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Banned List - call from Carnival


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Our friend travels all over the world and always takes a fan and uses one at home.


Why would anyone need to plug in two things at once? Gee - my fiancee's CPAP machine and 2 cellphones for instance. I have children and he has elderly family - we don't cohabitate and have different cellphones.


I understand what you are going through, but darn it, I don't want your fan with an extension cord causing a problem that will cut off power to the ship or something equally as bad or worse.


Before you get all ticked off at me, I have the same problem. I live in an air-conditioned house and have the overhead fan on at night, but still have the hot flashes etc. I get out from under the sheet and then when things cool off, I am back under the sheet. Also, not sleeping with my husband near me helps a lot. I' ve learned to live with things the way they are as have millions of others.


This next part is not addressed to you Shay.

I personally think a lot of people are making a big deal out of things that if they thought about them would not do them at home or in a hotel. I am not saying that you would plug in everything you own into one outlet, but on a ship each cabin has basically one outlet so why do people need to plug in a curling iron and camera at the same time? Or other things at the same time. Sorry, but I have been on over 75 cruises and have not needed a power strip.


I do understand those who use CPAP or BIPAP machines that they might need something so they can use their machines at night and perhaps recharge a camera at night, but most of the things I have seen could be done on one outlet used at different times of the day. JMO. I am ready to be flamed, as my opinion is not the same as most posters.

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And therein is a big part of the problem - the email that Carnival sent me said specifically that they are BANNED


from the email:


Thank you for contacting Carnival Cruise Lines. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance.


In regards to your concerns, Cell phones, laptops and curling irons are not prohibited items house hold fans and power strips are. Please see the information below.



Could I bother you for the date of that email? This list came out last Saturday and was published the first of the week...


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Yesterday, Tuesday May 18, 2:34pm


Re: Existing Individual Reservation <<#edited#>>

From : Guest Solutions Support <guestsolutionssupport@carnival.com> Subject : Re: Existing Individual Reservation <<#edited#>> To : edited Tue, May 18, 2010 02:34 PM p {margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0;} new_talisma_header.gif


Hi *edited*,

Thank you for contacting Carnival Cruise Lines. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance.


In regards to your concerns, Cell phones, laptops and curling irons are not prohibited items house hold fans and power strips are. Please see the information below.


In order to maintain a safe and secure environment, Carnival prohibits bringing certain items onboard. Additionally, we reserve the right to confiscate (and destroy) any articles that in our discretion are considered dangerous or pose a risk or inconvenience to the safety and security of the ship, or our guests, and no compensation will be provided.







Could I bother you for the date of that email? This list came out last Saturday and was published the first of the week...



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Yesterday, Tuesday May 18, 2:34pm


Re: Existing Individual Reservation <<#edited#>>

From : Guest Solutions Support <guestsolutionssupport@carnival.com> Subject : Re: Existing Individual Reservation <<#edited#>> To : edited Tue, May 18, 2010 02:34 PM p {margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0;} new_talisma_header.gif



Hi *edited*,

Thank you for contacting Carnival Cruise Lines. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance.


In regards to your concerns, Cell phones, laptops and curling irons are not prohibited items house hold fans and power strips are. Please see the information below.


In order to maintain a safe and secure environment, Carnival prohibits bringing certain items onboard. Additionally, we reserve the right to confiscate (and destroy) any articles that in our discretion are considered dangerous or pose a risk or inconvenience to the safety and security of the ship, or our guests, and no compensation will be provided.




Thanks. With your kind permission I'll forward this post to the folks at Carnival.

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And the phone call from the supervisor was late this afternoon - 4:33pm Eastern.


Gotta go to bed - will check back tomorrow.


Could I bother you for the date of that email? This list came out last Saturday and was published the first of the week...



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Oh wow.As of last week this was all settled.Sounds like someone has their wires crossed.

Poor Mach,this is never going to go away.Pretty official coming from the "big guys".Fans,power cords etc are allowed as long as they are in good working order and not abused.We even got our higher wattage hair dryers back.

I think the person that told you all this is an "imposter".Check up on him.This is going on way to long.

I plan on taking a copy of the "list".

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Mach - my husband & I are platinum on Carnival. This new policy is making us rethink our cruise vacations with Carnival. We have 2 cruises planned in the next 10 months - one on the Paradise, the other on the Miracle. We are seriously contemplating cancelling unless Carnival creates specific guidelines on why they would confiscate laptops, cellphones or cameras. The language is vague which allows anyone to interpret it in their favor, as well as, giving Carnival an out if one of their rent-a-cops at the pier or employees makes a bad decision. We have spent too much money on Carnival to possibly be subjected to this kind of harrassment. There are many better ways to spend our vacation dollars without worrying about aribtrary problems such as "miscellaneous concerns" about laptops, cellphones and cameras.

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Sixteen years ago I had a total hysterectomy. I spent many previous years, & on occasion now, have such severe hotflashes my husband swears he can fry a egg on my head. Poor hubby has learned to layer at night as either the airconditioner is at full speed or the fan is directly on me. Only way I can sleep. I understand the policies but executives do not understand each individual and what their personal needs are. Therefore, we as individuals have to find ways to adapt, which for me, will be bringing batteries or a extension cord. While not in the room I will store everything away so no problems shall occur.



Way too much information here....:(

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Mach - my husband & I are platinum on Carnival. This new policy is making us rethink our cruise vacations with Carnival. We have 2 cruises planned in the next 10 months - one on the Paradise, the other on the Miracle. We are seriously contemplating cancelling unless Carnival creates specific guidelines on why they would confiscate laptops, cellphones or cameras. The language is vague which allows anyone to interpret it in their favor, as well as, giving Carnival an out if one of their rent-a-cops at the pier or employees makes a bad decision. We have spent too much money on Carnival to possibly be subjected to this kind of harrassment. There are many better ways to spend our vacation dollars without worrying about aribtrary problems such as "miscellaneous concerns" about laptops, cellphones and cameras.



I'm sorry. You'll probably have to cancel. I can't see the wording changing. Your laptop, etc is permitted... end of story.


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I'm sorry. You'll probably have to cancel. I can't see the wording changing. Your laptop, etc is permitted... end of story.





Mach ,:D Don't let this stuff get next to you ;).

Your a very informative person and CC is fortunate to have you as a HOST.:D

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Mach - my husband & I are platinum on Carnival. This new policy is making us rethink our cruise vacations with Carnival. We have 2 cruises planned in the next 10 months - one on the Paradise, the other on the Miracle. We are seriously contemplating cancelling unless Carnival creates specific guidelines on why they would confiscate laptops, cellphones or cameras. The language is vague which allows anyone to interpret it in their favor, as well as, giving Carnival an out if one of their rent-a-cops at the pier or employees makes a bad decision. We have spent too much money on Carnival to possibly be subjected to this kind of harrassment. There are many better ways to spend our vacation dollars without worrying about aribtrary problems such as "miscellaneous concerns" about laptops, cellphones and cameras.


Carnival has a right to do whatever they need to in the interest of safety whether you understand the reasoning behind it or not. They dont owe you anything just because you jump up and down, throw a tantrum and threaten (or promise) to spend your vacation dollars elsewhere.

Just think if something WERE to happen, a fire, or what not.. from the looks of it, YOU would be the first one in line to sue them for alleged "negligence" because "they should have done something to eliminate the fire risk !" You are already calling this "harrassment" and nothing has even happened to you. !

Why call employees "rent a cops"? they are just doing their job !

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So what do you mean, I can't bring a power strip?


Hee hee. Sorry, couldn't resist.:D


Maybe its the Power Stippers that you aren't supposed to bring on board, imagine the damage a group of them could do:eek:

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you are allowed to bring electric fans on board. Don't you all read.

give it a rest already. Read carnival.com and you will get all the answers to your questions.

end of subject. Forever......




I completely agree. At this point, it's just beating a dead horse. Move on!

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Carnival can do whatever they want. If you don't like it move on. Same thing when you go to a hotel. Its not your place. At your home plug in anything you want and smuggle all the booze you want.

I have never read a site that has so many whiners. If you are trying to prove something have fun because you are not going to get very far. Have a nice cruise.:rolleyes: The board should start a whining club.


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Carnival can do whatever they want. If you don't like it move on. Same thing when you go to a hotel. Its not your place. At your home plug in anything you want and smuggle all the booze you want.

I have never read a site that has so many whiners. If you are trying to prove something have fun because you are not going to get very far. Have a nice cruise.:rolleyes: The board should start a whining club.


It would have to be a wine-ing club because that is the only thing you are allowed to bring on.;)

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This really is a lot of whining for some the simplest of things. This is not your home this is a vacation so I wouldn't expect to have the comforts of home. I can't believe some of this stuff and I surprised to hear that some of the people who are complaining even go on vacation with all the changes and out of sorts feelings one must experience. Been on nine cruises with the DH who has an electonics fetish and we have never even thought to bring a power strip and the issue with the fans crack me up, never even crossed my mind. Really crank the AC up or deal with it, it's a vacation and not your home.

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Okay. Have to chime in now.


Battery fans are not good. Not enough power. Sleep with fan some nights when my husband snores. All for the noise.


Have "Sleep Mate" corded machine that I bought at target.com not too long ago for around $50.00. Take it with me when I travel and have many times. I now wonder if it will be removed. It also drowns out the noisy neighbors most of the time.


I also want to add to those of you that have never had a hot flash or have never slept with someone for a couple of nights in a row that snores at high decibels, well, I hope you one day get the "pleasure" of the experience. I have never had a hot flash, but I sympathize with those that have. I definitely have experienced the snoring end and know how I feel after waking up from a sleepless night.


Yep. I am gonna say it. Smoking in cabins should - no. I am not going to say it. :eek:


I wish we could all remember we need to walk in someone else's shoes on occasion prior to judging - myself included.

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stop sweating the small **** and look forward to enjoying your cruise

why would you need a fan or power strip anyway.

And geez if you all cant afford a few drinks on your cruise stay home


I won't even waste my time reading all of the postings here.

I got to this one and it is what it is.

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Mach - my husband & I are platinum on Carnival. This new policy is making us rethink our cruise vacations with Carnival. We have 2 cruises planned in the next 10 months - one on the Paradise, the other on the Miracle. We are seriously contemplating cancelling unless Carnival creates specific guidelines on why they would confiscate laptops, cellphones or cameras. The language is vague which allows anyone to interpret it in their favor, as well as, giving Carnival an out if one of their rent-a-cops at the pier or employees makes a bad decision. We have spent too much money on Carnival to possibly be subjected to this kind of harrassment. There are many better ways to spend our vacation dollars without worrying about aribtrary problems such as "miscellaneous concerns" about laptops, cellphones and cameras.


When did they even say they would do this????


It would kind of hurt their income with the cellular at sea and ship wide wifi service if they did this. :rolleyes:

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This really is a lot of whining for some the simplest of things. This is not your home this is a vacation so I wouldn't expect to have the comforts of home. I can't believe some of this stuff and I surprised to hear that some of the people who are complaining even go on vacation with all the changes and out of sorts feelings one must experience. Been on nine cruises with the DH who has an electonics fetish and we have never even thought to bring a power strip and the issue with the fans crack me up, never even crossed my mind. Really crank the AC up or deal with it, it's a vacation and not your home.




I sure wish people who don't have hot flashes/night sweats would get off of their high horse and stop patronizing those who do. :mad:


It's not about fans anymore; it's about people's insensitivity towards those who need the fans.


I have tried every type of "pill" out there for the hot flashes; nothing works yet, but I am on another herb now and hoping for the best. But, I guess, according to nagster, I should leave the pills at home since I am on vacation and the AC is cranked up.





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We are the reason contracts are so darn long and detailed now. Does Carnival (or any company for that matter) need to spell out in excruciating detail every possible item you may not bring as well as every policy regarding conduct? At what point does common sense enter the equation?

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We are the reason contracts are so darn long and detailed now. Does Carnival (or any company for that matter) need to spell out in excruciating detail every possible item you may not bring as well as every policy regarding conduct? At what point does common sense enter the equation?


Common sense???


where do you think you are?





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