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Trip Report from our Honeymoon Cruise on the Pride Last Year


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We were soon at the Golden Zone where we had an hour to browse around and do some shopping. We walked around checking out most the stores and shops and even found most of the gifts we brought back to our families here. Mazatlan diffenitly had the best deals out of all the ports.






We also walked over and spent some time on the beach. They say its one of the best beach areas in town but it really isn't pretty. None the less there were still alot of people enjoying themselves there. The odd looking white building in the pictures was there big Disco or basically a club. The tour guide told us thats where all the wealthy people hang out on the weekends.





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After our time was up we headed back to the meeting spot for the van to head back to the ship. The tour guide decided to take us a different way to show us all the expansion going on in the resort district. At the time there were many new high rise resorts being built with what he said many more planned. It would be interesting to go back in a few years to see what part this new enfecious the city is putting on tourism and resorts plays on the rest of the city. Below are just some random pictures on the drive back to the Cruise Terminal as well as a picture of the actual Senior Frogs Restaurant in Mazatlan. Theres also alot of statues of naked people around the city. The very last picture being one of them even though its too far away to tell. The tour guide told us its because it gets to hot in Mazatlan in the summer for them to be wearing clothes lol.








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We were soon back to the cruise terminal where we were dropped off. They did have some stands set up in a building just outside the terminal so we checked that out before heading back to the ship but it was the same typical stuff you see everywhere in Mexico. I had to take a picture of these little buggy cars. They are what some of the tour guides used for privete tours. I thought they were pretty cool and they were everywhere down there. I'm really glad that Mazatlan has many of these tour companys because it would be nearly impossible to see the city without them. Diffenitly something I recommend if you go to Mazatlan cause it sure solved our questions of what we should do there. We then made our way back to the ship to get ready for dinner and the evening.








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After getting ready and relaxing some the ship was getting ready to leave port so we went up top to the front of the ship (after grabbing some ice cream of course) to watch us depart. I tried a few different settings on my camera to try got get some good pictures of the sunset but none of them really turned out too great other then the ones i'm posting. Before you knew it we were pulled out and on our way.








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Once we were back onto the open sea we went to dinner and back to the room to see what our newest towel animal for the day would be.




We decided since we had some time still to kill before whatever show was taking place that night we would try to find the arcarde. I don't know why but we looked each day and couldn't find how you got to it. Well tonight we finally found it. Only to find that the prices to play the games were worse then you would find at a mall arcade. Oh well we still goofed around anyways.





After the arcade we went and took our seats for the show. After which it was time for bed after the long day we had had in Mazatlan. We needed to catch up on our rest for our final port the following day.




Well thats finally it for the Day 6 recap of Mazatlan. Tomorrow will bring a very large recap as it is the day I took the most photos. Included will be Cobo San Lucus, as well as our final formal night and the grand gala buffet.

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Day 7 brings us to Cobo San Lucas. This port was diffenitly the one that was most catered to tourism. The surroundings arn't very pretty as its all desert. However the town and marina area are very nice. We were already stopped again when we woke up so we had these excellent views off our balcony.





After breakfast we headed down to the bottom of the ship. There isn't an actual port in Cobo so they send little boats out to the cruise ship to shuttle you back and forth. It was pretty interesting but it worked. Once off the tender boats we started checking out Cobo. They have a large market right when you get off the boat where once again you can find all the typical mexican crap to buy. Since we did all our suvanior buying in Mazatlan we browsed thru there quickly and we were on our way.





We just walked around the board walk checkout many of the shops along it. They have a dolphin encounter place there which was pretty cool. We thought we would go watch some of the people entiract with the dolphins but it figures they wouldn't even let you watch unless you paid a small entry fee. They did have these glass windows though they looked into the dolphin tank and I happened to get very lucky and timed this photo perfectly.




We continued along circling the marina. Most the photos following will be from that.



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We couldn't belive how clear the water was in Cobo. Even in the middle of the marina where hundreds of boats are passing thru all day long the water was still very clean and clear.






This Harley Davidson dealer at the mall was one of the nicest i've ever seen. Thought it was a nice touch that the bikers could park there bikes along the boardwalk as well.




As we reached the end of the boardwalk having completley circuled the marina we decided to head back and check out the mall. So we snapped a few pictures and then started heading back the way we came.




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As we were prepairing to get off our cruise ship the cruise line really stressed to not take any glass bottom boats or water taxis in Cabo. We never did but we could somewhat see what they ment because most the people running them really nasty and suspecious. We had one such incounter on the way back to the mall. He tried convincing us to take his water taxi to the other side of the marina. Telling us he could take us to the other side, to the beach, to wherever we want, or even to the moon. I thought it was odd that he would say "we can take you to the moon". Only later on would I find out what that ment.


There are also many timeshare people set up along the boardwalk as well. They are alot more pushy then they are in the states as well. So keep that in mind if you ever go. I just ignored them and kept on walking.




We finally made it back to the mall. And wow. It was probably one of the nicest malls I had been it. It was still fairly new as there were still alot of empty stores. I must say I was shocked as we wern't expecting that when we went inside. I'd like to go back and see what all is there now. Even the outside was beautifully landscapped.







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After we were done we decided to walk away from the boardwalk and go look at more of the actual city. We wondered some of the city streets a couple blocks from the pier stopping at the local flee market as well as a small resturant so I could grab an authentic mexican taco.








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After wondering some of the streets we made our way back to the boardwalk and continued on back to where the tenders dropped us off.







I think it was the Cabo Zoo or something that had this baby Leopard on the boardwalk. For a small fortune you could even have your picture taken with it.




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As the pictures below show the Marina boardwalk in Cabo is very pretty and nice. The resorts surrounding it fit the vacation city vibe perfectly.







We finally returned back to the docks where we would catch the Tendor Boat back to the ship. However we sat down and contemplated if we wanted to go back to the ship. Kiera wanted to see the beach. Which was on the other side of the marina. We debated if we wanted to try to go there before we needed to get back on the ship. It was about a 35 minute walk there and we only had 1 1/2 hours tell we had to be back on the ship.




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Well we decided we would hurry and make our way to the beach. We made it there speed walking in about 20 minutes and we were so happy we decided to go to th beach. It was by far the prettiest beach out of any that we visited on the cruise. Unfortunatly we didn't have a whole lot of time to spend there before we had to turn around and make our way back to catch the tenders in time to get back to our ship before it left.








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We quickly started making our way back to the tendors however about halfway there we realized we had plenty of time still. So we decided to walk at a more normal pace lol.





Ok one thing people told us when we went to Mexico was that kids would swarm us wanting us to buy "chicklets". Basically they are mini packs of gum. Yeah not true for us. At least not on our trip. Infact we had to find some kids that were selling them. We finally did right before we got back to the ship. We bought like 10 packs for a buck. Just thought it was funny that we never got swarmed like everyone told us we would. It was also sad to see a drunk american couple yelling at who appeared to be the childs mother because they wouldn't take there quarter. The lady told them very nice that they only take american bills not coin. In which the couple pretty much responded "this is bull**** This is money. Money that is better then you money. I can't belive you won't take American money. Why won't you take American money". And yes they were screaming this at her. Um this is just a thought but maybe they won't take your American money cause your in Mexico and they take Mexican money here. Be greatful they take our bills. Gosh some people really piss me off especially when there drunk.




I also had an encounter here with one of the guys trying to get us to buy jewelry. When I declined he then tried getting me to but weed and other drugs telling me "it will take you to the moon". Thats when I realzed what the water taxi driver ment earlier. He too was trying to sell me drugs using the term "we can tak you to the moon". So if your ever in Cabo keep that in mind.





We made it back too the dock to catch our tendor back to the cruise ship. We had abought 25 minutes to spare as well. As we were waiting in line to catch the tendor there was a small band playing. This kid on the drums was no older then 10 years old and he was amazing. Seriously some of the best drum playing ive heard. So they got a tip from me for that because a kid with that much talent deserves it.



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For some reason we stayed at the back of the ship this time as we pulled away. The ship had pulled its anchor up and we were completly turned the other way and was pulling out when we say a tendor boat racing out to the ship. Sure enought it pulled up next to us and a guy jumped off of it onto our ship. He was very lucky cause had he been another 60 seconds away he may not have made it lol.








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After being out back into the open seas we finally moved up to our usual spot to watch. However it was so cold up there that we werent there very long.







This was also our last formal night for the cruise. So once we were well on our way we went back and changed and went to dinner. This night we had the ship take alot of nice photos of us. But it figures that we didn't end up likeing any of them lol. Also at dinner that night the waiters and such danced around and stuff. That was pretty fun.




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This was also the night for the Grand Gala Buffet. I must say I was very impressed with this and the things they were able to do with the food. They had the dinning room open and all set up for us to go in and take pictures first before they let us take the food.








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After looking at the Gala Buffet stuff we went back to the room and got ready for the late show that evening.





After the show the Gala Buffet was finally open for our eating pleasures lol. So we both got a plate load of goodies and headed back to our room where we ate them and watched a movie before going to bed.


Well this ends the Cabo San Lucas part of the recap. Tomorrow will show our last day on the ship and I will be posting many pictures of the ship itself tomorrow. So stay tuned. Only 2 more updates left.

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I have really enjoyed reliving our cruise through your review. Your pictures were great and really took me back. When we were getting ready to leave Cabo, we also stood on deck and watched all the people trying to make it back in time. We also had a balcony on our cruise. We had one on our cruise to Alaska & I haven't looked back. Once you have one, you are really spoiled. What camera were you using? Your pictures are so clear. I can't wait for the recap. Best wishes for a long & happy marriage.

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I have really enjoyed reliving our cruise through your review. Your pictures were great and really took me back. When we were getting ready to leave Cabo, we also stood on deck and watched all the people trying to make it back in time. We also had a balcony on our cruise. We had one on our cruise to Alaska & I haven't looked back. Once you have one, you are really spoiled. What camera were you using? Your pictures are so clear. I can't wait for the recap. Best wishes for a long & happy marriage.


Thanks for the kind words and for following my trip recap. The Camera I've been using isn't anything special. Its as Samsung Digimax L60 6.0 Megapixel Camera. I've had it for like 3 years now but its still going strong. Its going to be put thru its paces one more time for our upcoming cruise on the Glory then after that I plan to upgrade to a newer better camera lol. I know what you mean about the balcony as well. We were so spoiled. Thats why it will be interesting to see how it will be on the Glory since we just got an inside cabin for this cruise. We figured since we have friends on the cruise with us we will probably be outside the room more often anyways.

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Day 8 of our honeymoon would be our final day at sea as well as our last full day on the ship. As with our other days at sea nothing real exciting happened. We were expecting this day to just be lazy where we could relax at the pools and catch some sun. I also had been on the water slide yet so I was planning on doing it this day. However all that was thrown out the window when we woke up and looked out our balcony to see that we were heading into some dark clouds.




Before long we were in the storm. It was raining and the boat was rocking pretty badly. Before long Kiera got sea sick and was pretty much hating life. There goes our final day to enjoy ourselves. Since there was nothing else to do we decided to walk the ship so I could snap some pictures of it and what it had to offer. So the next few photographs will be from that.







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After wondering the ship taking pictures we found our way back to the casino. I'm not a large gambler by any means. Not even in Vegas. I will usually take $20 to gamble and thats it. If I lose it i'm done. If I double it i'm done. Simple as that. And seeing as Kiera was only 20 at the time and not old enough to gamble in the US I figured we could kill some time in the casino. I cashed out a couple dollars into nickles so we could play some of the nickle slots. She doesn't like gambling at all so the cheaper the better lol. Luckly the nickle slots kept us busy for awhile but we didn't win anything off them.




Kiera doesn't like when I play my $20 on the table. However In my opinion the tables are the only place where you can make some money when gambling. I found a $5 dollar blackjack table and cashed in my $20 on chips. Now when i'm in Vegas and i'm at a $5 dollar table $20 dollars will last me a while. Never have I almost lost my money as quick as I did on the Pride. The first time my wife watched me play as well. 3 hands in a row I lost. I was down to my final $5 chip. Kiera was getting mad because of how quickly I lost $20. I was in shock cause i've never lost it that quick. Luckly for me things turned around really fast. I won the next 3 hands getting me my $15 back as well as the following 2 hands so now I was up $10. Figureing I shouldn't give Kiera anymore heart attacks I decided to quit while I was ahead. To this day I still havn't gambled since lol. Even being in Vegas twice and Wendover once since then.


After dinner and the Comedian that night Kieras sea sickness was getting really bad. It was getting very stormy and because the ship was going faster then it had the rest of the trip we were rocking everywhere. So we decided to retire to our cabin early to try to get Kiera some rest and to get our bags packed and set outside the door to be picked up. After we got done we laid down and tried to sleep. I had no problem with it but because of how bad the ship was rocking Kiera couldn't sleep at all that night. Luckly that would be our final night on the ship before being back in Long Beach.


Anyways thats it for Day 8. Tomorrow will be the last recap day of our Honeymoon. Watch for it to include our Debarkation as well as our day in Hollywood and Santa Monica.

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