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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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OOH Thats good wrap it in lettuce.....I can grill Fajitas !!! So excitied now, Thanks for the reminder...


Anyone cruising soon ??? and when where??


not soon enough, not until Dec.:mad: Southern Caribbean, just did the same cruise this past Dec. How about you?

Check out some web sites for more ideas:)

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How did the week go for everyone? I had a hard day yesterday and went a few calories over but at least it was sliced cucumbers instead of something worse.

Have a great week-end and I like the saying...nothing tastes as good as slimmer feels:~)

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This is a site that I use alot, great ideas and recipes. I think they run their program a little different than the book I have but it has good incentives for us....and recipes.

2 pounds in 4 days isn't bad, I don't think. If I have a loss everyday, that is enough for me to steadily keep losing.

I wish my cruise was sooner but alas, not til Dec. Although the Montana State lottery has a scratch off ticket for a cruise with a second chance drawing...I have bought a couple of those...used my old candy money! LOL

Check out the site, it's free you just have to regisiter...I get mine through Facebook, everyday has a little blurb or two to get you going. So if you go to Facebook and search the name liquidhcgdiet, it should come up and you can pick like it and it will be on your Facebook. Then you can access it through FaceBook to their site.

Feeling much better today and lots of energy. Going to take advantage of that while I can:~)

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Happy Sunday everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted lately. Back in town and back to business. We got to see our son yesterday who is away at college and doing this diet with me (and all of you :-) and wow, he looked GREAT! At least 20 lbs lost and his 'excess chest' has disappeared! I don't know how else to describe it but what a difference in the way he looks and feels. At 6'5" he could hide a lot of extra weight but it does show up eventually, ya know? So I got to give him ICBINB spray (do you guys use that?), some Truvia, an apple corer, and about 10 lbs. of grilled chicken. Plus I made some 'bruschetta' on the little melba rounds which he loved. It is hard doing this, but it is super hard being a student away from home with no local support.


We were in San Antonio this weekend checking out a college with our daughter and had the most wonderful meal. I stayed on plan as much as I could but still strayed some and was up 4 lbs. and slept terrible. Today it is only up 1/2 lb. but I still feel very queasy. Maybe it is because I had wine for the first time in 3 weeks plus 'bad food'. Or maybe I'm catching something. Any suggestions?

So how was your week?

And to answer your question block, 134 days till cruising on Oasis. Haven't cruised in three years so this will be fun!

Bighorn, thanks for thinking of my mom.

Stay warm!


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Sounds like you had a good trip with your son liz!


I've been struggling to lose a pound the last 4 days...:( I thought about doing the apple day then I woke up and lost a pound....This morning ounces....Hoping tomorrow is better. I've done the vinegar..I actually love vinegar so I can drink it straight from the bottle and I really like it hot in water with cinnamon. What is the mini steak day ?


Have a good week !!

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Wow Block, I admire you, you can drink that stuff? I have never tried the apple cider vinegar. How much water are you getting? I am just asking because today I've only had 6 glasses and think it's contributing to the 'yucks'.

I have also heard that when you get to a weight your body has spent lots of time at, it can take a lonnngg time for you to go below that because your body recognizes that set point and wants to hang out there. Like visiting an old friend I guess ;-)

Hang in there, bitch if ya want, we'll pull you back up! lol



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OOH Thats good wrap it in lettuce.....I can grill Fajitas !!! So excitied now, Thanks for the reminder...


Anyone cruising soon ??? and when where??


I cruise in 50 days!! That is not near enough time to drop this weight and to top it off I was doing so good at the gym and went and messed up my knee so now I can't exercise/cardio at all :(

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welcome Disneyden and Good Luck! It is a great diet for me and if you stick with it, you will lose.

Have been having the most annoying sweet tooth, and this is what I found for a night dessert. Chop one apple, put in bowl, add cinnamon and I found some carmel flavored stevia to put on and it is wonderful...like apple pie or carmel apples. Oh I microwave it for 1 min 45 seconds.

Lucky you Sandyjabs to be so close to your cruise. Hope the knee heals up, stay on track with the food and do what you can activity wise. But don't over do it or get discouraged.

I like the apple cider vinegar, sometimes will soak my cukes in it and eat them like pickles.

I drink as much as I can stand. Got sick of just water so I have bought a product called real lemon, dry in packets. They have lime and orange too and I add a stevia and mix with water and it is good!

Good luck this week!

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Lost a pound this morning..I was shocked. Maybe this will be my up swing:D I've been so good. Thanks Bighorn for the facebook site...its been good for me. I didn't have a big loss last week BUT I did notice it in my clothes. Good luck to all this week !!! Oh and I have been leaving on cucumber salad ...MMMM

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Hey Sandy and Disney!!

So glad to have you! You can lose a LOT on this, and it comes off faster than anything else I've ever done. And I've done a few...lol

Great Block! I really think it goes pounds, inches, pounds, inches and our poor bodies can only shrink one or the other. Ok, not really, but it does seem to alternate.

My tennis team FINALLY noticed my loss and boy did I get the 3rd degree during lunch. Mexican food I might add. No chips or margaritas for me! I can't believe I wasn't even tempted...I really quit caring about cheating once I've been back on program for a few days. It is just those first 2 days after being bad that I crave stuff. What about you guys?


Sandy, I'm sorry about the knee :-(

Bighorn is right about drinking a ton. Also, I know many who have been extremely successful on this with absolutely no exercise. Not ideal, but we do what we can, ya know?

Do you guys have any questions? We ALWAYS have something to say ;-)

Your apple thing sounds good! Where did you find caramel stevia or the flavored real lemon?

Oh, and I found a marinade called mojo marinade at HEB (some wal-marts have it also), it doesn't have anything we can't have. Is oj based, no sugar, no starch. GREAT on chicken! Grilled 12 lbs. of it, sent most of it home with my son. Hope he remembers to freeze the rest...

So what is your weather like there?

It was 65 here today but might snow by Friday...Odd for Houston area!

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Found the flavored stevias and the real lemon packs at the local health food store, ours is called The Real Food Store but I know there is a chain call Whole Foods too elsewhere.

We are at -9 this morning! Yikes, it is cold.

Another thing I do to get more fluids down, are fruit or spiced teas, but watch for sugar or fruit ils in them.

The marinade sounds good, I will have to see if our Wal-Mart has it.

Only a tenth of a pound loss for me yesterday, not sure why but TODAY is another day.

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Yesterday was TOUGH, but I made it through day one! :D Hopefully, today will be a little easier. I would like to share that I lost 4 pounds yesterday!! WOOHOO! I know that it won't be like that everyday, but it was nice (and shocking :eek:) to see it on the scale!

Bighorn, That caramel apple sounds GREAT! I'll have to find the stevia caramel and try it.

Liztoybiz, I have had the mojo marinate before and it was good. I got mine from Winn Dixie. I didn't realize that I could have it while on this program.

Does anyone have suggestions on the vegetables? I ate raw cabbage yesterday and realized that I can't do just that for the rest of the program! I am not a rabbit!! :eek:

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Bighorn, thanks for the info. It is hard when the scale doesn't move. Even harder when you've done everything right. But it is just part of this and you have to expect it. My friend that lost 70+ on this said he only weighed every three days. That way he always saw a loss. I'm not that disciplined...lol


Disney YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so exciting! Before I mention veggies, have you taken all your measurements? That is SUPER important. neck, upper arm, above bust, bust, below (at bra line), waist, hips, thighs, calves and ankles. When the scale doesn't move for a few days, your measurements will be your motivation.


Ok, I usually have some of the following veggies, and I would love to know what the rest of you do as I get in a veggie rut. Broccoli, I either steam it and spritz some I can't believe it's not butter spray on there, or I roast it with garlic in the oven. I steam cauliflower the same way. I eat tomatoes sliced and chilled with salt and pepper, I also will make a bruschetta out of it by combining it with red onion, chopped, cilantro, fresh chopped garlic, salt and pepper, and just a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. You have to be careful with balsamic. The good stuff is super sweet and can set back your weight loss. I have this on top of the melba rounds that we can eat. Does anyone else buy the Old London ones? They have sesame, garlic, sea salt and plain I think. 4 of them is 60 calories and they are fab! I also will take some chicken broth, thinly sliced cabbage and onion and cook it for awhile. Can add your chicken to this and have a good soup. I wait until almost cooked to add celery as I want it to not be mushy. I also eat mushrooms at times. I have heard mixed reviews regarding whether we can have mushrooms...

The other thing I LOVE to do is spray pam in a skillet, take a thinly sliced sweet onion, and cook that sucker until it caramelizes. YUM! And I don't usually like onion but this turns it into something wonderful!

I also take things and put them on a skewer on the grill. Almost anything can become a kebob. And kale is good if you slice it thin, put it in the skillet with pam and lots of chopped garlic, stir it around until it gets a little crispy and then add some water and steam it the rest of the way. Mario Batalli made this for us in Vegas but of course he used olive oil and finished it with ricotta...lol

Ok, that's all I can think of now. But hopefully it will give you some ideas to get started. I am off to get some cucumbers and put them in that a.c. vinegar! lol, thanks for that tip!

Down another pound today. 28 total! And played a great tennis match yesterday. We lost, but it was so much fun being able to move around the court better and looking kinda cute while I did it, lol!

Have a great day guys~!!!


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Hi everyone.. :)

Started the program today with my first shot.

I usually do Low Carb but I have been on a carb roll

since before Thanksgiving. I needed to get some weight off

quickly and know a few people who have done this program and had great success. I am so excited and pumped up about it..:D

I cruise in 37 days. I will be SO happy with 20lbs.


Looks like all of you are doing great. How much have you

all lost and how long on the program??



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Hi Sheri,

Welcome aboard! haha, sorry, bad pun

Have you done this before? And are you loading today and tomorrow?

I personally did the injections the first round, lost 22 lbs. but didn't end the program the right way, which is a key to keeping the weight from galloping back on. So I regained 7 of them and have been back on it (drops this time) and this is my last full week. I have lost the 7, plus 7 more for a total of 14 this time. I've also managed to lose 26 inches total. Congrats on your upcoming cruise! How exciting!

Which ship are you cruising on?

We love to live vicariously through other's vacations...

How can we help you?


Getting colder here, I think it's 38 and dropping, brrr!



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Hi Liz, Thanks for the welcome..

Loading today and tomorrow.

How long were you on the shots?? How long

this time around?? Congrats on the 14 lbs :p..

Thats what I am worried about doing a three week program

and then cruiseing so soon. But I had to do something.. I will

really try and watch it on my cruise. I figure if I gain some I will

then do the drops..

Do you all stick to 500 calorie??


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Hi Sheri,

Is your physician having you do 28 injections? That's the most common protocol. Or maybe you are just doing three weeks because of your cruise date. The one thing that is super important whether you stop at 21 or 28 days is to eat the 500 calories for 2 or 3 days

I will tell you, you have to do this diet EXACTLY like they tell you. There are lots of inconsistencies so I would stick with what they tell you. I still write down everything I eat, hash marks for every water I drink, my day's weight, and what exercise I got (if any). It really helps to do the measurements weekly as I mentioned before because you will lose, lose, lose, then suddenly, nothing for a couple or three days. It is a bummer after all of that losing! lol

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Good evening everyone !

Today I lost another pound. R1P2D21 so far 15lbs. Wish I didn't stall last week...Oh well 15 is still darn good.

Veggies - Usually eat lots of spinach cooked or salad. I also eat lots of broccoli ( I hate broccoli) garlic roasted or steamed. I like to just walk through Trader Joes or whole foods section and try new Veggies. I like the broccoli slaw ( has carrots :() I use that a little to .

I have to say I didn't have cravings at all ...til yesterday when I couldn't get Mozzeralla sticks out of my head. I stick to the program. Last week I was eating Baked Pita chips thinking it was like Melba toast -----guess its not didn't lose much.

I don't even crave sweets..and I have tons of energy.

My first day after the load was a snow day and I was stuck at home !!! That was the toughest.

Thanks for letting me talk !! It helps alot and I enjoy hearing about everyoe else's journey as well.


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Good morning guys!

Block, great to hear that you lost another pound! 15 is wonderful!! I am learning that everyone's loss is very different and that each time you do this, your loss will be very different. I'm not losing as well this time as I did on my first one but I have had some cheats AND I had less weight to lose this round.

Your mention of spinach has me realizing that I keep forgetting about spinach. I love it, I just don't remember to use it. Also, my mom has a great strawberry salad dressing that follows protocol so I'll get it from her today and try to post it on here.

Had to laugh at your mozz. sticks. That is the ONLY thing I craved about a week ago. And until then, no cravings at all!

Ok Sheri, any more loss this morning? We're all rooting for you!

Bighorn, where are you??


I stayed the same this morning, two days in a row tells me that there is a loss, probably tomorrow. This is my m.o. I guess...


Off to bootcamp. Stay warm!


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