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Cruising 2011 - Simple Plan - 5 lbs each month til we go!


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Hey Carol, Bunnyt, Barbara, and Carol,


Here's my plan

  • Cut down on bad carbs (the white stuff - potatoes, rice, bread, enriched flour)
  • Cut down on sugar - this will be so hard for me as I really have a sweettooth.
  • Find an exercise - any kind of exercise will do at this point - and do it 30 minutes at least 3 times a week.

I really like what LiteWait is doing by keeping a running monthly weight but I'm thinking of modifying a bit by posting weekly progress - on Wednesdays. I want to do this because I think it will make me accountable and keep me motivated and on track. I guess it's kind of like the WW weekly meeting for me.


I'm going to start a food intake diary....this will be hard for me and probably a really big eye opener. I've never done this before.


What I need from y'all on this thread --- If I don't loose, please encourage me and help me keep my spirits up --- and of course I'll do the same for any of you.


I found this weight loss motivation website but haven't read through it yet. Going to try it out....http://www.weight-loss-motivation-program.com


So Wednesday I'm posting my first weekly weigh-in. Good luck to all of us!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

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Started my journal yesterday. Off to a good start -lost 3 lbs of water weight overnight.

I am writing down calories.. Trying to keep it at 1200 - 1400 calories also keeping the carbs as low as I can.

I can already see "My problem areas"

I am eating too many carbs and too many calories

Drinking too many diet sodas instead of water

Not watching my portions

Too much snacking between meals

Not enough exercise


Working on making some changes.


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Resisted the sour cream potato chips that I love - drank water instead of diet coke and had a small roll instead of two pieces of bread. Now, I need to start exercising... slowly but surely, I'll get on a routine. carol

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I caved and had one (1) but only one....oh well. :(



That's good - only one! now your craving was satisfied = instead of not eating at all and then being miserable for the rest of the day cuz of wanting one!

sometimes when we eat out, or just a meal here at home, I can do with 1/2 of the serving - need to start doing that too - watching the proportions - carol

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Thanks Carol....I wasn't thinking of it that way:rolleyes:. I was able to resist them all together today. :) However, I did have a Starbucks Green Tea Frap this afternoon. Sweets are definitely my weakness. I have a 100 calorie ice cream sandwich every night and I'm going to make that my only sugar each day going forward. I am happy to say the weight is coming off. It's Wednesday so here is my weigh in:


7/11 162

7/14 159.5


This thread is helping me immensely by making me accountable! I'm actually off to try a new workout. Wish me luck that I will like it.



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Here's a good excuse for me - our scale, we have only one - is packed in a box somewhere in the garage - we are re-doing two of our bathrooms and the scale was in the guest bath - so no scale for me right now. ... heehee!! we have the tiles down now - grout, have to wait for all this to dry, then seal - then get new toilets - so it'll be a while before they are complete - new shower doors and shower curtains - then we start on our 3rd bathroom in our master bath - but I can feel when I am doing good cuz I do not feel bloated - I had ice cream today - a small portion. I love sweets! and chips, cakes, potato chips - my downfall is salsa and chips and Mexican food! for lunch and for dinner, I had tuna salad sandw - on toast and lots of lettuce for the extra crunch and lots of chews... and it was thick so it made it look like it was a HUGE sandwich! where I would feel it the most, is how my clothes start to fit, loose, kinda' loose, etc. I get too disappointed with the #'s on the scale so yes, a once a week is better than everyday like I used to do. carol

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Was reading some of the other threads yesterday and noticed that one of the people on this thread lost most of her weight taking a product called Superslim. Some of the other people are using the HCG drops. The HCG drops with a diet of only 500 calories a day.


My doctor said that he wants me to multiply my weight by 10 and that is the number of calories I need to stay the same. Then substract 500 and that is the number of calories I need to eat to lose weight. This will only amount to 1 lb a week. As my weight drops he said I will need to adjust my calorie intake downward to continue to lose. Need to cut back more. Still holding the water weight drop. Waiting for something to kick in. Sheryl


7/12 176

7/13 173

7/15 173

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Well I like the idea of this also. 5lbs a month is perfect goal for me before my cruise and AFTER until I reach goal.


Long story short, I packed on the weight after a wonderful Rx and have been slowly taking it off (lost over 30lbs so far and have 40 more to go). Last week I lost 1.8lbs so we shall see how I do.




7/15/2010 = 176.6

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Angela: Glad to see you will join us!

You're going to need a whole new wardrobe for the cruise! Great weight loss so far. I'm sure you will be able to lose 20 plus more before you leave. Sounds like whatever you are doing is working so far. Let us know how you have lost so much so we can try it. My cruise is in January and I have booked a zipline on the cruise. I need to get in better shape so I don't embarass myself! Sheryl

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I can't do any type of supplement except vitamins so the weightloss


I did really well today until I got home. Yogurt for breakfast w/unsweet tea, Lunch - Chic-fil-A grilled chicken sandwich without the bun w/side salad w/o dressing and more unsweet tea, Snack :eek: four tea spoonful of chocolate icing (really craving chocolate):(, Dinner Italian sausage and veggies.


I'll do better tomorrow. Having to answer to this board and my food journal has been very helpful.


Welcome to those that are joining.

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It's ok to mess up once in a while, just not all the time. I had one egg roll from Jack In The Box today - instead of the 3 that I normally buy. for my breakfast/lunch combo I had 2 pieces of toast with one slice of swiss cheese - lots of water today - it's hot here. For dinner, green salad, lots of grape tomatoes in it - and a small slice of my enchilada casserole - mexican food is my downfall.


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Holly - when I crave chocolate - I have been buying the 3 musketr bars that are low in fat - I eat half a bar and I am satisfied. I am not a choco=holic, but once in a while, I have to have some - now when it comes to cookies and cakes, that's another story - it's a battle there...c.

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Holly - when I crave chocolate - I have been buying the 3 musketr bars that are low in fat - I eat half a bar and I am satisfied. I am not a choco=holic, but once in a while, I have to have some - now when it comes to cookies and cakes, that's another story - it's a battle there...c.


Sweets are my down fall....I love the 3 Mustekteer bars. My DH and I have a routine/tradition of an ice cream sandwich (100 calories) before bed "every" night. I was thinking that it would be enough to know I would be eating one of those later but I didn't get home from work until 7pm and was starving. I searched the whole kitchen for any chocolate and could only find some icing. I just was craving it and wondering if it's PMS time again. I hate paramenopause....to unpredicable.:mad:

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When I crave sweets I eat 6-10 m&ms and takes it away.


What I have done to drop some weight...well I bought a bodybugg and I just move more. I have not cut any food out 100%. If I want fries I have a couple. I move more, that is key. I wash my own car instead of paying someone to do it. I drink more water, crystal light is my friend, I gave of drinking wine also (as of April of this year), but the key is that it has to be something I can live with for the rest of my life. I don't beat myself up if I sit down and eat a whole bag of chips or sleeve of cookies I just move one and the next meal/day/week is a new one to me.


As for how I did today...today was mostly full of me snacking finger foods and such. AM: Shake, Gronal Bar Snack: Beef Jerkey Lunch: Yogurt Ville w/friend with lots of fruity and a few kit cat peieces Snack: Chex Mix Party Mix and Dinner Cornbeef on dinner rolls....crappy day as far as being healthy but over all I am not overly worried about it because I was in my calorie range of 1200-1400 and I have burnned enough calories that I should still be on track. Tomorrow is a new day and my son's birthday! lol

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My doctor said that he wants me to multiply my weight by 10 and that is the number of calories I need to stay the same. Then substract 500 and that is the number of calories I need to eat to lose weight. This will only amount to 1 lb a week. As my weight drops he said I will need to adjust my calorie intake downward to continue to lose. Need to cut back more. Still holding the water weight drop. Waiting for something to kick in. Sheryl


Sheryl's doctor sounds like s/he knows a thing or two.


I don't have much to lose but I am sick of the see-saw. Lose a bit, go on a cruise, come home slightly bigger etc. etc. My cruise is 20 weeks away and I have 17 lbs to go. I have lost 3 lbs in three weeks. It is steady as she goes because nothing else works entirely. I am just trying to eat less but stick to the foods I like.


I have probably cut back to 1400 calories but the bit about adjust the calorie intake downward to continue to lose sounds hard to me - perhaps accountability will also help.


So I am going to be like Hollyday and quote my once a week (Saturday)weight.


CW - 143

GW - 126



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Everyone sounds like they are doing good - Angela - I like your style -

Holly - I also like those skinny cows - and I love Yoplait yogurt - blue cartons.

Had my chicken enchilada casserole - put it on a small salad plate, 1/2 portion of what I normally eat - 1 tortilla, not 2 or even 3 -- and lots of salad, very little dressing... i am satisfied.


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So today is my DS 11th b-day and we went to a trade days fair outside...HOT we walked the place in about 2 hours and were out of there! I really want to go to the gym but when I go outside I just don't want to do anything. The sad part is I love HOT weather! What to do what to do.


So far today I have burnned 1383 calories and eaten about 500-700 we at out on breakfast so I am not really sure so I over est. Tonight my DS requested Fried Tacos...I will be having only one perfect one and a salad. Then we will go to yogurtville where I will have more fruit.


How is everyone else doing?

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i am satisfied.





That is the most important part is to be satisfied and seeing that it is not a lot of something to get you there. Good for you!


I have a 3 bite rule. If I want something I take 3 small bites and think about it over 15 min. before I keep eating it. More so than not I don't want more...unless it is an emotinal eating thing.

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It's Wednesday so here is my weigh in:


7/11 162

7/14 159.5 :)

7/21 160 :(


I didn't do as well this week...maybe I'm loosing momentum. My sister and her family are coming from TN today and will be here until next Tuesday so this my get a little more difficult.



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Weight has been up and down this week.

At least it settled down and remained the same.


7/12 176

7/13 173

7/21 173

Having 1 scrambled egg for breakfast and coffee

Eating celery with red. calorie cream cheese and chive for snacks when I feel hungry.

Eating salads for lunch.

Managing to stay away from the bread, potato, rice, pasta so far. Eating lots of fresh vegetables.

My stomach doesn't appear to be as bloated when I don't eat these items.

My goal this week is to try on my clothes and match up some outfits that fit and look good. Get rid of items that make me look or feel bad.

Need to get out and walk early before the heat- it's been in high 90's here in Virginia.


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Well I am at 175.8 (down .7) hope I have a big week next week or I wont make my 5lbs but Aug. is a new month! :-)


I think my biggest issue is that I have not worked out really and I haven't been eating enough. This week I will TRY and focus more, which is why I started my FB accoutablity page (if your on FB come check it out Really going to do it for good this time... http://www.facebook.com/MrsAWiggins05#!/pages/Really-going-to-do-it-for-good-this-time/138400459516547?ref=ts ).

So here is looking forward instead of backwards!

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But I just thought I'd post for the month of July.


July 1st~ 149.8

July22nd~ 146.6


So 3.2, still need to lose another 1.8 to hit the goal for this month. This weekned will be hard. I leave tomorrow afternoon until Sunday afternoon for baseball. So lots of eating out and snackbar food:o

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But I just thought I'd post for the month of July.


July 1st~ 149.8

July22nd~ 146.6


So 3.2, still need to lose another 1.8 to hit the goal for this month. This weekned will be hard. I leave tomorrow afternoon until Sunday afternoon for baseball. So lots of eating out and snackbar food:o


Good job! Bring some low calorie snacks with you and don't drink your calories.

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