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Conquest 1/9/05 - 1/16/05 Review (PART 4)


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I had purchased three sheets of drink coupons & three photo coupons. They all came in handy as I used them all. Really helped with the photo purchasing!!



Age of Passengers


Various ages. We saw plenty of elderly people, middle-aged people, young people, but very few kids. Someone had said that there were less than 100 kids on our sailing. The kids I did run into were very polite & friendly. Didn’t see kids playing on elevators or running around anywhere. Believe it or not, all seem to have been on their best behavior.



Steve Cassel


He’s a bit…bizarre. A great juggler, though. That’s all I will say.



CC Roll Call Meet & Greet


Everyone on roll call had agreed to meet. Silly me, DBF & I waited at the wrong place. Luckily, I had told everyone what I looked like, so they all were able to pick us out early on during the week. Mad shout-outs to: Steven; Kelli & Jeremy; Kristen & Mike & her folks & their friends; Merrilee & her SIL; and, Big John & his DGF. It was indeed a pleasure to have met you all! We also had the pleasure of meeting several other nice people while onboard. Some, we even exchanged numbers & email addresses. Definitely will keep in touch with them!





Didn’t spend all of my money on the S&S account, so there was a check for me under the door along with my itemized bill. (Just deposited the check today at my bank with no problems.) DBF also got an itemized bill. Each night during the week, we would check our S&S account balances via the tv to make sure the charges were all correct. I would suggest saving all your receipts & do this.



Woke up and had breakfast on the Lido Deck. We didn’t get off the ship until 11:30ish. People were cranky, too. Glad I tied bright ribbons & placed beads on our luggage or it would have taken forever to find. Got a nice porter to take our luggage out & hail us a taxi. While waiting in the extremely long line, this little old lady cut in front then yelled at us. What the heck? She better be glad I was in a good mood. Only a few words were exchanged; mine were more polite than hers by far. Her hubby told her to hush. Good thing for her, too. I would have had no problems whatsoever in drop kicking granny. LMAO! Just kidding!



Back to MO


The drive was long, but not as long as driving there. We were on the road by noon & made it back by 10:30ish. DBF was putting the metal to the pedal since he was working Monday.



I know, I know – I apologize for being a bit winded. It was our very first cruise, what do you expect?! I think I still may have left some out, too. Anyhow, there ya have it. Any questions??



My advice to anyone cruising on any given ship: go with no expectations & roll with the punches!! We did this & I do believe that is why we enjoyed our cruise so much. It was the best!! Something we will always remember fondly.


Many thanks to all of you have given such good advice on these boards. It is because of this board, I was able to plan & prepare for our cruise. I have learned a lot of things from this board & its members. And, for that, I say to you all: thank you, thank you, and thank you!!



I am most definitely looking forward to my next cruise with my closest gal pals –my bachelorette cruise - along with members of CC on the Valor in Oct. Should be a great time! Until then….



Happy sailing,





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Hey funny girl! Didn't you congradulate someone a couple months back for writing a nice, short, to the point review??? I think you said..."i do not care for the long winded ones", ahahhahahah LMAO...now you know why girlfriend!! Good times predicate long reviews! :p

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Sounds like you had a terrific time, the week before the only cooler weather we had was late at night leaving NO and coming back but otherwise sun and warmth all week, windy a couple of nights is all,,,favorite food, the salmon saturday night and I dont like fish much but tried numerous entrees since i knew I could always order more and the portions were small LOL

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is wonderful :)


We are counting the days to our first sailing on the Conquest (though not our first cruise).


Thank you


Have a Great trip Pat, especially from a fellow south suburban Chicagoan, we are already planning our next cruise ...Conquest was Great, everything but Jamaica was wonderful, Jamaica was only good at best due to a wonderful excursion we booked online through Barrett Adventures, otherwise would never get off the ship there again LOL Kinda wish I was looking forward to a cruise shortly instead of lookin in the past, Im envious !!!
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Great review! The only bad thing I could see was that you had a balcony on your first cruise. Now you've done it! Spoiled for life! It was great was'nt it?


Dan - Thanks! Yes, I think we have spoiled ourselves with the balcony. Definitely glad I booked a balcony for the Valor Vamp cruise in Oct or I would be kicking myself!!



T, Sounds like you had a good time on your first cruise. Glad you enjoyed it and know you will have even more fun on the next one with the VV's. Thanks for the detailed review.


Tim - Yes, it was a great first cruise & I am so glad we did enjoy it. Cruising is something we will do again some day together, I am sure. Yes, I think you are right about having even more fun on the VV cruise. It's nice to get away with my man & all, but the gals?! OH MY! :eek: We are WILD!!! I cannot wait!! Looking forward to meeting you & all the other VV's!!



WOW!..that's awesome T..and YES, I just loved Sarah!.....it's she just too cute?.........Oh I KNOW what you mean about "being on point"!....lol....I wonder who else caught that?


Randy - Sarah is da bomb!! Just the fact that she is there on the Conquest makes me want to go on the S&S Part 2 cruise with ya'll! Speaking of which, any pricing yet?? LMAO! (I don't think anyone else caught that, either! :rolleyes:)



Hey funny girl! Didn't you congradulate someone a couple months back for writing a nice, short, to the point review??? I think you said..."i do not care for the long winded ones", ahahhahahah LMAO...now you know why girlfriend!! Good times predicate long reviews!


Kristen - Shaddup!! I can't help it if I had a lot of points to point out! Lemme alone!! LMAO! :p Truth be told, I think it is different to have a longer review when one has never cruised before. Just makes more sense. Everything is all brand new to the first time cruiser, ya know. Oh, how I wish we had that ice cream machine near!!



is wonderful. We are counting the days to our first sailing on the Conquest (though not our first cruise). Thank you Pat


Pat - You are welcomed! I wish you & yours a fabulous voyage!!



Sounds like you had a terrific time, the week before the only cooler weather we had was late at night leaving NO and coming back but otherwise sun and warmth all week, windy a couple of nights is all,,,favorite food, the salmon saturday night and I dont like fish much but tried numerous entrees since i knew I could always order more and the portions were small LOL


Mike - You are greedy! LMAO! Just kidding! We ordered more than one entree a couple of times as well. Wish we had that hot weather, though. It was a bit chilly & too windy! But alas, it was our first cruise & it was the best!!


Happy sailing,


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Dan - Thanks! Yes, I think we have spoiled ourselves with the balcony. Definitely glad I booked a balcony for the Valor Vamp cruise in Oct or I would be kicking myself!!





Tim - Yes, it was a great first cruise & I am so glad we did enjoy it. Cruising is something we will do again some day together, I am sure. Yes, I think you are right about having even more fun on the VV cruise. It's nice to get away with my man & all, but the gals?! OH MY! :eek: We are WILD!!! I cannot wait!! Looking forward to meeting you & all the other VV's!!





Randy - Sarah is da bomb!! Just the fact that she is there on the Conquest makes me want to go on the S&S Part 2 cruise with ya'll! Speaking of which, any pricing yet?? LMAO! (I don't think anyone else caught that, either! :rolleyes:)





Kristen - Shaddup!! I can't help it if I had a lot of points to point out! Lemme alone!! LMAO! :p Truth be told, I think it is different to have a longer review when one has never cruised before. Just makes more sense. Everything is all brand new to the first time cruiser, ya know. Oh, how I wish we had that ice cream machine near!!





Pat - You are welcomed! I wish you & yours a fabulous voyage!!





Mike - You are greedy! LMAO! Just kidding! We ordered more than one entree a couple of times as well. Wish we had that hot weather, though. It was a bit chilly & too windy! But alas, it was our first cruise & it was the best!!


Happy sailing,


Actually it became a joke at our table, the first 2 nights there were 2 Entree's I wanted to try so the Waiter insisted I order both and thereafter the rest of the week he wouldnt leave my side until I ordered 2 Entree's LOL I was the only guy at the table and since the portions are small one meal couldnt fill me up either usually so I did look greedy LOL but glad i tried new things I never would order if paying for em at a restaraunt but now I will...PS I found Lobster to be over rated, Salmon is much much better, glad I never ordered lobster at home and paid Market Prices,,,,
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T....Hey, girl, you do good work! Great review. I think DBF is a lucky guy. Stay cool !


DFD1 - Thanks for the compliment. It was my very first review & I appreciate your kind words much!! I think you are right about DBF - he is a lucky guy! But then again, I am lucky to have him as well. (How's that for mushy stuff?! LMAO!) :p



Thanks for the detailed review - it really helps others out! We are also from SW Missouri - Springfield to be exact. We leave on the Conquest on April 3rd - not soon enough for me! Kathy


Ohhh, Kathy. We are neighbors!! :D If you have any questions, feel free to email me by adding @aol.com at the end of my user name.

Happy sailing,


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If I think of any questions, I'll be sure to e-mail you. I see from your profile that you're a self employed contractor - we are also! It's gonna be awfully hard to drag my hubby away from his jobs to go on this cruise - he doesn't even like to think about it!



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If I think of any questions, I'll be sure to e-mail you. I see from your profile that you're a self employed contractor - we are also! It's gonna be awfully hard to drag my hubby away from his jobs to go on this cruise - he doesn't even like to think about it! Kathy


I know the feeling, Kathy. Dragging DBF away was like pulling nails, but once he was away, it was all good!! It's nice to get away to relax every now & then. Being the dedicated business owner that he is, he worked the day we left (Friday) & the day after we returned (Monday, even after driving all those hours home from New Orleans).

Happy sailing,


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T -


I'm assuming that your DBF is in construction. If this is the case, what did he wear on the formal nights? My hubby NEVER dresses up and only has 1 suit - not even sure if it fits. I hate to buy him a bunch of new clothes, 'cause he'll never wear them anywhere else!:p

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T - I'm assuming that your DBF is in construction. If this is the case, what did he wear on the formal nights? My hubby NEVER dresses up and only has 1 suit - not even sure if it fits. I hate to buy him a bunch of new clothes, 'cause he'll never wear them anywhere else!:p


Kathy - Yes, we own a residential construction company. We decided that he would wear tuxes both of the formal nights. We rented 2 different jackets, 2 different style shirts, 1 pr of slack & 1 pr of shoes, in addition to the tie, vest & botton covers. He looked very very very nice. (Our formal pics are awesome!!) We rented these from the tux place located in the mall. Got a very good price, too. Other nights, he wore dark shade of Dockers & a colorful dress shirts w/ 2 different ties. For dinner at The Point, he work black Dockers, black dress shirt & a tie that matched my dress. We were told when we made reservations that a jacket was not needed. Hope this helps!!

Happy sailing,


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That does help - thanks. Would you mind telling me how much it cost to rent all of that? Was it at the tux place located by Sears? We are cruising with my brother and his wife ( this is our first cruise, their 4th ) and he just wears nice slacks and a silk sweater, but I think my honey would look better in a button down shirt. Also, did you check into renting a tux on the ship?






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T... Hi lady. I have been out of town, and not able to get to read your review until tonight. Girl, sounds like you had a ball. I was thinking about the two of you while you were out there, and hoping the seas were being kind to you. We will have to make sure you get in the contests on our VV cruise. :) Did you go to the club? If so, how was the music/dancing/crowd? I know I'm pulling this back up days later, but also wanted to know if you posted any pictures.

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Hey T! I'm so glad you had such a good time on your cruise! I knew you would girl!!!!! thank you for the great review! you MUST join us for S&S P2 now! (and no, no pricing yet :( but SOOOON!!!!!!!!!) One question, you got a check back?????? LOL!!!!!!! Now that is something that would never happen to me... I bet it won't happen on VV ;) LOL!!!!! can't wait to meet ya girl!

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That does help - thanks. Would you mind telling me how much it cost to rent all of that? Was it at the tux place located by Sears? We are cruising with my brother and his wife ( this is our first cruise, their 4th ) and he just wears nice slacks and a silk sweater, but I think my honey would look better in a button down shirt. Also, did you check into renting a tux on the ship?








Kathy - Yes, we did check into renting a tux from the ship, but just couldn't pass up the best deal for us. Renting a tux from here at home was just a little more than renting from the ship, but we were also given more rental pieces for that price. We were also happy with their choices in tuxes & accessories. Plus, there was the added benefit of knowing everything would fit properly before getting on the ship. Savvi is the name of the place. It is located near the food court entrance to the mall, just south of Abercrombie. Just be sure to ask for the cruise special, though, to get the special pricing. Hope this info helps!

Happy sailing,


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T... Hi lady. I have been out of town, and not able to get to read your review until tonight. Girl, sounds like you had a ball. I was thinking about the two of you while you were out there, and hoping the seas were being kind to you. We will have to make sure you get in the contests on our VV cruise. :) Did you go to the club? If so, how was the music/dancing/crowd? I know I'm pulling this back up days later, but also wanted to know if you posted any pictures.


Hey, MsIncharge! How the heck are ya?! I hope you had a safe trip. Yes, girl, we did have a ball!! Thanks for thinking of us, that's sweet. LOL, not too sure about entering any contests on our VV cruise. Yes, we went to the club (Henri's Disco) every night. I did notice the dance club to be more of a happening place the first couple of nights and then again on the last night. Didn't matter much to us, though. We still got our groove on! Nope, I won't be posting any pics from our cruise, sorry. Not sure they are suitable for posting! LMAO! :p

Happy sailing,


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Hey T! I'm so glad you had such a good time on your cruise! I knew you would girl!!!!! thank you for the great review! you MUST join us for S&S P2 now! (and no, no pricing yet but SOOOON!!!!!!!!!) One question, you got a check back?????? LOL!!!!!!! Now that is something that would never happen to me... I bet it won't happen on VV LOL!!!!! can't wait to meet ya girl!


Hey GC!! Glad to know you made it home safely with the way the weather has been whacky. I am really thinking about doing S&S P2 (and you knew I would ask about the price, LMAO)!! Speaking of S&S P2, I read that you guys were getting pricing to include drinking? FABULOUS! Randy should have done that for our VV cruise!! Yes, girl, I got a check in the amount of $85.30 back! My total S&S bill was $164.70. DBF's was $220.58; however, he bought most of my drinks. We didn't drink too much, as you can see. LOL. I am sure this will not be the case come Oct with my gals. You know how it is when the gals get together! Looking forward to meeting you & a few others as well!! COME ON OCT!!! :D

Happy sailing,


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  • 2 months later...
Glad to hear that your cruise went great. My DW, children and I are going in October and can't wait. Thanks for your excellent review.:D


Thanks, glad you enjoyed my review! Enjoy your cruise!!! :D

Happy sailing,


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