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Just off Dawn 10/11 Ghost Story


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We returned home from the Dawn yesterday ... and have another *one* for you. Even tho I read this thread before we left ... I never mentioned it to my friend until our last sea day ... at which time she went on to tell me that ...


We were both in our balcony cabin on deck 9 ... and while I was in the bathroom ... she was standing and looking into the wall mirrors at the head of the beds ... when she saw a women walk by behind her. She jerked around ... but noone was there. She could describe this woman in detail ... but I didn't want to hear any more.


Thank goodness it wasn't until the last day of our cruise ... or else I would have lost a lot more than 1 nights sleep :eek:


It sounds like a joke ... but she really doesn't believe in these things and that's why she just brushed it off without initially telling me. It wasn't until I had mentioned this thread that she told me ... so I believe her.


Holy Crapola !!!! I can't wait to send your story to Rob who saw the ghost that started this thread......MAN O MAN !!! :eek:

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I was blessed to act as a medium once.

My DH and his father hadn' spoken for years. My FIL had been remarried when my DH was just a kid and he basically started a new family and his 4 kids with his first wife were just basically discarded. We hadn't seen or spoken to him in well over a decade.

One night I had this very vivid dream, and in the dream my FIL expressed such a profound sadness...not verbally. He never spoke (with words) but I guess, telepathically he wanted my DH to know how sorry he was.

I awoke feeling very depressed. I couldn't STAND this guy, but I had felt the regret he was feeling and it was just horrible. In the dream I kept telling my DH that his Dad wanted to talk to him and in the dream my DH didn't want anything to do with him.


My DH is not a believer in anything metaphysical, but I chose to relay this dream to him anyway...so the next day I did. He didn't think much of it until that afternoon when his Mom called to let him know that she had found out that his father died during the night.


Even though I didn't like my FIL in life, my heart breaks for the heavy burden he carried on his death bed and I also feel very blessed that he came to me to get his message to his son. I know in my heart that if he had come to my DH in a dream, my DH would have shut him out. So, he came to me and I got to be a medium for a day.

I will never forget that. It was amazing.




woohooo!! She must love the ship!! I hope I get a glimpse of her :)


Awesome! All you can do is give the message. Maybe he will still come to your DH in a vision or dream and some forgiveness and healing will begin :o

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We returned home from the Dawn yesterday ... and have another *one* for you. Even tho I read this thread before we left ... I never mentioned it to my friend until our last sea day ... at which time she went on to tell me that ...


We were both in our balcony cabin on deck 9 ... and while I was in the bathroom ... she was standing and looking into the wall mirrors at the head of the beds ... when she saw a women walk by behind her. She jerked around ... but noone was there. She could describe this woman in detail ... but I didn't want to hear any more.


Thank goodness it wasn't until the last day of our cruise ... or else I would have lost a lot more than 1 nights sleep :eek:


It sounds like a joke ... but she really doesn't believe in these things and that's why she just brushed it off without initially telling me. It wasn't until I had mentioned this thread that she told me ... so I believe her.


One more thing...... was she a blonde woman ?????????? Like the one Rob saw??????/ :confused:

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We returned home from the Dawn yesterday ... and have another *one* for you. Even tho I read this thread before we left ... I never mentioned it to my friend until our last sea day ... at which time she went on to tell me that ...


We were both in our balcony cabin on deck 9 ... and while I was in the bathroom ... she was standing and looking into the wall mirrors at the head of the beds ... when she saw a women walk by behind her. She jerked around ... but noone was there. She could describe this woman in detail ... but I didn't want to hear any more.


Thank goodness it wasn't until the last day of our cruise ... or else I would have lost a lot more than 1 nights sleep :eek:


It sounds like a joke ... but she really doesn't believe in these things and that's why she just brushed it off without initially telling me. It wasn't until I had mentioned this thread that she told me ... so I believe her.




Zackamo - we were on this cruise with you and we also waited until the last night to tell our friends (DD in particular) about this thread. (Actually DD had been reading CC and knew all about it.) However, another in our party was quite concerned so it's a good thing we waited.


We were also on the 9th deck and kept passing 9560 in our travels. Where were you located?

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My friend took a look at the pic and said it's hard to say if they're the same.


The woman she saw had a dark profile and came across behind her very quickly.


Actually, I'd still prefer not to know anything ... since we're re-boarding the Dawn this Sunday ...


ANGEL (halos) ... I'll definitely let you know while we're onboard with you ... if we see *her* :p

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The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say: "We can't write our messages to you in the sky. You've got to pay attention and believe when you see any patterns forming in your life, especially in response to any questions or prayers you've posed". When you hear the same song repeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think is behind this? Your angels, of course!


Number Sequences


Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in your ear so you'll look up in time to notice the clock's time or a phone number on a billboard. The angels hope you'll be aware that you're seeing this same number sequence repeatedly. For instance, you may frequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems every time you look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or 11:11.


The second way in which angels show you meaningful number sequences is by physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you that has a specific license plate number they want you to see. Those who are aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning of various license plates. In this way, the angels will actually give you detailed messages. Here are the basic meanings of various number sequences. However, your own angels will tell you if your situation holds a different meaning for you. Ask your angels, "What are you trying to tell me?" and they'll happily give you additional information to help decode their numeric meanings.


111 - Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don't want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts).


222 - Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing. Keep going, you are on the correct path!


333 - The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda. The 333 sign shows that the Ascended Masters agree with your thoughts and feelings, whether negative or positive.


444 - The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because the angels help is nearby.


555 - Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being "positive" or "negative," since all change is but a natural part of life's flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.


666 - Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth. Like the famous "Sermon on the Mount," the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.


777 - The angels applaud you! Congratulations, you're on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign and means you should also expect more miracles to occur.


888 - A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional, career, or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, it means the crops are ripe. Don't wait to pick and enjoy them! In other words, don't procrastinate making your move or enjoying fruits of your labor.


999 - Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Also, it is a message to lightworkers involved in Earth healing and means, "Get to work because Mother Earth needs you right now."


000 - A reminder you are one with God, and to feel the presence of your Creator's love within you. Also, it is a sign that a situation has gone full circle


121, 112, 1221, 2121, 2211, 1122 - If you are repeatedly seeing combinations of 1's and 2's, this is a message that our thoughts are like seeds that are beginning to sprout. You may have already seen some evidence of the fruition of your desires. These are signs that things will and are growing in your aspired direction. Keep the faith!


611, 661 - If you are repeatedly seeing combinations of 1's and 6's, this is a message to keep your thoughts heavenward, and to let go of materially minded worries. (Note: 611 means, "Ask for help in repairing something in the material world that is irritating or bothering you right now.").


711, 771 - If you are repeatedly seeing combinations of 1's and 7's, this is a confirmation that you are doing great. You are on the right path, so keep going! This is a sign that you have chosen your thoughts well, and it should inspire you to focus even more steadily on your objectives. Be sure to add appropriate emotions to your thoughts; for instance, feeling grateful for the gifts you have in life. Gratitude will speed the process of you manifestations.


811, 881 - If you are repeatedly seeing combinations of 1's and 8's, this is a message that you are ending a significant phase of your life. If you are tired of some part of your life, be glad that it will soon be healed or replaced with something better. Surrender and release those parts of your life that aren't working, as your thoughts of a better life are coming to pass.


884, 844 - If you are repeatedly seeing combinations of 4's and 8's, this is a message from your angels that a phase of your life is about to end. They want you to know that as things slow down, they are with you and will be helping to guide you to a new situation better suited to your needs, desires and purpose.


1234 - If you are repeatedly seeing ascending number sequences such as 1234, this is a sign from the angels for you to make progress. You will see this sign when thinking about an area of your life that you are concerned about and want to change. Seeing this number sequence immediately after these thoughts is a sign that this is the right course of action for you and you will have the angels support in its pursuit.


321 - If you are repeatedly seeing descending number sequences such as 321, this is a sign from the angels that your thoughts are regressive. You will see this sign when you are thinking about an area of you life or course of action. Seeing this number sequence immediately after such thoughts is an indication that your life will take a step backwards if you follow the course of action you are considering.

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Wow look at my above posting number and the time it was posted "110" on both with the emphasis on 10...

According to bible reference the number 10 means:-

The Law of God : The Ten Commandments

Perfection of order / Perfection of arrangement : The tenth verse of the bible is part of the third "day of creation" (Genesis 1:10). In this verse we see that God has made separated and arranged the earth and the SEA. Also we see that God sees that it was good.


So it is good to be on the sea!!! :D

Edited by Cinderose
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My friend took a look at the pic and said it's hard to say if they're the same.


The woman she saw had a dark profile and came across behind her very quickly.


Actually, I'd still prefer not to know anything ... since we're re-boarding the Dawn this Sunday ...


ANGEL (halos) ... I'll definitely let you know while we're onboard with you ... if we see *her* :p



Awesome.... Have a great cruise and please come back to this blog to let us know if you had any experiences or sightings! I will be thinking of you.

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That is my number. My license plate we got, parking pass I was given, my ATM card last number, even winning lottery number, not when I play it tho & my late mother's birthdate.


So I was sitting here enjoying this thread and wondering if I should post one of the many stories about my deceased sister and the time she "visited" me after her death.


I do believe in angels/ghosts/spirit guides and my userid is homage to that. 444cruiser - 444 is the number my angels(?) have used for years to give me message. Look for yourself and you will see it everywhere - licenses plates, time, etc. When you see it, "listen" to your inner voice to see if there is meaning there. Anyway...


So I was reading the posts (thinking of my sister)and happen to look up at the posters name and it was AUNTIE BARB - the name my son called my sister.

OMG I got chills! Our loved ones are with us always!

Edited by AFT_LOVER
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but it sounds like *she* likes to move about ship ... only balcony cabins tho :p


:) I like her.


My friend took a look at the pic and said it's hard to say if they're the same.


The woman she saw had a dark profile and came across behind her very quickly.


Actually, I'd still prefer not to know anything ... since we're re-boarding the Dawn this Sunday ...


ANGEL (halos) ... I'll definitely let you know while we're onboard with you ... if we see *her* :p


Ditto!! :D

Edited by halos
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Thanks, Cinderose for posting Doreen Virtue's information on the meaning of numbers! I began receiving my 444 messages years ago and only recently learned of it's "official" meaning. Once I read that, there was no doubt that all of my experiences were true messages of my angels' presence.


On another note...I have a cruise critic friend here in Virginia and I was telling her about this thread at a party the other night. She said, "Oh, didn't I tell you about the "face" that showed up in the picture I took of my daughter sitting in the porthole?" She emailed it to me the next day. OMG! It is creepy. You can clearly see a (IMO dead-looking baby or child's face) way to the left of her daughter. It couldn't be her daughter OR the photographer's reflection. I will ask her if I can post it and if I can figure out how to, I will. It creeped me out the whole day!

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So I was sitting here enjoying this thread and wondering if I should post one of the many stories about my deceased sister and the time she "visited" me after her death.


I do believe in angels/ghosts/spirit guides and my userid is homage to that. 444cruiser - 444 is the number my angels(?) have used for years to give me message. Look for yourself and you will see it everywhere - licenses plates, time, etc. When you see it, "listen" to your inner voice to see if there is meaning there. Anyway...


So I was reading the posts (thinking of my sister)and happen to look up at the posters name and it was AUNTIE BARB - the name my son called my sister.

OMG I got chills! Our loved ones are with us always!

Funny you should post this. I have had 444 come up in my life as long as I could remember. As you said, every time you turn your head, it appears. I was watching a TV show where a physic was on TV and an audience member said she has been seeing 444 all her life as well. I was shocked and stood still to hear the answer. I thought perhaps my question will be answered. (why 444 is always coming into my life) but the physic said it wasn't anything. However I don't believe it. I wonder why there seems to be people that have this thing with 444. I still don't have my answer, but I'd really like to know.

I have lived in a house where there was a murder/suicide. Things have gone on since I moved in. I could tell you storied that would make your hair stand. I have family members who won't even step foot in my house ever since they had "their" experience.

Another quick story. I was in Salem, Mass. one year for Halloween. I had a digital camera wiith me as we took a ghost tour at night. I wasn't happy with your normal objects you get with picture (some ppl get mixed up with floating dust particles and moisture) and think they captured a ghost. Anyway, the last night we were there we went for a walk and we were alone. I said out loud,"I came all this way to see you, you can at least make yourself known". As I was saying this, I was taking pictures pne after another, after another. When I said this I captured what looks to be a skelton looking over his shoulder (as though he was walking right in front of me) I showed so many people the image, and they can't get over it. It was as though he was looking right into the camera.

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Funny you should post this. I have had 444 come up in my life as long as I could remember. As you said, every time you turn your head, it appears. I was watching a TV show where a physic was on TV and an audience member said she has been seeing 444 all her life as well. I was shocked and stood still to hear the answer. I thought perhaps my question will be answered. (why 444 is always coming into my life) but the physic said it wasn't anything. However I don't believe it. I wonder why there seems to be people that have this thing with 444. I still don't have my answer, but I'd really like to know.

I have lived in a house where there was a murder/suicide. Things have gone on since I moved in. I could tell you storied that would make your hair stand. I have family members who won't even step foot in my house ever since they had "their" experience.

Another quick story. I was in Salem, Mass. one year for Halloween. I had a digital camera wiith me as we took a ghost tour at night. I wasn't happy with your normal objects you get with picture (some ppl get mixed up with floating dust particles and moisture) and think they captured a ghost. Anyway, the last night we were there we went for a walk and we were alone. I said out loud,"I came all this way to see you, you can at least make yourself known". As I was saying this, I was taking pictures pne after another, after another. When I said this I captured what looks to be a skelton looking over his shoulder (as though he was walking right in front of me) I showed so many people the image, and they can't get over it. It was as though he was looking right into the camera.



I would love to see that picture! Also tell us some of those stories about their experiences...... we love a good ghost story !! :D

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Where to even start????

We were looking for a house. Told the realtor the price we had in mind. When she showed us the house, (just from the outside) I said what's wrong with it? (*thinking, this is way out of our price range*) She said nothing. I guess my first clue was the dead flies on the stove top. As we passed them I asked what happened to the prior owners? She said, oh, they passed away. As we proceeded to go upstairs. I looked in the one living room, and whispered how weird it was that "their" furniture matched ours. We walked upstairs and made our way to the atic, where I noticed a gun against the one rafter. I turned to the realtor and said, tell me it was a murder/suicide? (it was meant as a sick joke on my part) except she answered yes, it was.

I'll jump to the part where we ended up buying the house, and went over to take pictures of the house. It was a Saturday afternoon, beautiful blue sky/green grass. Just beautiful. I took pictures, but at that time there wasn't digital cameras yet. When I got the film back all the pictures came out beautiful, all for one. It was a black picture with a man and woman on it. I thought perhaps my eyes were seeing things, because they almost seemed transparent. I brought all the pictures over to my mothers house, and mixed that one in with the rest. She was flipping threw and when she came to that one, she asked, "who are these people?" I told her I was wondering if I was seeing things. The catholic woman that she is (so am I) she told me to, "GET THAT HOUSE BLESSED!"

We move in. My husband at the time, worked construction. The downstairs is in a circle. I'm not the type to keep the lights on in a room where I'm not. You always got the feeling someone was staring at you. I was always afraid to look in the direction, in fear I would see someone standing there. You have to understand as well, where this house is, (in the middle of nowhere) at the time we had to wait till the phone company ran lines, and we had no tv, because there was no cable that came out there. (still doesn't).

The dog I had at the time would scare me to the point where I would want to cry, he would look into a dark room (such as one of the other living rooms) and show his teeth, growl, to the point where he had saliva running down his fur. It got to the point, I cried and told my husband I wanted out, but he said it was too late, we already signed the papers etc.

Then more things start going on, and seemed to get worse. The one night we could hear music playing in the house, except we didn't have a radio. You could never be in the room with the music. If you were upstairs, it sounded like it was coming from downstairs, if you were on the same floor, you could never be in the same room with the music. We went outside (2:00AM) and you could hear the music coming from inside the house. We just back upstairs and went back to sleep, (or at least tried)

I'll continue in the next post don't know howmuch room I have

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The one night we went to bed, we were awoken by a man and a woman arguing downstairs. I was so scared, I couldn't even breathe. I had the covers up to my eyes, my husband layed quietly next to me. They were screaming words back and forth to each other, until the one said they were going to kill the other. (I don't think I could put the exact words on here, or the post would be pulled) but it was that this fight worked up to a climax where the murder/suicide happened. (it was like a reinactment of the night it happened)

(and speaking of such) I were to the court house with a (can't think of the name, the person who does all the looking up for an attorney) Anyway, I wanted to find out who all owned this house, (was there more to this then just the murder/suicide) I also wanted to look at the newspaper when this happened. I said to the woman I went with, wouldn't it be funny if they died on 666. We got to the court house and she was getting some paper work. She looked at me with eyes as huge as golf balls. I asked, what? She said remember when you said wouldn't it be funny (I meant strange)if they died on 666. Well, they did. It was the 6th day, of the 6th month, in the year that ended in 6.

We went to search the backround of this house, to make a long story short, we had to go to the volt (we were going back so far) and the book we needed wasn't there. The gentleman in charge, said it has to be here, no book is allowed to leave the volt, except it wasn't there. The courthouse was closing, so we had to leave. We never did go back.

Back to the house...you want more stories???

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