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Cutbacks you have noticed on Carnival


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You might be able to find one on E-Bay for sale, there have been alot of them for sale there lately.


They are there, I have been looking. It just kills me to pay for something that should be free (For every past guest!!! The way it has always been!!! Are you reading this Carnival!!!:rolleyes::D).

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They are there, I have been looking. It just kills me to pay for something that should be free (For every past guest!!! The way it has always been!!! Are you reading this Carnival!!!:rolleyes::D).


Carnival uppers do read cruise critic so yes they are reading what we have to say, that is why they brought back the pins, becasue of the outcry here and on John Heald's blog.

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Dont' get me wrong. I love Carnival. I was just wondering what other cutbacks everyone was seeing on there recent cruises. I am always happy with Carnival and am lucky enough to cruise with them as aften as I can. I hope things get back to normal soon.

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Cutbacks that I have seen.


1) Paper docs

2) Price drop after final payment

3) Menu scaled back

4) Gala Buffet

5) Ship pins

6) food at Capt's party

7) Drinks at Capt's party

8) number of room stewards (more cabins assigned)


I am sure they are more that I am missing.


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They are there, I have been looking. It just kills me to pay for something that should be free (For every past guest!!! The way it has always been!!! Are you reading this Carnival!!!:rolleyes::D).


Agreed. It's a small thing but kind of a slap in the face to those of us who have chosen Carnival again and again for our hard earned vacation $$ - that we don't even deserve a tiny pin anymore? I'm sad to hear about the shot glasses since we also collect one of those with the pewter emblem from each ship. :(


I've been saying for a while that Carnival is walking a dangerous line with the cuts. I certainly understand tough times, but they will eventually cross a line where people will start going elsewhere or where the cruise won't live up to all the hype for first timers and they won't come back. I've only been cruising a short 3 years and have noticed a ton of cuts in just that time.


  • Midnight gala buffet gone (I understand this one due to the waste)
  • crew has been stretched very thin on our last three cruises - waiters and stewards are dealing with more people and having a hard time keeping up. Even had trouble finding bar waiters anymore - which is completely counterintuitive to me since liquor sales are a money maker for Carnival! I actually feel bad for the crew - it's no fun to be a waiter and not be able to give your tables the service you want to give if you are too busy with too many tables.
  • entertainment - the show band barely exists anymore - a few guys playing over a recorded backtrack. Jazz and classical trios are gone. The live entertainment left seems to be fewer people using recorded tracks to make them sound like a band - lido deck reggae band has only been two people on my last couple of sailings, several of the lounges also had entertainment like this where it was one guy with a glorified karaoke machine. :( Definitely fewer bands and more solo acts. Sadly, live music is a huge thing to me and one of the reasons we enjoy cruising so much.
  • First the food went at the captain's party, now the drinks are gone for a discount on the promenade deck? I think it looks cheap even though I could live without the drinks - I really don't drink that much. But we always enjoyed the party with the music, introduction of the officers, etc. and the festive kickoff it was to our cruise. How many people really want to drink at 5pm the last night of their cruise - exactly the time everyone is trying to pack, get ready for dinner, and many are winding down for a long day of travel and an early morning for debarkation?
  • Cheaper cuts of meat on the menu. So far it has worked out ok for us since there are plenty of options but just an observation.

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Yes cutbacks are there


1) Dinner menu has been cut


2) Ship pins


3) Waiters and room attendants stretched to the limit


4) Captains party fiasco


5) 1 man lido bands and less dancers in the showroom


There are many more and also ship excursion prices keep going up. More and more people booking their own private tours and saving good $$.


On the plus side many cruises are a lot cheaper than they have been in years. I will gladly accept the cutbacks which IMO do not impact my cruise experience SO FAR, for bargain prices.

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I just went on my first cruise this past week on the Inspiration. My wife has been an avid Carnival cruiser before we got married and was beefing me up for the midnight buffet, which I did not see take place on my cruise, I even checked back on the capers and didn't check it, just a Mexican Buffet at 11:30pm, maybe that was the "midnight buffet" on my cruise. Other than that, I have nothing to go off of.


Carnival has not had a midnight buffet for almost 2 years.

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As you can tell from my signature, I am not a seasoned Carnival cruiser as many of you and don't have much to base my comments on. What I can comment on is my last experience with Carnival. In May I was scheduled for a 5 day cruise on the Fantasy out of New Orleans, was there for a wedding. Because of the swine flu outbreak and concern for the passengers, the stops in Cozumel and Progresso were cancelled. Instead of 5 days they made the cruise a 7 day to Key West, Bermuda and Freeport. This was at NO additional cost. The only drawback was that the decision to make these changes occured 3 hours before I left for the airport. In addition, some people on the cruise complained so the tips charged to your account were for only 5 days.

I had the time of my life and I enjoyed all activities regardless of the time of day. I could go on and on (kinda like my sign and sail bill did) but if there were any cutbacks it did not have any adverse effect on my entire cruise experience.

Because of this experience, I will never consider going on another cruise line unless for some reason Carnival disappears

Just my 2 cents and thanks for listening


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I've been saying for a while that Carnival is walking a dangerous line with the cuts. I certainly understand tough times, but they will eventually cross a line where people will start going elsewhere or where the cruise won't live up to all the hype for first timers and they won't come back.


I would probably agree with you if these cutbacks were Carnival specific. However, almost everyone is cutting back. RCI has had some pretty drastic cutbacks to their loyalty program.

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I too just got off the Liberty yesterday. I did notice a number of cutbacks. None individually was anything major, but adding them all up and it was enough that we have decided to cruise another cruise line next time.


A couple of things:


No matter who I asked, nobody could produce a piece of pineapple or water melon at breakfast. It was on the buffet at lunch and dinner, just not served at breakfast.


Only unsweetened ice tea, water and lemon aid for free beverages on the Lido deck. I dislike ice tea and the lemon aid was lousy. Got kinda tired of water all the time. Bringing back the fruit punch or having some apple juice or fruit juice available would have been nice.


The buffet just didn't have the variety that it once did.


The past guest parties/perks were certainly lacking.


The way they operate the casino really got my goat. I rarely gamble but sometimes I will toss a $20 bill in a slot machine and try my luck. The casino has gone cashless apparently. You can put cash in, but you will not get paid in cash. No sounds of quarters dropping. It gets creditied to your shipboard account. I did not not gamble this cruise because of this. If I play with cash, I want to get paid in cash. Not a big deal I suppose until they don't credit your account with your winnings. (as happened to my GF). It wasn't until the morning of debarkation that we recieved our final sign and sail folio. At that point it was too late and too much hassle to go fight to get the $12 she was owed. You can be sure we won't ever spend another dime in a Carnival casino.


The shows we saw...Eh, they were okay, just not up to par with what we have seen in the past.


The biggest thing I saw by far was the lip service that Carnival pays to the whole Noro-Virus and H1N1 thing. I saw first hand that Carnival is not serious in their efforts. WE were at the aft pool just sitting talking and deciding if we should go get our swim suits on and take a dip. I noticed a couple with two small children. One was about 5yrs old, the other was an infant in diapers. The mother was busy putting arm floats and a bathing suit on the diapered infant. A number of people saw this. I approached the bar tender and asked if he could have someone speak to the woman about kids in diapers in the pool. He said, and I quote "No". about the same time 2 security people arrived at the pool doing rounds. I approached them, but another women got to them first. I stood 2 feet away while the woman explained to them about the diaper in the pool. (by this time the infant was in the pool with Mom). The security people seemed to not want to hear about it. The woman was insistent and kept telling them that the baby was wearing a diaper in the pool. The security people kept saying kids were allowed in that pool. At one point I did hear the female security person say that indeed if the child was wearing diapers, they should not be in the pool. At that point, the security people walked over to the pool, looked, saw, and turned around and walked away never having spoken to the parents. The woman that reported the incident then walked over and placed a phone call to security to report the problem. 10 minutes later another security person came by, looked, saw, and walked away. Nobody from Carnival ever spoke to the parents about having a diapered child in the pool. We opted not to swim in the pool that day. I would not have believed it had I not been just a few feet away to witness the whole thing.


So, yeah. There have been cut backs. WE did enjoy our cruise but in my mind the carnival product has lost some luster. There were other things I saw that tipped the scales towards Carnivals competition. The awful smoke smell outside the casino. Our traveling companions never once saw their room steward (had he introduced himself I'm sure they would have upped his tip). We went to Harry's one night for dinner. The service we recieved there was the service we used to recieve in the dining rooms on past cruises.

We had anytime dining. That fit our schedule but the poor waiters seemed very over worked. The service was slow because of this. We often found ourselves sitting and waiting between courses. One night it took us close to 2 hours to eat dinner and there were only 3 of us at the table that night. I understand the cutbacks but i have to say i don't particularly like them.

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We just went on the Legend a couple of weeks ago and I was disappointed that they didn't have the pewter christmas ornament of the ship. I had to get a different type and now they don't all match.:( Ho, well! We did have a fabulous time on our vacation though. 7 days of relaxation! Who could ask for anything more?:)

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Most of the things that people have listed don't really bother me. I don't go on cruises for free drinks, ship pins or silly contests. We go to simply get away, relax, have fun and recharge for normal life. Then start the two year count down till our next cruise.


I agree with you. To many, these things might be important, but not for me personally.


I want a balcony cabin, the sea, a varied menu selection, good food well prepared and served, a quiet place to read a good book, etc. I can't recall the last show I attended or the last time I shopped onboard - other than to grab a couple of t-shirts if they go on sale.


From my point of view, the only thing I have noticed is slightly smaller portions of side dishes in the dining room. I have no problem with that at all - and, I always have the option of ordering more if I wish.


Don't mind the flatiron steak instead of the strip...flat iron is a great cut, full of flavor, especially if it's medium rare. Don't miss the salmon or anything else. There are plenty of choices, all equally delicious.


I do enjoy playing trivia, but, I'm such a slug on a cruise that I rarely make it to these games.......preferring to spend as much time as possible gazing out at the sea - or watching the stars at night - or having a morning walk at sunrise....


I can eat and shop at home so will spend little time doing either on a ship. Hours spent at sea are so rare in our lives....so, I spend as much time as possible outdoors enjoying it.

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Woa G'ma, mark your calander..I agree with you:D.

I don't know of anyone ,in any walk of life that isnt making some sort of cutback these days. I miss the Midnight Buffet and Ship pins, but :

I dont have to cook

I dont have to clean

I can do what I want or nothing at all

The ship and the sea is why I cruise. I like the cashless system in the casino,once I figured it out.I Shows have always been hit ormiss for me.Sometimes I only go to see comedians.And as for Lido music...Wise man say Bad Jimmy Buffet better than no Jimmy Buffet at all( as long as you have several drinks to make it bette)

Happy cruising to us all,c'mon,you know you still love it flat iron steak and all:D

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The way they operate the casino really got my goat. I rarely gamble but sometimes I will toss a $20 bill in a slot machine and try my luck. The casino has gone cashless apparently. You can put cash in, but you will not get paid in cash. No sounds of quarters dropping. It gets creditied to your shipboard account. I did not not gamble this cruise because of this. If I play with cash, I want to get paid in cash. Not a big deal I suppose until they don't credit your account with your winnings. (as happened to my GF). It wasn't until the morning of debarkation that we recieved our final sign and sail folio. At that point it was too late and too much hassle to go fight to get the $12 she was owed. You can be sure we won't ever spend another dime in a Carnival casino.



Apparently you did not understand how the system works. The monies are put on your S&S card NOT your S&S account. So it will have never shown up on your Final S&S Folio printout. There are several announcements made to ensure you close out your card in the casino on the last night as well as listed in the Capers.


It is a really simple process of transferring the remaining monies in the slot machine to your S&S card. You can keep it on your card until the next time you go back to the casino or go to the next slot machine. When you get ready, you go to the casino cage and cash out the card. They will then give you the cash that is on the card.


Apparently you have not been in a regular casino as the majority of them are now switching to a cashless payback system. The slot machine pays out in the form of a credit voucher. You can either redeem the voucher at the cashier's cage for cash or put it in the next slot machine. The system the ship uses is no different except it creates less waste as there is no paper involved.



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I'm just glad that I am not hearing complaints on the quality of the food. Yes menu cutbacks (and bacon police) but I know the corporation I work for has had huge budget cuts in this economic downturn so I can deal with cutbacks, as long as it doesn't effect the quality.


I'm researching my next cruise and am considering RCCL to try something different, you can see I'm a new cruiser. I keep hearing complaints about the quality of their food, so that has me second guessing myself.


DH and I like to sit on a chair and read, but adult DS is coming along on our third cruise and gets bored easy (age 23) and I was thinking the rock climbing wall and flow rider would be fun for him, but I don't want to have bad food, I mean I have heard some really bad things, like comparing it to microwave meals!


Also heard their Lido deck lunch buffet is the same everyday, how can that be?


So I'm grateful to not hear people complaining about the quality of Carnival's food!



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So I'm grateful to not hear people complaining about the quality of Carnival's food!




Hi Robin,

I agree with you, food is too subjective. What is great for one person, is slop to another. Considering how many people are being fed, it is a wonder it is as good as it is.


Folk's ask me why do I cruise so much........I tell them so I can get a decent meal as you have not tried my wife's cooking. :p


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Real 1/2 & 1/2 for coffee. In the Lido Buffet they now have pitchers labeled cream. Taste and looks more like non dairy creamer than real 1/2 & 1/2 to me.


This is not something that only Carnival has cut back on. I have noticed more restaurants and hotels have gone to the liquid non dairy creamer as opposed to real 1/2 & 1/2.


I usually go to the coffee bar and purchase coffee-just so I can get real cream.


When they start using the powdered stuff to save more money that's when I will have to bring my own 1/2 & 1/2.

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People need to stop making excuses for Carnival or other cruise lines for that matter!!


Carnival just reported a 1 Billion Dollar profit this quarter! Yes, $1 Billion Dollars!! Just for three months!


Now are these cutbacks so necessary.


It all comes down to greed, and the customer is paying for it!!



Bring back the glory of cruising, and stop the greed!!

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Apparently you did not understand how the system works. The monies are put on your S&S card NOT your S&S account. So it will have never shown up on your Final S&S Folio printout. There are several announcements made to ensure you close out your card in the casino on the last night as well as listed in the Capers.


It is a really simple process of transferring the remaining monies in the slot machine to your S&S card. You can keep it on your card until the next time you go back to the casino or go to the next slot machine. When you get ready, you go to the casino cage and cash out the card. They will then give you the cash that is on the card.


Apparently you have not been in a regular casino as the majority of them are now switching to a cashless payback system. The slot machine pays out in the form of a credit voucher. You can either redeem the voucher at the cashier's cage for cash or put it in the next slot machine. The system the ship uses is no different except it creates less waste as there is no paper involved.




Okay, our mistake i guess. We are not big gamblers. I live just up the road from the big casinos in CT and have played the slots using the cashless system there once or twice. Didn't like it. We spent virtually no time in the casino on board, hence were not familiar with the system or hear announcements about how to get your money. We just happened to be walking by, the casino was open and we had a $20 bill handy. Popped it in the machine had a few spins and decided to be on our way. Hit cashout and now we had to create a pin # and try to figure out how to cash out. I just wanted a handful of carnival dollar coins. We thought that because everything else on the ship was done through the sign and sale account, the casino was also. Live and learn. We still have our sign and sail cards. If we ever cruise Carnival again, maybe we'll see if the $12 is still sitting there somewhere.

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I worked in the Security Dept. of a casino in West Virginia for awhile several years ago, and they were going totally coinless. The Slot Techs said it save a ton of money and time not having to constantly repair the mechanism that worked the coins.

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People need to stop making excuses for Carnival or other cruise lines for that matter!!


Carnival just reported a 1 Billion Dollar profit this quarter! Yes, $1 Billion Dollars!! Just for three months!


Now are these cutbacks so necessary.


It all comes down to greed, and the customer is paying for it!!



Bring back the glory of cruising, and stop the greed!!



Well, I am also a shareholder(got to love the OBC).Remember, Carnival is a business,they arent trying to be our best friend. Again, ALL companies,no matter what the product are making cutbacks. The things that are listed here as cutbacks are not dealbreakers for me. They still provide a very comprehensive vacation for the money.

BTW,what is so wrong with a strong profit?

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Well, I am also a shareholder(got to love the OBC).Remember, Carnival is a business,they arent trying to be our best friend. Again, ALL companies,no matter what the product are making cutbacks. The things that are listed here as cutbacks are not dealbreakers for me. They still provide a very comprehensive vacation for the money.

BTW,what is so wrong with a strong profit?


Absolutely nothing.


I think the point was that they posted a 1 billion dollar profit. Then they expect us to believe them when they cry poor mouth and cut guest benefits.

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