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nervous about cruising with MY toddler


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Thanks. I'm not perfect - consider my decision to feed my 13 month old french fried food as a way to get her to eat AND keep her happy at the table for a bit longer. Not the most "sound" parenting strategy, but it worked for us on the cruise.


Shoot, not too long ago I really questioned if I had the energy to discipline my 13 month old like we disciplined our 3 year old or if i should just give myself a break and always give in.... Lol, I still haven't committed to and answer on that one yet. We take that question moment by moment. ;)


I wasn't trying to be harsh. Parenting is HARD and takes a lot of self discipline. If we didn't get so darn tired all the time we wouldn't give in to our kids to make our situations easier, right?


I have found that it is always easier for myself to acknowledge that there are certain situation "coming" that are going to cause me stress, and really internalize that the only thing I can do is deal with it the best I can and not let the stress turn me into a bitch monster....:D


For OP - There are many reasons why parents choose to parent in a particular style and I am no one to judge you but you just have to be totally honest with yourself. If you have this much anticipatory stress about how your child is going to behave in certain situations on the cruise ship then maybe it is time to utilize the tool of discipline and change her behaviors.


Now, if anyone could tell DH and I why our 3 YO is perfect at school and then comes home and messes his pants without a thought, and how to solve that issue, we would really appreciate it! Apparently we dropped the ball on this and need some feedback!


Try making him be naked around the house from the waist down when he comes home from school...I know it sounds weird, but he'll make time for the potty.

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Try making him be naked around the house from the waist down when he comes home from school...I know it sounds weird, but he'll make time for the potty.


you know....people have mentioned this concept to us before.... To be honest, we have not actually tried this because we just naturally assume that he will let go without hesitation...


Considering the puddle I mopped up off the floor last night after dinner (he was in jeans) I am going to see if I con convince DH to give this a try tonight...


Wish me luck and thank goodness for hardwood floors, eh? :D

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I really enjoyed cruising with our then 16 month son. We also had grandparents along. Our son is also picky, but thankfully the waiters had his special treats (strawberries, chicken fingers and french fries with ranch and ketchup) ready on day 2. Mom, dad, and grandpa took turns walking him out in the lobby if he got fussy. We also had a portable DVD player, but my son doesn't stay interested in t.v. that long. However, my son is used to sitting in a high chair and we go out to eat fairly frequently (although usually to quick, casual kid friendly restaurants.) If you think a high chair is going to be an issue, then I ditto the op suggestions of starting now and if your child doesn't get used to it, resign yourself to the buffet or room service. The main dining room experience can be quite long for even a "well trained" toddler.


A suggestion that another couple on our cruise did that I wish we had done was to set-up some hours where daddy is on duty so you can have alone time and vice versa. It would have helped me to have had a little down time to recoup before the next "wave'. Same thing for grandparents... ours watched DS while we went in to one port and one other time while we got a couples massage. I wish we had asked them to do it more.


Let me see, what else... nap time wasn't a problem for us. I stayed in and either napped or sat on our balcony and read (I would also ditto that this is almost a must in my book... DH went and got a light breakfast from buffet first thing while I got DS dressed and then we sat out on balcony and played and ate.)


Also agree about the night club during the day... our son loved playing in there and it was very safe. There are lots of every day type things on the cruise ship that your child will adore, but you will be running, running, running. :D


Bottom line, I think it's all about expectations. If you are looking to enjoy all the cruise amentities and be relaxed, you probably will be dissapointed. But, if you are looking to get away and enjoy some quality time with your family, then I think you will have a fantastic time. Hopefully you can start setting some ground rules to help prep for your cruise - i.e., stroller, high chair, etc.

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you know....people have mentioned this concept to us before.... To be honest, we have not actually tried this because we just naturally assume that he will let go without hesitation...


Considering the puddle I mopped up off the floor last night after dinner (he was in jeans) I am going to see if I con convince DH to give this a try tonight...


Wish me luck and thank goodness for hardwood floors, eh? :D


Does he care that he is having "accidents" - which probably aren't accidents because he is either sending you a message ;)or simply to busy to make it there.


Though I suggested the naked method, I never actually had to go there. I simply told both my boys (who fell into the "too busy to make it there") category, that if they were going to pee in their pants like a baby, then back to diapers we would go. You could hear the screaming and wailing of " NOOOOOOO" for miles. After I put that first diaper back on, no more worries!


But I must confess, I am not known for being a softie of a parent - what I say goes and if I say I am going to do something, I follow through. "Mister Shut-Up" gets 1 warning and the second time I hear it, out comes the dial soap for a good ole tongue scrub - gagging and all.

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Does he care that he is having "accidents" - which probably aren't accidents because he is either sending you a message ;)or simply to busy to make it there.


Though I suggested the naked method, I never actually had to go there. I simply told both my boys (who fell into the "too busy to make it there") category, that if they were going to pee in their pants like a baby, then back to diapers we would go. You could hear the screaming and wailing of " NOOOOOOO" for miles. After I put that first diaper back on, no more worries!


But I must confess, I am not known for being a softie of a parent - what I say goes and if I say I am going to do something, I follow through. "Mister Shut-Up" gets 1 warning and the second time I hear it, out comes the dial soap for a good ole tongue scrub - gagging and all.


he would prefer it if I put a diaper on him and said 'dont worry about using the potty, just use the diaper' that would solve all these pesky demands, in his eyes..... yea, we're pretty screwed :D

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Up near the waterslide, the Pride has a nice shallow baby pool for the little kids. The area is all enclosed in a plexiglass fence and railing with a gate. There is room for about a dozen lounge chairs inside the enclosure.


It is perfect for what you need and it is unlikely that anyone is going to say anything about swim diapers at THAT pool. I think they might even be allowed specifically at that pool.


Wear the little cherub out during the day - then, at bedtime, you should be able to lay down with him for a few minutes and he'll be out.


Nothing on vacation is going to be like it is at home. Go, enjoy it and adjust as needed. I think that you doth stress too much. You are travelling with a toddler. As long as no one is dead or mortally wounded at the end of the trip or in the pokey for doing the same to someone else,

consider it a success.


Bring some earplugs for yourself so that either you or DH can get a good night's rest without being disturbed by the breathing etc. of a person that you are not used to sleeping with either. It will be an unusual arrangement for you as well to have the extra person in the room.


The couches on the Pride are more like day beds and these are the 3rd beds in the room. Your toddler should adapt to the new "bed" just fine.



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I have a very spirited, super-active child. I have not cruised with him, but I did travel internationally with him when he was 20 months. I recommend bringing some basic child-proofing items. Try to find pictures of your ship's cabins online and see if there's a child-resistant doornob cover or inside locking device that could be used. I also brought things like duck tape, twine, and scissors, in case I had to temporarily secure a door or cabinet. I found I could usually "rig" something with just a few simple products. Also, trust yourself and your ability to keep your child safe. With the right attitude -- and maybe adjusting expectations -- you can do it and have fun, I am sure!

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Thanks to everyone! I am feeling better about this now. You are right that our feeding methods have been less than by the book, but our kid's health hasn't been by the book either, so we have done what was necessary at the time.


We have her to where she will eat 80% of her food in the high chair and 20% as snacking around (gold fish and such). We also have been trying out some new high chair strategies adn have a new puzzle book, stickers, and coloring that all seem to work well. I love the idea of the dvd - she has one that she likes and we might try that.


Thanks for the specific Pride pool tip. We will still bring an inflatable in case that doesn't work out.


I also really appreciated your comments about how everything will be fascinating to her - light up stairs adn all. You are right - she digs that stuff. And she loves dancing on stage, so the empty lounge idea is super.


I take her out all the time without the stroller. We are going to bring one along with some stickers, but she walks well with us and we've been practicing at the mall some. I might look into the lease idea - have to figure out what we will do in port.


Thanks for all of the supportive comments. A few of you really hit it on the head - I'm just stressing and worrying along with thinking through things.



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I would definitely bring a "sound machine" for the room. All 3 of my boys use them in their bedrooms--2 like the ocean sound and one likes the rain sound. It is great for drowning out "outside noise" (we live on a main street) or sounds like when you're on your cruise and you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I'm just like them--I NEED white noise to sleep. I currently use an old-time box fan for my noise :)

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There will be so much going on your "spirited" toddler will be enthralled with it all. We started sailing with My DD at 7mo and at age 4 she has been on 9 cruises. At 19mo we sailed and she enjoyed roaming the ship, playing in empty lounges, dancing with the band out on the lido deck, splashing in her blow-up bathtub/pool, watching dvd's. We did use Camp carnival for babysitting from 12-2 on sea days to give us a break. She watched her dvd at dinner and loved the shows all the costumes and music. Sure its not like when you cruised pre-kids when you could lounge in the sun for hours on end but if you all take turns so everyone gets a break it can be very enjoyable. We are now sailing with DS too who was 12mo on our last cruise so back to the toddler age again!

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i'll be travelling w/our 2 year old. first time for both of us. 2 pieces of advice i got were:


bring and use a sound machine (also consider bringing a power strip)


and bring an inflatable tub. this could be used by the pool too!


have fun :)

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I think you got some really good advice from the above posters. I just wanted to clarify the kiddie pool comment that was made above. We just got off the Pride and we have a two year old. You are absolutely NOT allowed to bring kids in swim diapers into that kiddie pool. There is a big sign there that says so. Unfortunately there are no pool options for non-potty trained kids on the Pride. The same is true of the tiny kiddie pools on the NCL Gem/Pearl/Jewel. The pools may look like they are toddler size but they still don't allow swim diapers. Believe me, I wish they did as we've been in the same position as you a few times on my DD 3 cruises. Bring the blow up pool and see if that helps. We used it when DD was under 1 but she seemed less interested in it on her last cruise.


Best of luck to you.

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he would prefer it if I put a diaper on him and said 'dont worry about using the potty, just use the diaper' that would solve all these pesky demands, in his eyes..... yea, we're pretty screwed :D


Our son was the same way when he was 3. He was fine at school and then would come home and mess his pants (or whatever he was wearing), especially #2. One night I did make him naked, cranked up the heat (it was winter in VA and a bit cold if unclothed:) ) and put his little potty off the kitchen. Showed him where it was told him that if he "went" anywhere other than the potty he wouldn't be able to play anymore cause I'd have to clean it and wait til it dried etc. Worked like a charm. Did keep the potty out for a few weeks til he was really set and then moved it back to the bathroom. Lots of praise and a few prizes for consistent behavior and we were good. Best of luck and remember--they all eventually get it :D

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he would prefer it if I put a diaper on him and said 'dont worry about using the potty, just use the diaper' that would solve all these pesky demands, in his eyes..... yea, we're pretty screwed :D


My DH would prefer this too I think... :D


I would definitely bring a "sound machine" for the room. All 3 of my boys use them in their bedrooms--2 like the ocean sound and one likes the rain sound. It is great for drowning out "outside noise" (we live on a main street) or sounds like when you're on your cruise and you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I'm just like them--I NEED white noise to sleep. I currently use an old-time box fan for my noise :)


My DD (11 months) has been using one of these machines since the day she was born. We use the heartbeat setting and it always seems to help her sleep through our getting up and down to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, the dogs collars jingling...etc as she is still in our room with us. I find it to be invaluable and I'm amazed at how used it it I have gotten, too!


I'm looking forward to cruising with DD in December. She will be 21 months and I have some of the same worries you do. It is important to start working with your child now, though. It sounds like you've got your hands full!


Good luck and have a great cruise!!!

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You got some great advice! And I got a few ideas too!


I was going to mention the sleep machine for noise. We took my daughter on her first cruise when she was 6 months and we had the same problem about her sleeping in the room with us (she has always slept in her own room). I think kids adapt really well to this situation....it was us who had a hard time (her bed time is 6:30pm)....so we may get some babysitting services on our next cruise in October.


i wanted to mention that I bought this padded strap that helps me keep my 13 month old in a regular char (it wraps around the child and the back of a chair). Great for shopping carts too. I think it was $8 or $9 dollars and if you want to know the specifics, I'll look it up...email me at bradyfigueroa (at) hotmail (dot) com.

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