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MSC Poesia Eastern Caribbean 1/9-/16 Cruise Review (long)


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First off the ship were at 8:00 right? So very easy to make an 11:15 flight in FLL? Port and FLL are 10 minutes away.


...And the dear lady from lilac 2 who was dodging through the customs lines when that colour wasn't to be called for some time. Unfortunate how several people mentioned this to customs (..."yes, we've heard several complaints") and the poor soul was behind us when her luggage accompanied her to that most-special room.


Poesia... poetry... poetic-justice... you decide!;)

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But yes, it's wise to bring a photo ID (I think a driver's license should suffice) with you when you leave the boat. The Daily Program reminds you to do the same as well. As you mentioned, San Juan was the only port that required a photo ID to allow you to enter the port but it's wise to bring it anyways.


One of our grandsons 'lost' his ship-card while playing in the surf...another port, but this will become the new reality soon... we (fortunately) had our passports... that and a quick visit to passenger services, and he was re-issued a card.


San Juan is quite stringent on security now.. not that this is a bad thing!

In the Bahamas, you could have brought aboard a Buick. I think ALL ports should be as tight as San Juan. Didn't mind the security... actually, felt good about it!

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they have become my cruiseline of choice as well and so i will now be looking to do a 10 day caribbean every fall and a 7 or 14 day every spring, until such time as hopefully they port year round out of nyc or something like that...With the exception of ncl, my last several cruises on rccl and carnival have been so blah that i just dont feel like going back.:cool:


A B2B on the Poesia would be wonderful... in 7 days, they treat you like family... could you imagine a 14 or 20 day hop?

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A B2B on the Poesia would be wonderful... in 7 days, they treat you like family... could you imagine a 14 or 20 day hop?


Don't have toi - just did a 20 night a few months ago and as you say they really get to know you and you them. It is one of the many reasons that I love the long voyages the best.

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Why would people who have sailed on this cruise jump to the April 3rd roll call??? This post doesn't seem appropriate for THIS forum!


the poster was addressing viwami who had stated that they were going to be on Apr 3 sailing.

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I agree, great review, having been on mqny MSC cruises you gave a future cruiser a very good preview of what is in store. I may be remiss but do not remember you touching on the entertainment which happens to be outstanding.

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Thanks for the in-depth review of the Poesia. We are going the first week of April on the exact itinerary. I always get nervous when I see all the bad reviews on cruises/hotels...but I should just ignore becasue I have yet to have a bad experience...maybe I am easy to please...just one question if you know...I am trying to find out if there is a non-alcholic beerage package for my kids (pina-colodas and such). This is what we have always done for them.

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Here is my review for your consideration. Best regards.

I have just returned from the January 23rd sailing of the Poesia with 50 of my family members. I'd have to say that the stage entertainment was excellent, though the food was of uneven quality; some nights were commensurate with a cruise, but some nights were really no better than a mediocre coffee shop.

The issue that was the most difficult was the room that my husband, I, and our son shared. It was at the very stern and rocked quite dramatically. I think it is because the ship is very rectangular. It is quite like a shoebox in the water; any waves make it pitch quite a bit. When looking at other cruise ships, all the others have some tapering to the hull to deflect waves, this one had none at all so on windy days with some waves, the ship moved more than any I had ever been on. Perhaps this ship was designed for the calmer waters of the Mediterranean, but it is not at all suitable for the typical waters of the Atlantic. It was worse than any of the many cruise ships I have ever been on and I have cruised in the Caribbean during hurricane season when conditions are very windy with high waves.

But that wasn't the worst part of our room. Even though we were on the 12th floor, the mechanical vibration from the rudder and engine created so much vibration in our room that it was as if we were in a non stop earthquake. I tried to fall asleep in my berth, but it was as if someone was constantly and violently shaking the bed in time to rhythmic mechanical motions of the engine and rudder. The walls of the stateroom were constantly rattling and loudly squeaking. I am not a princess or one to complain unnecessarily, but this room was uninhabitable. We toured another stateroom of other members of our family that were in a room directly below us and it was the same. They had a 3'X5' mirror on the wall of their stateroom that was constantly, loudly rattling against the wall so that it was absolutely impossible to sleep. Their beds were also shaking violently. I tried to get a different stateroom but the staff at the reception desk was absolutely uncooperative. On the third night, I met with their customer service representative and spoke to him for a good 20 minutes. He insisted that the motion was from the waves. I told him over and over that the waves were only part of the problem but that the mechanical movement from the engine and propeller made the room uninhabitable. I was so tired from the first night in that horrible stateroom that I slept most of the next day in complete exhaustion. My sister-in-law allowed me to sleep in an extra bunk of her stateroom midship the next two nights. My husband and son however, remained in that horrible room. After speaking with the staff each day and getting no assistance from them, I was finally able to prevail with getting another stateroom by the 4th night.

A number of people in our party became ill over the cruise with the flu. I think they contracted it on the ship. For some it was very debilitating requiring injections of anti diarrhea medication. I don't think the crew was as clean as they should have been. For example, at breakfast one morning, six of our family was eating at tables in the 13th floor cafeteria. Two tables away a sweet little girl in a high chair threw up with projectile vomiting that spewed over the table, floor, and her high chair. It was a horrific mess. The parents tried to clean up some of it, but there was more than they had the means to clean. It was at least 10 minutes before the staff came to clean it and they did a cursory job at that. The dishes were cleared and they wiped the table though from my angle I could see quite clearly that there were still flecks of vomit on the table. The high chair remained at the table with the seat of it and the floor coated in cups of vomit. My party sat two tables away and watched as people cleared away. I was absolutely horrified as the staff motioned for two recent arrivals from our family to be seated at the unclean table. It was horrible! There was a vomit coated high chair and floor at one end of this six person table, and the staff tried to seat my family at the other end. I was glad I was there and motioned them away before they actually sat down. Our family sat two tables away while we wondered how long it would take the staff to clean up the vomit on the floor and high chair. No less than 20 minutes later, the vile mess was untouched. I finally asked the staff in a polite manner to clean it up. It was at least another 5 minutes before they came with cloths and a mop to clear the vomit.

Another experience with lack of cleanliness and vomiting at an eating facility occurred on Tuesday. We had a family luncheon arranged for 50 people. We had a section of the formal dining room set aside for us and we were having a nice time. Suddenly, two members of our family at a table adjacent to mine became violently ill and vomited all over the table and chairs. A third followed so that the table was covered with a horrific mess. I don't envy the staff for the mess they had to clean up, but they did a cursory job given the potential for the spread of flu. Yes, the table cloths, dishes, and vomit covered chairs were removed, but the staff did not wipe the table with a disinfectant before putting the new tablecloth on. I stopped them and asked them to wipe the table with a disinfectant, they stalled and a few minutes later returned to complete putting the new tablecloth down without using disinfectant.

As I mentioned before, the food was of uneven quality. I don't expect prime rib every night, but what was offered in many instances was no better than I could have had at Denny's. In fact, Denny's is superior in some instances. The chicken on the first night was particularly awful. The chicken patty was made from preformed and prebreaded chicken, not unlike the chicken fingers that are served at a typical McDonalds. It was covered in crushed tomatoes that were completely lacking in any spice. The lot was then covered by a rubbery piece of melted cheese. I remember thinking that I hoped the meals would not all be this bad.

The food on the last two nights were good, however, I was disappointed in the lack of food in the evenings. Our family sat at the early seating at 5:30 pm. After dinner, we went to the stage for entertainment or to dancing. By 9 pm many of us were again interested in some sort of food, but there was none, absolutely none, available in the cafeteria. Each night we had to wait until 10 pm for a paltry display of thin crust pizza. The sauce and toppings on the pizza was far from inspired, but the worst part was that the thin crust was most often burned black as the staff has not yet mastered the use of the pizza ovens. If one stayed up for dancing past 11pm, it would be best to pack a few pizzas in their pockets as even the paltry pizzas were only served for an hour.

One evening there was quite a nice deck party hosted by the ship. There was a good amount of merriment; dancing and games. However, there was absolutely no food served. One would think that an evening party would include some sort of appetizers to satiate the revelers, but there was none. Being hungry is not what I anticipate ever happening on a cruise ship.

The shore times are not conducive to excursions. In particular, the port time in Puerto Rico is from 4 pm to 11 pm. We bee lined from the ship to the fort for some sightseeing, but the late port time allowed us only 15 minutes in the fort before it closed for the day. The museums and all other attractions also closed by 5pm.

While the ship’s decor is attractive, there is an enormous amount of hard surfaces in genuine stone, faux stone, or glass. While these surfaces look very attractive and are typical for current decorating trends, it creates much ambient noise from sound vibrating off hard surfaces. It was almost impossible to have a conversation between six people seated at a table in the cafeteria during meal times. The formal dining rooms were better in this regard and were our preferred choice for all meals.

The pools and outdoor spas are only open from 7am to 7 pm.

Given these experiences, I would not recommend this cruise line to any one.

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Hi ughh....sorry to hear about your experiences. My family & I were on that same cruise and our experience was completely different from yours. We had an amazing time! We had an aft cabin on deck 12, which I am told is where you'd tend to feel quite a bit of both motion & vibrations as it's where the motors are located. Not sure, but that's what I was told. The first night at sea was very windy, and the ship rocked quite a bit but none of us felt in the least bit irritated by this. In fact, we quite liked the swaying motion of the ocean, and the vibrations were actually soothing!! I've heard that for people who are sensitive to these things, a lower cabin mid ship is where there is miminal movement and noise. Something to consider before booking a cabin on a cruise I guess.


One thing that really irritated me though was that I saw A LOT of people reaching onto the platters of food and grabbing things from the buffet with their hands!! Now that is just plaing disgusting!! There are serving spoons and tongs for people to use, but somehow it seemed the "older" guests though they could use their hands. It's no wonder that germs and flu bugs are spread about. We fortunately didn't get sick at all.


As for food, well we all know how subjective that topic is!! I do have to tell a funny thing I overheard - 2 couples were talking on deck 13 and I overheard one lady say to the other that the food onboard the ship was ok, but that the hamburgers were nowhere near as good as Burger King!! :) That really cracked me up!!


I can't wait to go again, and will definately choose Poesia :)




Here is my review for your consideration. Best regards.

I have just returned from the January 23rd sailing of the Poesia with 50 of my family members. I'd have to say that the stage entertainment was excellent, though the food was of uneven quality; some nights were commensurate with a cruise, but some nights were really no better than a mediocre coffee shop.


The issue that was the most difficult was the room that my husband, I, and our son shared. It was at the very stern and rocked quite dramatically. I think it is because the ship is very rectangular. It is quite like a shoebox in the water; any waves make it pitch quite a bit. When looking at other cruise ships, all the others have some tapering to the hull to deflect waves, this one had none at all so on windy days with some waves, the ship moved more than any I had ever been on. Perhaps this ship was designed for the calmer waters of the Mediterranean, but it is not at all suitable for the typical waters of the Atlantic. It was worse than any of the many cruise ships I have ever been on and I have cruised in the Caribbean during hurricane season when conditions are very windy with high waves.


But that wasn't the worst part of our room. Even though we were on the 12th floor, the mechanical vibration from the rudder and engine created so much vibration in our room that it was as if we were in a non stop earthquake. I tried to fall asleep in my berth, but it was as if someone was constantly and violently shaking the bed in time to rhythmic mechanical motions of the engine and rudder. The walls of the stateroom were constantly rattling and loudly squeaking. I am not a princess or one to complain unnecessarily, but this room was uninhabitable. We toured another stateroom of other members of our family that were in a room directly below us and it was the same. They had a 3'X5' mirror on the wall of their stateroom that was constantly, loudly rattling against the wall so that it was absolutely impossible to sleep. Their beds were also shaking violently. I tried to get a different stateroom but the staff at the reception desk was absolutely uncooperative. On the third night, I met with their customer service representative and spoke to him for a good 20 minutes. He insisted that the motion was from the waves. I told him over and over that the waves were only part of the problem but that the mechanical movement from the engine and propeller made the room uninhabitable. I was so tired from the first night in that horrible stateroom that I slept most of the next day in complete exhaustion. My sister-in-law allowed me to sleep in an extra bunk of her stateroom midship the next two nights. My husband and son however, remained in that horrible room. After speaking with the staff each day and getting no assistance from them, I was finally able to prevail with getting another stateroom by the 4th night.


A number of people in our party became ill over the cruise with the flu. I think they contracted it on the ship. For some it was very debilitating requiring injections of anti diarrhea medication. I don't think the crew was as clean as they should have been. For example, at breakfast one morning, six of our family was eating at tables in the 13th floor cafeteria. Two tables away a sweet little girl in a high chair threw up with projectile vomiting that spewed over the table, floor, and her high chair. It was a horrific mess. The parents tried to clean up some of it, but there was more than they had the means to clean. It was at least 10 minutes before the staff came to clean it and they did a cursory job at that. The dishes were cleared and they wiped the table though from my angle I could see quite clearly that there were still flecks of vomit on the table. The high chair remained at the table with the seat of it and the floor coated in cups of vomit. My party sat two tables away and watched as people cleared away. I was absolutely horrified as the staff motioned for two recent arrivals from our family to be seated at the unclean table. It was horrible! There was a vomit coated high chair and floor at one end of this six person table, and the staff tried to seat my family at the other end. I was glad I was there and motioned them away before they actually sat down. Our family sat two tables away while we wondered how long it would take the staff to clean up the vomit on the floor and high chair. No less than 20 minutes later, the vile mess was untouched. I finally asked the staff in a polite manner to clean it up. It was at least another 5 minutes before they came with cloths and a mop to clear the vomit.


Another experience with lack of cleanliness and vomiting at an eating facility occurred on Tuesday. We had a family luncheon arranged for 50 people. We had a section of the formal dining room set aside for us and we were having a nice time. Suddenly, two members of our family at a table adjacent to mine became violently ill and vomited all over the table and chairs. A third followed so that the table was covered with a horrific mess. I don't envy the staff for the mess they had to clean up, but they did a cursory job given the potential for the spread of flu. Yes, the table cloths, dishes, and vomit covered chairs were removed, but the staff did not wipe the table with a disinfectant before putting the new tablecloth on. I stopped them and asked them to wipe the table with a disinfectant, they stalled and a few minutes later returned to complete putting the new tablecloth down without using disinfectant.


As I mentioned before, the food was of uneven quality. I don't expect prime rib every night, but what was offered in many instances was no better than I could have had at Denny's. In fact, Denny's is superior in some instances. The chicken on the first night was particularly awful. The chicken patty was made from preformed and prebreaded chicken, not unlike the chicken fingers that are served at a typical McDonalds. It was covered in crushed tomatoes that were completely lacking in any spice. The lot was then covered by a rubbery piece of melted cheese. I remember thinking that I hoped the meals would not all be this bad.


The food on the last two nights were good, however, I was disappointed in the lack of food in the evenings. Our family sat at the early seating at 5:30 pm. After dinner, we went to the stage for entertainment or to dancing. By 9 pm many of us were again interested in some sort of food, but there was none, absolutely none, available in the cafeteria. Each night we had to wait until 10 pm for a paltry display of thin crust pizza. The sauce and toppings on the pizza was far from inspired, but the worst part was that the thin crust was most often burned black as the staff has not yet mastered the use of the pizza ovens. If one stayed up for dancing past 11pm, it would be best to pack a few pizzas in their pockets as even the paltry pizzas were only served for an hour.


One evening there was quite a nice deck party hosted by the ship. There was a good amount of merriment; dancing and games. However, there was absolutely no food served. One would think that an evening party would include some sort of appetizers to satiate the revelers, but there was none. Being hungry is not what I anticipate ever happening on a cruise ship.


The shore times are not conducive to excursions. In particular, the port time in Puerto Rico is from 4 pm to 11 pm. We bee lined from the ship to the fort for some sightseeing, but the late port time allowed us only 15 minutes in the fort before it closed for the day. The museums and all other attractions also closed by 5pm.


While the ship’s decor is attractive, there is an enormous amount of hard surfaces in genuine stone, faux stone, or glass. While these surfaces look very attractive and are typical for current decorating trends, it creates much ambient noise from sound vibrating off hard surfaces. It was almost impossible to have a conversation between six people seated at a table in the cafeteria during meal times. The formal dining rooms were better in this regard and were our preferred choice for all meals.


The pools and outdoor spas are only open from 7am to 7 pm.


Given these experiences, I would not recommend this cruise line to any one.

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  • 9 months later...
couple questions:


is the mini golf course like putt-putt or can you drive balls into the ocean?


For the excursions, do you need to bring cash to tip/pay or is just a credit card fine?




mini golf put putt

I suggest bringing cash if you choose to get off the boat and buy your own excursion.

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  • 2 months later...

I too loved this ship when I sailed w/o my kids....I want to go back- however AFRAID b/c my kids 5,5,7 LOVE the kids camps on Carn/NCL....will they be dissappointed? also- do they FEED the kiddos at camp in the eve....this is what I love about Carnival- whereas RC does not...so we found ourselves having to take them to buffett b/4 camp...whereas on CCL we dropped them off- they were fed & we could dine as "big people" ha! this is a VERY imporant detail for us....please tell us how it works


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