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Poll: Are jeans or shorts appropriate for casual night in the MDR?

Are jeans or shorts acceptable in the MDR for casual night?  

1,131 members have voted

  1. 1. Are jeans or shorts acceptable in the MDR for casual night?

    • Jeans are fine, shorts are not.
    • Jeans are not okay, shorts are fine.
    • Jeans and shorts are fine.
    • Neither are okay in MDR!
    • Heck - I'd wear either on Formal Night!!

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Thanks for helping G'ma. She suggested I have my daughter read a book. My daughter was senior class valedictorian, recently graduated from a private university with a double major in English and Business, summa cum laude, and she is a Phi Beta Kappa. Not bragging just wanted G'ma to know that my daughter has probably read more books in 22 years than G.ma has in however many years and I wouldn't be suprised if G'ma reads a book my daughter writes someday. One final note, on the style issue, my daughter got engaged Thursday night, her 22nd birthday and I told them I need to be in a black tux (in my brothers wedding I had to wear a pink jacket) and then I asked if I could wear flip flops with the tux to walk her down the aisle, she replied, just make sure you get a pedicure the day before.:) Job well done mom and dad, if I do say so myself.


Before you give yourself a cramp patting yourself on the back I would give credit to your daughter for working hard.


Unless you jammed all that info into her head with the business end of a shovel I would say that her accomplishments are hers, not yours.:)


but hey..you wouldn't be the first person to ever live vicariously through a kid.;)

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Before you give yourself a cramp patting yourself on the back I would give credit to your daughter for working hard.


Unless you jammed all that info into her head with the business end of a shovel I would say that her accomplishments are hers, not yours.:)


but hey..you wouldn't be the first person to ever live vicariously through a kid.;)

I was only congratulating me for the part where she told me I could wear flip flops to walk her down the aisle. No doubt that girl knows you don't judge a person by their clothes and that definately came from me, everything else she has accomplished, all her.

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Of course it isn't name calling when done by a pompous ditz who thinks she's tolerant and funny! Welcome to the club lp!

Luckyprincess won't need my help to deal with you on these boards. But, I find her to be anything but pompous, completely tolerant and hilarious. All things which can't be said of you.

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I wouldn't wear jeans in the MDR anymore than I'd wear them to church or a job interview. I feel like the MDR is "dressed up" for us - white tablecloths, napkins and fine china - and we should reciprocate. It sets a 'mood'.

And how much a pair of jeans cost is meaningless - jeans are jeans.

On the other hand, I gotta be honest and say I derive a great deal of entertainment from people-watching - particularly on formal night :p


Actually at our church,Methodist if that means anything,you can come as you like and no one cares.We just like having you there


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Actually at our church,Methodist if that means anything,you can come as you like and no one cares.We just like having you there


Ok, scratch church. I should not have said that as it is very much 'to each his own' (which I think is a good thing, BTW).

But what about a job interview? Jeans, "dressy jeans", shorts..... to a job interview? Wouldya?

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Thanks for helping G'ma. She suggested I have my daughter read a book. My daughter was senior class valedictorian, recently graduated from a private university with a double major in English and Business, summa cum laude, and she is a Phi Beta Kappa. Not bragging just wanted G'ma to know that my daughter has probably read more books in 22 years than G.ma has in however many years and I wouldn't be suprised if G'ma reads a book my daughter writes someday. One final note, on the style issue, my daughter got engaged Thursday night, her 22nd birthday and I told them I need to be in a black tux (in my brothers wedding I had to wear a pink jacket) and then I asked if I could wear flip flops with the tux to walk her down the aisle, she replied, just make sure you get a pedicure the day before.:) Job well done mom and dad, if I do say so myself.


Rightly so to be proud or your daughter. Unfortunately we have a lot of really educated people running our financial businesses and government.:rolleyes: Highly educated people often seem to lack common sense. At the R&D facility I worked at once the eggheads would often show up with different color shoes.


I don't recall who said it but it was something like this; "I'd rather be governed by the first fifty people in the telephone book than all the professors at Harvard."

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Yeah, and at the rate they are going, the MDR will soon be nothing more than Windjammer II.


If the food is good, what difference does it make?

For me the food in Horizon Court on Princess was BETTER than in the MDR.

The taste of the food is what remembered not the location or the plate it's served on. If I want food to be remembered I go to a nice land restaurant serving hundreds not thousand. MDR is nothing more than banquet, served on pretty plate, though some think it's fine dining:p


luckyprincess - thanks for :D:)


The food must be darn good for people to make any sort of connection between dressing with church/worship or health issues/smoking in the MDR. Now I am really excited...whoohooooooo!


About grace and class....isn't against 'man code' for any true gentleman to name call a lovely female. Maybe that is different in some cultures:confused:

Ha, we never know what clothes cover and computer monitor hides.

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I guess its all what your view is. I view luckyprincess posts as defending not attacking.

Of course, when she ridicules and attacks other posters for their opinion she is "defending" herself and being "tolerant and hilarious". When the recipients of her attacks respond in kind, they "need to be taken care of" and are "attacking" her. Thank you for exposing your double-standard just like luckyprincess did earlier and letting everyone see the extent of your hypocrisy. We all see now how your side likes to play the game. Either you two need to grow a thick skin if you're going to play this verbal sparring game or stop whining when others give you what you deserve after your lame attempts at ridicule.

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Of course, when she ridicules and attacks other posters for their opinion she is "defending" herself and being "tolerant and hilarious". When the recipients of her attacks respond in kind, they "need to be taken care of" and are "attacking" her. Thank you for exposing your double-standard just like luckyprincess did earlier and letting everyone see the extent of your hypocrisy. We all see now how your side likes to play the game. Either you two need to grow a thick skin if you're going to play this verbal sparring game or stop whining when others give you what you deserve after your lame attempts at ridicule.

This is a thread about dressing in the dining room and I am on the completely tolerant side in that I don't care or notice what others wear and I don't judge them or tell them go somewhere else like folks like you do. Read this thread in its entirety and you can easily see which side attacks and is intolerant. Probably 95 % of the time when I go to the MDR on formal night it is a tux and on casual nights I am a dockers and polo shirt guy. Occasionally I will wear flip flops, which really bothers people on here and I just don't get it and never will. And please don't rehash all the crap about respect for other passengers. Respect is letting people wear what they want without comment or attitude towards them. For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would even be looking at me. When I'm in dining room I am enjoying the company of my lovely wife and everone else is just a nameless face and I can honestly say I don't see or care what they wear. It really seems so simple. Well I have to go watch some college football, I'll come back later to play with you.

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Wow, this forum kinda scares a person that is new to cruising! So, just to try to satisfy most (its impossible to satisfy the whole world..) of you out there - this is my ten commandments during my vacation:


1. On formal night Im using tuxedo

2. On smart casual Im using my grey suit with white shirt.

3. On casual night im using dark jeans.


AND as follow:

4. Im going to keep on using my medicine (inhalator) against asthma.

5. Im accepting my fellow cruisers to smoke on their balconies and not complain about the smell, and hopefully see them to respect not to smoke close to me..

6. Im going to keep on talking with my savior - God the almighty - in a silent way.

7. Im trying not to discuss politics or religion, and be open minded towards others opinions and cultures.

8. Leave my job at home.

9. Im going to try to be positive and give my fellow cruisers a smile, and hopefully not be whining even if I got the possibility to do so..

10. Im going to try to enjoy my cruise together with my live-in, and dont care about what others do around me as long as its not hurting me - or is in danger for themselfs or other passengers.


Is this ok for all of you?


Now please wish me a good vacation and a good cruise (Only 8 days left!)

I salute you for crossing your t's and dotting your i's, lol!:p Now take that list, throw it out, don't think about any of it and have an awesome vacation!!!:D

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This is a thread about dressing in the dining room and I am on the completely tolerant side in that I don't care or notice what others wear and I don't judge them or tell them go somewhere else like folks like you do. Read this thread in its entirety and you can easily see which side attacks and is intolerant. Probably 95 % of the time when I go to the MDR on formal night it is a tux and on casual nights I am a dockers and polo shirt guy. Occasionally I will wear flip flops, which really bothers people on here and I just don't get it and never will. And please don't rehash all the crap about respect for other passengers. Respect is letting people wear what they want without comment or attitude towards them. For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would even be looking at me. When I'm in dining room I am enjoying the company of my lovely wife and everone else is just a nameless face and I can honestly say I don't see or care what they wear. It really seems so simple. Well I have to go watch some college football, I'll come back later to play with you.

Very well said! And yes, two flip flop wearing peas in a pod are fine with me too, at least it's a tolerant, comfortable and happy pod!:D

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If the food is good, what difference does it make?

For me the food in Horizon Court on Princess was BETTER than in the MDR.

The taste of the food is what remembered not the location or the plate it's served on. If I want food to be remembered I go to a nice land restaurant serving hundreds not thousand. MDR is nothing more than banquet, served on pretty plate, though some think it's fine dining:p




Does Princess have a dress code for dinner?


Is there a dress code for Horizon Court?

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This is a thread about dressing in the dining room and I am on the completely tolerant side in that I don't care or notice what others wear and I don't judge them or tell them go somewhere else like folks like you do. Read this thread in its entirety and you can easily see which side attacks and is intolerant. Probably 95 % of the time when I go to the MDR on formal night it is a tux and on casual nights I am a dockers and polo shirt guy. Occasionally I will wear flip flops, which really bothers people on here and I just don't get it and never will. And please don't rehash all the crap about respect for other passengers. Respect is letting people wear what they want without comment or attitude towards them. For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would even be looking at me. When I'm in dining room I am enjoying the company of my lovely wife and everone else is just a nameless face and I can honestly say I don't see or care what they wear. It really seems so simple. Well I have to go watch some college football, I'll come back later to play with you.


People are probably not looking at you, they are probably looking at what you are wearing.

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Of course, when she ridicules and attacks other posters for their opinion she is "defending" herself and being "tolerant and hilarious". When the recipients of her attacks respond in kind, they "need to be taken care of" and are "attacking" her. Thank you for exposing your double-standard just like luckyprincess did earlier and letting everyone see the extent of your hypocrisy. We all see now how your side likes to play the game. Either you two need to grow a thick skin if you're going to play this verbal sparring game or stop whining when others give you what you deserve after your lame attempts at ridicule.


I've disagreed with her views on jeans but I have not found this to be the case at all. I think she's held her own against some of the name calling nitwits.


We can easily see whose posts the attacks came from...lets not call those fools out again...kind of like embarrassing those that are down already.

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If the food is good, what difference does it make?

For me the food in Horizon Court on Princess was BETTER than in the MDR.

The taste of the food is what remembered not the location or the plate it's served on. If I want food to be remembered I go to a nice land restaurant serving hundreds not thousand. MDR is nothing more than banquet, served on pretty plate, though some think it's fine dining:p




Does Princess have a dress code for dinner?


Is there a dress code for Horizon Court?


Yes, they do and I found people were up to code but NOT the food!

Fortunately I only care about what I see in the mirror, the look in my beloved face, followed by what's on the place and the conversation I am sharing. BTW, the food was NOT deserving of these outfits with 3.5" heels and Wonder jelled push-up bra. So-so food on pretty plate is NOT reason enough! In search of a tasty dish, I wore the gowns in the buffet. No one said anything about violating dress code, which they could have easily argued.


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It may be hard to believe but; Class is never out of touch' date=' neither is style.



Nowadays, there are very stylish jeans that look great with a sport jacket or with a nice button down shirt.


You are right about one thing......style is never out of touch. But what you need to understand is that style changes.


More and more younger people are cruising. They are going to dress to today's styles, not yesterdays.

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Straight from Wikipedia. Some may like/feel comfortable/want to wear jeans in the dining rooms (or don't mind them in the dining room). Others may not.


What you will see; however, is that jeans actually are trousers...which is rather amusing to me since I have read some people don't like wearing trousers. :)

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