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Poll: Are jeans or shorts appropriate for casual night in the MDR?

Are jeans or shorts acceptable in the MDR for casual night?  

1,131 members have voted

  1. 1. Are jeans or shorts acceptable in the MDR for casual night?

    • Jeans are fine, shorts are not.
    • Jeans are not okay, shorts are fine.
    • Jeans and shorts are fine.
    • Neither are okay in MDR!
    • Heck - I'd wear either on Formal Night!!

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Had this been a new experience for a daughter of mine and she asked such a question' date=' I'd have encouraged her to pick up a book and read about it.....


Breeding is easy, teaching is the hard part.[/quote']

My daughter doesn't need a book to teach her that the way a person dresses doesn't tell her anythng about them other than how they dress.

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Other than voting "no" in the poll' date=' I certainly haven't told anyone what they should or should not wear.


My comments are simply the result of personal observation of those who think jeans and shorts are "dressy" under any circumstances....and, my personal opinion.


Boobs who want to look like boobs or hicks or the Clampetts are certainly free to do so.


Those who have no social graces, no sense of appropriate anything, are certainly free to present themselves in any manner they choose.


However, don't jump on those who laugh at thier choices......[/quote']

O.K. with that. Seems to me you think your personal opinion is more important than theirs. Because they don't dress in what you consider to be appropriate clothing they are boobs or hicks. Can't judge a book by its cover or a person by the clothing. I will choose to laugh at those that think its o.k. to laugh at what people wear and judge them for it.

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No' date=' sweetie......I am a history buff and I read...ya know, like, books?


It may be hard to believe but; Class is never out of touch, neither is style.


And, I'd lay money you didn't know a thing about denim, jeans, levi's or the gold rush....


See? CC can be very educational.[/quote']

Styles change. Tuxedos weren't even invented until the mid 1800's. Take a break from reading, watch an old Humphrey Bogart movie, all the men wore Fedoras whenever they went out, that was what was in style, don't know if you get out much but aint many Fedoras where I live. Someday formal wear might be jeans. And people with class don't call others hicks and boobs.

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My husband and I wear fashionable, dark denim jeans when we go out. He prefers jeans to any other piece of clothing. However, on this cruise we won't wear them to the MDR to respect the dress code. We'll bring them for Windjammer and maybe they are allowed in the Pub?


I'm curious about Smart Casual night. I don't think I'll get DH to wear his jacket 3 nights! Is a shirt and tie sans jacket ok for that night? And he technically doesn't have a suit - but a black sport coat he wears with black pants.

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Styles change. Tuxedos weren't even invented until the mid 1800's. Take a break from reading, watch an old Humphrey Bogart movie, all the men wore Fedoras whenever they went out, that was what was in style, don't know if you get out much but aint many Fedoras where I live. Someday formal wear might be jeans.


Actually - check out that 21st century style icon Justin Timberlake. He's making hats (fedoras in some instances) de rigeur with the hipsters & the so-call young set - the supposed jeans wearing demographic.

Or maybe you'll recognize this dude or This dude...


Iconic style doesn't go out of style...wether from Bogart to Grant to Clooney to Timberlake - it will transcend thru the generations.


Now - Back to your regularly scheduled name calling...

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Actually - check out that 21st century style icon Justin Timberlake. He's making hats (fedoras in some instances) de rigeur with the hipsters & the so-call young set - the supposed jeans wearing demographic.


Iconic style doesn't go out of style...wether from Bogart to Grant to Clooney to Timberlake - it will transcend thru the generations.


Now - Back to your regularly scheduled name calling...


I can never get off the fact that those defending style, class, and elegance always post as if they have none, with put downs and name calling. What are boobs and hicks, sorry non-American here trying to learn :-)

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What are boobs and hicks, sorry non-American here trying to learn :-)

Hi kooljamming, I can help! Boobs and hicks are G'ma, Peter, FireandIce, urlbidshj (or whatever that is)....

Lol! Just kidding!! :eek: (I don't want G'ma's pacemaker to go off or anything if she gets upset!:p She'll be out on her lawn in her housecoat with fireandice shaking her fist at those darn kids walking all over her dagnabbit lawn!

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No' date=' sweetie......I am a history buff and I read...ya know, like, books?


It may be hard to believe but; Class is never out of touch, neither is style.


And, I'd lay money you didn't know a thing about denim, jeans, levi's or the gold rush....


See? CC can be very educational.[/quote']


Well I received a B.A. (double major) in History and Political Science form the University of Minnesota and I am 53 years old. So of course I am NOT a History buff and of course I NEVER read actual books, lol!!!!! Your post sounded like it was written in 1958. Sorry if that bothered you.


And as far as the Gold Rush my Mothers Great Uncle went to Alaska during the Gold Rush and we heard plenty of stories growing up. My husband and I also went to Alaska and toured the area as well. We are both well read in the history of the Gold Rush.


And as far as Class and style I worked my way through college in retail fashion at high end stores. I know plenty about fashion, although I retired from working outside the home in 1986 from the Corporate/Legal profession by choice to raise my kids.


Somebody already corrected you on one of your "facts" in your denim story about the name of the town in France. Oh...and I have been to France, three times. Yes, CC is very informational and can be educational as well.



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hi kooljamming, i can help! Boobs and hicks are g'ma, peter, fireandice, urlbidshj (or whatever that is)....

Lol! Just kidding!! :eek: (i don't want g'ma's pacemaker to go off or anything if she gets upset!:p she'll be out on her lawn in her housecoat with fireandice shaking her fist at those dark kids walking all over her dagnabbit lawn!



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Oh wow! I found a rare pic of Eaglesrock and Fireandice in the MDR! Wow - don't they just look so appropriate and.....um...miserable to be around?:p


Pssst....G'ma....just so you don't feel left out this is from a 'new' show all the kids are watching these days called the Muppet Show! Yeah, that's right on the color picture television!:D

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My husband and I wear fashionable, dark denim jeans when we go out. He prefers jeans to any other piece of clothing. However, on this cruise we won't wear them to the MDR to respect the dress code. We'll bring them for Windjammer and maybe they are allowed in the Pub?


I'm curious about Smart Casual night. I don't think I'll get DH to wear his jacket 3 nights! Is a shirt and tie sans jacket ok for that night? And he technically doesn't have a suit - but a black sport coat he wears with black pants.


My understanding is that they have done away with smart casual nights on RCI for 7 night cruises at least. I haven't seen a "smart casual" night listed in the cruise compass for quite some time. Of course I also heard they are doing away with the daily cruise compass as well.



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My understanding is that they have done away with smart casual nights on RCI for 7 night cruises at least. I haven't seen a "smart casual" night listed in the cruise compass for quite some time. Of course I also heard they are doing away with the daily cruise compass as well.



Yeah, and at the rate they are going, the MDR will soon be nothing more than Windjammer II.

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Well they say men can wear "slacks" and women can wear "pants". Jeans are certainly "pants" but I am not sure if they are considered "slacks". So I guess it is ok for women to wear jeans, but it is a little unclear about men.


One thing for certain though, men cannot wear "pants" because they don't mention pants for men, but men can wear "shirts" because they are specifically mentioned. But women cannot wear "shirts" because they are not mentioned, but they can wear "pants" because they are specifically mentioned.


So according to your way of thinking, if one walked into the MDR on a casual night and saw a lot of men wearing shirts but no pants and a lot of women wearing pants but no shirts, that would be acceptable?


Just wondering,



Well, I know many, many men who would be quite "happy" about that--and we'd know exactly which ones they were, considering they would be wearing no pants...;):p


(Sorry, couldn't help myself...)



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Wow, this forum kinda scares a person that is new to cruising! So, just to try to satisfy most (its impossible to satisfy the whole world..) of you out there - this is my ten commandments during my vacation:


1. On formal night Im using tuxedo

2. On smart casual Im using my grey suit with white shirt.

3. On casual night im using dark jeans.


AND as follow:

4. Im going to keep on using my medicine (inhalator) against asthma.

5. Im accepting my fellow cruisers to smoke on their balconies and not complain about the smell, and hopefully see them to respect not to smoke close to me..

6. Im going to keep on talking with my savior - God the almighty - in a silent way.

7. Im trying not to discuss politics or religion, and be open minded towards others opinions and cultures.

8. Leave my job at home.

9. Im going to try to be positive and give my fellow cruisers a smile, and hopefully not be whining even if I got the possibility to do so..

10. Im going to try to enjoy my cruise together with my live-in, and dont care about what others do around me as long as its not hurting me - or is in danger for themselfs or other passengers.


Is this ok for all of you?


Now please wish me a good vacation and a good cruise (Only 8 days left!)

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Hi kooljamming, I can help! Boobs and hicks are G'ma, Peter, FireandIce, urlbidshj (or whatever that is)....

Lol! Just kidding!! :eek: (I don't want G'ma's pacemaker to go off or anything if she gets upset!:p She'll be out on her lawn in her housecoat with fireandice shaking her fist at those darn kids walking all over her dagnabbit lawn!

OMG. ROFLMAO. lucky princess thanks for that post. I'm glad you put the just kidding though. You don't want sink to the name calling level of the classy set.

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Actually - check out that 21st century style icon Justin Timberlake. He's making hats (fedoras in some instances) de rigeur with the hipsters & the so-call young set - the supposed jeans wearing demographic.

Or maybe you'll recognize this dude or This dude...


Iconic style doesn't go out of style...wether from Bogart to Grant to Clooney to Timberlake - it will transcend thru the generations.


Now - Back to your regularly scheduled name calling...

I'm not sure what to say other than I think what you're saying I agree with, styles change, especially if Fedora are coming back) although I still haven't seen one on a head in Ohio in a long time. And if I might add, not directed at you, people who have class don't call people names.

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Well I received a B.A. (double major) in History and Political Science form the University of Minnesota and I am 53 years old. So of course I am NOT a History buff and of course I NEVER read actual books, lol!!!!! Your post sounded like it was written in 1958. Sorry if that bothered you.


And as far as the Gold Rush my Mothers Great Uncle went to Alaska during the Gold Rush and we heard plenty of stories growing up. My husband and I also went to Alaska and toured the area as well. We are both well read in the history of the Gold Rush.


And as far as Class and style I worked my way through college in retail fashion at high end stores. I know plenty about fashion, although I retired from working outside the home in 1986 from the Corporate/Legal profession by choice to raise my kids.


Somebody already corrected you on one of your "facts" in your denim story about the name of the town in France. Oh...and I have been to France, three times. Yes, CC is very informational and can be educational as well.



Thanks for helping G'ma. She suggested I have my daughter read a book. My daughter was senior class valedictorian, recently graduated from a private university with a double major in English and Business, summa cum laude, and she is a Phi Beta Kappa. Not bragging just wanted G'ma to know that my daughter has probably read more books in 22 years than G.ma has in however many years and I wouldn't be suprised if G'ma reads a book my daughter writes someday. One final note, on the style issue, my daughter got engaged Thursday night, her 22nd birthday and I told them I need to be in a black tux (in my brothers wedding I had to wear a pink jacket) and then I asked if I could wear flip flops with the tux to walk her down the aisle, she replied, just make sure you get a pedicure the day before.:) Job well done mom and dad, if I do say so myself.

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Oh wow! I found a rare pic of Eaglesrock and Fireandice in the MDR! Wow - don't they just look so appropriate and.....um...miserable to be around?:p


Pssst....G'ma....just so you don't feel left out this is from a 'new' show all the kids are watching these days called the Muppet Show! Yeah, that's right on the color picture television!:D

Where was Pete R?

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Hi kooljamming, I can help! Boobs and hicks are G'ma, Peter, FireandIce, urlbidshj (or whatever that is)....

Lol! Just kidding!! :eek: (I don't want G'ma's pacemaker to go off or anything if she gets upset!:p She'll be out on her lawn in her housecoat with fireandice shaking her fist at those darn kids walking all over her dagnabbit lawn!

Of course it isn't name calling when done by a pompous ditz who thinks she's tolerant and funny! Welcome to the club lp!

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Oh, this is going to get pulled anyway, so I'll say that I understand that sentiment, but the problem with thinking like that, especially in a religious institution is that it, by default, means that those less fortunate, that may have to come to church homeless, dirty, or unable to buy nicer clothing or what have you are considered disprespecting the institution if they can't keep up with the more fortunate worshippers.

So, what it boils down to is that those that may need prayer and religion the most in their lives will be precieved as disrespectful and 'less than'. In my very humble opinion.




Exactly how I feel, Christ wold not turn ANYONE away not matter HOW they were dressed!


True disciples of Christ do not look ot the outer man/woman they look at the inner man/woman!


Read Matthew 15: 15-20 For Jesus' take on this.

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