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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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I thought I posted this morning??? HMm don't see it..


Any way, Good evening losers!!;)


Lost another one of those lbs...18 so far:D


Boring food today...I was dissappointed... BUT tonight I mad a strawberry smoothie..berries, ice and water THEN I added 1 tablespoon of milk...it says we can have up to 2 a day...well that made the smoothie creamy!! I haven't been having any milk.

Please, what did you have for meals today ? anything good?

Can't wait to hear how everyone did today.

DISNEYDEN- Have you started feeling tired & or sluggish ??


DH booked a DCL for me for my Birthday 2012 :) The only way we could afford it!! Supper excitied...gotta get through NCl Jewel in april first.

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Way to lose Block! And an upcoming cruise to boot...things are looking good!

I made chicken noodle soup as we have cold weather, made with Shirataki tofu noodles. Not on the list but they are so low cal. I have them every now and then. Dinner was a spinach/shrimp salad. I tried to blend a coffee with ice and 2 tablespoons of milk and some caramel stevia....it was just ok (barely) LOL

Should have done the treadmill today but alas...domestic goddess duties wore me out too much.

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lol, Bighorn, I hear you. Yea losers! Block that is awesome! I love cruising...

For dinner tonight I just couldn't look at another chicken. I'm sorry, but some days you just feel you will cluck!

So I took shrimp that I'd shelled, added minced garlic, and tony cacheres spice and put them on a hot grill. turned them so both sides got a little charred. Also took two large yellow sweet onions and sauteed them to death in a little spray of pam. Boy, were they wonderful!

Also made a big salad and made up a dressing by combining strawberries, a sqeeze of lemon, also one of orange, some apple cider vinegar (can't stand that stuff, don't know how you guys can do it!), a dash of hot sauce, and salt and pepper and blended it. Not bad, too strawberryy.

But the shrimp and onions were so great...

Ok, I have to lose tomorrow. No loss for many days. I have to cut out the hummus. I know it isn't allowed, it's just so good...

Disney, stay strong during the party!!!!

Sheri, you can have your wine in 33 days. Think of what a cheap drunk you'll be! just kidding

I can't find caramel stevia, or chocolate stevia, waahhhh! Want something besides my boring stuff!

Hang tough!


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Do you have a natural food/health store there in your neighborhood? that's where I would start looking for the flavored stevias. They have really saved me a few times. I added root beer stevia to seltzer water, not as good as A&W but it was something more than water.

AZcruisegurl, you are doing awesome! Keep up the good work...all of you. I have my fingers crossed for a loss tomorrow a.m.

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Good morning. I hope everyone had a loss yesterday. Me?...not so good! I had a one pound gain! I guess it's obvious that I wasn't very strong at the party last night! :o Once I had that first Margarita and looked at that huge table of food, it was all over! Diet? What diet?? Ugh! Even though I did bad last night, it still wasn't as bad as I normally would have done, ya know? Oh well, I'm back on it today and won't let my failure get me down.

Block-I was feeling very tired and even a little depressed Thursday and Friday, but I'm doing better now. Before I started with HCG, I had read about that happening , so I was prepared for it. My DH has been wonderfully supportive and has done a very good job of getting me out of my depressing mood...couldn't do this without him! :)

Have a good day, everybody!! ;)

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Good Morning losers...;)

1 lb down this morning for a total of 5 lbs.

I am on day 4. I knew the first 5 would go fast since

I had stuffed the food in for some time now. I am anxious

to see how I lose this next week.

Disney, Sorry you didn't have a good night. But it sounds

like you have a great attitude this morning which is great.

Back on track girl.

Block congrats on the cruise. I love to have something to

look forward to. Plus it helps me stay on track better..

As far as eating since I am new to all this I am still in the

boring stage with food.

Salad w/apple cider vinegar and a turkey burger for lunch and

dinner was a grilled chicken breast and grilled asparagus.

Liz you aren't kidding about a cheap drunk.. I am a little nervous

about that :eek:, That has happened to me before after coming off

a strict diet. I thought I could drink as much as I usually did..... UHH

Bighorn How is the taste of the Shirataki noodles? I heard they are very

stinky? I would like to try them. Where do you get yours.

Wishing for loses for everyone today,


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This second round is tough, following the "rules" and had a .4 gain this morning...but I am catching Disney's attitude today! I guess if you are going to blow it, a Margarita would be top on my list too:~)

I get the noodles at the health food store, but I have been into Wal-Marts and other grocery stores and seen them...look in the tofu refrigerated section. Yes! They do stink...BUT I rinse them and par boil them before adding them to soups. They take on the flavor of what ever you put them into to. Really different texture than pasta, but they are filling and very low cal.

Had to laugh about the cheap drunk too...think how much money you will save. I didn't find that it took that much less for my buzz...but I do have a two drink limit...well except at Mixology class ;~O

So back onto the treadmill today and continue with those @#$% sit-ups...but I can tell a difference in the pants. No pain no gain?

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Laughing at the computer, picturing all you cheap drunks...whooo!

I am still up that one pound from my lowest and yesterday the ONLY thing it could be is the hummus so NO HUMMUS today or tomorrow and Tuesday, which are my two days off the drops but still at 500 calories. Almost at the end of this round!

Ok, has everyone taken those measurements? I strongly encourage you to not only do it and date it (oops, accidentally typed 'ate it', think it was freudian? lol)

but check your measurements each week. Like this week, I truly have gone back and forth from that one pound loss for at least 5-6 days, but by checking my measurements, I have dropped a bit, especially in the hips.

Anyone else hungry this weekend?

Think we're having hamburgers for superbowl...

minus the buns of course!

Bighorn, I'm so with you. This time seems much harder now. Don't know if it is because I'm not being as good. Each time I cheat, it takes several days for the cravings to vanish. Okay, I guess I really am a carb/sugar addict...

Not bad disney, watch for those cravings though!

Sheri, Yea!!! Congrats! Carry a five pound weight around for awhile and tell us how long it takes to get heavy. That's what you've lost!

I love on the diet forum I read that someone posted what the different losses were. I believe you have lost a chihuahua. At 8 lbs. it was an average sized newborn and I'll never forget when I got to the point that I'd lost a 2 yr old! bahaha! My hubby said "You're good at losing 2 yr olds"...Think he was just kidding, not sure ;-)

Block, wow, 18! What an accomplishment! Anything else you've done that you've dropped 18 this quickly or easily? WTG!!!!!!!


Ok, off to try to find a snack that doesn't include 'you know what'.

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I baked cookies today for a super bowl party !! I tasted raw cookie dough....just a taste.

For the party I made a low fat chili and ate it with lettuce wraps. They had potatoe chip,Doritos,dip and little pigs in a blanket and Baked ziti that was so cheesey looking....I MUST GET BACK TO REALITY ! I should have cheated 'cause everyone else has ...BUT I didn't! I want to have lost 20lbs tomorrow am.

wait and see...

Oh and no one noticed I lost almost 20lbs..Did I not look chubby before...:rolleyes:

Sounds like everyone is doing well and pleased with the results.

I do get a little nervous about P3....I definately will do another round. Is it really harder the next time around? any reawson why ??

2 more weeks on P2.

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I baked cookies today for a super bowl party !! I tasted raw cookie dough....just a taste.

For the party I made a low fat chili and ate it with lettuce wraps. They had potatoe chip,Doritos,dip and little pigs in a blanket and Baked ziti that was so cheesey looking....I MUST GET BACK TO REALITY ! I should have cheated 'cause everyone else has ...BUT I didn't! I want to have lost 20lbs tomorrow am.

wait and see...

Oh and no one noticed I lost almost 20lbs..Did I not look chubby before...:rolleyes:

Sounds like everyone is doing well and pleased with the results.

I do get a little nervous about P3....I definately will do another round. Is it really harder the next time around? any reawson why ??

2 more weeks on P2.


Block-I'm very proud of you for not cheating...Good job! :D

Good luck tomorrow, everybody!

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Don't stress! My son didn't weigh until day 9 and I know he'd lost over 10 lbs. by then. I just love knowing that something is going down. If not the scale, then the tape, right?

Ok, goodnight. I have a match early in the morning. So glad it's finally warm enough for tennis! Beats laundry any day...


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Good morning and happy Monday everyone! Well I took a mini-interruption because I knew I was going to need to eat P3 over the weekend and stayed within range however wings from Friday's yesterday gave me a 2lb gain. Back in P2 today! Everyone is doing great! The plan works if you work the plan. ;)

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Well I was trying to not broadcast my secret to weight loss all over the internet but I can always use some support. This is definitely a controversial diet! So, I'm doing injections and I'm doing good - 8lbs after one week of VLCD. I did get TOM during this time which made me stall but that's fine. I started prior because I never know when I'm going to get it. My biggest fear right now is my cruise approaching in 62 days and how the heck am I going to keep this weight off? I'm not going to do the injections onboard the ship. It's nearly impossible to follow a low cal diet either and I want to be able to enjoy food. Any ideas/suggestions??


I saw someone did the fajitas in the lettuce, I did that Friday and it was awesome!! I am missing the mexican food too. I made some meat for today and having it for lunch at work with pico de gallo. So good!!

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Well I was trying to not broadcast my secret to weight loss all over the internet but I can always use some support. This is definitely a controversial diet! So, I'm doing injections and I'm doing good - 8lbs after one week of VLCD. I did get TOM during this time which made me stall but that's fine. I started prior because I never know when I'm going to get it. My biggest fear right now is my cruise approaching in 62 days and how the heck am I going to keep this weight off? I'm not going to do the injections onboard the ship. It's nearly impossible to follow a low cal diet either and I want to be able to enjoy food. Any ideas/suggestions??


I saw someone did the fajitas in the lettuce, I did that Friday and it was awesome!! I am missing the mexican food too. I made some meat for today and having it for lunch at work with pico de gallo. So good!!


Welcome to the group, Blueyesdm! 8lbs...that's GREAT! I can't offer any advice on how to keep the weight off because I'm only 1 week into P2 right now. Maybe someone else on here can give you and me some pointers. :)

I'm 7lbs down this morning. I figured that's not too bad since I wasn't very good this weekend! I am the one that had the Fajitas and they were DELISH! I will be having them again very soon.

Don't worry about broadcasting your secret to weight loss on here...we won't tell anybody! LOL! :p

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Welcome to the group, Blueyesdm! 8lbs...that's GREAT! I can't offer any advice on how to keep the weight off because I'm only 1 week into P2 right now. Maybe someone else on here can give you and me some pointers. :)

I'm 7lbs down this morning. I figured that's not too bad since I wasn't very good this weekend! I am the one that had the Fajitas and they were DELISH! I will be having them again very soon.

Don't worry about broadcasting your secret to weight loss on here...we won't tell anybody! LOL! :p


Thanks for the welcome! Looks like you and I are on track together. I was surprised at how easy it's been. I mean the first two days of vlcd were very hard for me and I did get hungry but it was mostly mental for me. Those fajitas are delish! I use ground turkey breast for mine and it's yummy. I appreciate you not telling anyone! ;)


I've been reading info online, and it looks like my best bet is to stop the 500 cal diet 3 weeks prior to leaving and start eating a minimum of 1500 cals a day but no sugar or starches. This way my body doesn't go into shock. I should maintain weight at this point, but I would still like to lose so hopefully with exercise added I can still continue to drop the pounds. I am thinking it's the best bet for me and my body!!

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Well I was trying to not broadcast my secret to weight loss all over the internet but I can always use some support. This is definitely a controversial diet! So, I'm doing injections and I'm doing good - 8lbs after one week of VLCD. I did get TOM during this time which made me stall but that's fine. I started prior because I never know when I'm going to get it. My biggest fear right now is my cruise approaching in 62 days and how the heck am I going to keep this weight off? I'm not going to do the injections onboard the ship. It's nearly impossible to follow a low cal diet either and I want to be able to enjoy food. Any ideas/suggestions??


I saw someone did the fajitas in the lettuce, I did that Friday and it was awesome!! I am missing the mexican food too. I made some meat for today and having it for lunch at work with pico de gallo. So good!!



Lucky you to have a cruise so close. IF it were me, I would do the 21 days of 500 calorie and then go into the no sugar, no starch for three weeks. Then you should have a couple of weeks to do the 1500, low sugar, low starch before your cruise. ENJOY the cruise, just try to be more aware of what you are eating. I gained 2 pounds on my cruise after my first round. I did alot of walking and tried to be good diet wise but did eat dessert every night...tried to eat more veggies and meats instead of the pasta and potatoes. Wait at least 6 weeks after phase three (no sugar, no starch) before you do the diet again. You didn't gain the weight in 6 weeks so don't expect to take it all off in one round.

I have recommended a site for recipes and support, it is www.liquiddiet.com just need to register or like it on FaceBook after doing a search. Makes the food a little more bearable.

Try to have a plan for your 6 week wait until you do another round, if you choose. I am personally going to do a modified Atkins, high protein, low fat-starch-sugar.

This thread has been encouraging to many of us and hope you join us!

Some of us have been through this once and some are newbies:D

Any questions, just ask as we all in this together!

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Good morning and happy Monday everyone! Well I took a mini-interruption because I knew I was going to need to eat P3 over the weekend and stayed within range however wings from Friday's yesterday gave me a 2lb gain. Back in P2 today! Everyone is doing great! The plan works if you work the plan. ;)


welcome back shari08! Today is another day...moving on and great attitude:)

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Lucky you to have a cruise so close. IF it were me, I would do the 21 days of 500 calorie and then go into the no sugar, no starch for three weeks. Then you should have a couple of weeks to do the 1500, low sugar, low starch before your cruise. ENJOY the cruise, just try to be more aware of what you are eating. I gained 2 pounds on my cruise after my first round. I did alot of walking and tried to be good diet wise but did eat dessert every night...tried to eat more veggies and meats instead of the pasta and potatoes. Wait at least 6 weeks after phase three (no sugar, no starch) before you do the diet again. You didn't gain the weight in 6 weeks so don't expect to take it all off in one round.

I have recommended a site for recipes and support, it is www.liquiddiet.com just need to register or like it on FaceBook after doing a search. Makes the food a little more bearable.

Try to have a plan for your 6 week wait until you do another round, if you choose. I am personally going to do a modified Atkins, high protein, low fat-starch-sugar.

This thread has been encouraging to many of us and hope you join us!

Some of us have been through this once and some are newbies:D

Any questions, just ask as we all in this together!


Thanks for the warm welcome and the information!! You seem like a great group! I checked out that website and I can't get over the recipes! I was telling my husband it's killing me trying to think of different ways to cook things but that'll make it easier.


I know when I go on the cruise I'll be eating sugar but I'm limiting myself and going to try to use SF desserts as much as possible. And I know I need to avoid the pasta dishes, and the starches with my meal and the bread. I also want to use the gym too!! I figure I'll gain 5lbs so let's hope that's the max!!

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**Thanks for the warm welcome and the information!! You seem like a great group! I checked out that website and I can't get over the recipes! I was telling my husband it's killing me trying to think of different ways to cook things but that'll make it easier.


I know when I go on the cruise I'll be eating sugar but I'm limiting myself and going to try to use SF desserts as much as possible. And I know I need to avoid the pasta dishes, and the starches with my meal and the bread. I also want to use the gym too!! I figure I'll gain 5lbs so let's hope that's the max!!**


Where is your cruise going? Maybe someplace you can walk alot and sightsee or water play? I know I had good intentions of doing the gym, but hey it's a cruise. I found it nicer to walk the deck, found excursions that had moderate physical activity. Good deal to do the SF desserts, what would a cruise be without dessert?!?! I had planned on gaining 10 pounds and was nicely surprised to have only gained 2. I did have some starches and more sugars than I should have but I think your metabolism gets re-set after the 3 weeks of 1500 calories. So with a little added activity and some thinking before you eat (darn those buffets) you will do fine...AND ENJOY that cruise!


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Our cruise goes to Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Grand Cayman, Cozumel and Honduras. We are going ziplining in Costa Rica so that'll give me some excercise and in most of the other ports we do beach kind of things and some sightseeing. I'm sure I"ll be doing a lot of walking and I'll also be snorkeling. I'm not sure I can guarantee the gym on port days but I hope to on sea days or at least get my butt up and walk. I always enjoy those walks outside on the deck in the fresh sea air. Metabolism you say? What's that? :eek: I'm pretty sure I lost it YEARS ago!! :rolleyes:


Congrats to you for only gaining 2lbs on your last cruise - that's awesome!! Did you drink too? I know the booze is bad for the belly ;)

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Our cruise goes to Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Grand Cayman, Cozumel and Honduras. We are going ziplining in Costa Rica so that'll give me some excercise and in most of the other ports we do beach kind of things and some sightseeing. I'm sure I"ll be doing a lot of walking and I'll also be snorkeling. I'm not sure I can guarantee the gym on port days but I hope to on sea days or at least get my butt up and walk. I always enjoy those walks outside on the deck in the fresh sea air. Metabolism you say? What's that? :eek: I'm pretty sure I lost it YEARS ago!! :rolleyes:


Congrats to you for only gaining 2lbs on your last cruise - that's awesome!! Did you drink too? I know the booze is bad for the belly ;)


Oh yeah, I drank. I love mixology classes, but generally I limit myself to 2 drinks. Of course my favorite one is called a BBC Banana baileys colada...like a milk shake,,,,yum. Snorkeling is great exercise, I just learned this past year and did it my last cruise.

LOL...I always felt like I had no metabolism either, but that is the MAIN point of this diet that interested me. That if you follow the program (and I did the minimum days) it will re-set your metabolism. After doing much reading, I realized how many of the artificial sweeteners, chemicals, such as propylene glycol, sodium laureth for instance, really mess with your metabolism. So now I read labels and "try" stay away from products that list more than 5 ingredients, and/or have names I can't pronounce. Not always sucessful but at least I know.

I yo-yo dieted for many years and diets just were not successful for me. This one has shown me results and I have actually been so happy with it, I have read more information and done more research than I ever thought possible. Not an expert by any means but I feel very comfortable with this diet and see results, and when you see results, you stick with it and are motivated. Sorry to blab on and on...just excited:D

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Yea !!! A new girl...WELCOME.


NOTE TO OTHER LOSERS: Cookie dough does NOT help in loosing weight...I repeat cookie dough is NOT on protocol...If you eat just a drop of cookie dough you WILL NOT lose any weight.

So, I woke up this morning excitied about reaching my mim-goal of 20lbs....and yep, the cookie dough was not a good idea. I did not lose the 1lb I was looking for...good news I didn't gain any weight...Bright side.

I need to find a new recipe thats as easy as the fajiatas... I'm dying for Itailan. I will have to look it up.

Hoping tomorrow I will reach my mini goal..I was really good today...

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