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Rum Runners?? do they work on RCL

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I am judging.Let me make it crystal clear its wrong and against RCL policy that you agreed to follow when you booked the cruise.Worst yet you drive the cruise prices up for the rest of the folks.Their profits are driven buy total sells including cabin fares and all item sells.If they sell less drinks they must recover their cost by raising cruise fares.So how to you explain to your kids when its ok to steal and it is stealing and when you follow the rules and when not to.If a few hundred bucks is going to make are break you stay home.Now lets see all the victims justify your actions.

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We brought 1 (32oz) and 2 (16oz) of Rum Runners, Tequila, Vodka and Gin. They worked great. We still had a bar tab of over $350. They still made money off of us. To the last naysayer rules are made to be broken, remember that when you do 56 is a 55 mph zone. :)


As many people said its a convience of having some in your room to enjoy prior to dinner or just relaxing. No harm.


The haters need to chill out.. Look in your closet, you have done something against the rules, no one is a complete angel.



I also broke another rule. I didn't dress formal and still went to the dining room on the second formal night. hehe They need to cut down and only have 1 formal night instead of 2.

Edited by Bosjoe
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We brought 1 (32oz) and 2 (16oz) of Rum Runners, Tequila, Vodka and Gin. They worked great. We still had a bar tab of over $350. They still made money off of us. To the last naysayer rules are made to be broken, remember that when you do 56 is a 55 mph zone. :)


As many people said its a convience of having some in your room to enjoy prior to dinner or just relaxing. No harm.


The haters need to chill out.. Look in your closet, you have done something against the rules, no one is a complete angel.



I also broke another rule. I didn't dress formal and still went to the dining room on the second formal night. hehe They need to cut down and only have 1 formal night instead of 2.




Haters new word for raising the moral bar.Haters-Anyone that shines a light on evil.Haters anybody that has a opinion other then yours.Haters

anyone who challenges your ethics.

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Feed Man-- I think what a lot of people here are saying is that they use their Rum Runners so that they can have a drink in their own rooms--not while they are at the casino or sitting near the pool. My guess is that they would still order drinks from the ship at those other times. For me, if I didn't bring my own alcohol into my room, I wouldn't bother with ordering a drink from room service while getting ready for dinner or when getting back to the room later at night. I probably would make my own drink though if I had it in my room already. My point...Royal Caribbean isn't losing any money off of me bringing my own because I wouldn't otherwise order a drink from them at the times I would make my own in my room. I will still order drinks at dinner and still get drinks at the bars and by the pool so I'm not worried about RC losing any money.

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Haters new word for raising the moral bar.Haters-Anyone that shines a light on evil.Haters anybody that has a opinion other then yours.Haters

anyone who challenges your ethics.


Haters I am using as a Joke (slang). Don't be Judging :)

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On our cruise in Nov. my 22 year old son just packed some of the plastic bottles in his bag. Also, when in port, he bought several bottles, put them in his back pack. Board the ship & are told the liquor needs to be checked, walked over to the check point, he pulled 1 bottle out & checked it, walked straight to the cabin with the other 2 still in the back pack.

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On our cruise in Nov. my 22 year old son just packed some of the plastic bottles in his bag. Also, when in port, he bought several bottles, put them in his back pack. Board the ship & are told the liquor needs to be checked, walked over to the check point, he pulled 1 bottle out & checked it, walked straight to the cabin with the other 2 still in the back pack.


Hmm to funny. I never thought of that. That one will be on my to do list on my next cruise if need be. haha

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Hmm to funny. I never thought of that. That one will be on my to do list on my next cruise if need be. haha


He did it in Jamaica, he bought a very small bottle & then a larger one. Checked the small.


Since that worked in Cozumel, he just bought 3 bottles & checked 1.


His bar tab for just him was over 300 so it wasn't like he didn't spend anything on the ship either. He met a group of guys and they played cards all hours into the night.

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Haters new word for raising the moral bar.Haters-Anyone that shines a light on evil.Haters anybody that has a opinion other then yours.Haters

anyone who challenges your ethics.


HaHa. "Anyone that shines a light on evil."


Self Righteous -- convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others.


Bring Rum Runners or not, I don't care. It might make my cruise $30 more in a year or two. I'm fine with that.

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HaHa. "Anyone that shines a light on evil."


Self Righteous -- convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others.


Bring Rum Runners or not, I don't care. It might make my cruise $30 more in a year or two. I'm fine with that.



Its not me being Self Righteous.I call it like it is .Would you draw a line on child molesters are a Racist.would you condemn those actions.So according to you anybody that says these things are wrong they too are self righteous. Its ok sneak your booze onboard and then brag about it.You are exactly wants wrong with America ,you have no character.


Fraud specialist Monster -too funny

Edited by FEED_MAN
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I am judging.Let me make it crystal clear its wrong and against RCL policy that you agreed to follow when you booked the cruise.Worst yet you drive the cruise prices up for the rest of the folks.Their profits are driven buy total sells including cabin fares and all item sells.If they sell less drinks they must recover their cost by raising cruise fares.So how to you explain to your kids when its ok to steal and it is stealing and when you follow the rules and when not to.If a few hundred bucks is going to make are break you stay home.Now lets see all the victims justify your actions.



I get so tired of the the clowns that spout off saying smugglers cause prices to go up. It has to be the stupidest thing I have heard.


So if I book a cruise and choose not to buy any drinks at all, the cruise line gets ZERO extra income money, none, nada, zilch, nothing.


If I stay out of the casino the cruise line gets ZERO extra income money, none, nada, zilch, nothing.


If I book my own shore trips the cruise line gets ZERO extra income money, none, nada, zilch, nothing.


But if I smuggle booze on a ship I am some how causing the price to increase?


Here is a news flash for you, if I smuggle a little booze on I always spend more time in the casino than I should and since I'm felling a little buzzed and having a good time I tend to buy a few more rounds for people I meet on the ship. both actions DO and will add to the profit margin.


What I suspect is the the anti smugglers are old fuddy duddys that don't know how live outside the box and resent anyone that likes to have fun on a vacation.


the anti sumgglers seem to be the small voice on the boards as there are way more smugglers then non.

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I am judging.Let me make it crystal clear its wrong and against RCL policy that you agreed to follow when you booked the cruise.Worst yet you drive the cruise prices up for the rest of the folks.Their profits are driven buy total sells including cabin fares and all item sells.If they sell less drinks they must recover their cost by raising cruise fares.So how to you explain to your kids when its ok to steal and it is stealing and when you follow the rules and when not to.If a few hundred bucks is going to make are break you stay home.Now lets see all the victims justify your actions.


I must disagree with what you have posted. During the 80's and 90's, even the early 2000's, cruise lines were making record profits. This is for the most part due to the exteremly high drink prices. Cruise lines have continously lowered their costs by building bigger and bigger ships while at the same time making it appear to you, the consumer that they were doing this to add features and experiences that you wanted. Many folks here seem to think that the price of cruising is way less than it was years ago. While this is somewhat true, so is their (the cruise lines) cost per passenger to provide the cruise.


I'm not advocating stealing or any other crime. However, to say you never exceed the speed limit or break any other law, then hold folks here to the letter of company policy, not law, is being a bit of a hyopcrite.

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How is making profits evil.Profits provide jobs builds revenue for taxes.We live in a time were a lot of company's have layed of many workers do to a lack of profits.United States became the richest and most powerful Nation in the world within 150 years.Help defeat Hitler has been flooded buy immigrants from communist and socialist governments. who wanted a chance for a better life.Would you like to cruise on ships that are less profitable.Do you think making less profits is Honorable and noble.Do less profits provide for a better cruise experience. Do less profits provide workers with more wages.

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I'm not advocating stealing or any other crime. However, to say you never exceed the speed limit or break any other law, then hold folks here to the letter of company policy, not law, is being a bit of a hyopcrite.

It is not just a company policy. When I agree to the terms of the cruise contract, I understand I have agreed, given my word, to abide by the cruise lines policies. So I understand it to be a contractual obligation as well -- a promise. I realize no one is perfect [and I am certainly not claiming to be] but my word means something to me. So I will do my best to abide by the policies I agreed to abide by.

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Its not me being Self Righteous.I call it like it is .Would you draw a line on child molesters are a Racist.would you condemn those actions.So according to you anybody that says these things are wrong they too are self righteous. Its ok sneak your booze onboard and then brag about it.You are exactly wants wrong with America ,you have no character.


Fraud specialist Monster -too funny


With us bringing alcohol on a ship, is not hurting anyone. What you say about Child molesters and racist, is very wrong and hurtful to people and against the law.

You can not compare these as the same.


Just remember one time it was ok to bring alcohol on the ship. Just like one time it was free to check your backage on the airline. Now its an onslought of people bringing oversize carry-ons to avoid paying a fee.

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I am judging.Let me make it crystal clear its wrong and against RCL policy that you agreed to follow when you booked the cruise.Worst yet you drive the cruise prices up for the rest of the folks.Their profits are driven buy total sells including cabin fares and all item sells.If they sell less drinks they must recover their cost by raising cruise fares.So how to you explain to your kids when its ok to steal and it is stealing and when you follow the rules and when not to.If a few hundred bucks is going to make are break you stay home.Now lets see all the victims justify your actions.


Keep posting your countdown clocks. The pirates and I never want to be on a cruise with YOU!

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I am judging.Let me make it crystal clear its wrong and against RCL policy that you agreed to follow when you booked the cruise.Worst yet you drive the cruise prices up for the rest of the folks.Their profits are driven buy total sells including cabin fares and all item sells.If they sell less drinks they must recover their cost by raising cruise fares.So how to you explain to your kids when its ok to steal and it is stealing and when you follow the rules and when not to.If a few hundred bucks is going to make are break you stay home.Now lets see all the victims justify your actions.



;)Thank You :cool:


Deputy Barney Fife.


There is a difference between rules and laws.

If i get caught breaking the rules maybe they will make me stay after my cruise to punish me. :rolleyes:

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It is not just a company policy. When I agree to the terms of the cruise contract, I understand I have agreed, given my word, to abide by the cruise lines policies. So I understand it to be a contractual obligation as well -- a promise. I realize no one is perfect [and I am certainly not claiming to be] but my word means something to me. So I will do my best to abide by the policies I agreed to abide by.



You have a very valid point.

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So I suppose everyone here who's never smuggled alcohol on board... you've never done the same in a movie theatre? Just curious because it's the same thing essentially in terms of 'profit'. But we've pretty much all done it at one point in our lives. I can understand the frustration for those who sneak alcohol on board to avoid any bar tab, but by the majority of the posters here, not very many of those people are CC members. Therefore, the cruiseline's still making profit because we still order their expensive, over-priced froufrou drinks, in those collectible plastic glasses, and bottles of wine, and drinks by the pool... so really, how are they losing profit???

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How is making profits evil.Profits provide jobs builds revenue for taxes.We live in a time were a lot of company's have layed of many workers do to a lack of profits.United States became the richest and most powerful Nation in the world within 150 years.Help defeat Hitler has been flooded buy immigrants from communist and socialist governments. who wanted a chance for a better life.Would you like to cruise on ships that are less profitable.Do you think making less profits is Honorable and noble.Do less profits provide for a better cruise experience. Do less profits provide workers with more wages.



There is absolutely nothing wrong with making profits.


You stated people who sneak booze aboard a ship raise your cruise fare. I don't fully agree with that. What I was trying to say is that cruise lines were profitable in earlier years even when drinks were sold at much lower prices and even duty free prices. Back then, you could brink your own booze for consumption anywhere onboard. You could even walk into the duty free store and walk out with your favorite spirit then open and drink it right there. Cruise lines were making lots of money back then. All those huge new ships weren't given to the cruise lines.


Then some executive decided that if they raise drink prices, this would bring in more money. Then drinks prices got so high, people quit buying them and were brining their own booze. Now this executive decides that eliminating BYOB will force guest to buy the super high priced drinks onboard. Well drink prices went from $2.00 for a mixed drink to well over $8.00 and now you can't bring your own or buy it in the duty free store. This wasn't only about profits. It is corporate greed when you have such a huge mark up on something that only cost them pennies and at the same time restrict alcohol consumption to only drinks purchased onboard at these super inflated prices.


As I have stated many times here, my onboard expenses are much lower now than they used to be. Why? Because when drinks were $4-$5, I didn't keep track of how many drinks I was buying. But when they got above $7.00, I counted every one of them. The same can be said about photos. I don't mind spending $700.00 on drinks for a weeks cruise as long as I feel I am getting $700.00 worth of drinks. But at current prices, I will do my drinking ashore which means I spend less money onboard. Based on your statement, FEED MAN, this means that I am also the reason for raising the cruise fare.


I am not advocating smuggling booze aboard your cruise. I don't do it because it's just too much of a hassle for me. But I can understand why others do it. Do I feel sorry for the cruise lines because this cuts into their bottom line, NO.

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So I suppose everyone here who's never smuggled alcohol on board... you've never done the same in a movie theatre? Just curious because it's the same thing essentially in terms of 'profit'. But we've pretty much all done it at one point in our lives. I can understand the frustration for those who sneak alcohol on board to avoid any bar tab, but by the majority of the posters here, not very many of those people are CC members. Therefore, the cruiseline's still making profit because we still order their expensive, over-priced froufrou drinks, in those collectible plastic glasses, and bottles of wine, and drinks by the pool... so really, how are they losing profit???


Very true.

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It is not just a company policy. When I agree to the terms of the cruise contract, I understand I have agreed, given my word, to abide by the cruise lines policies. So I understand it to be a contractual obligation as well -- a promise. I realize no one is perfect [and I am certainly not claiming to be] but my word means something to me. So I will do my best to abide by the policies I agreed to abide by.


As I stated, you do have a valid point.


However, when you enter into this cruise contract you do so because you must or you can't go. One item that you are agreeing to is a limit of liability on your luggage of $300.00. Two Tommy Bahama shirts is worth more than $300.00. So if you had a suit case packed with clothes with a value of more than $1000.00 and RCI looses or destroys your bag, you would not try to get the actual value for the goods that were lost, destroyed or stolen? You did agree to the $300.00! So based on your statement, you should not seek more than that?

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