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What I noticed about dressing (or not) for dinner


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everyone keeps saying shorts are not allowed but this is from the NCL web site in the Q&A section. Shorts are clearly allowed in the MDR and ALL dining rooms, now you might look like an idiot wearing them with the knee socks and jacket but they allowed in all dining rooms



Question is are jeans allowed in the dining room






The Dress code shipboard:


Resort casual is appropriate in all venues, including specialty restaurants. Resort casual attire may include simple slacks and shirts, skirts and sundresses.

Formal nights are offered on each ship for sailings of 3 days or more. Although not required, if a guest chooses to dress up, formal attire consists of black tie or dark suits for men, evening gown or cocktail dress for women.


Bare feet, t-Shirts, cut-offs, tank tops and swim suits are not permitted in any dining venue for dinner other than the outdoor dining venues.


Here are some guidelines:


Jeans: Presentable jeans are permitted in most dining venues in the evening, except the “designated” venue. Presentable jeans are clean, without holes and tears, not overly faded, worn at the waist or hips and in good condition.


Shorts: Only Bermuda shorts worn with a jacket and knee socks will be permitted in any dining venue for dinner. All other shorts will not be permitted in any dining venue for dinner with the exception of the Buffet and any outdoor dining venues.


Hawaiian and/or Tropical shirts are permitted in all dining venues for all meals.


Flip flops are not permitted in the "designated" venues.


Workout attire and track suits are only permitted in the buffet and any outdoor dining venues for dinner. Presentable track suits are permitted in all venues for Breakfast and Lunch.


Children under 12 can wear presentable jeans and shorts in all dining venues for all meals. Presentable jeans are clean, without holes and tears, worn at the waist or hips and in good condition. Presentable shorts are well groomed shorts that are either dressy or sporty shorts, but not cut off jeans shorts or swimming trunks.




Bermuda Shorts are defined by Wikipedia as follows


Bermuda Shorts, also known as walking shorts or dress shorts, are a particular type of short trousers, now widely worn as semi-casual attire by both men and women. The hem can be cuffed or un-cuffed, around one inch above the knee.

They are so-named because of their popularity in Bermuda, a British Overseas Territory, where they are considered appropriate business attire for men when made of suit-like material and worn with knee-length socks, a dress shirt, tie, and blazer. In addition, many businesses in the West that have a business casual policy similarly allow this kind of clothing in appropriate weather. They are available in a variety of colors, including many pastel shades as well as darker shades.

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everyone keeps saying shorts are not allowed but this is from the NCL web site in the Q&A section. Shorts are clearly allowed in the MDR and ALL dining rooms, now you might look like an idiot wearing them with the knee socks and jacket but they allowed in all dining rooms



Question is are jeans allowed in the dining room






The Dress code shipboard:


Resort casual is appropriate in all venues, including specialty restaurants. Resort casual attire may include simple slacks and shirts, skirts and sundresses.

Formal nights are offered on each ship for sailings of 3 days or more. Although not required, if a guest chooses to dress up, formal attire consists of black tie or dark suits for men, evening gown or cocktail dress for women.


Bare feet, t-Shirts, cut-offs, tank tops and swim suits are not permitted in any dining venue for dinner other than the outdoor dining venues.


Here are some guidelines:


Jeans: Presentable jeans are permitted in most dining venues in the evening, except the “designated” venue. Presentable jeans are clean, without holes and tears, not overly faded, worn at the waist or hips and in good condition.


Shorts: Only Bermuda shorts worn with a jacket and knee socks will be permitted in any dining venue for dinner. All other shorts will not be permitted in any dining venue for dinner with the exception of the Buffet and any outdoor dining venues.


Hawaiian and/or Tropical shirts are permitted in all dining venues for all meals.


Flip flops are not permitted in the "designated" venues.


Workout attire and track suits are only permitted in the buffet and any outdoor dining venues for dinner. Presentable track suits are permitted in all venues for Breakfast and Lunch.


Children under 12 can wear presentable jeans and shorts in all dining venues for all meals. Presentable jeans are clean, without holes and tears, worn at the waist or hips and in good condition. Presentable shorts are well groomed shorts that are either dressy or sporty shorts, but not cut off jeans shorts or swimming trunks.




Bermuda Shorts are defined by Wikipedia as follows


Bermuda Shorts, also known as walking shorts or dress shorts, are a particular type of short trousers, now widely worn as semi-casual attire by both men and women. The hem can be cuffed or un-cuffed, around one inch above the knee.

They are so-named because of their popularity in Bermuda, a British Overseas Territory, where they are considered appropriate business attire for men when made of suit-like material and worn with knee-length socks, a dress shirt, tie, and blazer. In addition, many businesses in the West that have a business casual policy similarly allow this kind of clothing in appropriate weather. They are available in a variety of colors, including many pastel shades as well as darker shades.


This was in reference to a Bermuda sailing only.



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You can enhance your cruising experiencing all you want....Don't see any one here complaining about "dressing up"... do you? That said, it's those who are obsessed with dressing up that are the one's who need to "lighten up"....they are the ones complaining about those who do not dress up. I have no clue as to why you are telling me to lighten up................I have no problem with however anyone dresses.


And like I said before...sorry some pages do not load fast enough for you....but that certainly is not "my problem"......look into faster internet service and stop blaming others for your less than perfect Internet experience. ugh!


Ah yes, the compassionate cruiser attitude. Gotta love it.

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just another reminder to those that actually do give a hoot about how they dress for dinner (not necessarily dressing to the 9's...but perhaps to the 7-7.5's...but certainly not like they just picked you off some raft.)


this should be your mantra (i say this throughout the week). DW and I enjoy dressing up. for those who know what i'm going to say, please indulge me.





simply excellent!

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You can enhance your cruising experiencing all you want....Don't see any one here complaining about "dressing up"... do you? That said, it's those who are obsessed with dressing up that are the one's who need to "lighten up"....they are the ones complaining about those who do not dress up. I have no clue as to why you are telling me to lighten up................I have no problem with however anyone dresses.


And like I said before...sorry some pages do not load fast enough for you....but that certainly is not "my problem"......look into faster internet service and stop blaming others for your less than perfect Internet experience. ugh!


I have high speed internet but I also know that not everyone does and have participated in several threads about how the large pics and sigs have driven some wonderful people away from CC because they can not get high speed where they live.


Your "tone" is one of screaching and yelling at people... for example the ugh! you put at the end of your posts as if nobody's opinion matters but yours.


I should have just gotten out the popcorn! :rolleyes:

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Sooooo....you canceled your cruise because of "hear say"??? ugh! To each his own, what ever floats you boat. I just cannot image taking note of what someone wore "all day" and then happen to see them in a restaurant and take note that they are wearing the same thing......who does this? And like how many people can they keep track of to notice that there were "a lot of sloppy cruisers" and not just one wearing the same shorts all day? Sounds like a very exaggerated story to me.....not one I'd cancel a cruise over that's for sure.


Honestly, this reply seems adversarial and just plain rude ---- not in the spirit of what CC is supposed to be. I am entitled to my opinion, as you are to yours. I don't see any reason to insult me because you disagree with me. And by the way, we had a lovely land vacation, so it was no hardship to cancel.

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Freestyle is Freestyle. And everything what that means. If someone wants to dress nice...go for it. If someone wants to dress in nice jeans or slacks...no one stopping you. Nice shorts and a shirt...hey it is vacation. Out right sloppy....well that tells you something about that person.


I think most people dress neat. If you let that one or two families bother you , then you really need this vacation and don't let it bother you. Maybe you are doing something that is bothering someone else. And if you want a stricter code...there are other cruise lines that enforce dress codes.


I remember wearing tuxedo's on captains night...... I LOVE FREESTYLE much better !! ;)

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MAYBE they're APPEALING to a whole new generation of cruisers who have been sitting on the sidelines due to not wanting to dress up?


That would apply to us (well, except I'm not a whole new generation, but a segment of an existing generation). We went on one short cruise 9 years ago and decided it wasn't for us. At the time, we both had to wear business attire for work and enjoyed the freedom of less casual clothing on vacation. It was unappealing to us to come off the beach or from sight seeing and have to get all dressed up - yet we didn't want to eat at the buffet or get room service and miss the whole dining experience. We're compliant people and aren't looking to fight the rules, so we took our vacation money and went to all inclusive resorts and vacation destinations with more casual dress codes. Freestyle made us give cruising another try - we like the idea of not having to eat on a certain schedule and not being required to dress in formal attire if we want to have dinner in the MDR on those nights.


Like most of you, I don't care what others wear, so long as it or they don't smell. :) But I understand those who enjoy the whole concept of the traditional cruising, formal nights or getting dressed up (we have a lot of friends that find that one of the most fun aspects of cruising) or are offended by those who are more casual in nature. I think it would be a great idea to have one dining room for those who want to dress up and another for more casual diners. That way, everyone is happy. I'd be delighted to be able to wear shorts to dinner - but I wouldn't attempt to do so unless it was officially sanctioned.

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I have high speed internet but I also know that not everyone does and have participated in several threads about how the large pics and sigs have driven some wonderful people away from CC because they can not get high speed where they live.


Your "tone" is one of screaching and yelling at people... for example the ugh! you put at the end of your posts as if nobody's opinion matters but yours.


I should have just gotten out the popcorn! :rolleyes:


When someone is ridiculing my "graphics" and telling me to make them smaller in the "tone" in which it was said...............I give back a good as I get.


There are tons of people here who have large pictures in their signatures.....there is also a way to turn those large graphics OFF for those who do not have high speed internet and most of those people know that. That said, it is up to them to deal with it, not me. The internet is what it is and does not stop posting large pictures just because there are some who can't download them.

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When someone is ridiculing my "graphics" and telling me to make them smaller in the "tone" in which it was said...............I give back a good as I get.


Please tone it down. Let's concentrate on FUN! That's why we're here, right? :)


I will say that the suite picture does not take time to load for me, but it's just the (admittedly minor) hassle of the extra scroll time and the block of space it takes. It also seems a little show off-y. There are a lot of people on here who travel in the cheap seats!


I love NCL because of the casual dressing policy. There- I said it. I hope other cruise lines follow suit.

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Please tone it down. Let's concentrate on FUN! That's why we're here, right? :)


I will say that the suite picture does not take time to load for me, but it's just the (admittedly minor) hassle of the extra scroll time and the block of space it takes. It also seems a little show off-y. There are a lot of people on here who travel in the cheap seats!


I love NCL because of the casual dressing policy. There- I said it. I hope other cruise lines follow suit.


I don't have this picture here to "show off" @@. The picture is for those who are thinking of booking a "mini suite" so they can view it. I've done the "cheap seats"....been there done that, and if that is what I was doing this time, then that's the cabin I would have posted as well. I see people here with BIG SHIPS many BIG SHIPS....a ship for every single cruise they are going on from now till the next century......that could be called "showing off", but I don't see anyone complaining about it. I also see people listing all the cruises they've taken ( including myself ). My list is small compared to some who have 20 or 30 listed which also makes the page take longer to scroll....but I don't see anyone complaining about that either. When someone tells me to "ditch my picture" instead of asking me politely to perhaps make it smaller......I find it hard to be considerate of their request.......just saying.

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Anytime I see a picture, be it James' ship or your cabin, it just makes me smile. I never get tired of it. Everyone has their own unique signature and I celebrate that.


Now what was this thread about again? ;)


LOL....not my picture that's for sure, but I am glad it makes you smile. ;)

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For those of you who remember the old "Twilight Zone" or "Night Gallery" where the man keeps looking at the picture of the boat in the lake and eventually he's in the painting... I keep looking at that balcony and wishing I was there right now....

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While most of us live in cities and towns which have high speed internet access, there are many who live in the countryside that don't have high speed access. Its kind and nice to post pictures/images with less than 50kb, but some post pictures of several Mb..... All image files look great on any computer screen at 72 dpi in low resolution....


If you are posting pictures, you also have a photo software program as well. It will take you less than a minute to downsize your image file. On the other hand it will take someone with a slow internet access several minutes to load a large file....


The image file in question is 180 dpi.... It would look just as well at 72 dpi....

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I kind of concur with the post about dressing for work every day in 'real life' and not wanting to do so on vacation. We dress every day, 5 days a week, in pretty formal attire...it's so nice to be comfortable. On Celebrity, you even have to stay in formal attire after dinner for the shows and public areas...that's a REAL bummer. We really enjoy having a dining room in our cabin so we can just eat in every night and really not worry about anything.


Oh, and back to the main topic, the picture is pretty big, but it's nice. Is that what the "cheap seats" look like? Where's the rest of the room?


---I'M KIDDING. ;)

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While most of us live in cities and towns which have high speed internet access, there are many who live in the countryside that don't have high speed access. Its kind and nice to post pictures/images with less than 50kb, but some post pictures of several Mb..... All image files look great on any computer screen at 72 dpi in low resolution....


If you are posting pictures, you also have a photo software program as well. It will take you less than a minute to downsize your image file. On the other hand it will take someone with a slow internet access several minutes to load a large file....


The image file in question is 180 dpi.... It would look just as well at 72 dpi....


Thank you. :)

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While most of us live in cities and towns which have high speed internet access, there are many who live in the countryside that don't have high speed access. Its kind and nice to post pictures/images with less than 50kb, but some post pictures of several Mb..... All image files look great on any computer screen at 72 dpi in low resolution....


If you are posting pictures, you also have a photo software program as well. It will take you less than a minute to downsize your image file. On the other hand it will take someone with a slow internet access several minutes to load a large file....


The image file in question is 180 dpi.... It would look just as well at 72 dpi....


This may be true, but until I see people asking EVERY poster with images, countdown clocks, etc. in their sigs to make them smaller or eliminate them, I'll have to support Uneamie on this. What I consider 'kind and nice' is not being rude to other posters by saying things like 'ditch the picture'. I'm a little disappointed to see so many people trying to justify someone's rudeness, actually. :(

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For a moment I thought I was on the RCL board and not NCL oops I should of had a V-8. In reading the rules it is easy to understand. If you want to dress up you can if you want to go casual you also can. NCL does spell out the shorts situation well and as much as I like shorts I would never wear knee high socks and a jacket just so I can wear shorts.


On our last few cruises we decided to get away from going formal and stopped taking suits, sport coat and the dreaded tie. I wear that everyday and I have no intention of wearing that when I am on vacation.


It is up to the cruise ship to enforce their policy if they don't cest la vie. The bottom line is I do not care what anyone else is wearing I can only be accountable for my own actions. What someone else is wearing is not going to ruin my cruise. It is the reason we booked our upcoming cruise on NCL Isn't that what freestyle is about to do whatever. It will be shorts for the day and long pants and a shirt for dinner and I am a happy cruiser.

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This may be true, but until I see people asking EVERY poster with images, countdown clocks, etc. in their sigs to make them smaller or eliminate them, I'll have to support Uneamie on this. What I consider 'kind and nice' is not being rude to other posters by saying things like 'ditch the picture'. I'm a little disappointed to see so many people trying to justify someone's rudeness, actually. :(


Thank you for noticing why I was not so willing to comply....considering how I was originally asked to "ditch the picture"...


that said, considering Don Haynes did not include a snide remark and communicated in a mature and polite manner to get his point across , I will use my "photo program" and make the pic smaller. .....wonder how many will do the same. Hmm


Finally...this won't solve the problem of those who think "I am showing off" by posting our Mini Suite on the Gem. Pretty sad if I have to withhold sharing for those who might like to see those suites, as well as watch my own delight and excitement over my up and coming cruise so as not to offend anyone! Maybe I should post a pic of the $29 per night "motel 6" room we stayed in once instead... :rolleyes:

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no it was not it was a question in the Star section... although I noticed that they seem to use that exact same answer in several sections whenever the question of dress comes up.:)


i just received a Welcome aboard package for my next cruise these shorts are not included as part of the dress guidelines--also this is from the NCL web site:quote


Save the Tie for the Boardroom

Freestyle Cruising is not too dressy, not too casual. We call it "resort casual." You'll call it being on vacation. By day, almost anything goes. Khakis, skirts, jeans, casual tops, shorts, or whatever are all fine. Casual is perfect in our restaurants too. Even if you've just been at the pool and don't feel like changing, no worries. Swimwear with a cover-up is fine at the buffet and outdoor restaurant. At night, it's relaxed all over the ship. When you're ready for dinner, it's collared shirts and pants or nice jeans for guys. Slacks or jeans, dresses, skirts and tops are perfect for women. Kids 12 and under are welcome to wear nice shorts in our restaurants whenever. If you want to dress up and add a little glamour when you dine out, feel free - we've reserved a restaurant just for that. And remember to pack a sweater - air conditioning can be chilly.




Big Green

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i just received a Welcome aboard package for my next cruise these shorts are not included as part of the dress guidelines--also this is from the NCL web site:quote


Save the Tie for the Boardroom

Freestyle Cruising is not too dressy, not too casual. We call it "resort casual." You'll call it being on vacation. By day, almost anything goes. Khakis, skirts, jeans, casual tops, shorts, or whatever are all fine. Casual is perfect in our restaurants too. Even if you've just been at the pool and don't feel like changing, no worries. Swimwear with a cover-up is fine at the buffet and outdoor restaurant. At night, it's relaxed all over the ship. When you're ready for dinner, it's collared shirts and pants or nice jeans for guys. Slacks or jeans, dresses, skirts and tops are perfect for women. Kids 12 and under are welcome to wear nice shorts in our restaurants whenever. If you want to dress up and add a little glamour when you dine out, feel free - we've reserved a restaurant just for that. And remember to pack a sweater - air conditioning can be chilly.




Big Green


ok I have the same thing in my welcome package but as is pointed out on these boards all the time you have to do your homework and part of that is checking several sources one of the places I checked was NCLs web site in the Q&A for the ship that I will be traveling on and in that location is where I found my previously posted information... NCLs welcome package is not the only place to get information prior to your sailing.

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ok I have the same thing in my welcome package but as is pointed out on these boards all the time you have to do your homework and part of that is checking several sources one of the places I checked was NCLs web site in the Q&A for the ship that I will be traveling on and in that location is where I found my previously posted information... NCLs welcome package is not the only place to get information prior to your sailing.


Every single person sailing gets the welcome package. NOT everyone reads the website. Reminds me of the saying:


Confucious say, man with two watches never know right time.

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