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Camp Carnival - Very Disappointed


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Saying I was disappointed in Camp Carnival would be an understatement. We just returned from the Valor, 2/28 sailing. We have a 3 year old and a 6 year old. Our 6 year old has a milk allergy that I filled out all the paperwork for and was noted with his "red ink" Camp ID tag. Quite simply, I will not be sailing with Carnival again in large part due to the rude, disrespectful and inconsiderate staff. That's it in a nutshell, for details continue reading below.


First off, the Camp Carnival hours. I was told before our cruise, and found here on the boards as well, that the hours are from 9am til 10pm. The kids can come and go as we please. After 10pm would be additional fees for babysitting. Not even close to the truth. Let me get one thing clarified first off, I had no desire to just dump my kids off at 9am every day and not return until closing at night. However, the real hours of camp are from 9 until 11:45. Better pick up your kid by 11:45 or you'll get scolded by the camp staff, even though their capers say noon. Then they're closed for lunch. You can bring the kids back at 1, but then they close again at 5 for dinner. Then, if you're having your kids eat with you they are closed until 7. Then they open up again until pick up time at 9:45, although the capers again say 10 but you'll get reprimanded if you show up a minute after 9:45. During our last day at sea, the camp was closed from 11:45 until 7 at night, unless your kid was in their talent show or you planned on being there with the kids for parent/kid activities. Where am I going with all this? How about the notion or desire to at least spend a couple hours of our last sea day out in the sun relaxing with a book? Not happening because there's no one to supervise my kids. I suppose I could dump them in the hot tub like so many other did, but that's a different rant. I was expecting (and sold on the idea) that I could bring my kids in and take them out as I pleased. I was not keen on the idea that their hours would be dictated to me.


My second big issue (well, two issues rolled into one) is about my son's food allergy. It's quite simple really, he's allergic to milk. So I filled out their big form indicating which foods he could and could not have. The night before his first dinner with the camp I inquired about the menu for the following day since it was cheese quesadillas and cheese pizza, and I was told they were aware of his food allergy based upon his red inked ID tag and it would be taken care of. Later that night I picked up my son, who was in tears because he was so hungry. He was given rice for dinner. :eek: Sorry to be rude, but kids in 3rd world countries eat rice for dinner, not kids on a family vacation with Carnival. I went down to guest services and eventually got in touch with the camp director who explained to me that I needed to notify them ahead of time that he was coming to dinner, and if the food they were having was something he could not have then I might just have to bring his dinner myself. Here's my problem; They were eating on the lido deck, at the buffet restaurant, next to the deli, burrito place, burger/fries place and the entire fricken buffet. Someone couldn't show some initiative on behalf of the child and go get him something he could have? When I asked that very question I was told that they can't decide what the kid can/can't have. So what's the point of the food allergy form? What the heck is wrong with these people? I told her that I had talked with the girl in the room the previous evening and was told that it would be fine. This leads to my other issue rolled into this one: The next day I was dropping off my son and the gal (Carla) who had told me the previous day that he'd be taken care of gets in my face and all upset with me because she got in trouble with the camp director. That's so far beyond unprofessional and kid friendly that I don't even know what to say to that. And then for the rest of the cruise she appeared to go out of her way to make it difficult for us and the kids. Drop-offs and pickups were unbearable because she was right there with her attitude giving us a hard time.



Bottom line, don't sign up for Carnival thinking that you'll have any freedom or ability to choose when you can have your kids at their camp. In the end our kids seemed to have a good time, but my wife and I did not and felt very uneasy about the camp staff. Carnival seems to go out of their way to hint to you that you should have your kids at their camp as little as possible.

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Yikes. Can't say anything about the food allergy and bad attitude as I would have been LIVID. You are given a phone/beeper and if you were supposed to bring food, then they should have called you instead of letting him go hungry. Gets my blood boiling just thinking about it.


Anyway, about the last day, I just noticed on some capers that they are closed for "family time" for those few hours but it says that "late fees apply". I wonder if that means that my son could watch the talent show and I don't have to sit through it if I pay the 6 dollars. http://s204.photobucket.com/albums/bb196/cruisinmama06/Camp%20Carnival%20Capers/?action=view&current=CampCarnivalCapers2to5p4.jpg (this is probably for a different ship, but I imagine it is the same across the fleet)

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In the debark talk, Our CD was pretty clear about making sure that we all rated everything "above expectations" or else Carnival considers it a failing grade. From your experience, it sounds like the camp director was not up to the job - otherwise the behavior of the counselors would never have been tolerated. I really hope that you said something. And you should make sure to send a note to carnival guest relations at the corporate level.


Your experience was the direct result of bad leadership. The counselors weren't expected to respond and interact and supervise properly and so they didn't. Bad on them for being surly and lazy but double bad on the camp director who merely yelled at them and let them continue on instead

of expecting more.



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Wow, that bit about letting the poor kid eat just rice is awful! :eek: As someone who has a child with pretty severe lactose intolerance, I'd be livid.


I'm sorry you had such an awful experience with Camp Carnival.

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I'm really sorry that you did not have a good experience with Camp Carnival, however I don't quite understand the part about verifying here at CC that the camp was open all day from 9 am to 10 pm. I asked about hours on here before we sailed and everyone said that the staff does take breaks during the day, so they close periodically and that the hours will vary on port days. Many people even offered up copies of the Capers that clearly indicated their hours. I agree that it stinks they close at times, but you have to remember that their staff works ridiculously long hours, too long in my opinion. That lunch hour you pick them up is their lunch time and the hour before dinner is when the staff eats dinner.


I can also understand the part about not feeding your child due to an allergy. I'm surprised that they couldn't offer more as I know they had about 4 option every night when my dd went there. Maybe it was just different on our ship. I don't agree though that a staff member should have had to run to the buffet to get something. They usually only had 2-3 staff member during dinner with a bunch of kids, so it would be out of line for one of them to leave periodically. However, they should have had waitstaff person get it or have told you when dropping your child off to stop at the buffet and pick him up something.


Again, I'm really sorry that it was not a good experience and I do agree with you on many fronts, however I find some of your complaints to be unreasonable.

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Gosh I'm so sorry that happened to your son. That is awful. :( My son has a severe peanut allergy so I'm not going to even trust the Camp Carnival people to see that he eats. I will make sure he eats before he goes there and pick him up if I think it is time for him to eat again. He is older now and is pretty good about staying away from things he can't eat. However, sometimes some items are processed in a facility with peanuts or is made on shared equipment so we just have to be extra careful. No excuse at all for Carnival not to try to contact you. The fact that they did that shows me that I'm doing the right thing about not trusting them to give him his meals.

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Sorry this happened to you...


Main reason why my food allergy kid will be dining with me on our next sailing. Not leaving it up to someone else to decide what he does and does not eat. I've had issues at my regular daycare that knows my child...not trusting a counselor that gets a new batch of kids every week. Plus, I enjoy meals with my child.


Also, this is why the daycare is meant to be used for just a little while at a time...not to leave my kid for the entire stretch they are open. It's a family vacation, spend it as a family. If you wanted an adult retreat, leave the kids at home with Grandma and Grandpa.


At least they didn't feed him something with milk in it...even though just rice is unacceptable. However, they were probably scared to give him anything else...making that decision for a parent is tough.


Lesson learned...

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Sorry this happened to you...


Main reason why my food allergy kid will be dining with me on our next sailing. Not leaving it up to someone else to decide what he does and does not eat. I've had issues at my regular daycare that knows my child...not trusting a counselor that gets a new batch of kids every week. Plus, I enjoy meals with my child.


Also, this is why the daycare is meant to be used for just a little while at a time...not to leave my kid for the entire stretch they are open. It's a family vacation, spend it as a family. If you wanted an adult retreat, leave the kids at home with Grandma and Grandpa.


At least they didn't feed him something with milk in it...even though just rice is unacceptable. However, they were probably scared to give him anything else...making that decision for a parent is tough.


Lesson learned...


We wanted, and were looking forward to a family vacation. My problem is that I was not expecting to have the hours dictated to me. It was my understanding that the camp was open between 9am and 10pm, and that I could come and go with the kids when I wanted to. And especially the last sea day, our entire afternoon and any chance of having some alone time was shot because the camp was not open.


Also, I fully understand that the counselors need breaks for lunch and dinner, but is it really necessary that they all eat at the same time? Why can't they take lunch and dinner breaks like any other employee in the world? They don't close down Walmart between noon and one because everyone needs to eat lunch.

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We wanted, and were looking forward to a family vacation. My problem is that I was not expecting to have the hours dictated to me. It was my understanding that the camp was open between 9am and 10pm, and that I could come and go with the kids when I wanted to. And especially the last sea day, our entire afternoon and any chance of having some alone time was shot because the camp was not open.



I can understand this completely, actually. If it were not for your post, I would not have known they close down the last sea day. (this will be my first time to utilize Camp Carnival) So, essentially we can use it from 9 to 11:45 and then 2:00-3:45 on the last day. It kind of cramps the idea that I was going to spend my last day in the Serenity area reading a book. Especially since my child has separation anxiety for the first 20 minutes or so of being somewhere, so dropping him off for an hour at a time is useless and kind of mean to him. (he is only two). I guess I don't understand, and I am not knocking anyone else's opinion, why they put so much importance on the talent show. The only way I would sit through that is if my kid were doing something in it. Just like I wouldn't go to a 8 year olds piano recital if mine wasn't performing... who does that for fun? *cringe*

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Also, I fully understand that the counselors need breaks for lunch and dinner, but is it really necessary that they all eat at the same time? Why can't they take lunch and dinner breaks like any other employee in the world? They don't close down Walmart between noon and one because everyone needs to eat lunch.


Did you not notice that there are only about 2-3 counselors per age group that work ALL DAY LONG! There is nobody for them to switch out with. That is why you saw the same counselor every time you picked up your kid. I agree that they should have more counselors on staff for them to switch out with at times. I think it's ridiculous the amount of time they are expected to work and entertain a bunch of children. It's not like Wal-mart where there are dozens of staff members on hand at all times. You can't make a comparison there. Honestly, you just sound really bitter and maybe the type of person that will find negativity anywhere you go. I'm sorry you don't think these people should have some breaks during the day. Looks like you need to find a new way to travel.

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Mymoses, are you my wife in disguise? Because you seem to know me so well that I'm just trying my hardest to find something little to complain about.


Can you please show me where I said they should not have any breaks in the day? It seems like your reading comprehension is lacking, please return when you've had a chance to re-read my posts and fully understand what I've said.

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Gonz, I had the same experiences with Camp Carnival and you pretty much summed it up. The left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. I would go to ONE counselor at dinner drop off and say "My girls are going to the dinner, will they be allowed to sit together if my youngest becomes upset when she sees my oldest in the buffet?"


The reply "Ohhhhh YES, NO PROBLEM"


So I hang back and watch them take the kids up to the buffet. One of my kids is in the 2-5, the other is in the 9-11 (she is already there at the buffet) - my youngest seems content and is happily holding hands with another little girl so I don't want to be spotted so I sneak away and head to dinner myself.


I guess my youngest walks into the buffet, sees my oldest at a table, runs over to HUG HER and is DRAGGED AWAY by the counselors. My youngest cries for her older sister. My oldest tells the counselor "My mom asked you if it would be ok if she sat with ME, you sat YES!"


They said "No! She sits with her own age" and they plop her down at a table just 3 tables away from my oldest. So my youngest spends the dinner crying (she refuses to eat)


What would it have hurt for them to move her 3 tables?


Oh and I got called during formal night dinner because the 5 year old took a rubber shark and hit a metal pole. The counselor told her not to hit the metal pole with the shark. And in true 5 year old fashion, she did it AGAIN. So camp called me out of formal night dinner because they wanted to tell me about the SHARK. When I arrived, my daughter was playing in the kitchen with a little girl. I asked why I was called out of dinner, they had to ask around because NO ONE knew. Then the one camp counselor came over and said "You have to tell your daughter not to hit the pole with the shark" :rolleyes: Ummmmm, you mean something that she did 10 minutes ago, it was taken care of. And now you want me to discuss it with her. Yeahhh, she's going with me. She doesn't need to be here with you people.


I could go on and on and on ;)


The time on Elation where I tried to check the kids in and the counselor said "It's not time yet -- you have 5 minutes" and she sat there STARING at her watch for 5 minutes and then at the exact time she looked up and said "Ok, I can take them now" :rolleyes:

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They really should have contacted you if they weren't sure what to feed your child. They probably fed him rice just because they knew very well it did not contain milk. Though I don't see any point to filling out the allergy form if they are not going to use it. As for the hours they are available it is very clear on the Carnival website. Quoted directly from CCL website:

Camp Carnival, Circle "C," and Club O2 are year-round, fleet-wide programs that provides daily fun-filled and age appropriate activities for children and teenagers between the ages of 2 and 11 years old. In addition, there is supervised "free play" and babysitting service in Camp Carnival. Scheduled activities are planned for the following age groups:


  • 2 - 5 years old
  • 6 - 8 years old
  • 9 - 11 years old
  • Circle "C" 12 - 14 years old
  • Club O2 15 - 17 years old

Our Youth Programs are not a "Day-Care" but an activity based program. The program is designed so that kids have the choice of being with peers of their own age, whenever desired, but also give families the chance to enjoy "quality family time" together.

On Sea Days Camp Carnival’s hours vary with activities starting at 9am and finishing at 10pm. Camp Carnival will close during the day to allow for Under 2’s. The closing times for 2-11 year olds will be 12-2pm/1pm-3pm and again for an hour before the dinner session (this will vary depending on the ship and the run). Activities for 12-14 year olds will vary from ship to ship, but on a typical sea day it will run 10am-12pm, 2-5pm and 8pm-1am. Activities for 15–17 year olds will also vary from ship to ship, but on a typical sea day it will run 1-6pm and 9:30-1pm.

Camp Carnival Hours on Port Days: Supervised free play begins 15 minutes prior to the first scheduled ship tour to approximately 12:00pm; lunch will be offered and after the lunch an afternoon movie/cartoons will be shown. Scheduled activities resume at 2:00pm until 10:00pm with a break before dinner. This service is complimentary. For ships that arrive in port later in the day supervised freeplay will be offered in the afternoon (each ship will vary so check with your Youth Staff when you are onboard).

Babysitting is provided for ages 0-11, nightly, from 10:00pm to 3:00am. There is a charge for this service (see "Babysitting").

All children 11 years of age and younger must wear a muster station wristband throughout the cruise. Wristbands are available from the Youth Staff. In the event of an emergency, children participating in Camp Carnival activities will be taken to the assembly area (this will vary from ship to ship). They will be divided into the appropriate groups according to their muster station by the Youth Staff. During an emergency situation, the parents should collect their own life jackets and their child's life jacket from their stateroom and proceed directly to their muster station. The Youth Staff will deliver all children to their parents muster stations according to their muster station wristbands.

The Camp Carnival Staff may not administer any medication and/or needles to any child participating in the Youth Activity Program. Additionally, no medications with the exception of epi-pens, diabetic testing equipment & inhalers are permitted in the playroom. If your child requires regular medication while attending Camp Carnival, parents must return to administer that medication.

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Gonz, I had the same experiences with Camp Carnival and you pretty much summed it up. The left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. I would go to ONE counselor at dinner drop off and say "My girls are going to the dinner, will they be allowed to sit together if my youngest becomes upset when she sees my oldest in the buffet?"


The reply "Ohhhhh YES, NO PROBLEM"


So I hang back and watch them take the kids up to the buffet. One of my kids is in the 2-5, the other is in the 9-11 (she is already there at the buffet) - my youngest seems content and is happily holding hands with another little girl so I don't want to be spotted so I sneak away and head to dinner myself.


I guess my youngest walks into the buffet, sees my oldest at a table, runs over to HUG HER and is DRAGGED AWAY by the counselors. My youngest cries for her older sister. My oldest tells the counselor "My mom asked you if it would be ok if she sat with ME, you sat YES!"


They said "No! She sits with her own age" and they plop her down at a table just 3 tables away from my oldest. So my youngest spends the dinner crying (she refuses to eat)


What would it have hurt for them to move her 3 tables?


Oh and I got called during formal night dinner because the 5 year old took a rubber shark and hit a metal pole. The counselor told her not to hit the metal pole with the shark. And in true 5 year old fashion, she did it AGAIN. So camp called me out of formal night dinner because they wanted to tell me about the SHARK. When I arrived, my daughter was playing in the kitchen with a little girl. I asked why I was called out of dinner, they had to ask around because NO ONE knew. Then the one camp counselor came over and said "You have to tell your daughter not to hit the pole with the shark" :rolleyes: Ummmmm, you mean something that she did 10 minutes ago, it was taken care of. And now you want me to discuss it with her. Yeahhh, she's going with me. She doesn't need to be here with you people.


I could go on and on and on ;)


The time on Elation where I tried to check the kids in and the counselor said "It's not time yet -- you have 5 minutes" and she sat there STARING at her watch for 5 minutes and then at the exact time she looked up and said "Ok, I can take them now" :rolleyes:


Good grief. Well, I hope that since I plan to have our son eat with us in the MDR every night that we won't have these kinds of problems with the food issue. However, I thought these counselors are supposed the be educated and trained with childcare experience? Why in the world are they acting like this?

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They really should have contacted you if they weren't sure what to feed your child. They probably fed him rice just because they knew very well it did not contain milk. Though I don't see any point to filling out the allergy form if they are not going to use it. As for the hours they are available it is very clear on the Carnival website. Quoted directly from CCL website:

Camp Carnival, Circle "C," and Club O2 are year-round, fleet-wide programs that provides daily fun-filled and age appropriate activities for children and teenagers between the ages of 2 and 11 years old. In addition, there is supervised "free play" and babysitting service in Camp Carnival. Scheduled activities are planned for the following age groups:


  • 2 - 5 years old
  • 6 - 8 years old
  • 9 - 11 years old
  • Circle "C" 12 - 14 years old
  • Club O2 15 - 17 years old

Our Youth Programs are not a "Day-Care" but an activity based program. The program is designed so that kids have the choice of being with peers of their own age, whenever desired, but also give families the chance to enjoy "quality family time" together.

On Sea Days Camp Carnival’s hours vary with activities starting at 9am and finishing at 10pm. Camp Carnival will close during the day to allow for Under 2’s. The closing times for 2-11 year olds will be 12-2pm/1pm-3pm and again for an hour before the dinner session (this will vary depending on the ship and the run). Activities for 12-14 year olds will vary from ship to ship, but on a typical sea day it will run 10am-12pm, 2-5pm and 8pm-1am. Activities for 15–17 year olds will also vary from ship to ship, but on a typical sea day it will run 1-6pm and 9:30-1pm.

Camp Carnival Hours on Port Days: Supervised free play begins 15 minutes prior to the first scheduled ship tour to approximately 12:00pm; lunch will be offered and after the lunch an afternoon movie/cartoons will be shown. Scheduled activities resume at 2:00pm until 10:00pm with a break before dinner. This service is complimentary. For ships that arrive in port later in the day supervised freeplay will be offered in the afternoon (each ship will vary so check with your Youth Staff when you are onboard).

Babysitting is provided for ages 0-11, nightly, from 10:00pm to 3:00am. There is a charge for this service (see "Babysitting").

All children 11 years of age and younger must wear a muster station wristband throughout the cruise. Wristbands are available from the Youth Staff. In the event of an emergency, children participating in Camp Carnival activities will be taken to the assembly area (this will vary from ship to ship). They will be divided into the appropriate groups according to their muster station by the Youth Staff. During an emergency situation, the parents should collect their own life jackets and their child's life jacket from their stateroom and proceed directly to their muster station. The Youth Staff will deliver all children to their parents muster stations according to their muster station wristbands.

The Camp Carnival Staff may not administer any medication and/or needles to any child participating in the Youth Activity Program. Additionally, no medications with the exception of epi-pens, diabetic testing equipment & inhalers are permitted in the playroom. If your child requires regular medication while attending Camp Carnival, parents must return to administer that medication.


Forgive me if I misread, but no where in that quote does it mention closing at 3:45pm the last sea day for the talent show.

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Gonz, that sucks that you had a bad experience but thanks for sharing it so hopefully others will not make assumptions about CC being open all day and their children being fed, etc. Honestly I have been doing a lot of research and this is the first I have heard of CC being closed for breaks.


Camp Carnival Hours on Port Days: Supervised free play begins 15 minutes prior to the first scheduled ship tour to approximately 12:00pm; lunch will be offered and after the lunch an afternoon movie/cartoons will be shown. Scheduled activities resume at 2:00pm until 10:00pm with a break before dinner. This service is complimentary.


This is not clear to me whether the camp is open during lunch or if you have to come get your kid from noon to 2:00. My cruise has no at sea days, does that mean CC doesn't have times when they are closed? I have been reading around the boards that people leave their kids on board and go do excursions.

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The camp schedules are at the link in my signature. They do shut down -- often. I won't debate that, they need their breaks. That's a Carnival staffing issue. For me, the staff is just not well trained in the way they deal with the children OR parents.


And its not ALL. We've had some good counselors. And we've had some nasty ones. It's just the luck of the draw :(


It's like the cabin attendants and the dining room staff, you get good ones and bad ones. Just the luck of the draw

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They do shut down on port days. On my one Carnival cruise, I booked a ship's excursion that was to leave early in the a.m. and return well before camp closed at 11:45. Well, the excursion was not the length of time that Carnival advertised, and it returned at 12:30 :eek: Camp was closed, but there was still someone there with ds3. I'm not too trusting of Carnival's stated excursion times.

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I'm going to say this. I understand that different people have different expectations of what they think the camp should provide. I do have an issue with their lack of creativity on what to feed your child w/ a milk allergy. Honestly they should have asked you when you dropped your child off what they could eat for dinner if they couldn't figure out the obvious. (Hamburger, hot dog, chx nuggets, french fries, pasta etc. :)


If you need a kids camp that is open from 9a-11p Costa has it. They say they shut down for lunch / dinner but it says that child care is available during that time if you make arrangements in advance. I hate to sound snippy but I am going to say this. You should be grateful for the free time you had and the time you get to spend with your children. You are on vacation with your kids you should expect to have to spend some time with them while on the ship.

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I'm going to say this. I understand that different people have different expectations of what they think the camp should provide. I do have an issue with their lack of creativity on what to feed your child w/ a milk allergy. Honestly they should have asked you when you dropped your child off what they could eat for dinner if they couldn't figure out the obvious. (Hamburger, hot dog, chx nuggets, french fries, pasta etc. :)


If you need a kids camp that is open from 9a-11p Costa has it. They say they shut down for lunch / dinner but it says that child care is available during that time if you make arrangements in advance. I hate to sound snippy but I am going to say this. You should be grateful for the free time you had and the time you get to spend with your children. You are on vacation with your kids you should expect to have to spend some time with them while on the ship.


You don't sound snippy at all, and I appreciate the tip with Costa. We were happy to spend the time with the kids, which is exactly why we booked the cruise for them in the first place, and why I prefaced my issues with the fact that I wasn't looking for somewhere to just dump my kids for the entire day.

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I'm going to say this. I understand that different people have different expectations of what they think the camp should provide. I do have an issue with their lack of creativity on what to feed your child w/ a milk allergy. Honestly they should have asked you when you dropped your child off what they could eat for dinner if they couldn't figure out the obvious. (Hamburger, hot dog, chx nuggets, french fries, pasta etc. :).


This is why you have to be so careful with kids that have food allergies - hot dogs, for example, may not be safe. Many are made with dairy proteins that a child with a milk allergy could react to. They really should have asked the parents or arranged for a dairy free meal if a child with food allergy was signed up for the dinner. No excuse. Really - do they not realize that someone has placed their child's life in the hands of these counselors? Rudeness is one thing but food allergies can be life threatening. Passengers with dairy allergies are often provided meals from a dedicated area of the kitchen to make sure that they are safe.


Thank you for this thread. I had been considering Carnival but now...

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I'm going to say this. I understand that different people have different expectations of what they think the camp should provide. I do have an issue with their lack of creativity on what to feed your child w/ a milk allergy. Honestly they should have asked you when you dropped your child off what they could eat for dinner if they couldn't figure out the obvious. (Hamburger, hot dog, chx nuggets, french fries, pasta etc. :)


If you need a kids camp that is open from 9a-11p Costa has it. They say they shut down for lunch / dinner but it says that child care is available during that time if you make arrangements in advance. I hate to sound snippy but I am going to say this. You should be grateful for the free time you had and the time you get to spend with your children. You are on vacation with your kids you should expect to have to spend some time with them while on the ship.


I also don't mean to sound snippy when I say this, but I doubt anyone in this thread is hoping to find a place to drop them off all day. But you have to admit being closed most of the entire last afternoon of the cruise is a bit much. They are already closed from 12:00 to 2:00, but now they close from 3:45 to after dinner as well. That is very little time to enjoy the sun on the last day, and since I have a non-potty trained, fair skinned little boy I won't be keeping him on the lido too much. Camp Carnival during the day is my only choice if I want to enjoy the sun.

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I don't blame you on the food allergy..they should of beeped you and talked to you about the options that your child can have. I would of been angry as well..



But the hours..I can understand (except maybe how you said the last day was closed all that time)



Our son will be 3 in May and For us..the hours closed for lunch and dinner..will be fine since he will always eat with us ...he is too pickey of a eater to have him eat with the camp..plus he does well at dinner so this will be a great family time for us. also the afternoon time will be pool time for us..since our son is finally potty trained...




Mrs Zee- I suggest during the time its closed you can maybe go up on the lido and have a blow up pool but use it in a shaded areas...there are different places where you can find to put a pool in a shaded area..since those places are usually vacant due to people wanting to tan.

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