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Yeah, I agree too.


But, she sure was fun and she may benefit from the experience; :rolleyes: Being a psychologist, she has been taught to observe behavior and look for deviance from the norm as a sign of distress. She displayed that skill on several occasions prior to her now infamous 'Beaches' thread, and even in the beginning of the thread where she immediately sought out clarification over a perceived rude comment.


What she needs to work on is her ability to deescalate a situation. People in distress are very quick to notice any insincerity in therapeutic communication, and will become more so given the opportunity. In this case, factual statements were made, which were later proven to be inaccurate, then adamantly defended by her. The people responding to her were not in distress, and would give her the benefit of the doubt had she not been so cavalier in her comments.


I do hope she somehow makes amends for her mistaken words thus far. I've been a participant in forums such as this for years, and I've seen mistakes such as hers be remedied and forgiven and not just by the passage of time.


I do hope she has a great time on her Mariner cruise and every cruise she ever takes. The whole point of cruising is to get away from the routine and experience new things, new people, and new areas. She's young so she'll eventually get over the desire to check in on her counseling business. I know I hated the feelings I used to get when I'd set and dwell on all the patients I encountered and the problems they were facing. I still provide the same, or even greater, level of compassion that I always provided, but I don't lay awake at night thinking of them anymore and I definately wouldn't think of them while I'm on a cruise. :confused:


So, lets all hope that she chaulks it up to a lesson learned, benefits from it, and moves on. Otherwise, there's sure to be some shipmates on board the Mariner who will be on the lookout for the topless woman that hates kids plugging away on her laptop. :D

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Well, just gotta put in my 2 cents worth. I was just at PB last week and it was wonderful. I have been to Coz before and PB is my favorite beach. I didn't experience tons of kids, filth or disgust. It was quiet, relaxing and pleasant. We had wonderful service, great food and the staff was very friendly. I WILL go back to PB on my bext trip to Coz, Hell maybe I'll move there, I wish :). Just had to say my part!



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Yeah, I agree too.



What she needs to work on is her ability to deescalate a situation. People in distress are very quick to notice any insincerity in therapeutic communication, and will become more so given the opportunity. In this case, factual statements were made, which were later proven to be inaccurate, then adamantly defended by her. The people responding to her were not in distress, and would give her the benefit of the doubt had she not been so cavalier in her comments.

I do hope she somehow makes amends for her mistaken words thus far. I've been a participant in forums such as this for years, and I've seen mistakes such as hers be remedied and forgiven and not just by the passage of time.


So, lets all hope that she chaulks it up to a lesson learned, benefits from it, and moves on.



Where do I begin???

You are so right in all you said...I just want to let you know that in her first thread...the one that was deleted from the boards, Nancy was given ample opportunity to undo damage she caused. Many times in that particular thread I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt...to come in and make ammends for coming onto the board with lies and degrading comments.....instead of trying to undo the damage, she kept getting in deeper and deeper. We TOLD her that she was putting her foot in her mouth and tried to get her to take it out...none of could believe that she kept going!! It was unbelievable!

How could any of us, after this, believe for one second that this woman is a licensed psychologist???? It must be yet another lie. She wasn't able to have a nice conversation with anyone without being condescending and nasty...or lying until she couldn't keep the lies straight.

I sadly don't believe this woman to be a troll...I really think the poor dear needs help.


As for the comments from Girlsnightout...she is upset because we were involved in a discussion gone bad about diapered babies being allowed in pools. Although on Carnival ships, where the salt water pools are NOT chlorinated, and there are rules that babies not potty trained are not allowed in the pools, she posted that she and her family disregard those rules because she thinks they are rediculous...

So a verbal battled ensued. She did not come out the winner, so she is a bit bitter to say the least.

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Excuse me?? If we all have no life on this board....then why are YOU here? Hopefully since we are so trivial here you will not butt in where you are not welcome. .


You're excused.


Why am I here? to get and give information about cruising, which you could see if you actually read my post. Don't let common courtesy or manners deter you and your cronies from your lynch mob mentality......now I remember why my husband won't cruise.


I'm quite sure posters welcome responses to their questions rather than attacks. Obviously, the truth about the ugly behavior exhibited here is too much for some to admit to.


I'm not about to be run off the boards by a few juvenile posters, I'll remain on the boards until my cruise, albeit avoiding the nonsense threads of the pack mentality, then I'll be back a few months before my next one. This isn't a playground for me, just a place to get information.


Oh and halos, I don't think anything is "rediculous", particularly since there is no such word....


Have a wonderful cruise everyone, and try to remember that not everyone shares the same opinions.

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Oh and halos, I don't think anything is "rediculous", particularly since there is no such word....




Oh please do forgive me for misspelling a word...I forgot that you've already reminded us all how intelligent you are...my mistake.

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You're excused.


Why am I here? to get and give information about cruising, which you could see if you actually read my post. Don't let common courtesy or manners deter you and your cronies from your lynch mob mentality......now I remember why my husband won't cruise.


I'm quite sure posters welcome responses to their questions rather than attacks. Obviously, the truth about the ugly behavior exhibited here is too much for some to admit to.


I'm not about to be run off the boards by a few juvenile posters, I'll remain on the boards until my cruise, albeit avoiding the nonsense threads of the pack mentality, then I'll be back a few months before my next one. This isn't a playground for me, just a place to get information.


Oh and halos, I don't think anything is "rediculous", particularly since there is no such word....


Have a wonderful cruise everyone, and try to remember that not everyone shares the same opinions.


Ah, but girlsnightout (sounds like you need one), the entire internet is a playground, and you can have a little fun while getting the information you seek or stew in your self-righteousness, your choice. This is not "ugly behavior", it's comedy gold!

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Girlsnightout...no need to apologize for your attacks on us. We can see you are new here and must not have read the rules concerning flaming & name calling. Hopefully you will join again in when fully understand those rules.


I did not attack anyone but merely visited this site since I will be in Coz in just a few days. I have been to Paradise Beach & know that Nancy does not know what she is talking about, as she has done in the past.


PB Tom: Keep up the good work. You have a beautiful place there & we will be back soon. 28_1_16.gif

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You're excused.


Why am I here? to get and give information about cruising, which you could see if you actually read my post. Don't let common courtesy or manners deter you and your cronies from your lynch mob mentality......now I remember why my husband won't cruise.


I'm quite sure posters welcome responses to their questions rather than attacks. Obviously, the truth about the ugly behavior exhibited here is too much for some to admit to.


I'm not about to be run off the boards by a few juvenile posters, I'll remain on the boards until my cruise, albeit avoiding the nonsense threads of the pack mentality, then I'll be back a few months before my next one. This isn't a playground for me, just a place to get information.


Oh and halos, I don't think anything is "rediculous", particularly since there is no such word....


Have a wonderful cruise everyone, and try to remember that not everyone shares the same opinions.


I particularly enjoyed the portion that I have creatively bolded for your instant reference. My only question to you is this:

If you are claiming this to be a nonsense thread of the pack mentality type, why did you give us the courtesy of your flame?:rolleyes:

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Harassment, Flaming and Trolls The harassment of our members is not allowed.


Cruise Critic is committed to providing an online environment that is free from these types of harassing postings. Please, don't attack another poster or group of posters. Do not harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything else to another member that is unwanted. This means: don't say bad things about them, don't keep sending them unwanted Instant Message notes, don't attack their race, heritage, etc. If you disagree with someone, respond to the subject, not the person. Postings of this nature will be removed from the boards.


Postings that have been placed on the boards to disrupt the flow of conversation will be removed.


Multiple occurrences of harassment/flaming will result in your loss of posting privileges on our message boards.

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Don't let common courtesy or manners deter you and your cronies from your lynch mob mentality......now I remember why my husband won't cruise.

I wasn't aware that cruising requires a lack of courtesy or manners, or even a lynch mob mentality. I'm guessing there must be another reason that your husband avoids cruising..... :confused:

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What is the question? You said Excuse Me? But I didn't see the question Nancy? You like to run around these boards calling everyone low class, and touting the fact that you own your own business, you are in med school, married to a young man, and then you forget the original story you told and something else comes out... Maybe you should start writing it down to keep the story straight.

I swear almost every post you have touts med school like that means something to anyone... you will jump on a thread to talk about how much you love Target yet in other threads you have said you would never shop there, and snub your nose at those that do. Get the story straight. If you are going to run around bashing beaches, where people are potentially spending their vacation, make sure you tell people WHAT the problems were, make sure you have the CORRECT beach and make sure you have the story right.


Sorry to be harsh, but you seem to have a habit of doing this.... it's not appreciated, IMHO.


GC . . . diddo


Nancy, you have me so confused . . . were or were you not at Paradise Beach last September? If so, why won't you tell Tom exactly what you didn't like? If I remember correctly from reading one of your other posts, you have changed your mind about taking a cruise on Carnival and have booked with another cruise line. Like Carnival Cruise Lines, I sort of have a feeling that you might not be happy with any of the beaches on Cosumel . . . I think you also said you didn't even like Cosumel anyway . . .

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Wow haven't been to the Coz boards in a while. Look what I've been missing. It's amazing how even pathological liars have their defenders, isn't it?:D



My favourite post of all was the 'albeit avoiding the nonsense threads of the pack mentality' while posting on the thread being referenced!:D Excellent and most entertaining!

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NOT that I need to explain myself,but I said I LIKE Target,but won't step foot in WalMart. You are like,stalking all my posts...too much time on our hands,perhaps? You bash me without even paying attention to what I wrote.


I am done with these boards... You have, for the most part been rude,petty,and just plain nuts...Geesh.


I have booked a cruise for May and one for July,and will have a lovely time. Thanks for being so rude....I

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Wow haven't been to the Coz boards in a while. Look what I've been missing. It's amazing how even pathological liars have their defenders, isn't it?:D



My favourite post of all was the 'albeit avoiding the nonsense threads of the pack mentality' while posting on the thread being referenced!:D Excellent and most entertaining!


I don't understand why DN will not clarify the mistakes or elaborate EXACTLY why she found the beach so dirty. IMO, if you post on here and make statement as she did about the dirty beaches, she needs answer questions and make clarifications without being evasive or defensive.


I am also puzzled about her conflicting stories. One post says she has not been to Coz but she states she does not like PB? There is NO reason to lie on here. What do you really have to gain from it? It makes me think perhaps she is lonely and looking for ways to make herself become something she isn't. If that is the case, all she needs to do is be herself and I'm sure she would make friends on here.


If you post on here please be prepared to be able to stand behind your statements:)

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NOT that I need to explain myself,but I said I LIKE Target,but won't step foot in WalMart. You are like,stalking all my posts...too much time on our hands,perhaps? You bash me without even paying attention to what I wrote.


I am done with these boards... You have, for the most part been rude,petty,and just plain nuts...Geesh.


I have booked a cruise for May and one for July,and will have a lovely time. Thanks for being so rude....I


Nancy, with all due respect, in the infamous "Carnival is a floating Wal-Mart" thread you started not too long ago, you most certainly DID make reference to both Target and Wal-Mart, as if it was a bad thing.... Not stalking you at all... I spend time on the Cozumel board, as you can see, been posting over here for quite some time, aside from the fact that I will be there in about 10 days... I have posted my reviews of Paradise Beach (which I have actually been too) and been honest with those asking for advice... I have not bashed you Nancy, you have not been honest in many of your posts and if you will look back at your post regarding Paradise Beach, I mean Nachi Cochum, I mean Palm Beach, you might see why, combined with the other mistruths that were thrown around in the past few months, some might get a little upset... You have been very rude yourself... look at your post to ME when I even MENTIONED that maybe it was not Paradise Beach you had visited... I simply stated that it seemed you had them confused and you jumped all over me telling me that you were "only 29 and not losing your mind and you KNEW where you had been"... little snippity, only to find out that you had never indeed been there. I agree, I am tired of this... it's a bit ridiculous and I will never understand the motives behind what you did.... what under the bridge. My suggestion to you would be to post the truth. You are not going to win any fans by not doing so... as you can see.

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NOT that I need to explain myself,but I said I LIKE Target,but won't step foot in WalMart. You are like,stalking all my posts...too much time on our hands,perhaps? You bash me without even paying attention to what I wrote.


I am done with these boards... You have, for the most part been rude,petty,and just plain nuts...Geesh.


I have booked a cruise for May and one for July,and will have a lovely time. Thanks for being so rude....I


"I...I...I..." What?!!?

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NOT that I need to explain myself,but I said I LIKE Target,but won't step foot in WalMart. You are like,stalking all my posts...too much time on our hands,perhaps? You bash me without even paying attention to what I wrote.


I am done with these boards... You have, for the most part been rude,petty,and just plain nuts...Geesh.


I have booked a cruise for May and one for July,and will have a lovely time. Thanks for being so rude....I


It certainly appears to me like the lynch mod is stalking you. I'm not sure what the original action was, but it is irrelevant at this point. There is no justification for the harassment. You don't have to explain anything.


Most of my cruises these days are on Carnival and you are entitled to your opinion of Carnival and to express it.


As for the lynch mob, I'm used to walking around with a target on my back. I will not be intimidated and will not be silenced.



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Nancy, you said you wouldn't be posting on here anymore so it's quite possible that you won't read this. However, I have to say that when you posted the "Carnival/Wal-Mart" thread, there were many on here that were very offended not only by your "non truthful" statements but also, that you were so defensive and never would tell the truth. First you said you and your boyfriend were 29, ya'all lived in a "gated community" in Scranton, Pennsylvania, money was no object because your boyfriend was CEO of a Fortune 500 company, that you went to medical school and drove over four hours every day to and from school in Philadelphia so you could meet with your patients/clients in the evening, would never shop at Wal-Mart or Target, and wanted to know if you and boyfriend would "fit in" with those that cruised on Carnival. When it was brought to your attention that there were no CEOs of any Fortune 500 company under the age of 50 . . . you posted that your boyfriend was really 50. When it was brough to your attention that your profile said you were a social worker and not a licenced PSY . . . you said we were rude. Then you posted on another thread that you didn't live in Scranton and on yet another post that you loved Target and shopped there often. There were other inconsistant statements which I can't remember right now but each one was met with the same . . . everyone was being rude to you. Now you say you were at Paradise Beach last September and found it to be dirty and not to your liking . . . and on another post, you are asking what Paridise Beach is like. What can I say? I'm not attacking you . . . I'm an attorney and inconsistant statements are what I look for in defending my clients. The number of inconsistant statements in your postings are unbelievable.


I've been on these boards since before my last cruise in 2003 and no one is "stalking" you . . . we just read all the posts that pertain to the cruise we are planning on taking. For me, that would be the Carvival boards, fashion boards and Cosumel boards (and Grand Cayman and Jamacia boards too). Thus, I have read a lot of your posts. Had you just been honest or at the very least explained all the inconsistancies in your various post, you would not be as upset as you are and you would not have received as many negative replies as you have. These boards are very friendly but when someone comes on and puts down an entire group of people ("I know Carnival is for the Wal-Mart crowd and I'm not sure my boyfriend and I will fit in") and then says a beach as well liked as Paridise Beach is dirty and nasty . . . and then it turns out you weren't even there . . . well, as in the words of my granny . . . "one reaps what one sows."

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