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Just off Dawn 10/11 Ghost Story


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Thinking the same here but a little different. I am looking for some crematory jewlery for my wife for Christmas. This way we can put some of her Dad's ashes in the jewlery and he can be with her always. Found a few websites but nothing that really says.....Thats the one! Maybe I will find something that reminds us of a cruise! :D


Last year when we sailed the Dawn and went to Bermuda, we were at Horseshoe Bay. My wife and I swam out to the rock formation out there. My wife wanted to hang out there for a while and talk to her parents ( that passed) I took some pictures of her there from the beach with her sitting on that rock formation. Without her knowing I had an artist paint a picture of her sitting on the formation. Then the artist added a picture of her Mom and Dad's face in the clouds, smiling looking at her. It was awesome. I wish I could somehow post a picture of it here. I gave it to her last year for Christmas. She cried. Loved it! So this last cruise on the Dawn (10/4) we swam out to that rock again. The water was very rough but we still made it. There we sprinkled some of their ashes at that rock. Now that picture and horseshoe bay will always be something special to us. :o


That is by far, the most beautiful and touching thing I have ever heard in my life. You are an awesome human being :)

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That is by far, the most beautiful and touching thing I have ever heard in my life. You are an awesome human being :)



Your all too kind... I tired to copy and paste the picture into the blog but it will not take. If anyone wants me to email it to you, just request it to tarotstarman@aol.com. Hope I am not breaking any rules by putting my email out there.

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Thinking the same here but a little different. I am looking for some crematory jewlery for my wife for Christmas. This way we can put some of her Dad's ashes in the jewlery and he can be with her always. Found a few websites but nothing that really says.....Thats the one! Maybe I will find something that reminds us of a cruise! :D


Last year when we sailed the Dawn and went to Bermuda, we were at Horseshoe Bay. My wife and I swam out to the rock formation out there. My wife wanted to hang out there for a while and talk to her parents ( that passed) I took some pictures of her there from the beach with her sitting on that rock formation. Without her knowing I had an artist paint a picture of her sitting on the formation. Then the artist added a picture of her Mom and Dad's face in the clouds, smiling looking at her. It was awesome. I wish I could somehow post a picture of it here. I gave it to her last year for Christmas. She cried. Loved it! So this last cruise on the Dawn (10/4) we swam out to that rock again. The water was very rough but we still made it. There we sprinkled some of their ashes at that rock. Now that picture and horseshoe bay will always be something special to us. :o


What a wonderful gift to your wife and tribute to her parents.

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yesterday morning at 5AM my cousin's wife was dead in bed. He phoned me to tell me. She told me at my mom's funeral that she did not want to lie with worms & bugs for life. So he is having her creamated. I told him to bury her at sea on a cruise to enjoy, relax & be with us. So he is going with us & he met with the people doing her & told them she will be buried at sea. She has a beautiful white "sock" that contains her ashes, as required by NCL. THe Captain will do the service for us. His 2 sons are going also one with his future wife. So the memorial is her photo atop a coffin at the funeral home. Then the church will do a service, tho she is not catholic but the family is. She loved to cruise, see new worlds & people. She worked for American Greetings for 35 years and they are wonderful making this memoriable.

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Auntie Barb asked for more of my 444/spirit stories, so I am going to share part of my eulogy I wrote for my sister's funeral.

...I have one more thing I want to share with you – and those of you who know me well, already know about my “444 stories.”

Just a real quick background = About ten years I read a book called The Messengers. It was about a man whose friends were awoken suddenly – always at 4:44 in the morning with angelic messages for him. The night I read this book, I too awoke with a start, looked at the clock and it was exactly 4:44. At that moment I knew that this number would be a sign for me. I see it everywhere – on signs, in phone numbers, and on license plates. And many times when I see it, there is a message received in my heart. From God, my guardian angels, whomever.

There are too many examples to give, but one of the most meaningful happened when I went back to my hometown of Woodbridge to attend my god-daughters baptism. It was in the neighborhood where I grew up, and since I was a little early, I decided to drive by the old house. Well sitting right there in front of my house was a car with 444 on the license plate. The message to me was instantly clear. It was as if my angels were saying to me that they had been there throughout my childhood – that they’d always been with me. I called my mom immediately and told her. She said that every night before she went to bed she asked God to surround the house with angles to protect us. And I have no doubt that they did.

Now what does this have to do with Barbara? Well first of all, she loved hearing my 444 stories, but about a month ago we were at my mother’s house and my husband was helping her fill out a tax form. At the top she had filled out all of Barbara’s personal information. I couldn’t believe it – when I looked at her social security number I saw that the last three digits were 444.

I believe we were all put here for a reason – that we each have a job to do while on earth - a sacred contract, if you will, that is determined before we are born. I’d often wondered what Barbara’s mission was. With so much pain and suffering in her young life, what did God have in mind for her? Well, when I saw that 444 in her social security number, the message was clear to me. Barbara was God’s special child, and even if I don’t know His plan, He does and, well, it looks like her job here is done.

On Tuesday when I got the call about Barbara, I got right in my car and started driving from Richmond. I asked God, as I always do when I travel, to surround the car with angels and I added a special prayer to show me 444’s along the way so I knew they were with me. Not even half a mile down the road, I saw a car with a license plate with the numbers 0444 and a bumper sticker next to it that said “Life is short; pray hard.” Over the course of the day, I saw no less than 10 444’s. That’s a record, even for me! My mom and I together saw 3 on the 10 minute ride to meet with the funeral director. With each passing sign and license plate bearing those numbers, the message became more and more clear. Barbara is in heaven with the angels now. Her suffering is over.

The other day when I was cleaning out her apartment I came across this little Precious Moments figurine. It made me smile amongst my sadness, and I wanted to share it with you. I put a photo of it on the insert in your bulletin so you can see it better. She is a brand new little angel, standing on a cloud, looking down with a book in her hands that says “flying lessons.” This is how I am going to think of Barb. As one of my new guardian angels, looking down on me. And luckily, she already knows which numbers to use to contact me."

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yesterday morning at 5AM my cousin's wife was dead in bed. He phoned me to tell me. She told me at my mom's funeral that she did not want to lie with worms & bugs for life. So he is having her creamated. I told him to bury her at sea on a cruise to enjoy, relax & be with us. So he is going with us & he met with the people doing her & told them she will be buried at sea. She has a beautiful white "sock" that contains her ashes, as required by NCL. THe Captain will do the service for us. His 2 sons are going also one with his future wife. So the memorial is her photo atop a coffin at the funeral home. Then the church will do a service, tho she is not catholic but the family is. She loved to cruise, see new worlds & people. She worked for American Greetings for 35 years and they are wonderful making this memoriable.


That is truly wonderful!!!!!!


OOPs, had to edit


I am sorry for your cousin's loss :( I mean that it is truly wonderful that she can be burried at sea.

Auntie Barb asked for more of my 444/spirit stories, so I am going to share part of my eulogy I wrote for my sister's funeral.

...I have one more thing I want to share with you – and those of you who know me well, already know about my “444 stories.”

Just a real quick background = About ten years I read a book called The Messengers. It was about a man whose friends were awoken suddenly – always at 4:44 in the morning with angelic messages for him. The night I read this book, I too awoke with a start, looked at the clock and it was exactly 4:44. At that moment I knew that this number would be a sign for me. I see it everywhere – on signs, in phone numbers, and on license plates. And many times when I see it, there is a message received in my heart. From God, my guardian angels, whomever.

There are too many examples to give, but one of the most meaningful happened when I went back to my hometown of Woodbridge to attend my god-daughters baptism. It was in the neighborhood where I grew up, and since I was a little early, I decided to drive by the old house. Well sitting right there in front of my house was a car with 444 on the license plate. The message to me was instantly clear. It was as if my angels were saying to me that they had been there throughout my childhood – that they’d always been with me. I called my mom immediately and told her. She said that every night before she went to bed she asked God to surround the house with angles to protect us. And I have no doubt that they did.

Now what does this have to do with Barbara? Well first of all, she loved hearing my 444 stories, but about a month ago we were at my mother’s house and my husband was helping her fill out a tax form. At the top she had filled out all of Barbara’s personal information. I couldn’t believe it – when I looked at her social security number I saw that the last three digits were 444.

I believe we were all put here for a reason – that we each have a job to do while on earth - a sacred contract, if you will, that is determined before we are born. I’d often wondered what Barbara’s mission was. With so much pain and suffering in her young life, what did God have in mind for her? Well, when I saw that 444 in her social security number, the message was clear to me. Barbara was God’s special child, and even if I don’t know His plan, He does and, well, it looks like her job here is done.

On Tuesday when I got the call about Barbara, I got right in my car and started driving from Richmond. I asked God, as I always do when I travel, to surround the car with angels and I added a special prayer to show me 444’s along the way so I knew they were with me. Not even half a mile down the road, I saw a car with a license plate with the numbers 0444 and a bumper sticker next to it that said “Life is short; pray hard.” Over the course of the day, I saw no less than 10 444’s. That’s a record, even for me! My mom and I together saw 3 on the 10 minute ride to meet with the funeral director. With each passing sign and license plate bearing those numbers, the message became more and more clear. Barbara is in heaven with the angels now. Her suffering is over.

The other day when I was cleaning out her apartment I came across this little Precious Moments figurine. It made me smile amongst my sadness, and I wanted to share it with you. I put a photo of it on the insert in your bulletin so you can see it better. She is a brand new little angel, standing on a cloud, looking down with a book in her hands that says “flying lessons.” This is how I am going to think of Barb. As one of my new guardian angels, looking down on me. And luckily, she already knows which numbers to use to contact me."


Between all the stoies posted here I am in a constant chill from all the goosebumps. :)

That was beautiful.


Thanks to all of you for sharing!!!

Edited by halos
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Auntie Barb asked for more of my 444/spirit stories, so I am going to share part of my eulogy I wrote for my sister's funeral.



...I have one more thing I want to share with you – and those of you who know me well, already know about my “444 stories.”




Just a real quick background = About ten years I read a book called The Messengers. It was about a man whose friends were awoken suddenly – always at 4:44 in the morning with angelic messages for him. The night I read this book, I too awoke with a start, looked at the clock and it was exactly 4:44. At that moment I knew that this number would be a sign for me. I see it everywhere – on signs, in phone numbers, and on license plates. And many times when I see it, there is a message received in my heart. From God, my guardian angels, whomever.





There are too many examples to give, but one of the most meaningful happened when I went back to my hometown of Woodbridge to attend my god-daughters baptism. It was in the neighborhood where I grew up, and since I was a little early, I decided to drive by the old house. Well sitting right there in front of my house was a car with 444 on the license plate. The message to me was instantly clear. It was as if my angels were saying to me that they had been there throughout my childhood – that they’d always been with me. I called my mom immediately and told her. She said that every night before she went to bed she asked God to surround the house with angles to protect us. And I have no doubt that they did.





Now what does this have to do with Barbara? Well first of all, she loved hearing my 444 stories, but about a month ago we were at my mother’s house and my husband was helping her fill out a tax form. At the top she had filled out all of Barbara’s personal information. I couldn’t believe it – when I looked at her social security number I saw that the last three digits were 444.





I believe we were all put here for a reason – that we each have a job to do while on earth - a sacred contract, if you will, that is determined before we are born. I’d often wondered what Barbara’s mission was. With so much pain and suffering in her young life, what did God have in mind for her? Well, when I saw that 444 in her social security number, the message was clear to me. Barbara was God’s special child, and even if I don’t know His plan, He does and, well, it looks like her job here is done.





On Tuesday when I got the call about Barbara, I got right in my car and started driving from Richmond. I asked God, as I always do when I travel, to surround the car with angels and I added a special prayer to show me 444’s along the way so I knew they were with me. Not even half a mile down the road, I saw a car with a license plate with the numbers 0444 and a bumper sticker next to it that said “Life is short; pray hard.” Over the course of the day, I saw no less than 10 444’s. That’s a record, even for me! My mom and I together saw 3 on the 10 minute ride to meet with the funeral director. With each passing sign and license plate bearing those numbers, the message became more and more clear. Barbara is in heaven with the angels now. Her suffering is over.





The other day when I was cleaning out her apartment I came across this little Precious Moments figurine. It made me smile amongst my sadness, and I wanted to share it with you. I put a photo of it on the insert in your bulletin so you can see it better. She is a brand new little angel, standing on a cloud, looking down with a book in her hands that says “flying lessons.” This is how I am going to think of Barb. As one of my new guardian angels, looking down on me. And luckily, she already knows which numbers to use to contact me."










Awesome story!!! Thank you for sharing that one !

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My other Grandmother on my Mom's side was from Poland. I always remember her as such a sweet woman that never wanted to cause conflict with anyone. She was an Angel. My Aunt, ( Her cousin) was very close with her. They all lived in the same apartment in Newark Nj. It was all full of cousins when they came over taking care of each other. My Aunt Helen had a Angel on her night stand that was actually a bell. The Angel body was the handle for the bell and the angels body was actually the bell part part.


When my Grandmother (Babci) passed, my Aunt knew because the Angel Bell started ringing on its own. She knew that my Babci was her angel and would always be watching over her.



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To this day I truly believe that my mom was communicating to all of us which casket to pick...and it wasn't the expensive one! :) And of course, she got her wish. None of us would ever go against what mom said! LOL




I truly believe that she was too! :) It just takes being in tune to understand the signs.

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Thinking the same here but a little different. I am looking for some crematory jewelry for my wife for Christmas.


Without her knowing I had an artist paint a picture of her sitting on the formation. Then the artist added a picture of her Mom and Dad's face in the clouds, smiling looking at her. It was awesome. I wish I could somehow post a picture of it here. I gave it to her last year for Christmas. She cried. Loved it!


I never knew there was anything such as crematory jewelry. All of my family loved ones were buried, but my husband's parents were both cremated. I'll be doing some searching as well.


What you did for your wife is so touching! Surely she will hold your gesture dear for eternity.


I told him to bury her at sea on a cruise to enjoy, relax & be with us. So he is going with us & he met with the people doing her & told them she will be buried at sea. She has a beautiful white "sock" that contains her ashes, as required by NCL. THe Captain will do the service for us.


Her burial at sea sounds so befitting. I hope it brings you all comfort and peace. My sympathies to all!


Auntie Barb asked for more of my 444/spirit stories, so I am going to share part of my eulogy I wrote for my sister's funeral.


Thank you for sharing! How wonderful to have this sign between you!


Our immediate family shares numbers. Surely they will be there in many things to come. There is one in particular which is most prominent. When my husband and I took our first cruise with NCL, we found a spot on the Dawn's Promenade which we called our own. One day while we were sitting there enjoying the ocean, my husband looked up at the lifeboat overhead. Guess which number was on it? :)

Edited by AuntieBarb
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I never knew there was anything such as crematory jewelry. All of my family loved ones were buried, but my husband's parents were both cremated. I'll be doing some searching as well.


What you did for your wife is so touching! Surely she will hold your gesture dear for eternity.




Her burial at sea sounds so befitting. I hope it brings you all comfort and peace. My sympathies to all!




Thank you for sharing! How wonderful to have this sign between you!


Our immediate family shares numbers. Surely they will be there in many things to come. There is one in particular which is most prominent. When my husband and I took our first cruise with NCL, we found a spot on the Dawn's Promenade which we called our own. One day while we were sitting there enjoying the ocean, my husband looked up at the lifeboat overhead. Guess which number was on it? :)



Wow...very cool! You mentioned Woodbridge...is that Woodbridge NJ ? If it is we are neighbors. I am from Carteret :D

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444cruiser, I believe Kevin meant to address you with this question. :)


Wow...very cool! You mentioned Woodbridge...is that Woodbridge NJ ? If it is we are neighbors. I am from Carteret :D


That would not be us, Kevin. But we're not that far away. We live in the Pocono Mtns.

Edited by AuntieBarb
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Here to make my contribution.....


I have not had any encounters at sea (thus far) with spirits or communication from beyond, but have my share of stories. I'll share just a few....


You might say I "lived" with a ghost as a young adult in my 1st apartment. My ghost used to get my attention by picking a few guitar strings in the wee hours of the morning. I never saw a ghost, but felt a presence. It was a peaceful co-existence too. :) Those who lived there after me had similar experiences.


- o O o -


My father ran his own service station and worked long hours into late evening. Our regular routine back then was to congregate in the living room when he got home. Dad would grab the newspaper and catch up on local news. Then we'd watch some late night T.V.; especially Johnny Carson.


On the 3rd night after he died, while everyone was tucked in bed for the night, I was laying in bed (next to the living room) trying to get to sleep and thinking about my father. All of a sudden, I very clearly heard the rustle of newspapers, just as if Dad was in the living room going through his typical routines. I quickly got out of bed to check. My father wasn't there that I could see, but the newspapers - which were folded and placed on the coffee table - were now scattered about, with one section open on the floor to where his obituary was found. No other incidents to mention in his regard. I can't help but think he visited home before meeting his maker.


- o O o -


The story about my mother is far more personal than I care to share here. However, I will share that she had been stricken with Alzheimer's Disease. Despite my efforts to keep her home for years she eventually had to live in a nursing facility. It was there that she had fallen and snapped her upper femur. Her orthopedic surgeon came to the waiting room to tell us that surgery went well and that she was in recovery. Unfortunately about 1/2 hour later, he appeared again to tell me she died in recovery. Her heart gave out. Needless to say, we were in complete shock.


Mom died on 12/22 at 1:28 PM. Our Christmas spirit was shattered. Subsequently we were in no hurry to get up Christmas morning for our normal festivities. Instead we all slept in. At 9:28 AM, our sleep ended very abruptly. We woke to the most horrific sound of breaking trees and branches, followed by a very loud crash. A young man returning home from some Christmas celebration, dozed off behind the wheel, drove off the shoulder, launched into the air breaking the shade trees on the front of our home, hit one of our large Blue Spruce trees roughly 12 ft. off the ground, wrapped around the tree hitting the utility pole and landed on its roof between the tree and the pole. Surprisingly, the man survived; treated and released the same day! On the other hand, we were left with property damage, including the rooftop mast that supported our main power line into the house had snapped. Long story short, the damage caused arching inside the home. Fortunately all the issues were found and repaired before we had worse damage!


We couldn't help but think this entire incident was a sign from my mother, but the thought is rather disheartening given the nature of what happened. Was it anger, because none of us got to say good-bye, or because she had spent some time in a nursing home in her latter years? If she wanted us out of bed Christmas morning for the children's sake, there were far less drastic ways to get our attention. No matter what, it left us even more shaken than before.


Of course her story doesn't contain any obvious spiritual significance......except that the accident was the 3rd day after her death......and the weird coincidence on times (1:28 v.s. 9:28)....and that our prominent family number is 28.

Edited by AuntieBarb
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Here to make my contribution.....


I have not had any encounters at sea (thus far) with spirits or communication from beyond, but have my share of stories. I'll share just a few....


You might say I "lived" with a ghost as a young adult in my 1st apartment. My ghost used to get my attention by picking a few guitar strings in the wee hours of the morning. I never saw a ghost, but felt a presence. It was a peaceful co-existence too. :) Those who lived there after me had similar experiences.


- o O o -


My father ran his own service station and worked long hours into late evening. Our regular routine back then was to congregate in the living room when he got home. Dad would grab the newspaper and catch up on local news. Then we'd watch some late night T.V.; especially Johnny Carson.


On the 3rd night after he died, while everyone was tucked in bed for the night, I was laying in bed (next to the living room) trying to get to sleep and thinking about my father. All of a sudden, I very clearly heard the rustle of newspapers, just as if Dad was in the living room going through his typical routines. I quickly got out of bed to check. My father wasn't there that I could see, but the newspapers - which were folded and placed on the coffee table - were now scattered about, with one section open on the floor to where his obituary was found. No other incidents to mention in his regard. I can't help but think he visited home before meeting his maker.


- o O o -


The story about my mother is far more personal than I care to share here. However, I will share that she had been stricken with Alzheimer's Disease. Despite my efforts to keep her home for years she eventually had to live in a nursing facility. It was there that she had fallen and snapped her upper femur. Her orthopedic surgeon came to the waiting room to tell us that surgery went well and that she was in recovery. Unfortunately about 1/2 hour later, he appeared again to tell me she died in recovery. Her heart gave out. Needless to say, we were in complete shock.


Mom died on 12/22 at 1:28 PM. Our Christmas spirit was shattered. Subsequently we were in no hurry to get up Christmas morning for our normal festivities. Instead we all slept in. At 9:28 AM, our sleep ended very abruptly. We woke to the most horrific sound of breaking trees and branches, followed by a very loud crash. A young man returning home from some Christmas celebration, dozed off behind the wheel, drove off the shoulder, launched into the air breaking the shade trees on the front of our home, hit one of our large Blue Spruce trees roughly 12 ft. off the ground, wrapped around the tree hitting the utility pole and landed on its roof between the tree and the pole. Surprisingly, the man survived; treated and released the same day! On the other hand, we were left with property damage, including the rooftop mast that supported our main power line into the house had snapped. Long story short, the damage caused arching inside the home. Fortunately all the issues were found and repaired before we had worse damage!


We couldn't help but think this entire incident was a sign from my mother, but the thought is rather disheartening given the nature of what happened. Was it anger, because none of us got to say good-bye, or because she had spent some time in a nursing home in her latter years? If she wanted us out of bed Christmas morning for the children's sake, there were far less drastic ways to get our attention. No matter what, it left us even more shaken than before.


Of course her story doesn't contain any obvious spiritual significance......except that the accident was the 3rd day after her death......and the weird coincidence on times (1:28 v.s. 9:28)....and that our prominent family number is 28.



Wow...the newspaper story gave me a few goosebumps.... So sorry about your Mom, that had to be tough on you, especially around the Holidays. The Holiday's must always be a little sad when we don't have our family to be with us. Maybe she was trying to wake you up like you said... a little drastic but it worked ! Glad the other fellow was OK also. :rolleyes:

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In answer to the question about Woodbridge - I grew up in Woodbridge, Virginia - not New Jersey.


One more quick 444 story - after I delivered the eulogy for my sister we went to my mom's house for the typical after-funeral "party." We were talking, DRINKING, laughing, and crying as is common at one of these things. Anyway, I was talking to my friend about my niece and grabbed my phone to show her a picture of her. I had no concept of time that day but when I picked up the phone and opened it, I saw that the time was 4:44! I literally screamed and threw the phone across the room b/c I couldn't believe it. My brothers who are skeptics HAD to agree this was more than a coincidence.

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This is another strange story about ghosts. We had a tree in my front yard for ages and ages. I have a swimming pool and every year the pine needles from that tree would get into the filter, on the cover and all over the pool area. I loved the tree so I just put up with it and never cut it down. I had a friend who kept telling me to get rid of the tree because of the problems it was causing. I never did because I would never chop down a nice tree for that reason.

One day we had a wind storm, no hurricaine, just a lot of wind. I looked outside and the tree had fallen, it uprooted and was laying on the ground in my yard. I thought I may be covered by insurance so I went to my room to look at my policy. There was a note beside the policy in the box and I didn't remember ever seeing it. I looked at the note and there was a letter from my friend telling me that he would help me take down that tree, that I didn't need my insurance company. This friend had died three years before. Strange coincidence? It freaks me out to remember that!

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This is another strange story about ghosts. We had a tree in my front yard for ages and ages. I have a swimming pool and every year the pine needles from that tree would get into the filter, on the cover and all over the pool area. I loved the tree so I just put up with it and never cut it down. I had a friend who kept telling me to get rid of the tree because of the problems it was causing. I never did because I would never chop down a nice tree for that reason.

One day we had a wind storm, no hurricaine, just a lot of wind. I looked outside and the tree had fallen, it uprooted and was laying on the ground in my yard. I thought I may be covered by insurance so I went to my room to look at my policy. There was a note beside the policy in the box and I didn't remember ever seeing it. I looked at the note and there was a letter from my friend telling me that he would help me take down that tree, that I didn't need my insurance company. This friend had died three years before. Strange coincidence? It freaks me out to remember that!


Awesomes story! This stuff is great!:) (and I'm sorry about your freind, but it looks like he kept his promise!)

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This is another strange story about ghosts. We had a tree in my front yard for ages and ages. I have a swimming pool and every year the pine needles from that tree would get into the filter, on the cover and all over the pool area. I loved the tree so I just put up with it and never cut it down. I had a friend who kept telling me to get rid of the tree because of the problems it was causing. I never did because I would never chop down a nice tree for that reason.

One day we had a wind storm, no hurricaine, just a lot of wind. I looked outside and the tree had fallen, it uprooted and was laying on the ground in my yard. I thought I may be covered by insurance so I went to my room to look at my policy. There was a note beside the policy in the box and I didn't remember ever seeing it. I looked at the note and there was a letter from my friend telling me that he would help me take down that tree, that I didn't need my insurance company. This friend had died three years before. Strange coincidence? It freaks me out to remember that!



That was a good one !!! :eek:

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I wanted to I tell the story of my husband's grandmother who was 98 when she died. We went to visit her one year ( she lived 3,000 miles away) and when we were leaving she asked me if we were coming back for her funeral. I said that wouldn't be for a long time. She was healthy and walking and had all her faculties. Not even hypertention .pills for this lady! Not an aspirin! About 2 weeks later my mother in law called and said her mother announced in 10 days she was going bye bye. My mother in law said "I'll come with you" and grandma said "Where I'm going you can't come". Within a few days she was on her deathbed.. I booked our trip back to Florida knowing we were going to her funeral. After all, she did ask us to come. As her whole family gathered around her one of her grandaughters, a doctor herself, kept saying that grandma's vital signs were still strong, but by the afternoon, she had peacefully slipped away surrounded by all those who loved her. Of course, that was on the 10th day! I remember that as being one of the most beautiful days. In the limo on the way to the funeral her granchildren and great granchildren sang songs she used to sing to them.

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We returned home from the Dawn yesterday ... and have another *one* for you. Even tho I read this thread before we left ... I never mentioned it to my friend until our last sea day ... at which time she went on to tell me that ...


We were both in our balcony cabin on deck 9 ... and while I was in the bathroom ... she was standing and looking into the wall mirrors at the head of the beds ... when she saw a women walk by behind her. She jerked around ... but noone was there. She could describe this woman in detail ... but I didn't want to hear any more.


Thank goodness it wasn't until the last day of our cruise ... or else I would have lost a lot more than 1 nights sleep :eek:


It sounds like a joke ... but she really doesn't believe in these things and that's why she just brushed it off without initially telling me. It wasn't until I had mentioned this thread that she told me ... so I believe her.

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I was blessed to act as a medium once.

My DH and his father hadn' spoken for years. My FIL had been remarried when my DH was just a kid and he basically started a new family and his 4 kids with his first wife were just basically discarded. We hadn't seen or spoken to him in well over a decade.

One night I had this very vivid dream, and in the dream my FIL expressed such a profound sadness...not verbally. He never spoke (with words) but I guess, telepathically he wanted my DH to know how sorry he was.

I awoke feeling very depressed. I couldn't STAND this guy, but I had felt the regret he was feeling and it was just horrible. In the dream I kept telling my DH that his Dad wanted to talk to him and in the dream my DH didn't want anything to do with him.


My DH is not a believer in anything metaphysical, but I chose to relay this dream to him anyway...so the next day I did. He didn't think much of it until that afternoon when his Mom called to let him know that she had found out that his father died during the night.


Even though I didn't like my FIL in life, my heart breaks for the heavy burden he carried on his death bed and I also feel very blessed that he came to me to get his message to his son. I know in my heart that if he had come to my DH in a dream, my DH would have shut him out. So, he came to me and I got to be a medium for a day.

I will never forget that. It was amazing.


It sounds like a joke ... but she really doesn't believe in these things and that's why she just brushed it off without initially telling me. It wasn't until I had mentioned this thread that she told me ... so I believe her.


woohooo!! She must love the ship!! I hope I get a glimpse of her :)

Edited by halos
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