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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Good Morning everyone,

I hope you all have a great loss the AM..


Block congrats on the 15lbs..

Also thanks for the dill tip i will try that..

If anyone else has any great tips for me just

starting I would appreciate it..

Have a great day,



Welcome AzCruiseGurl!

I have a site I have recommended before, especially good for recipes

http://www.liquidhcgdiet.com I get to it through Facebook, do a search and like it and it will come up if you do Facebook.

I have been struggling the past two days, very small losses, but also will need to take some Smooth Move Tea to "get things going". I am usually very regular but one side effect of this diet is constipation.

After the shots and 500 calorie diet, you go into Phase three which is no sugar, no starch. They say to get your calorie input up to 1500 calories. Some programs say to do this right away, another program says to increase your calories 200 each day until up to 1500. After three weeks of that, to gradually introduce sugars and starch into your diet. BUT best would to be really LIMIT sugar and starch intake so the weight doesn't creep back on. I do a modified Atkins, high protein, low fat, limited sugar and starches.

This is my second round (R2) phase 2 (P2) day 12 (D12)

1st round I lost 22 pounds in 23 days This round so far I have lost 8 pounds. This round is going slower and I find myself struggling some but a loss is a LOSS.

Good luck to day everyone and my tip for the day is if you love Chai Tea, try: Celestial Decaf Sweet Coconut Tea... I usually add one of the flavored cream stevias (vanilla) and it is good. Spices up the day! I do not use any milk into it but I know you are allowed 2 tablespoons a day.

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Liztoybiz...our posts crossed. I had a busy couple of days and then very small losses to boot, made me a happy camper...NOT. Anyways, better today.

Just curious, do you have a toy business?

Today I bought club soda and put in the real orange packet and some stevia and it wasn't real pop, but it was a close enough deal. Figured the bubbles would help me feel full :~)

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Good Evening.


Bighorn thanks for the yea suggestion- I would love that !! Also I became a fan of liquid HCG on facebook...and it has been really helpful BUT now"friends" can see my posts on my wall and someone has started asking questions...not supportive...So that brings me to this question...How do you all deal with the negative comments from people ? I haven't really told anyone about the HCG just that I'm eating healthier...some who have felt the need to pry I have said I will tell you when I reach my maintence.


How is everyone getting thru the weather ? Not bad here and this morning lost another pound...16 and counting.


Lunch today was fajitas with lettuce wraps( thanks B Horn) and dinner tonight was steamed cauliflower and meat sauce :confused: (??????) I thought the cauli would masked the fact I NO spaghetti..sorta did. Meat sauce was good. Have a goodnight all !!

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Great job on the loss! And I love that site for recipes and tips. Most everyone I know has been pretty supportive and a little concerned, from what they have heard from other people and some magazines. But when they saw the weight come off from the first round and I didn't go bonkers or get sick, they became cheer leaders. All I would say, is I have tried many other diets and this one is giving me the results I want and I FEEL GREAT. Leave it at that and if they pry more, tell them about the website and to look at the protocol.

I made taco salad tonight, super lean ground beef cooked with no oil, then I paper toweled it dry. Mixed in Mrs. Dash spicy seasoning and put on a bed of lettuce. Topped with salsa made with 1 cup chopped tomatoes, onions and a little celery. I didn't use all the salsa, as I will put it on top of my fish tomorrow. I do miss my Mexican food!

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You guys are making me hungry..:p

Bighorn thanks for the site.

Block congrats on the loss yay..

Liz thanks for the support.. I hope you had a loos today

waiting to hear..


OK this is my 1st offical day on phase 2.. I did

my 2 load days and today is 500 cal.. Can wait to start losing.


My niece has been doing phase 2 for 2 1/2 weeks with a

14lb loss. Other then her and my DH I am keeping this to

myself and you girls :D..

I dont want to hear any negitives from people..

Have a great day, Sheri

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You guys are making me hungry..:p

Bighorn thanks for the site.

Block congrats on the loss yay..

Liz thanks for the support.. I hope you had a loos today

waiting to hear..


OK this is my 1st offical day on phase 2.. I did

my 2 load days and today is 500 cal.. Can wait to start losing.


My niece has been doing phase 2 for 2 1/2 weeks with a

14lb loss. Other then her and my DH I am keeping this to

myself and you girls :D..

I dont want to hear any negitives from people..

Have a great day, Sheri



Same here. I'm happy to see there is thread here regarding this amazing diet plan. I did 3 rounds and went from 197 to 158. Amazing inch loss as well, from a tight size 14 to comfortable 9. Unfortunately between the holidays and cruising last October I put some of the weight back on. I'm now at 163.8 and taking a brief interruption for the weekend then back in P2 on Monday. I'd like to get to 145 and evaluate from there. Don't let anyone talk you out of it. It's definitely worth the P2 sacrifice. Good luck everyone!

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I'm starting day 4 of phase two and I'm struggling a little bit today. I’m depressed, moody, and HUNGRY! UGH!! It doesn't help that my boss is doing the HCG diet too and he keeps coming into work saying things like, “I lost 4 pounds yesterday" or "I lost 3 pounds Tuesday" and he's cheating on his diet! I have lost a pound a day for the last two days and haven't strayed from the diet at all. Don't get me wrong; I'm proud of my results so far and my DH keeps reminding me that men usually lose weight faster than women...it's just a little annoying, ya know? :(

Bighorn, thanks for the tip about the website that has HCG recipes. I printed a couple of them out and I'm going to the grocery store after work. Maybe that will help to get me out of this funky mood that I'm in...:confused:

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Sorry you're struggling now. It does get better. Are you taking the homeopathic drops or spray. If you're taking the drops, try adjusting the number of drops, for me lowering the drops helped tremendously. It took away the hunger and I was able to be satisfied eating my meals...spaced out. Plus, yes to do this with a man is not good..LOL. They will always lose A LOT more and faster than you, especially on hcg! :rolleyes:

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OMG!!! I just got through with some Fajitas wrapped in lettuce leaves. I got the recipe from the website listed above from Bighorn. That was the best, most satisfying meal that I have had in four days!! :D It's funny...I didn't eat very much, but I'm stuffed! It was very much like the "real" food that I'm used to. I guess it's a "mind" thing. My 21 year old son was leaving for work when I was cooking it and asked if I would save him some. LOL! He said that it smelled and looked SO good. I didn't tell him that it was "diet food".

Also, thank you for all of the encouraging words. I'm feeling much better! It's refreshing to talk to other people that are going through the same struggles. ;)

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My first round, I didn't know of the site and recipes, so it was a very boring eating menu. The recipes on the site are for the most part, are pretty good.

The mind and stomach seem to gang up on us sometimes. I try to get on the treadmill or

walk outside, drink some spicy tea to have some taste in my mouth. Work through it the best you can and if you have a slip, tomorrow is a brand new day, get back on track. My second round has been more difficult, but I know what the end result will be.

Good luck tomorrow everyone!

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No loss today:( Oh well.... Tonight I made moc mashed potatoes out of cauliflower. MMM It was good Had that with 4 oz steak and cucumber salad. Good dinner tonight.


Okay what is everyone doing about superbowl??? I'll be going to a party. evry year I make chili to bring this year I'lll do the same but make my own batch with no beans and xtra peppers and onions.


Sorry to hear some are having a difficult week. Hopefully we can rally around one another to get the goal accomplished !!!


Have a goodnight Losers !!!;)

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I had two days of one tenth of a pound loss...this a.m. lost 1 pound. Think we just have small stalls sometimes. Dinner sounded good Block.

Super Bowl...will be hard, a big difference from last years. Will have to find something spicy! Now I have root beer flavored stevia drops, so I will mix that with the seltzer and have a "beer" with the guys.

Seafood Nachos are going to be missed by me this year :~( Am hoping for another pound loss to make up for it though.

I'll have to check out that chili recipe...I do have jalenpeno peppers that have no sugar listed...will pile them on!

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Good morning gals!

I'm assuming you are all ladies, speak up now if you are a man! lol

Up a pound for me today. Great, stuck on an important number for 2 days, then back up. I know what I did though. My friend who lost on this told me she had hummus, just a bit. Well, I had hummus too. But it tasted so good I had too much hummus...So here we go. I am supposed to end this on Sunday with Monday and Tuesday being 500 calorie days but no drops. So I am praying that I can be good through that time and get to 15 pounds for total loss this go round. Your second time you often lose less because you don't have as much to lose. Also, I had 3 good cheats (oh they were good! lol) this round so I've spent several days recouping from those which slowed down the loss. I will make a suggestion for anyone wondering how to maintain your loss after you go off your 28 day cycle. hcgdropsplus was the website I used for this round and they have supplements that help you keep the weight off. No, not advertising for them, just know that it helped my friend who has lost 70+ lbs. keep his weight off for many months. That's what I'm planning to do so I'll let you know how it goes...

The taco thing on lettuce? My family LOVES that one, begs for it, and says its the best taco they've ever eaten! Of course I had a little cheese and guac to theirs...lol

Don't know about you, but any time I am forced to eat out, I stall or gain, no matter how carefully I instruct them on food prep. Anyone else have this?

Bighorn, I'm sorry you are stalling...You too block! It stinks to stall, especially when we LOVE seeing that scale drop!

Still battling constipation. I think I need to go back to carefully measuring and writing each bite down. I've been keeping track in my head and I know I'm having too many melbas!

Those kill my loss faster than anything.

Also, anyone else get the word that we are only to have two beefs and three seafoods in a week? That's pretty strict but the beef PACKS on the pounds for me! I had no idea how much it affects me but this diet has shown me. Maybe it is slower to digest than chicken? I don't know.

Also, made a good soup out of chicken broth, water, cabbage, rotel, and onions. Then added celery, green beans, and just a tiny bit of ground beef (98%). Oh yeah, and of course lots of garlic, minced, plus tony cacheres spice.

I don't know if the broth possibly made me gain as well. I think we are supposed to make it from scratch, anyone know?

It was supposed to snow here today (northeast Houston) but we just have some ice now. It is terrible that one of the Dallas airports is closed with the Superbowl this weekend! Who are you guys rooting for?

Ok, off to clean...


ps. Stay warm!!!!

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Ok, I want to keep everyone straight.

We have Bighorn, block, disney, Sheri (from Arizona), and now Shari? Welcome Shari!!!!

Anyone else joining us? Or maybe just reading but hesitant to say hello?

Please let us know who you are as we really draw support from each other! I am doing the happy dance with you when you lose and nodding in agreement when you are frustrated. Because we've been there! Heck, we're there right now!

Ok, so, who is cruising when and where? Let's think of something warm and sunny...

I haven't cruised in 3 years. We take other types of vacations (is that allowed on this board? ;-) and were shocked when my in-laws called in December and wanted to take us and hubby's brother's family on another family cruise. We sail Oasis on June 11th and we are so excited! Hubby vowed to get 100 workouts in the 160 days before the cruise. I'll have to ask him what number he is on. Also, besides cruising, where else do you like to vacation?

Sorry to ramble, can you tell I don't want to clean? lol

Take care!


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Good morning gals!

I will make a suggestion for anyone wondering how to maintain your loss after you go off your 28 day cycle. hcgdropsplus was the website I used for this round and they have supplements that help you keep the weight off. No, not advertising for them, just know that it helped my friend who has lost 70+ lbs. keep his weight off for many months. That's what I'm planning to do so I'll let you know how it goes...


Would you mind sharing the web address for the supplements? I really don't want to put the pounds back on after trying so hard to get them off.


Ok, I want to keep everyone straight.

We have Bighorn, block, disney, Sheri (from Arizona), and now Shari? Welcome Shari!!!!

Anyone else joining us? Or maybe just reading but hesitant to say hello?

Please let us know who you are as we really draw support from each other! I am doing the happy dance with you when you lose and nodding in agreement when you are frustrated. Because we've been there! Heck, we're there right now!

Ok, so, who is cruising when and where? Let's think of something warm and sunny...

I haven't cruised in 3 years. We take other types of vacations (is that allowed on this board? ;-) and were shocked when my in-laws called in December and wanted to take us and hubby's brother's family on another family cruise. We sail Oasis on June 11th and we are so excited! Hubby vowed to get 100 workouts in the 160 days before the cruise. I'll have to ask him what number he is on. Also, besides cruising, where else do you like to vacation?

Sorry to ramble, can you tell I don't want to clean? lol

Take care!



We are cruising on the Triumph at the end of April. I want to get 20 to 30 lbs off by then, but I know it will be hard to do.

WOW, you're going on the Oasis? That's great!

Ramble all you want...my house is still waiting to be cleaned and it's 2 p.m.!! Oh well, I took the day off from work so I shouldn't have to clean, right?

BTW, I dropped another pound! I guess one is my magic number...I'll take it! :)

I bought some Stevia English Toffee drops this morning and put them in my coffee...YUM! I'm going to try them on my apple this afternoon with some Cinnamon.

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Good Afternoon All,


Dropped a pound this Am !!!:) that makes 17lbs.


Hoping I can be 20lbs after Monday ! Well see. I have to have Mini Goals.

We are cruising in April on Ncl Jewel. Can't wait DD(4 when we cruise) will have a blast.


Just looking forward to saying I lost 20lbs!!! Although not many people have noticed ?? I would think if somone lost close to 20lbs of weight people would notice? 20lbs is 4 bags of sugar .Almost there !


How was everyone elses week ??

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Hi again,

Ok, didn't clean much but I DID watch top chef reruns. Gosh that Italian food looked so good I could smell it. Disney and block, YEA! It's another pound in the right direction! You can definitely drop 20 lbs. by your cruise disney! UNLESS you only need to lose 20...

then it's much harder, as we all know.it is hcgdropsplus dot com

block I had the same issue! At 15 no one except those who knew I was doing this had noticed! My clothes were looser, my measurements were smaller, but hello! I felt invisible almost. Then between 20 and the current 28 lbs.off many more have noticed. But do you know that my tennis team JUST now noticed, and I see them twice a week! I think the fact that we're covered in layers plays a big role. And have you had people say your hair looked great or something similar? Those are the funniest because they notice something, they just aren't sure what. Just eating baked apples with stevia, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves. Not bad. Be better with some Blue Bell on it...lol

We never did get snow...

I'm sure some of you have some you'd be happy to send us!


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Hi again,

Disney and block, YEA! It's another pound in the right direction! You can definitely drop 20 lbs. by your cruise disney! UNLESS you only need to lose 20...



I wish I only had 20 to lose. I have about 74 to go since I'm 6 lbs down now after 5 days on phase two. I have little mini goals that I want to reach. I want to lose 15 to 20 on this round. If I'm successful, I will do it again for another 26 days. Hopefully, I'll lose another 15 to 20 lbs then too! :) By this time next year, I want to be on here telling all of you that I have reached my goal. Now, that would be wonderful!

I hope everybody has a good weekend. Keep up the good work! :)


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I wish I only had 20 to lose. I have about 74 to go since I'm 6 lbs down now after 5 days on phase two. I have little mini goals that I want to reach. I want to lose 15 to 20 on this round. If I'm successful, I will do it again for another 26 days. Hopefully, I'll lose another 15 to 20 lbs then too! :) By this time next year, I want to be on here telling all of you that I have reached my goal. Now, that would be wonderful!

I hope everybody has a good weekend. Keep up the good work! :)


That WILL be wonderful....The great thing about this diet is that you retrain yourself and have brief moment where you get to indulge before starting another round.


Today I decided I think cocoa powder is on okay (?) So I made hot cocoa with It. I don't like Stevia but you could have put that in too . Hot water and cocoa powder ...It was fine...got a little chocolate fix...So now I will go and see if this is aloud>>? anyone?

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That WILL be wonderful....The great thing about this diet is that you retrain yourself and have brief moment where you get to indulge before starting another round.


Today I decided I think cocoa powder is on okay (?) So I made hot cocoa with It. I don't like Stevia but you could have put that in too . Hot water and cocoa powder ...It was fine...got a little chocolate fix...So now I will go and see if this is aloud>>? anyone?


I was wondering...how much time do I give myself before I start the next round?

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Good Morning Everyone,

I am on day 3 of my 1st round.. Its going really good.

Down 4 lbs this am :p Not really feeling hungry at all.

Which is great and I was So worried about that.

I did"nt say I dont think about all that yummy food

that got me here.:o Oh and I am missing my wine.. But I can

do it its only a short time and I cruise in 33 days.

Congrats to all you other losers :D

Super bowl wont be hard for me we are staying home alone

no temptations.. Have a great weekend I will check in tomorrow

working today. Good luck


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That WILL be wonderful....The great thing about this diet is that you retrain yourself and have brief moment where you get to indulge before starting another round.


Today I decided I think cocoa powder is on okay (?) So I made hot cocoa with It. I don't like Stevia but you could have put that in too . Hot water and cocoa powder ...It was fine...got a little chocolate fix...So now I will go and see if this is aloud>>? anyone?



The book I have says NO to cocoa during phase 2. I have chocolate stevia drops that I use (delish on cut srawberries) but if you don't like the Stevia, my suggestion is to keep on with the cocoa, unless you are seeing negative results.



I too have more to lose than 20 pounds:D After my first round, I waited 7.5 weeks to start again, The book I have says to wait a minimum of 6 weeks.


As far as other vacations I take, Liztoybiz..we usually go to Vegas for our Anniversary in April...we are adding another gambling junket to Wendover NV in March. Otherwise, I try to do a cruise a year.


Have a "Super" week-end....Go Packers!

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Good morning everybody! I lost another pound yesterday. WOOHOO! :D

We are going to a birthday party tonight so I'll see just how much will power I have. LOL!


Oh please be strong! I love cake and ice cream....guess that is one of the things that got me in this situation...LOL

Congrats on the loss...I lost .8 of a pound, had to start putting more activity (treadmill daily!), as I do not want to do an apple day. As much as I like apples, it would be tough just to eat them and nothing else in a day.

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