. They they then sent me to a separate table. I had to pull my bottles out of my bag (although I could have had more because she never looked in it). This was after security, before check-in. I then had to provide her my sea pass info. She took down my cabin #, what I "had" (the two bottles of wine), and then had me sign a line saying I was bringing this on.




    2. My sister and family went through the line about 1 hour after me (or more). She had her wine in her carry on as well. Her Mother in Law did too. The security screener did "ask" them if they had wine, they said "yes". He did not direct them to the "table". I am guessing it was because of how backed up the embarkation was at that point that they decided that was just causing more delay. I don't know if they will continue to try and do that or not. I obviously was onboard so did not witness this. Maybe she just didn't hear them.


    3. My dad had 1 bottle of wine in his checked suit case. His ended up in the naughty room. I went with him to retrieve it because I was curious (and he thought I got him in trouble by putting a bottle of wine in his luggage. lol). Anyway, many of the people picking up luggage had wine as well. He simply had to open his suit case and pull out the bottle. They then did the same thing they did with me at the desk after security. They took down his cabin #, noted he had 1 bottle of wine, and then had him sign on the paper. He then put the bottle of wine back in his suit case and wheeled it to his room.


    I don't know the purpose of their record keeping. I don't know if it is to somehow cross reference with the carry on? But it's not computerized so how could they possibly do this? Data entry later to match it all up? Come to my room later and tell me I had 2 bottles at carry on and now 2 bottles in my checked luggage? What if I drank it all already (alright, I know, I wouldn't) or gave it to friends? Seems like a waste of resources.


    I was excited with the new policy but it almost seems like more annoyance than I intended. Maybe that is their purpose, I don't know. I guess if I understood "why", I would feel better. To my knowledge, celebrity does not do this? I have taken wine onboard Princess legally--and it definitely was not anything like this. I expected it to be similar.


    Maybe they are just working the kinks out and will determine later if this inconvenience to their passengers coupled with the extra work by their staff is really worth it or not. I hope that's the case. Like any new policy, it can take a little while for the efficient path to be determined.


    Am I to understand that you were permited to have a total of 4 bottles and one cabin and three in another?



  6. There is no need to filter the ships water. It is already. ;)


    Well I have heard that, but when you go on the websites and see from the CDC how well the ships quality of water is, it's very surprising. Not so much with the newer ships at all, but yes with the older ones. Even if it isn't toxic, it's a practice I have to do at home as well. And we have good filtered well water. It isn't always enough for me.


    Probably not unhealthy to most, but I have kidney stones very often, I have to be as pure as possible.


    Hence my carefulness.


    I agree however, I think the ships do as best as they can to keep the water quality good.

  7. Since Bayonne seems like, (it's likely) that we can carry on a large pack of water, that solves that problem for us. $12 a case of water vs. $4.95 a bottle is a big deal.


    I am bringing my Britta to filter ships water, and I took the advice of bringing powdered Gatorade, and lemonde. Tea of course for me as well.


    That with the fact that we can now carry on two bottles of wine and free juice in the morning, which you can bring back to your room, we are also bringing a rolling smallish soft cooler that acts as a carry on, but also can be filled with ice to keep our juices, and waters cold, and whatever snacks you want bring back to the room.


    I don't plan to rely on the fridge so very much.


    This all coupled with the fact we now have $800 in OBc's I don't think we need to drink that much! The only thing we have to add is prepaid tips or do that when we get on the ship. You can be creative with in reason I think.


    It's nice that Royal seems to being more reasonable with us.

  8. Heidils, thanks for sharing your story. I hope by the time we reach that age, and Alzheimer's hits people of age that is not that old sometimes, that science has found something that will help.


    And you are so correct, that it is extremely difficult in many cases.


    Bless you!:)




    On a happier note....Hubby laughs at me for my CC fetish....


    This is exactly why! It's my out! There could be worse things. I'm halfway packed for a cruise I take in 20 days.


    He knows that we have to start planning a vacation right after this one. Looking forward is the only way to look.



  9. You would have to search for this type of cruise. When you go to the RCCL web site or other TA web sites the date will be missing from their schedule. For example if you go to RCCL and look for Freedom of the Seas in the month of November 2013 you will see there is no November 10th sailing listed. That date has already been chartered by the agency that arranges these cruises. More than likely a typical TA will only know that the sailing is not available but not why.


    Interesting. Thank you.

  10. It is sad that so many of us have had experience with dementia and Alzheimer's. In my case, my extremely intelligent father who worked in the aerospace industry started his descent after a by-pass operation. The bad? For the next 6 years, we watched him slip away from us while still physically healthy until he died about a year and a half ago. The brighter side? My adult children gathered around with me, growing closer to this delightful man, while we watched the staff of the Assisted Living facility fight to keep him with them right through to his Comfort Care and passing (we were blessed that they loved him). It's so important to know and pay attention to your loved one and the cues they give.


    My Dad was always homebody, and early on we stopped doing overnights at our house because by 4:30 AM he wanted to go home. However, when we showed up at his room, he was out of his "home" and into the car like a shot. The longer the drive, the happier he was (especially if we stopped at Dunkins!)! We'd drive to the port if a cruise ship was in and look, and then we'd go park by the harbor so he could watch the ferries and fishing boats. But, I'd always watch for the signs that he wanted back to his world. My friend's mother, who is now into dementia, happily travels for an overnight or two as long as my friend is with her. She won't travel with her other children probably because my friend has always been the one she traveled with.


    An excellent place to learn more and share with others going through this is http://www.alz.org/ This is painful and hard - my heart aches for you all....


    Ditto Ditto Ditto!


    The people at Alz.org are some of the kindest people I have met. They never shut you down and let you talk. I'm in school now to be able to work with them, and help others. Great example of human kindness.

  11. Dear Rick


    Wow...I hear you. Spent last night with Mom while Dad had to go out to help someone. She assured me he wasn't my father, and that she never married. Dad puts a chair by his door so as to hear her when she comes in an stares at him, not knowing who he is.


    Alzheimers patients become paraniod and would never in their right mind do what they sometimes do.


    So so hard!


    Another forum, I know but worthy of help.

  12. We had the same dilema. My Dad would love to go with us. He needs a vacation as much as we do, but in our case, we had to decide that Mom needs familiar things around her. She goes through episodes of not knowing who he is and being afraid of him.


    Again, in our case it wouldn't be a kindness to her.


    I certainly can understand the wanting every last moment with our parents, but as a poster said, sometimes we want to bring them for US!


    We have a wanderer now, and I'm sure I wouldn't sleep at night worrying.


    A cyber hug to all of you going through this discusting disease!

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