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An open letter to all cruisers...


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3) The only thing I ask (or even just remind--I can't make or ask anyone to do anything, really) is for all of us cruisers to look at the big picture, be thankful that we were able to go on a vacation, and try to not sweat the small stuff.


Speaking of "sweat," on our last cruise on the Pride, our cabin boy stunk so bad with body odor, that we had to leave the door open everytime he came in. We complained to the head steward, but they were short handed and we were stuck with a stinky cabin steward. That was a really enjoyable experience. :eek:

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If you gave some people a hundred dollar bill, they'd complain because they couldn't spend it at 7-11.


Yes, there are legitimate issues that need to be addressed from time to time. But the way we approach them is the key, IMO. I can either let it consume me, or I can get over it and go on with my life. Thanks, jimbug, for your thoughts.


I think Roy Horn (of Siegfreid and Roy) just recently put it well. "When you face the sun you see no shadows."

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jimbug...thank you for your thoughts...I agree with you completely. Many folks read these boards to decide which cruise to take. I feel it's important to know a cruise is what you make of it. If I have a problem with something on a cruise ...I deal with it and move on. I spent too much money to be pissed off for 7 to 10 days :eek:

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Sometimes one complains about a cruise.


Sometimes one complains about the complainers.


Sometimes one complains about the non-complainers.


Sometimes one complains.


I think it must be human nature to complain.


Am I complaining?:eek:

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I think part of the problem here is that most of us don't know the actual person behind many of the posts we read. It is one thing to read a review or complaint or negative observation and roll your eyes because that person care about (or is obsessed) about something that you/I personally don't care about. When we were onthe Pride, we met up with a bunch of Cruise Critic folks at one time or another and on the 4th or 5th day of the 7 day cruise, I ran into someone in the buffet area crying. Not eyes misting, but full on sobbing with her husband wrapped around her trying to comfort her. Concerned that something may have happened to a family member she left behind, I did what I hope any of us would do, and stopped to express concern and see if there was anything to do to help. This woman hiccuped through her tears that they were having a horrible time and she wanted to get off the ship and go home. We were having a great time, but I asked her what happened to make her say that. It turns out that she did not get a towel animal every night and that her cabin steward was not keeping their ice bucket full. I kid you not, this woman was full blown sobbing over this. I was stunned, and thougth it was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard, but faced with a woman whose face was puffy and tear-stained, I certainly didn't say that to her. Maybe when we read posts here that we think are ridiculous, we should imagine what we would say if we were face to face, instead of behind a computer... Every time I read a comment like this, I think of that woman, and wonder what I would have said if I had read her review and hadn't met her, or seen her as upset as she was...

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Interesting post, bcs819. I thought my mom was the only one who cried over towel animals. Our first night, the steward did a fantastic job on our towel animal. It was an elephant and he'd placed my mother's sunglasses on it. We returned to the cabin after a busy day at port and on ship. My mom saw it and immediately burst out in tears. My father had recently passed, and his favorite animal was an elephant. He collected them. He had statues, pictures, sculptures, etc., but not a towel elephant. We carefully packed that elephant and mom took it home with her. It was a good thing. Anyway, just had to comment on that.

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It turns out that she did not get a towel animal every night and that her cabin steward was not keeping their ice bucket full. I kid you not, this woman was full blown sobbing over this. I was stunned, and thougth it was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard, but faced with a woman whose face was puffy and tear-stained, I certainly didn't say that to her.


I agree, it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of too! Did you suggest a talk with the room steward?


I'm just not one to complain and try to resolve any issue immediately by contacting the right person (hopefully). I just don't get why things that are so trivial (to me) are such a big deal to others. *shrug* To each his own!

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IMHO what some people conceive as complaints are just plain reviews of what occurred during one's cruise experince. Many readers become well informed of minor details such as how the fruit is served and whether their are children enjoying themselves. We always bring along our 2 DD ages 9 and 14 and we never sailed Princess before because we feared that they were not a child friendly cruise line. After reading what some conceive as annoyances, kids running around the ship, we have decided that Princess has now become more kid tolerant and we have booked our first voyage on the Caribbean Princess for Dec. 2005. We have always warned our kids of proper behavior and respect for fellow passengers while on board. We sailed the RCCL Voyager this past December and there were 900 kids on board and I have to say the kids were the most well behaved we had ever experienced. We didn't even noticed them.


All these so called complaints are very helpful in planning our next cruise. For instance many have complained about overcrowding in the Princess theatre if you don't get there early enough so thanks for the heads up. As far as fruit goes I know its a minor thing but ever since our first cruise on Celebrity we love having a cut up gratefruit and cut up melon served to our stateroom in the morning to enjoy out on our balcony when we first wake up. Its become kind of a tradition for us and it makes us feel special for a brief moment so again thanks for the heads up about the fruit.


Please everyone, don't ever stop complaing and providing insight or reading these boards will become useless and boring!

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Wow what a intresting thread, and many good points by all :)

But from my point 7 years I had a life changing event, heart bypass, at 42 years of age. My attitude, and life changed! sure I've only been on one cruise since then but we have been on many land based vacations. If I let the little things bother me, like some have, we would have had many bad vacations. We have learned to let the little things pick us up, like if embarkation is taking a long time, use it to met new people. That would be one example, I am sure I can change almost anything. But if there is a major problem I would not be afraid to mention it to those who can fix it, but I would remember that would be the best I can do and then let it go.

I can only mention any bad day on vacation is better than a good day at work


Enjoy, I know I will

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Gee, some people are getting a little grouchy here. Jimbug just wanted to express that some of the complaints are a little out there. If you have a valid complaint (and many are valid) contact the cruiseline. If enough people complaint about something big, maybe, just maybe, action will be taken. I came aboard just last month and have gotten some very good info for the future and a lot of good entertainment from some of the posts too (some intentional, some unintentionally funny).

Unfortunately when it comes to rude passengers, I'm not holding my breath that the offenders are reading these messages.

I went on my first cruise in 2004 and find it's an enjoyable way to vacation so I'm happy with all of my cruises. And hope you folks are too.

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I think Roy Horn (of Siegfreid and Roy) just recently put it well. "When you face the sun you see no shadows."


However when you face the sun you can be blinded and not see what is actually going around you...Many people seem not to see the direction cruising and yes Princess are going...Perhaps the sun is in their eyes.

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Perhaps, but at least you're putting the responsibility where it belongs, Opinions, in the laps of customers who, in your words, are "blinded". If buyers would provide some incentive for some seller to offer a better product (like, maybe, paying more?), then I know in my heart that some seller will be there. This is the mainstream cruising market customers-in-general actually create through their purchasing behaviors.

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bcs819.....ah...what would I do if faced with someone crying over the fact she did not get a towel animal every night and that her cabin steward was not keeping their ice bucket full.....first...try not to laugh :eek: Second like hstrybuf said ask her if she had spoken to the cabin steward. If that did not work ask to speak to the Hotel Manager. When I needed more ice on the Sun Princess...I called room service and asked for more...simple as that :)

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Just a short note. But someone told the person to go on Radisson and the kids won't be there. I was on at Christmas and it was a ship of 490 pass, and 70 were kids. They were all well behaved children and they were with there parents. We also had large family groups, one was 21! That is large for the size of the ship. The cruise line was not prepared for so many families. Activities, etc. Yes, you get the USA today at your door M-S and sure it is all inclusive, but you have to look at the big picture. Don't tell people to go on a certain cruise liner if you have never been on that line. We go between Radisson, Princess and Celebrity. We have noticed a downgrade in the Princess way of things. I have been on Princess about 10 plus cruises. We were on the Princess ship when it was announced that Carnival was merging with Princess. And last year, it was not the best. But, Radisson is not the best in the area's that Princess is great at. So, to sum it all up there are good things regarding all lines. And each cruise is different!
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I find it hard to believe that someone was completely broken up and weeping because they didn't get a towel animal every night - perhaps they should go on Disney and get a towel animal plus several hundred screaming out of control kids. I prefer neither of the two so I take most cruises when kids nare nin school!
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Ok, I get the definition of "complainers" one who discusses an unfortunate incident on their cruise. Now what do we name the people who think every cruise was ideal. "Happy"? Who promotes the most discussion here on the boards? The "Happy" folks or the "Complainers"? Personally I want all types, whatever I choose to draw from the posts is up to me. So half my trip was good and half bad, it didn't ruin my vacation, but gave me pause to consider whether I wanted to spend my hard earned dollars doing it again. So speak up people, say what you will, posters can decide what to believe or not, agree with or not. We are all adults, no one is being hogged tied to a cruise ship they don't want to be on.
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No question that there are shades of criticism. The most important distinction, IMHO, is between complaints based on reasonable expections versus complaints based on unfounded expectations. It is one thing to be promised something and to complain about not receiving it. It is another thing to be promised something and to complain about not receiving something else.
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I agree with Jimbug.

I dont NOT think she is condeming or preaching. She is just trying to state a point. If things don't go your way "perfectly" go with the flow. Only YOU can allow someones actions/words ruin your day. YOU have the power/ability to make yourself happy. So what if your coffee wasn't the best or your meat was a little under/over cooked. Haven't you ever at home made bad coffee or cooked diinner too long? I have been on many cruises, some better than others. But NONE would make me say I WOULD NEVER go on a particular cruise line again. There are better things on some and not on another. That is what makes the world go round and pleases EVERYONE> What may make one happy, does not necessarily please another.

And yes, not EVERYONE is is able to take a cruise (not matter how long and hard they have saved for it). Those of us that can are very fortunate. Threre are those in this world that will never, no matter how hard they work and save, can do so. We are a very fortunate "bunch/people". And when I think of all that has happened in the world in the past years, I consider myself to be very lucky/fortuate and yes, blessed, to be able to take a cruise or two or more! Some may NEVER get that opportunity. And yes, I (we) work very hard for these vacations. But I am still very blessed to be in a situation that I can do so. Those in Iraq, can't even imagine what we may complain about. Those affected by earthwakes and tidal waves wish they had our complaints. Life's situations seem to put alot in persepective. Just stop and think!

And yes, I want the best treatmant, service, food etc. when I pay such a dear price for it. But will I let it ruin my vacation of it is not perfect. No, I will make my own fun. And they way I feel. I'm not cooking, cleaning or watching just TV at home. I have choice of various food/entertainment to try and make the best of it. And oh well, mother nature is not in my control either. Hey, I got married during a Hurricane (Hurricane Gloria 19 yerars ago) with NO electricy at my wedding! People getting sick from heat,e tc. But that's another story!!

What I want to say is if it is out our control, go with the flow and make the best out of it. You have that power!
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I agree with Catmand and Jimbug...Let's look at the big picture....
Unfortunetely Jimbug..most of the people that say their cruise was "ruined" by a collection of somewhat minor grievances are so self-absorbed that they are incapable of looking beyond themselves under any circumstance.
I apologize to those who take this as a personal attack.....
After many cruises, some full of minor inconveniences..some not..the ones we look back upon with the most memories are the ones with the glitches...they are funny after awhile...Life is to be experienced..what doesn't kill you will make you stronger? :)
Lighten up everyone and enjoy living..there are many people who don't have the luxury of a long healthy life!
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Do you know how boring the Cruise Critic would be if "ALL" comments were good? What might be "MINOR" to you, may be "MAJOR" to me. If you don't like the comments, by pass it and go on to the next one.

Don't sweat the small stuff? Don't sweat the minor complaints. There have been good and bad points by all, including Jimbug. But that is what this is all about. OPINIONS. Have respect for all, Major or Minor.
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Greetings, fellow cruise-lovers.
I joined this message board just recently as DH and I prepare for our cruise aboard [i]Caribbean Princess[/i] January 22. This will be our 4th [i]Princess [/i]cruise in as many years, but we have sailed frequently on other lines for more than 20 years. We enjoy [i]Princess'[/i] ambiance, and we love the [i]Grand Class[/i] ships, so I think we will stick with [i]Princess [/i]and continue to expand our cruising repertoire as we gain [i]Captain's Circle[/i] status.

I've been reading this thread and posted on another similar thread that addressed the validity of passenger complaints. I have yet to see anyone relate an experience that comes even remotely close to the horrific first-cruise situation that I dealt with, but I think it bears mentioning with regard to "keeping things in perspective" and "viewing the whole picture."

More than 20 years ago, DH and I and our only daughter who was 10 at the time, planned for months our first ever cruise vacation. We shopped for cruise apparel, researched cruising and the various ports of call, and looked forward to this awesome new vacation experience. Family, friends, and neighbors envied us this fabulous opportunity.

I won't tell you which cruise line/ship because I have since learned that similar situations happen on practically every cruise. [b]My luggage never made[/b] [b]it to our stateroom, and I was forced to spend an entire week aboard a ship without the clothing that I had purchased and packed specifically for my first cruise. [/b]That's right: DH's and DD's luggage were delivered to our stateroom promptly, but I waited and waited for my bag to arrive. It never appeared, even though I had it with me when all bags were collected at the pier.

The ship's staff did everything they could to locate the missing bag, but it seemed to have vanished. The ship's shops offered me an onboard credit, and I was able to purchase a few things to tide me over. Thankfully, my personal care items -undergarments, swimsuit, and shoes- were in my carry-on, so I had the necessities. Upon hearing about my plight, several passengers contacted me with an offer of various items of clothing to get me through the week. In the words of Anne Frank, I learned that "people are really good at heart."

You'd think me totally abnormal, I'm sure, if I said that I wasn't upset - OK, royally pi**ed off - about this situation, but I dealt with it in the best way I could under the circumstances. It didn't stop me from wanting to cruise again, and, in fact, due to a phenomenal offer by the cruise line, we went on another cruise less than a year later! We had a wonderful cruise, despite my missing luggage, and have cruised many times since that unfortunate first sailing.

Two weeks following the cruise, I was contacted by the cruise line. My bag had been located in a storage area on the ship. While I never received a clear explanation about what had actually happened to my luggage during our cruise, the bag was returned to me just the way it had been packed.

When I read about the trivial complaints of others, I ask myself how these people might have coped - or survived! - in my situation. None of our cruises have been absolutely perfect - certainly not that first one! - but we have learned that, if we don't have unreasonable expectations, we won't be disappointed, and we won't sweat the small stuff.

Sailing on the [i]Caribbean Princess[/i] in only 12 days!
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