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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Liz - I am currently taking off one day a week, on Saturday. So that's my plan. I'll stop my shots by March 21st. I'll probably still have some left but that'll give me time to start the 1500 cals before our cruise and adjust my body. When we return from the cruise, I'll start HCG again to lose the rest of these unwanted pounds!


Bighorn - Sorry for your .6 gain. :( It happens though and you know what you did wrong. I am on another HCG group on Facebook and some of the girls gain with pickles due to sodium. do you not run into that problem? My daughter made popcorn this weekend, I thought I was going to die!! My thing I've been craving is chocolate. I just want to taste something chocolatey. even a SF pudding or fudgesicle would make me happy but it's not on protocol. :(


I am down 1.1 lbs this morning!! So, I've finally lost 10 lbs since beginning this VLCD last Monday!! I'm super duper excited!!!! :D

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Just checking in. I'm down .2 this morning...not real happy about it, but at least it's a loss! :rolleyes:

I'm getting off work at 1:00 today, so I'm going home to fix cabbage rolls. I got the recipe from liguidhcgdiet.com's recipe page. I sure hope it's good!

Blueyesdm-congrats on the 10lb loss!! :eek:

Block-your lunch sounds DELISH! ;)

Bighorn-Sorry about the .6lb gain. Keep your chin up...it will get better. :) I'm taking your advice and doing a mile on the treadmill while my cabbage rolls are cooking. Maybe I can get past the stall!


Good luck today, ladies!!

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I love cabbage! I should make those. I'd use the ground turkey though because I'm staying clear of the beef. YUM!! Did I mention that I have to go to dinner at the Olive Garden tonight. I'm thinking the Venetian chicken is my best bet, its low in cals and fat. No salad dressing or breadsticks though!

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I love cabbage! I should make those. I'd use the ground turkey though because I'm staying clear of the beef. YUM!! Did I mention that I have to go to dinner at the Olive Garden tonight. I'm thinking the Venetian chicken is my best bet, its low in cals and fat. No salad dressing or breadsticks though!


Good idea! I think I'll make it with ground turkey. I didn't realize that we were allowed turkey on the diet.

Olive Garden...Mmmm!! I don't know that I could resist their house dressing though. :DCOLOR]

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Hi Losers.. Seems like everyone is doing great..

Hang in there.. Remember (what's the saying)

I know its something to the point of

skinny feels BETTER then food taste....:cool:

No loss for me today but I did start exercising yesterday.

Walked/jogged 2 miles yesterday and this am..

Does anyone get a B-12 shot weekly? or do you the B-12

drops? Just wondering if it makes a difference?

Did get a B-12 shot yesterday..

Hope everyone has a fantastic day,


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Hi guys!

I'm so excited you guys are losing! Or stalling, anything but gaining!

Bighorn, I had a suggestion for you. I was told by the md that I could have a small bag of airpopped popcorn. The way I had to do it was take kernels, put them in a small paper bag, and put them in the microwave and stop it when it slowed. Then I sprayed I can't believe its not butter spray on it and sprinkled garlic powder, shook it well, and took my popcorn to the movies! It was soooo good too. I think doing that regularly would stop weight loss but I think it might be a good option instead of the pickle. Depends on what you're craving...

Ok, to answer someone's question. Going off this thing is tricky...I started with good intentions. apple for breakfast, leftover grilled chicken for lunch, then it went downhill. I ate so many of the things I had previously given up. Let's just say a small amount of sugar and a not-so-small amt. of carbs were consumed. Up two pounds today!!!! Yikes!

Ok, I've returned to the land of the sane. Today I'm being VERY careful. Of course it's only one pm...lol

I did the B12 shots the first round when I did the injections. I felt great on them and think they gave me lots of energy.

Block, the stalls might continue through your entire TOM, mine did. Then I think it was a two lb. loss. I remember being relieved after being ticked off for 5-6 days.

I'll continue to be the group guinea pig for P3. The biggest difference I've noticed is that when I was on P2, I didn't crave things. I mean maybe a little, but it was more of a psychological craving, not a physical one. That my friends has disappeared.

I am so proud of all of you for exercising. Is it cold where you are?

Sheri, you're in AZ, how cold is it there?

It was 27 this morning when we did tennis drills. I couldn't believe we did 90 minutes and it never got above freezing. I am such a wimp!

Ok, off to make lunch.

Be good!!!


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Liz, Thanks for all the great info. Hang in the Girl you can

do it..

In AZ its freezing..:rolleyes: 32 this AM and its 60 @ 2pm..

Thats COLD for us I am use to it being in the 70's..

This weekend it will be 72.:D

I LOVE AZ you really cant beat the weather here..


Hope everyone is having a good day

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Hi Girls...day has gone ok but I want to eat what I want to eat. But I won't...nothing like a gain to kick you in the shorts to stay on track.

I could never control myself with just a little pocorn...LOL I should try but just don't trust myself. I had pickles the last time and didn't seem to bother the weight...just used it as my 2 Cups of cucumber. Still haven't got on the treadmill, had a longer work day and will force myself to do it before I go to hockey tonight. No, I don't play, just an avid fan.

Everyone seems to be in good spirits, sometimes that is 1/2 the battle. I know I feed my emotions, must learn to stop that! Have a good evening, I will root, holler and stomp at hockey and maybe burn a little more of yesterdays mistake off...LOL

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Good Morning!

Last day of drops...two more days of 500 cal. Total weight loss this round(21) so far is 13 pounds, total for both rounds(total 42 days)..35 pounds. I just have to grin ear to ear when I see that.

I hope that all of you had a loss this a.m. No matter how big or small they all do add up, so look at the big picture. Forget about the mistakes and those days where you did everything right but still no loss, in the end, you know you are on your way to being lighter.

I was going to try and go a little longer in P2, but just had such a struggle this time, I decided I needed a break. May end up doing this again before my cruise in Dec. depending on how the summer goes, where as a rule I generally lose weight...or may wait until next year. I have signed up for water aerobics and will start that a couple of times a week next week. I know I have to do some extra activity to keep the weight off and change my eating habits. I have a plan in place and will have to play it out and see what works and what doesn't.

My cholesterol numbers have gone down drastically, but my trigycerides are still high, so I may have to get back on a medication for that. I took myself off the Lipitor about three weeks before my first round and have been monitoring the levels with the home kits. I see my Dr. in July for my yearly physical and will decide where to go from there. If she doesn't pitch a fit about taking myself off the Lipitor...LOL

Have a GREAT week-end and stay on track. Remember how hard it is to recover from a slip. I did two 1000 piece puzzles this week, to keep the hands "busy". I don't know how you gals did the restaurants on this, the will power you must have is astonishing!

I have an air popper and that is one of the first things I will have Monday, maybe take a small-and I mean small bag to work with me Monday.

I think that my 5 year old grand daughter will keep me busy and active this week-end, so I just have to hang on and enjoy the ride.

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Good Morning Losers...

I hope everyone is down the AM or at least the


Bighorn Congrats on the 35 lbs WOW that is Wonderful.

Keep the great attitude going and yes incorporate

some exercise into your daily routine.

Water aerobics sounds like fun. Keep us posted.

I was down 1 pound today on the scale :D

Day 3 of exercise.

Keep up the good work all,


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Good morning everyone! I had a 1.2lb loss yesterday! That was a pleasant surprise since I have been stalling for a couple of days now. I'm a little worried about this weekend considering how bad I did last Saturday at the birthday party. I told my DH that we are going to HAVE to stay home this weekend so I won't be temped!! :p


Bighorn-35lbs?? WOW! That's great! You deserve to have that grin from ear to ear on your face. I took your advice and got on the treadmill yesterday and look at my weight loss! Thanks for the advice. Please keep in touch with us on here while you are taking a brake from HCG. Your encouraging words have really helped me on those tough days. :) .


AZcruisegurl-congrats on the 1lb loss! Keep up the good work!


Have a great day, everybody! ;)

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Bighorn - Congrats to you on being done for now!! So, did you like the drops? I heard some people say they don't work as well. I've had friends who have done both. Sounds like it worked for you though!! Have fun with your grand daughter this weekend! I love water aerobics. Zumba is always a blast too.


Disney - Congrats on the 1.2lb loss! Stalls suck but they happen unfortunately. I hear you on the temptation. I went to a party last weekend where they had cheesecake...I had to say NO. It was so hard. I avoid social situations as much as possible.


Az - Congrats on your loss too!! I need to start exercising too.


So, I made it through dinner last night at Olive Garden. I had a teeny bit of salad. The waitress said it's LF dressing. I didn't touch the breadsticks. I ordered the apricot chicken and ate 1/2 a piece of chicken (they give you 2) and all of my veggies. It was good! The bad thing I did was drink 2 glasses of wine. BUT I had a loss of .30 today which isn't great but it's not bad at all. Hubby was sure I was going to gain. Whew! I was pretty proud of myself since my friends all had yummy carb dinners. ;)

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So, I made it through dinner last night at Olive Garden. I had a teeny bit of salad. The waitress said it's LF dressing. I didn't touch the breadsticks. I ordered the apricot chicken and ate 1/2 a piece of chicken (they give you 2) and all of my veggies. It was good! The bad thing I did was drink 2 glasses of wine. BUT I had a loss of .30 today which isn't great but it's not bad at all. Hubby was sure I was going to gain. Whew! I was pretty proud of myself since my friends all had yummy carb dinners. ;)


Way to go! You were alot stronger than I would have been! I know that a .30 loss doesn't seem like much, but it's still a loss and not a gain. Keep up the good work! :)

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way to lose everyone! Keep it up and you'll be looking better day by day.

I liked the drops, but I have to say that I think there may be an immunity factor doing the second round. Maybe doing the second round 8 weeks after the first round had something to do with it. But I wanted the weight off fast and am not a patient person in that department. So now I am satisfied where I am at (for now) and will keep at losing the rest of the weight more slowly with the modified Atkins.

It will be interesting to see what happens these two 500 cal. days without the drops. Monday I am going out for steak and salad for Valentine's Day, 1st restaurant visit in a month...I hope I can contain myself. If I do splurge, it will be on one Margarita. I see that Applebee's has a lower calorie one. That works for me. I also found a low cal/less sugar Margarita mix. I believe they said on P3 you can have an occasional drink, but if you are gaining, that will probably be the culprit.

So have a happy loser week-end!

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Good morning all,

Hope everyone had GREAT Success on the Scale this morning.

I lost another lb. So I am P2R1D10 and I am down10lbs :p.

I got up yesterday and did my walk/run 40 min. Then in the afternoon

DH and I got on your bikes just to go down the street we

ended up riding for 45 min. I told DH I think I need to go

home he said why.. I said I already exercise today and

I have only eaten 260 cal :eek:

Blue you have will power girl. NO way could I have done that.

I am staying home for meals intill I leave for San Diego in

25 days..:p We are having DH Mom for dinner she likes to bring

dessert. I told DH no dessert or we just wont have dinner. I know

I wouldn't be able to control my self..

Hope you all have willpower and great success this weekend..

75 here today :D


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Yesterday I losrt 2lbs !!! This morning.3...Okay thats pretty good. I would have likeed to see the 2lbs again...:D 22lbs so far...Only 6 more days left for me..til P3 starts. I'm a bit nervous.


Last night my DD tempted me with Chinese ..I usually just get steamed chicken BUT I wanted Garlic chx. I asked for very little sauce and oil...Tasted wonderful...I don't know what was in it but I ate the broccoli all up and some chx.


Maybe I'll ACTUALLY jump on the treadmill today....when I get rid of my headache(excuse???)


for now I will go finish my FAVORITE past time , Laundry.

Have a good day all !!! Its the weekend BE STRONG>

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Block WOW great job on the lose.. That's so great

I hope you girls stick around when your on phase

3 because I am going to need your help and support.

Can someone please give me a brief idea what phase 3 is?

The place I go does the eating totally different. But I had researched

the original HCG plan and and followed that. But I am

not sure what phase 3 really is. Thanks

Oh I forgot to mention for the last 3 days I have been

drinking ACV with water twice a day..

Hope everyone is doing well


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I'm going to give this a try. I've heard good things so I am hopeful. I just found a site to order 2 bottles (2 oz each) for a total of $37.95! I love a bargain. And just in case it doesn't do it for me....it's not a great money loss.


Welcome, StarryEyes!


Oh I forgot to mention for the last 3 days I have been

drinking ACV with water twice a day..



Can you tell me what ACV stands for?

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Good Morning Losers!!!

@ Disney ACV- apple cider vinegar. It helps shed the pounds . Actually kills yeast that is lingering in your intestines which helps the carb craving and flatten your stomach.

Down 1lb this morning...

Starting to get a little excitied for P3. Tuesday I stop the drops...By friday I will have CHEESE. Never been so excitied about cheese. I might have some jarlesburg...MMM.


Be careful where you purchase your drops from...cheaper may not be better...I'm just a little concerened. You may not get the results that you were hoping for. Please just double check your source.

Have a great day All !!!!

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P3 is the no sugar, no starch part of the diet for three weeks. They say that is the phase you re-set your metabolism. Some articles I have read say to increase the calories up to 1500 calories a day all at once and some say to do it in increments of 200 a day until you are up to about 1500 calories. There are many foods that are allowed that have some sugars and carbs, but they are high in fiber and/or naturally occurring sugars. They say to monitor these and if you see a weight gain, these foods are usually the culprit. The book I have by Linda Prinster, has a list of foods allowed for each phase.

On my last round I did not gain in P3, and I went up to 1500 calories all at once.

I did not increase my activity either, so it doesn't mean you are going to gain, but I sure was scared to do it, after being on the 500 cal. for so long, and NOT wanting to gain any of the weight back.

Good luck to everyone and welcome to StarryEyes!

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Good morning!

I'm down another pound this morning. :D I'm doing much better this weekend than the last one. DH and I worked out in the yard yesterday. I think it helped to occupy my mind so I wasn't constantly thinking about what I'm not able to eat! LOL! It also gave me a little exercise, so that's good.

I hope everyone has a good day and stay strong! ;)

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P3 is the no sugar, no starch part of the diet for three weeks. They say that is the phase you re-set your metabolism. Some articles I have read say to increase the calories up to 1500 calories a day all at once and some say to do it in increments of 200 a day until you are up to about 1500 calories. There are many foods that are allowed that have some sugars and carbs, but they are high in fiber and/or naturally occurring sugars. They say to monitor these and if you see a weight gain, these foods are usually the culprit. The book I have by Linda Prinster, has a list of foods allowed for each phase.

On my last round I did not gain in P3, and I went up to 1500 calories all at once.

I did not increase my activity either, so it doesn't mean you are going to gain, but I sure was scared to do it, after being on the 500 cal. for so long, and NOT wanting to gain any of the weight back.

Good luck to everyone and welcome to StarryEyes!





Disney congrats on the loss WOW that's great..:p

Bighorn thanks for the info on phase 3. I will do some research also .

I have 11 more days of shots. So Let me get this straight. Two days

after you finish your dose you still do 500 cal then after that two days

you go up to 1500 no sugar no starch for three weeks. Then you start slowly adding sugar and starch or do they suggest to cont without??

When can you add oatmeal and good carbs ph3 or after the 3 weeks

on ph 3?? Thanks for your help.

Where is everyone else this weekend??


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Disney congrats on the loss WOW that's great..:p


Bighorn thanks for the info on phase 3. I will do some research also .

I have 11 more days of shots. So Let me get this straight. Two days

after you finish your dose you still do 500 cal then after that two days

you go up to 1500 no sugar no starch for three weeks. Then you start slowly adding sugar and starch or do they suggest to cont without??

When can you add oatmeal and good carbs ph3 or after the 3 weeks

on ph 3?? Thanks for your help.


Where is everyone else this weekend??


My book, called HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide, by Linda Prinster... had this to say about oatmeal. Not allowed P1, P2 and 1st three weeks into P3. Allowing into second three weeks of P3...IF not causing a gain. OK for maintenance.

After three weeks of no sugar, no starch, you do start to gradually add the sugars and starches, seeing what will cause a gain. They recommend that you stay away from the refine and processed sugars and starches.

I had a bad week-end and I am hoping that this a.m.'s gain is water...)ate some smoked ham!!!) Will see what happens tomorrow. Which is my first day of P3. Can't believe I blew it, so close to the end of P2...but life goes on and I have been good today.

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R2P3D1.....almost lost all the gain I had yesterday, must have been some fluid retention from the sodium in that ham.

Hoping that all of you can resist the temptations of Valentine's Day. I am going to Applebee's and having steak and salad. Probably one of their new skinny Margaritas. Will be hitting the treadmill today and starting water aerobics on Wed.

Three more weeks until I can have cereal or oatmeal, I was so used to eating breakfast every morning, it has been hard to get going in the a.m. without it.

May all your Valentine's gifts be non-edible! New shoes, clothes or best yet...a cruise!

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