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Only Adults Dawn 2/10/05 Can't Be!


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I'm taking my 7 yr. old out of school and his teacher is excited about it. She actually didn't want to give him homework, we're going to have him write a daily journal instead.


Yes, cruzinrn, we're on the Dawn 2/10.


That is so great to hear! But I am almost in tears now. We have 3 children. 4,7 and10. The oldest is the only girl. When I booked the cruise there was only one cabin available and my mother-in-law was thinking about going. We figured there would be a cancellation and then we would get another cabin for my youngest and her. Never happened! Grandmom thought we should still go and have a good time. The 4 yo just adores her and loves to sleep over. Later my 7 yo son decided he didn't want to go on the cruise. Even though he loves to cruise (just got off the Dawn last June), He wanted to stay home too with grandmom. Maybe thought he was missing out on the plans she had with the little one. Our TA let us name change and we are bringing our cousin. She is the same age as our daughter. Just to think he would have had a playmate his same age. My husband and I are going to miss them dearly, but I'm sure they will have a great time with granny. This will allow me to spend some quality time with my daughter. You guys are going to have a great time!!!! See you soon!!!!


Oh and by the way, the school principal thought it was a great experience for her and even asked me if he could go!



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Cruzinrn, we're bringing our 3 YO and Grandma, too. We had to book an AB Suite to do it, but figured it would be better than 2 unconnected staterooms, there were no connecting ones left. This will be the second cruise for our 7 YO and I think he's more excited than us. He went when he was 2 1/2 and still talks about it.

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GregandAmy,Our kids have been cruising since they were young as well. They have always enjoyed it. I think it is a great way to have the best of both worlds. You can enjoy your children and have some quiet time too;) . Sometimes it is difficult to drag the kids away from kid's crew. What other cruise lines have you sailed? Are you also from New Jersey?



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We're in Orange County, NY and have sailed on RCCL to Bermuda aboard the Nordic Empress. We didn't use the Kids Club there and may not here because we have a built-in babysitter with us. We will certainly check it out and let them go if they want to.

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I am a teacher. I have been a teacher for almost 20 years. The last several years I have taught at a Univ. As such, my time off does not correspond with my children's except during the summer months during which we always enjoy a family vacation on the coast of maine.


When schedules don't work out and opportunities to travel present themselves, I don't hesitate to pull my kids from school. My daughter will never forget her trip to scotland to a family wedding in an actual castle. What did she miss in school that week? Whatever it was, it was waiting for her when she got back and she completed it and moved on.


My son will never forget hiking through a rain forest and swimming under a 100 foot waterfall, or being amazed that his mom was "adventerous!" Or the first time he snorkeled and saw those tropical fish. What did he miss in school that week? Whatever it was, it was waiting for him when he got back and it too was completed and life went on.


A key difference? His world is now a whole lot bigger and that IS something.


We have 5 teachers in the family (all higher ed), 1 director of admissions at a very competitive private school. It's safe to say we value education.


Now I'm not saying that the people who posted on this thread don't value education. I am saying however, perhaps a parent knows what it is best for his kids, perhaps there are other types of education, that a parent might decide that a week together as a family visiting different parts of the world is more important than a week of the same school routine (particularly when they have YEARS of that routine in their life.)


I know.. for myself.. my kids are growing so fast it hurts my heart to watch it happen. Would I pull them from school to have them with me for a week.. wide eyed with amazement as their world gets bigger and bigger? Hell yes!


My son did a report for his class after our last cruise, the history and culture of each port (complete with photos, souvenirs, maps).


His teacher was impressed, not upset. In fact, no teacher I know worth her salt would truly place classroom time over the opportunity to experience the world's classroom.


- T


Dawn 11/20/05 - Western Carib.

Kids to miss 5 days of school

My classes cancelled for 2 days

Hubby taking 5 vaca days

Mom taking 6 vaca days


And it is going to be great!

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I am not sure how I came upon this thread but felt I had to open my big mouth here . My "child" is now 26 but from the time he was in pre-school until just at the beginnng of middle school I took him out of school if neccesary to meet the schedule of the cruises booked by his grandparents. I always went with them and if during school time we requested and were given homework for him to do. I insisted this be done. Sometimes it was school vacation time but not always so this was our procedure. I do not know how the schools handle these things today but I will tell you that our son graduated Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude fom college so it must not have been such a bad thing to do. I would hope that schools and faculty these days are as receptive to travel education.


Thanks for listening.


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I assume from some of the previous posts that teachers, who work only 180 days a year, are entitled to take time off when school is in session to take a cruise? As for the parents who feel it is their right to take their children out of school to go on a cruise, it is my humble opinion that aiding and abetting truancy is hardly setting a good example for their children. Since children are off from school 10 weeks in the summer and additional weeks at Christmas, mid-winter recess (President's week) and Easter week, is it really necessary to take them on a cruise when school is in session?


How can you judge someone else's priorities? Especially those of strangers. I can agree or disagree with anyone here, but I don't have the right to judge anyone. I think your post is completely out of line. I can respect that you have a different opinion, but why is it necessary to put others down because you don't agree with them? Why not try and see others points of view as well as share your own?


We are taking our child out of school when we are because of MANY reasons. First of all, we all need the time away together. We have had a rough year (sickness in family, death in family, etc.). Our budget only allows for certain things and traveling peak times (summer, holidays, etc.) are just plain OUT for us financially. We wanted to go the beginning of December and could have afforded it then, but decided that with Christmas break it would have been too much time away from school in a short period of time. We don't just take off without any thought to the consequences. It seems to me that the parents on this thread take the measures necessary to make the vacation and time away from school as valuable as the time in school.


I am curious to know what you think of parents who home school. Those kids don't necessarily follow any particular schedule that I know of and can vacation whenever. If as a parent, I am bringing missed school work along for my child to do and making vacation a learning experience how am I any different than that of a family that home schools?


I feel taking family vacations as setting a very good example for my kids (regardless of when we go). Family time is important and so is learning about other cultures (which you can do by going ANYWHERE). I think my priorities are right where they should be.

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not necessary, just a commentary on the entitlement attitude that is becoming pervasive....As an example, all public schools have busses for children to take, but only half the children take them, preferring to sleep later and have mommy drive them to school, or not wanting to stand in the cold, etc. This creates tremendous traffic jams and back-ups, not to mention lots of work for the school secretaries who have to write up all those late passes and the teachers who must repeat whatever the tardy students missed...the parents are asked repeatedly to please have their children ride the busses, but most are too selfish to think of the problems doing what suits them causes.....:(


Well girlsnightout, we meet again. I guess you didn't choose carnival?



Yes, we did book Carnival, we are sailing on the Gory April 16th. Did you miss my reply? Now wait a minute, you answered a bunch of questions for me, remember?


Anyway, have a great time, hopefully the weather will stay warm for your departure, I'd love to hear about a cruise leaving from NY in winter, I really like the idea of not having to fly before a cruise. Make sure you write a review when you get back...

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not necessary, just a commentary on the entitlement attitude that is becoming pervasive....As an example, all public schools have busses for children to take, but only half the children take them, preferring to sleep later and have mommy drive them to school, or not wanting to stand in the cold, etc. This creates tremendous traffic jams and back-ups, not to mention lots of work for the school secretaries who have to write up all those late passes and the teachers who must repeat whatever the tardy students missed...the parents are asked repeatedly to please have their children ride the busses, but most are too selfish to think of the problems doing what suits them causes.....:(


I really don't mean to be arguementative with you girlsnight, but what the heck does busing have to do with this conversation? Oh I see you are using it as an example, but once again you are being WAY too general. Not all public schools have busses. Where my friend is in Florida all the kids either walk or get driven. There are NO busses at all. Here where I am, EVERY child takes the bus. Yes, I suppose some kids get driven, but not even close to the half that you quoted and not necessarily for the reason you quoted (there is very little lateness that I am aware of). Now, I can only speak for those two cases. I think that everywhere is different...where I grew up, sometimes I had the bus to take and sometimes busses were not in the budget and I walked. I don't think it is fair for you to make these generalizations that parents are selfish and do what suits them. I am sure that is not necessarily the case where you are either. There is no way to know what someone else's circumstances are....


I stand out at the bus stop in the freezing cold every morning and afternoon. I really can't wait for my vacation to get here....Brrrr...


Edited to add:


Cruzinrn,I am glad that you "met" someone with kids who will be on your ship! Have a great vacation!

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cruzinrn, are you from New Jersey?? Me too! I am in the northwest, you?


Yes, me too finally. There turns out to be a handful on these boards. Probably more but just not "critic" members.

I'm from South Jersey. I am centered between Philadelphia and Atlantic City. About 30 min each way.



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I really don't mean to be arguementative with you girlsnight,. There is no way to know what someone else's circumstances are....


I stand out at the bus stop in the freezing cold every morning and afternoon. I really can't wait for my vacation to get here....Brrrr...



Are you sure you don't want to be argumentative?:D


Anyway, if you must know, I DO know why the majority of students don't take the bus, I ask nearly all of them when I'm on drop off duty in the am. The overwhelming response is, to sleep later (for the moms AND the kids), and so they don't have to stand out in the cold for 5 minutes (poor babies). That's why you said you drive, isn't it? Do you know how many parents actually DRIVE to the end of their driveways so the kids don't have to walk the 10 seconds to the house from the bus?


I can't help it, I think parents today coddle their kids. It wouldn't kill them to stand in the cold or to wake-up 15 minutes earlier. They've got to learn sometime, I swear I don't know what some of these kids will do if mommy doesn't go with them to college........


This is all just my opinion of course, and it has absolutely nothing to do with cruising, but with kids in general!


PS, while sitting and talking at lunch today, one of the administrators told us she got a phone call from a parent asking if the school could set up a system so the kids could wait for the pick-up buses inside the school and be paged when their bus arrived. She said her daughters hands got cold (8th grade) while waiting outside. I can't believe this parent wasn't embarassed to make that phone call - has she heard of mittens?:eek:

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Yes, we did book Carnival, we are sailing on the Gory April 16th. Did you miss my reply? Now wait a minute, you answered a bunch of questions for me, remember?


Anyway, have a great time, hopefully the weather will stay warm for your departure, I'd love to hear about a cruise leaving from NY in winter, I really like the idea of not having to fly before a cruise. Make sure you write a review when you get back...


Of course I will have a good time and write a review. I didn't remember if you were just inquiring or had actually booked it. You'll have a great time on the Glory, she is just glorious!!

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girlsnight, I don't drive..I am a parent that gets up early and waits in the frigid cold - no matter what. Well, if I am sick, my dh is nice enough to do it. I agree that too many kids get coddled. I LOL at your statement about Mom's going to college with their kids. Too funny because that is the truth! How many don't know how to do laundry by then?


Anyway, it's crazy that so many at your school are doing that. A shame that something can't be done. It would drive me crazy too.


Oh, if that poor girls hands are cold even with mittens - you can get boxes full of those hand warmer things (you sorta break the stuff inside and the liquid heats up..). I saw them at Walmart. Hee hee...I am kidding - I just think that is nuts.


See, I am not argumentative afterall - I even agreed with you on something!! :D


Discussions are good...even when we get off topic!


Ladies, enjoy your vacations! I know we are all excited because we leave NEXT week!!! Ack! I better get moving on my packing! I started, but the cases have just been sitting for a few days....

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I hear those liquid warmers really do work. My sister just got back from skiing in Vermont and they all used them. They even put them on top of their feet, it actually warms the blood as it goes to your feet. Just got to be careful about burning your feet. Elissa you gotta try em, but not for the cruise!!

Bon Voyage to all!! I just hope the Dawn makes it. There's been trouble with speed, not getting to St. Thomas on time or back at the dock to disembark on time! Pray we don't break down!


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too funny! Maybe they can bring it up at the next PTO meeting, you know, as an alternative to individual, climate controlled plastic bubbles so that little susie won't freeze her tootsies!:D


Now, I think that individual climate controlled plastic bubbles are the way to go! They can build them around those electric walking things (they have them at Disney, but for the life of me I can't remember the name!). That way little Susie can stay warm and won't have to walk! Don't know how you'd get them on the bus though....hmmmm.....



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In my daughter's high school, if you are absent more than 6 days, you need a doctor's note starting with day 7. If you don't have a note, any work due that day is a 0, no exceptions. It seems that there is a problem with parents taking kids out of school during exams and then wanting the school to schedule make-ups.


I teach in a middle school, and I have kids going on vacation all the time. Our board policy is that we don't issue any work before they leave. They can make it up when they return. I like this better because I can't count the number of books that have been left in DisneyWorld! I tell the kids to have fun, but if a test is scheduled, they will take it the day they get back. Any research papers are due before they leave. I never have any problems with this because I explain it all at "Back to School Night".


Parents have to do what they have to do. I understand that not everyone has the luxury of time off in the summer. I just wish the kids wouldn't brag about going cruising when we are digging out of all this snow!

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That is all so true about the bragging. I know my daughter's teachers, including the principal all want to hide in her suitcase.


I also agree with the work to be done when it is due. My daughter has a paper due for the day she returns and also must complete another story before she leaves that will be due while she is away.


I also believe that if a child is struggling and falling behind in school, that they should not be taking time off for vacation under any circumstance. That could jeopardize passing.

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When my oldest DS was entering the First grade we had a chance to go to Tahiti for a few weeks. My MIL is Tahitian. The only time that I could get inexpensive airline tickets was for a time frame that started a few dayf before school started. I went to the school and explained the whole situation. His teacher made up a homework packet that included a journal. We bought post cards and made his draw pictures along with writing about his adventures. We spend 18 days in Tahiti visting the relatives. It was the trip of a lifetime.


His teacher was thrilled with his adventure. She wanted to hear all about the trip. She felt that what he learned on the trip more than made up for what he missed in school On our return flight, he was exposed to two little girls from Australia that turn out to be sick. So we were quarintined when he came down with it. They just kept him on indepent studies.


BTW the school can put students on independation studies and get paid as if the student were there while they are on vacation.


A few years later I pulled my children home to homeschool them. I traveled constantly with my boys while we were "in" school.

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How can you judge someone else's priorities? Especially those of strangers. I can agree or disagree with anyone here, but I don't have the right to judge anyone. I think your post is completely out of line. I can respect that you have a different opinion, but why is it necessary to put others down because you don't agree with them? Why not try and see others points of view as well as share your own?


We are taking our child out of school when we are because of MANY reasons. First of all, we all need the time away together. We have had a rough year (sickness in family, death in family, etc.). Our budget only allows for certain things and traveling peak times (summer, holidays, etc.) are just plain OUT for us financially. We wanted to go the beginning of December and could have afforded it then, but decided that with Christmas break it would have been too much time away from school in a short period of time. We don't just take off without any thought to the consequences. It seems to me that the parents on this thread take the measures necessary to make the vacation and time away from school as valuable as the time in school.


I am curious to know what you think of parents who home school. Those kids don't necessarily follow any particular schedule that I know of and can vacation whenever. If as a parent, I am bringing missed school work along for my child to do and making vacation a learning experience how am I any different than that of a family that home schools?


I feel taking family vacations as setting a very good example for my kids (regardless of when we go). Family time is important and so is learning about other cultures (which you can do by going ANYWHERE). I think my priorities are right where they should be.



I better be careful, the truancy officer just may be onboard my ship and a few dolphins too!!:rolleyes: I think there may also be worries about kids destroying the ship too!

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