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Just off Dawn 10/11 Ghost Story


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Maybe one of em doesn't like classical ;)



My bet is the furniture. They were aguring about getting new furniture and now they have to keep reinacting that night because you have the same furniture and now they have to "live" with it for eternity. :eek: Sell you furniture!!!!:D

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The one night we went to bed, we were awoken by a man and a woman arguing downstairs. I was so scared, I couldn't even breathe. I had the covers up to my eyes, my husband layed quietly next to me. They were screaming words back and forth to each other, until the one said they were going to kill the other. (I don't think I could put the exact words on here, or the post would be pulled) but it was that this fight worked up to a climax where the murder/suicide happened. (it was like a reinactment of the night it happened)

(and speaking of such) I were to the court house with a (can't think of the name, the person who does all the looking up for an attorney) Anyway, I wanted to find out who all owned this house, (was there more to this then just the murder/suicide) I also wanted to look at the newspaper when this happened. I said to the woman I went with, wouldn't it be funny if they died on 666. We got to the court house and she was getting some paper work. She looked at me with eyes as huge as golf balls. I asked, what? She said remember when you said wouldn't it be funny (I meant strange)if they died on 666. Well, they did. It was the 6th day, of the 6th month, in the year that ended in 6.

We went to search the backround of this house, to make a long story short, we had to go to the volt (we were going back so far) and the book we needed wasn't there. The gentleman in charge, said it has to be here, no book is allowed to leave the volt, except it wasn't there. The courthouse was closing, so we had to leave. We never did go back.

Back to the house...you want more stories???


Yes, I love this stuff. You should call Ghost Hunters.....

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I was going to tell you some of the things that went on, and the things that happen to people that come in the home and post a few pictures. But with these responses, I best leave it to another website.


I hope you don't think I was poking fun of you.

I was just trying to see a potentially humorous side to an otherwise frightening situation

Edited by mbisson
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Yes, I love this stuff. You should call Ghost Hunters.....


Please don't take offense. I seriously love this stuf and watch Ghost Hunter every Wednesday for two hours. I have no life so this stuff is great. Just having a little fun. Post away..:)

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I was going to tell you some of the things that went on, and the things that happen to people that come in the home and post a few pictures. But with these responses, I best leave it to another website.


Please ignore the wise cracks. I am working the night shift and just read your posts...... cannot wait to hear more. I believe everything you are saying and really want to hear and possibly see the postings. I am not sure if I would have been able to go back into the house after hearing the music coming from it.......creepy big time !! Looking forward to hearing more. :o

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Lovin' the ghost stories!


As for the 444 - I first learned about it while reading a book called The Messengers. The first part of the book is about a guy who's angels are trying to communicate with him by waking up his frinds with messages for him right at 4:44am. One night during the time in which I was reading this book, I woke up with a start, looked at the clock and it was 4:44. I got a clear "message" at that time that 444 would be "my number" as well and the way my angels would communicat with me. That was 14 years ago and I've been seeing them ever since. People that I have told (and have read the book) have also begun to see the number and I've had several people in my family be awoken at 4:44. Coincidence? I choose to think not.

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Lovin' the ghost stories!


As for the 444 - I first learned about it while reading a book called The Messengers. The first part of the book is about a guy who's angels are trying to communicate with him by waking up his frinds with messages for him right at 4:44am. One night during the time in which I was reading this book, I woke up with a start, looked at the clock and it was 4:44. I got a clear "message" at that time that 444 would be "my number" as well and the way my angels would communicat with me. That was 14 years ago and I've been seeing them ever since. People that I have told (and have read the book) have also begun to see the number and I've had several people in my family be awoken at 4:44. Coincidence? I choose to think not.



I actually play that as a aily # every so often. Angels not so good to me. I have never won! Do you actually see something or just feel thier presense?

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No, I don't see anything. I have SO many different stories it is different each time. Basically I just monitor my thoughts at the time I see it. So sometimes I'm just driving in la la land and see one and go "oh, there's a 444. big deal." Other times I will be thinking/praying/asking to see one for confirmation or an answer for something in my life and then I see one and it's like "OMG!" and I feel their presence/guidance/an answer.


Here is a very personal story I've never told my husband, but what the heck, we're in cyber space, right?....

I have one son, but had a few miscarriages and was feeling very depressed about it. I saw a license in front of me that said "1KID2LUV" and I immediately got a feeling that this was my sign that I was not supposed to have any more children. I said to myself/angels/whomever (sort of in an I DARE YOU kinda way) "ok, if this is meant to be a sign, show me a 444, like NOW" and I swear to you, within 5 minutes I came up behind a car with that on the license plate.

That was 4 years ago and no more kids so far....

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Lovin' the ghost stories!


As for the 444 - I first learned about it while reading a book called The Messengers. The first part of the book is about a guy who's angels are trying to communicate with him by waking up his frinds with messages for him right at 4:44am. One night during the time in which I was reading this book, I woke up with a start, looked at the clock and it was 4:44. I got a clear "message" at that time that 444 would be "my number" as well and the way my angels would communicat with me. That was 14 years ago and I've been seeing them ever since. People that I have told (and have read the book) have also begun to see the number and I've had several people in my family be awoken at 4:44. Coincidence? I choose to think not.


444cruiser: I would get woken at night, as you said at 4:44. But it was a rather odd way of waking up...the only way I could explain it is (it's as if) someone was standing next to the side of the bed. And with two hands push down on the edge of the bed, to make you fall out of bed. This was done on many occasions.

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We have friends in 8106....


On the 14 night repo - NY - to Miami...


3 sightings in 4 nights....


Don't even look or post on CC....


First couple of nights - felt a presence on the end of the bed. Last night... The girl freaked out screaming ...what are you doing in my room! Saw someone that she says resembled an Inidan Chief. 2 persons in the room. Both saw something at different times. Neither read cc. Will keep you posted of the 'ghost' topic. Will keep all posted.


My DH told her it must be a 'reflection' from the mirror. If not, she would have not stayed in the cabin.



We'll let you know. Having a FANTASTIC time on the Dawn!



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I'm worried. All these posts point to something big on the horizon.


What do I mean by "big?"


Well, let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy on the Dawn.


Based on the recent reports by Dawn passengers, it would be a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds.


That's a big Twinkie.

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I believe!


I grew up in a house with a ghost...who played pranks. Each of us 11 kids had stuff happen to us. I was more scared when my mom and dad admitted later on in life the stuff that happened to them. I just wish they told me after I moved out not while I was still the last kid living there.


Travelinblueberries, I am enjoying your stories as well as others.


The only two stories I will share are my first and last experience. The first night we moved in (1969) I headed upstairs to use the bathroom. The bathroom light with the metal string was pulled on. "Who is in the bathroom?" The light went off. I went up a few more stairs nearer to the door. "Is someone in the bathroom?" The light went on and then off again. I retreated downstairs to the living room and counted ten brothers and sisters and two parents. I wet my bed that night.


November 2003, dad on his deathbed, it was my turn to sleep over and keep watch. At 10pm I gave him his treatment from the nebulizer machine with a long chord and long inhaler tube with mask. I placed the machine on the bookshelf at one end of the living room and went to sleep on the floor 35 feet away at the other end with a baby moniter to hear dad in the back office room. Around 3pm I stir. I hear someone or something rustling around near the bookcases. I quickly sat up. Did dad get out of bed? I see nothing as I had a light on. I go in the back room and dad is snoring and gurgling away. It must have been his noise coming from the baby monitor. Mom is upstairs sleeping. At 10am the following morning I have to give nebulizer treatment again. When I take the machine off the bookshelf the chord from the mask was wrapped and twisted into a perfect braidlike pattern. I had to untwist, pull the mask through...untwist, pull the mask the through, untwist, pull the mask through. The same pattern was done with the electric chord to the machine. I did not wet my pants, but I did laugh out loud and proclaimed out loud, "Good one (the name we gave our ghost)!"


Inbetween those two stories are many many more that are scarier but you must attend a family gathering in order to hear all about them. I do not like telling about them nor do I like reminiscing about them.


So I believe all the stories posted here!



Edited by coka
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We have friends in 8106....


On the 14 night repo - NY - to Miami...


3 sightings in 4 nights....


Don't even look or post on CC....


First couple of nights - felt a presence on the end of the bed. Last night... The girl freaked out screaming ...what are you doing in my room! Saw someone that she says resembled an Inidan Chief. 2 persons in the room. Both saw something at different times. Neither read cc. Will keep you posted of the 'ghost' topic. Will keep all posted.


My DH told her it must be a 'reflection' from the mirror. If not, she would have not stayed in the cabin.



We'll let you know. Having a FANTASTIC time on the Dawn!





Keep us posted Kathy...... thats crazy..... Glad your enjoying your cruise... give us a ghost update when you have time or get back.

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Love the ghost stories - thanks. When I was a little girl, about 6or7, I used to see my grandpop at the end of my bed - then he would disappear into the closet - YIKES...


Don;t know how I would have reacted, but scared me to death as a child.


Its great that you remembered that. Maybe if you are open minded to the experience, it may start again. :rolleyes:

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I believe!


I grew up in a house with a ghost...who played pranks. Each of us 11 kids had stuff happen to us. I was more scared when my mom and dad admitted later on in life the stuff that happened to them. I just wish they told me after I moved out not while I was still the last kid living there.


Travelinblueberries, I am enjoying your stories as well as others.


The only two stories I will share are my first and last experience. The first night we moved in (1969) I headed upstairs to use the bathroom. The bathroom light with the metal string was pulled on. "Who is in the bathroom?" The light went off. I went up a few more stairs nearer to the door. "Is someone in the bathroom?" The light went on and then off again. I retreated downstairs to the living room and counted ten brothers and sisters and two parents. I wet my bed that night.


November 2003, dad on his deathbed, it was my turn to sleep over and keep watch. At 10pm I gave him his treatment from the nebulizer machine with a long chord and long inhaler tube with mask. I placed the machine on the bookshelf at one end of the living room and went to sleep on the floor 35 feet away at the other end with a baby moniter to hear dad in the back office room. Around 3pm I stir. I hear someone or something rustling around near the bookcases. I quickly sat up. Did dad get out of bed? I see nothing as I had a light on. I go in the back room and dad is snoring and gurgling away. It must have been his noise coming from the baby monitor. Mom is upstairs sleeping. At 10am the following morning I have to give nebulizer treatment again. When I take the machine off the bookshelf the chord from the mask was wrapped and twisted into a perfect braidlike pattern. I had to untwist, pull the mask through...untwist, pull the mask the through, untwist, pull the mask through. The same pattern was done with the electric chord to the machine. I did not wet my pants, but I did laugh out loud and proclaimed out loud, "Good one (the name we gave our ghost)!"


Inbetween those two stories are many many more that are scarier but you must attend a family gathering in order to hear all about them. I do not like telling about them nor do I like reminiscing about them.


So I believe all the stories posted here!





Family gathering for more ghost stories???? OK.. I'm in. But then again we are all family members of cruise critic so I am looking to some of your scarier posts :D

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I believe!


. I wet my bed that night.




LOL, I had plenty of those nights when I was kid. We beleived we had a Poltergeist in our house. They tend to "show up" when a child is sick. My little sister was in my parent's bed (the Get Well Bed because that is where we always stayed when we were sick and mom would take care of us) Her dresser was facing the bed and had a TV on it. My Aunt had given my mom this ceramic blue mushroom (She still has it) I walked in the room and started talking to my sister. All of a sudden, the mushroom slide slowly across the top of the TV and to the ground as if it was placed there carefully standing upright. We just looked at each other and started to laugh. We knew who or what it was as we have had other experiences.

My mom placed one of those old metal coffee pots on the counter, turned around and went to the fridge to get something and it disappeared. I kid you not. She thought she was losing her mind. We all tore apart the house but no coffee pot. Several month later, there it was, sitting on the counter where she left it.

The onyl time I was ever frightened was on day after school I was alone watching TV downstairs. Our bedrooms were upstairs. I started hearing all the hangers falling from the closet (imaging those metal hangers clinking to the floor) I froze. I got an overwhelning bad feeling and did not want to be in the house. I tried to shake it off but it felt like I was being watched. I got up, darted outside , leaving the TV on, and ran to my friend's house until my mom came home (who yelled at me for leaving the TV on!)

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I believe!





The only two stories I will share are my first and last experience. The first night we moved in (1969) I headed upstairs to use the bathroom. The bathroom light with the metal string was pulled on. "Who is in the bathroom?" The light went off. I went up a few more stairs nearer to the door. "Is someone in the bathroom?" The light went on and then off again. I retreated downstairs to the living room and counted ten brothers and sisters and two parents. I wet my bed that night.



coka, that reminds me of a time when I was showing an insurance policy to someone. And I said I didn't understand something. He said he couldn't see it, and at that time every ight in the house, and I mean every light went on all at once. (He joked by saying..."well at least they like me".

Edited by travlnblueberries
Edit to say that when he said he couldn't see it, the light wasn't very bright on in the room, and he couldn't see the paper.
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where the chef hanged his wife or girlfriend, don't remember the specifics. But she haunts the place thowing stuff at the chef & workers and many quit after meeting her.


We were taken there in the morning to see if she was showing by the Manager when she heard me talking about 9560 & 10528. We even ate there hoping for a show. But nope, guess she wasn't a show person.

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