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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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My book, called HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide, by Linda Prinster... had this to say about oatmeal. Not allowed P1, P2 and 1st three weeks into P3. Allowing into second three weeks of P3...IF not causing a gain. OK for maintenance.

After three weeks of no sugar, no starch, you do start to gradually add the sugars and starches, seeing what will cause a gain. They recommend that you stay away from the refine and processed sugars and starches.

I had a bad week-end and I am hoping that this a.m.'s gain is water...)ate some smoked ham!!!) Will see what happens tomorrow. Which is my first day of P3. Can't believe I blew it, so close to the end of P2...but life goes on and I have been good today.

Bighorn Thanks for all the info you have posted. I will go to the book store to look for the book you have.

Are you doing 1500 cal now? Congrats on getting the weight back down..

Keep up the great attitude and start your exercise program..

Have fun tonight. We do not celabrate Valentine day or many holidays.

We save $$ for our Cruises.:p Dinner maybe but not this year. I dont trust myself.. And I dont want to blow it!

Down another lb this am. :D:p

How is everyone else doing??

Have a happy Valentines day all,


Welcome StarryEyes :)

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Great losing Sheri, that is the way to do it..your closer to goal every day!

I bought my book locally from the gal that sells the drops. But I have seen it on Amazon also.

I have decided to go straight to the 1500 calories starting today...LOL...Looking forward to more food but plan to stay on track with more healthy choices. I went right to the 1500 calories last time and it worked out for me. It is harder than you think to stay away from the sugars and starches, but I do refer to the book alot to see what I can have. I had my heart set on yogurt, but looked and saw even with the diet yogurt, it is a no-no until you gradually add the sugars and starches.

My husband and I had our first date Feb 14th 1978, two months later we married, so not a long courtship! But we have almost 33 years coming up, so we do go out for dinner but never have done the chocolate and roses thing. We have a small vaca planned for March, so that is our "gift". I remember the first date, he took me to the nicest restaurant in town and I had escargot, never had it before and can't say that I have had it since...LOL...wasn't to my liking.

Good luck everyone this week...the rest of you check in and let us know how the week-end went.

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Good morning losers!!


Disney - Keep up the good work!


Bighorn - You are so lucky to be eating 1500 cals again. I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to eat that much!! It will feel weird for sure but it'll be nice to enjoy breakfast again. I miss that. Good luck to you in phase 3. I can't wait to hear how it goes for you. I'm sure well!


AZ - congrats on your pound!! We don't celebrate either. Like you said - save the money for cruises.


Block - Good job! I'm so jealous you can eat cheese. I love cheese too!!


I'm down .70 pounds this morning! I wish I had loses of a pound. I feel like a brat complaining but what other diet will allow me to drop weight like that daily? None! I did some exercise on the Kinect this weekend and my muscles ached yesterday. I'm going to start doing the elliptical tonight though. I feel like if I'm exercising I should eat more though, will my body have enough fuel in it to handle a workout? Seems like you girls do well with it. Do you do anything differently??

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Bighorn WOW 2/14 is a big day for enjoy the night and the


Blue, Congrats on your loss. A loss is a loss right ? Will

take it how ever we can get it. I have been exercising

for a week. I walk/run alittle over 2 miles every day.

I have only been eating 500 Cal. I feel great and some

times have to make myself eat..

My key to making sure I get my exercise in is first thing in

morning. Like today I had to leave house for work at 6am

so to make sure I did my exercise I was up at 4:30...:eek:

Thats the only way I will exercise. Good luck


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Phase 3 chocolate fix......unsweetened chocolate almond milk, add stevia and you have chocolate milk. 8 oz=45 calories!

Last time I switched over to the original unsweetened almond milk for cereal, then found the unsweetened chocolate...yum

How did your day go girls?

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Good evening, ladies! I lost 1lb yesterday. When I started HCG, I had about 80 lbs to lose which seemed like an unreachable goal for me. So, I decided that I would set "mini" goals for myself. I am .2 away from my first "mini" goal! :) I sure hope the scale is good to me tomorrow!!


Bighorn-Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your Anniversary dinner and sip a little skinny margarita for me! ;)


Sheri-4:30?? :eek: Keep up the good work! That's awesome!!


Blueyesdm-congrats on the .70!


I hope everybody has a good night!

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Skipped the Margarita, didn't want to do sugar at all, but really enjoyed the steak and salad. It was nice to have more than 100 grams of meat!

Where are all you gals? Fess up...was it a good day yesterday? If not, today is a new start and you can get right back on track.

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Disney - Congrats on your "mini goal"! I'm 3 away from mine which is 20lbs. I lost 4 of those lbs prior on my own w/out the HCG so that's pretty darn exciting to me. I just want to drop a pants size now!


Bighorn - Good choice skipping that margarita! I'm scared of all the sugary things I'll be drinking on the cruise. Yikes! I would say yesterday was good, I ate according to plan BUT I did take one spoonful of sugar free pudding and it tasted gross. However, I only lost .3 when I weighed this AM so that made me sad. I honestly don't think I ate enough calories yesterday. I don't see how one spoonful of something SF could set me back like that.

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blueyesdm...it may or may not have been the SF bite. Sometimes when you have lost as much weight as you have so far, you have days with no loss or small gains. Some people react with a gain on even just a bite, But forget it and get back on track today, drinks lots of water and I'll bet you have a loss tomorrow.

I found my fat belly, after losing 20 pounds was pretty flabby, so I started doing some sit ups and that is when I started dropping some sizes. I went from a tight 18 to a very comfy 12/14. In my other world where I win the lotto, I would have just gotten liposuction! LOL

Where are you at on P2?

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Good evening Ladies !!


Didn't post yesterday ...had nothing to report. But today I have to say I lost 2 lbs !! That makes 25 lbs total and I start P3 Friday...So today was my first day without drops....I had to force my calories in.


Disney & Blue eyes Congrats on the Mini goals!!


I'm wondering how I will add the extra calories in? Slowly but making sure there good calories.


Does anyone know a good website for getting the counts of calories ?


Bighorn - Do you know if I will lose any lbs between now and friday ? greedy aren't I ? Just wasn't sure if I haave something to look forward too tomorrow AM ?? Also Happy Valentine's day . DH I don't celebrate V-Day..we meet a week after so we celebrate the 21st :).


Have a good night all!

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Block - Myfitnesspal.com is a good website to track calories and excercise. Congrats on your 2lbs!! That's so great! Wow day one without drops and not hungry, that's good.


Bighorn - Oh let's see. I'm R1P2D16 So just over 2 weeks on VLCD. I just started to toss in excercise yesterday, I waited a couple weeks. I drink plenty of water, more than I think I need which is good. I know how some people struggle with drinking enough water. Thankfully I like it.

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Good evening Ladies !!


Didn't post yesterday ...had nothing to report. But today I have to say I lost 2 lbs !! That makes 25 lbs total and I start P3 Friday...So today was my first day without drops....I had to force my calories in.


Disney & Blue eyes Congrats on the Mini goals!!


I'm wondering how I will add the extra calories in? Slowly but making sure there good calories.


Does anyone know a good website for getting the counts of calories ?


Bighorn - Do you know if I will lose any lbs between now and friday ? greedy aren't I ? Just wasn't sure if I haave something to look forward too tomorrow AM ?? Also Happy Valentine's day . DH I don't celebrate V-Day..we meet a week after so we celebrate the 21st :).


Have a good night all!


WOW! Great loss and yes, you can still lose. I have also chatted with people who continue to lose more weight on P3, but much more slowly. They say the important thing is to maintain the calories at 1500 or better. If you go 2 pounds over your last weight on P2, they recommend a steak day. I haven't had to do one of those, last round or this round...so far. Your weight will most likely teeter back and forth within those 2 pounds. But it is possible to lose, but I think ideally they want you to maintain the lost weight (within the 2 pounds) for 3 weeks and then start the process of adding sugar and starches after that.

I thought it would be hard to get up to the 1500 calories but have had no problem....cheese, nuts, fruit, nice size serving of meats...just have to watch and weigh daily to see if these are foods that tend to push your weight up....fruit is a common one because of the natural sugars. It is great to be able to have some other veggies besides what we have been restricted to in P2.

I know there are a million sites for calorie counts but I have a couple of soft back books that are great, even have restaurant food nutrient values. One I carry in my purse is pocket sized and they are very inexpensive.

Sorry to have rambled on, but I hope this helps.

Everyone has done so well, now you have to be thinking of a plan to keep it off, a maintenence plan. Even if you plan to do another round, you don't want to backslide. :D

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Block - Myfitnesspal.com is a good website to track calories and excercise. Congrats on your 2lbs!! That's so great! Wow day one without drops and not hungry, that's good.


Bighorn - Oh let's see. I'm R1P2D16 So just over 2 weeks on VLCD. I just started to toss in excercise yesterday, I waited a couple weeks. I drink plenty of water, more than I think I need which is good. I know how some people struggle with drinking enough water. Thankfully I like it.


How many days do you plan on doing P2? You can go minimum of 21 or a maximum of 40....I couldn't imagine 40 days of P2!!!!!!!!!

I knew I could do anything for 21 days and that is the route I have taken.

Water is good but I got sick of it fast, so I added flavored stevia (mandarin orange was the best) and the unsweetened packets of real lemon, lime and orange, then added stevia to taste. But I didn't like them very sweet, just enough to take the bitter taste away.

Great job ladies!

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Good Morning Losers,

Wow looks like everyone is doing well. Congrats on

all your success.. Keep up the GOOD work Girls..

I also use Myfitnesspal. DH added it as an ap on

my phone so VERY nice. I eat and add in my food and it

calculates cal and much more.

Big how is Ph3 going??

Great losses everyone.


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Good morning ladies!!

Well, I woke up to a 2lb GAIN this morning...and TOM came to visit last night TOO!! Needless to say, I am not having a very good morning! :(

I'm not going to let myself get down about it. I'm going to measure tonight when I get home...maybe that well brighten me up a bit. I have very severe TOM's and I don't think I drank enough water over the last few days, so I think those may be the culprits. Oh well, I hope y'all are doing well today. I'm going to check out myfitnesspal.com today to see what that's all about. It sounds very helpful!

Have a good day and stay strong!

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Disney - It's the TOM that's causing your gain so don't let it get you down. I stalled 3 days with TOM. Just keep on doing what you gotta do. I actually skipped my shot during one day of TOM (thankfully mine are very light) but I did notice that HCG caused my cramps to intensify. That sucked. Hang in there girl!!


Big - I'm going to do 40 days. I can do it! Yeah it sucks not being able to have certain things but I can hold out just fine. I have a cruise to go on in April and clothes that have to fit me. I'm determined to do this and succeed since I seem to fail at everything else I've tried. :)


Hello to all you other losers!!


So, I had a small loss again - .40 this time. UGH!! I know I shouldn't complain but I was really hoping doing some cardio would increase my loss. I am thinking I should increase my protein or something. It's frustrating to me. I feel great though so I guess that's all that matters. I'm just trying to hit my mini goal!

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Blue eyes thanks for the My fitness pal app...Someone at work today suggested it to me and i got to see how it works...


I did the P2 for 40 days...it wasn't difficult at all. I just made the commitent. Still counting down til friday when I can have some cheese..and actually not usually a fan of cheese. I think I will want breakfast come friday so some plain yougurt and berries I think then I can still have Lunch...Life is good. No loose today but I'm fine with the 25lbs I lost allready...My goal is to keep the 25 off and tone up a bit. Then start another round after my cruise in April ooh and then after Mother's day weekend..thats when.. UGH so far away.


How is everyones else's day going ???

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Blue eyes thanks for the My fitness pal app...Someone at work today suggested it to me and i got to see how it works...


I did the P2 for 40 days...it wasn't difficult at all. I just made the commitent. Still counting down til friday when I can have some cheese..and actually not usually a fan of cheese. I think I will want breakfast come friday so some plain yougurt and berries I think then I can still have Lunch...Life is good. No loose today but I'm fine with the 25lbs I lost allready...My goal is to keep the 25 off and tone up a bit. Then start another round after my cruise in April ooh and then after Mother's day weekend..thats when.. UGH so far away.


How is everyones else's day going ???


You're welcome! Glad someone showed you how it worked.


After we get back from our cruise I'll also do another round of the HCG. I'll probably wait a week or two though since we go camping the weekend after we get back. Another thing we love to do that always involves eating a lot of crap. ;) Hooray for your 25lbs!! Is that just on one round?

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congrats Block and good plan in place....enjoy your cruise and Mother's Day. You have done very well.

I had a small gain this a.m. but today I started water aerobics and have watched the food today...I ate quite a bit of fruit yesterday, so I think it was too much natural sugars. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Great attitude blueyesdm! I admire you moxie to do 40 days!

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Hello my friends. Ok, I need motivation. I need a good swift kick in the #@%% I need something! I have gained NINE pounds since I last posted. Yes nine.

Ok, so I was fairly good the first day on higher calories. Not so good after that. I gained 2 lbs.a DAY...I'm so upset and mad at myself I can't stand to be in the room with myself! lol,

slight exaggeration but I need to hear it will be ok and that I need to go back to maintainance eating, why can't I spell that word? Anyway. I'm sorry to come complain. I just am so sad, and I miss my flatter stomach... :-(



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Liz - I'm so sorry! How long have you been on the maintenance?? What were you eating to gain 2lbs a day? Gosh thats alot and that freaks me out for when I'm on maintenance. Sounds like you really just need to get back on track - eat only what is allowed of you on the maintenance and do not deviate. If you want that flatter stomach you have to work for it. Unfortunately they don't invent magic wands for this weight loss stuff...sucks!! You did this before and you can do it again.


Bighorn - Thanks! I feel like I not only need to do this for myself which is most important but to prove all the people who were skeptical of me doing this in the first place wrong. ;) hehehe

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Hi Liz,

Bummer but you can get out of this slump. Have you done a steak day yet? If you go 2 pounds over your last drops day weight, you do a steak day. Nothing but water, tea and coffee all day, and then a good sized steak and an apple or tomatoe for dinner. It sounds horrible (to me) not to eat anything all day but it is suppose to re-set you in some way. I have heard some girls that have had to do two or three steak days in a row. If this is something you don't think you can do ( I don't think I could)then get right back to the maintenance program and try to get some exercise in, really push the fluids and add lemon in your water. Take the apple cider vinegar if you can stomach it. AND....don't tune us out, we are here to support you and help get you throught this!

Now I am done being bossy.

If it were me, I would still try to get the 1500 calories in but more of the calories being veggies and meat, try to skip any of the fruits, dairy or nuts you may have been eating. Let us know how it goes!

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Hang in there, Liz!! It will get better. Stick with us...we will help you through it! ;)


Block and Blueyesdm-I've been thinking about extending my P2. I have read that if you go longer than 25 days, you can only do the drops 6 days a week and skip one day. Is that true? If so, then I can't extend it. I've been taking them everyday since I started.

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@ Disney- I didn't skip any days...some days I only took the drops twice a day ..mostly because I forgot.

This was my first round and I lost 25lbs...people are just starting to notice the weight loss :confused:


@ Liz, try the steak day or apple day... I did an apple day not because I needed to but because it was getting to the end of my days and I wanted to see if I could do it? I lost 2 lbs amd my tummy was flatter. It wasn't difficult to do.


Have great losses today ladies...Stay on Track ...

Old weight watchers saying...Listen to WIIFM !!!!


( Whats In It For Me )

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Good Morning everyone,

Start today with the mindset of staying on track, where ever you are on the program. Yesterday was just that...yesterday. Set a goal for today...to drink 1/2 your body weight in water, exercise for 20-30 minutes, eat exactly what you are allowed to eat, you get my drift. I found that I do better in the evenings (where I tend to eat for the sake of eating) to do a hands on project, a puzzle, knitting, etc.

Good luck and hang in there, nothing you do is irreversible.

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