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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Morning all!! Today is the start of my weekend, thinking about taking the pooches for a walk before the weather gets bad this afternoon. And I have a hair appt this afternoon as well, time to make that grey go away!!


Liz, I can't believe that you grew up in Athens, that's bizarre. I actually live in Flint, south of Tyler, but nobody has ever heard of it. I work in Tyler, so I just say Tyler for reference. What strip center are you talking about, we have tons of them with restaurants.... but I have a feeling you're talking about the lunch place in Bergfeld Center (which is supposed to be the first outdoor mall built in the US).


disney, congrats on making it to P3, I'm halfway there and looking forward to it!!


All you P3 gals are doing great!! and letting me know that it's gonna work for me too. I have had a good week, seeing a loss of some kind every day. Hoping to stick this out for the whole 40 days!!


Dawn, hopefully you will see a loss today after that gain. Agree that it has to be water weight, just really push the water and get it moving!! Hang in there, we are here for you!!


All you losers have a wonderful day!!

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Jennifer - Glad to hear you are seeing losses each day. That's such a good motivator! You know if I can stay on this and not cheat, I say anyone can. I'm already on my 2nd round and going strong. First time i've never deviated from anything. I think when I think about the cost involved and how hard I'm working at it, that it doesn't make sense for me to cheat. Keep up the good work!!


Disney - I wish you luck with P3. You will do great no doubt.


Hello to everyone else!!! Hope you are all doing great too. :)


Well, I lost the gain plus some so I'm very happy about that. It's a very stressful and emotional week for me and I think its affecting the weight loss but I went home and napped yesterday plus got a good nights sleep and it helped me I think. Pushing the water today and looking forward to the weekend. A friend wants to meet up for dinner tonight so I hope I have some healthy options to choose from. Not sure where we are going yet but I promise I'll behave!! I'm 2lbs shy of a 25 lb loss since January!! I want to celebrate that tomorrow if at all possible!!

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YEA !! Blueyes almost 25 pounds thats great...Can you believe it?? Feels great doesn't it ? clothes fir so much better. 25=5 bags of sugar you were caring around.

I was home allday with DD(almost 4) witha 104 temp..feeding her ice pops and ginger ale.. she's so cute when she's sick. I was tempted not to give her any tylenol to knock down the fever because she was just sitting quietly. But 104 I did and took her to the Dr. She'll be fine.

I find it hard to drink so much water when I'm at home???

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Well, my first day on P3 went ok, but I was hungry all day for some reason. :rolleyes: I had been wondering if the drops actually curbed my appetite. I guess they do since this was my first day without them. I only took in about 800 calories, but I feel like I will have a gain tomorrow...I sure hope not. I've been pretty stressed out. My oldest left the nest today. He's moving in with his best friend. I know they will be fine, but it's just depressing. I took them some groceries, then I came home to his empty room and just fell to pieces! :( He's almost 22 and I know it's time for him to spread his wings, but he's still my baby, ya know?

Ok, enough with the depressing stuff!

I hope everyone has a great weekend with big losses!

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Blue-Almost 25lbs? That's great! I think we started P2 on the same day. I've lost 18...not quite as good as I wanted to do, but I'm still proud of it. :)

I slipped a few times...dang tater tots! LOL!

Block-Awww, I hope your DD feels better soon!

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How is the newbie P3 ers doing???

I'm schocked that I have been staying right at the weight I should. It tempts me to eat things such as ummmm Tater tots !! But I have refrained . Although I did have 4 pringles the other day ...they were okay . Chips & FF are my weakness along with a Coke.

Terry, when do we start to add carbs and sugars back...not that I will run out and eat FF and a coke. I understand that they should be healthier carbs and in moderation as well as sugar.

6 weeks til my cruise !!! I think my mind is set to even make healthier choices while onboard (we'll see...) I spent the weekend going thru my summer clothes and even tossed a bunch of shorts that are for a chubbier girl. I don't want to go back to them. BATHING SUITES all still fit but fit way nicer 25lbs less. one I had to toss because it was to big!!! Not going backwards.

Thanks Ladies !!! Have a good day/ week

want to hear what you thought of entering p3 and having olive oil and cheese !! ??


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How is the newbie P3 ers doing???

I'm schocked that I have been staying right at the weight I should. It tempts me to eat things such as ummmm Tater tots !! But I have refrained . Although I did have 4 pringles the other day ...they were okay . Chips & FF are my weakness along with a Coke.


Terry, when do we start to add carbs and sugars back...not that I will run out and eat FF and a coke. I understand that they should be healthier carbs and in moderation as well as sugar.

6 weeks til my cruise !!! I think my mind is set to even make healthier choices while onboard (we'll see...) I spent the weekend going thru my summer clothes and even tossed a bunch of shorts that are for a chubbier girl. I don't want to go back to them. BATHING SUITES all still fit but fit way nicer 25lbs less. one I had to toss because it was to big!!! Not going backwards.


Thanks Ladies !!! Have a good day/ week

want to hear what you thought of entering p3 and having olive oil and cheese !! ??




25 or 18 pounds...doesn't that feel great girls?

Janet...olive oil is good, just not vats of it or smothered with tater tots:DLOL I limited my cheese to a couple of ounces a day as that put the weight up for me. Maybe in P4, I will do better with more.

P4 is where you start to add starches and sugars....everything in moderation and see how the scale goddess reacts to new foods. I had a couple of things that made me gain, so I just went back to a clean day of P3 eating and it adjusted.

Janet, you are in the same postition I was in Dec. I was just going into P4 on the first day of my cruise. I went up to the gym and weighed in every morning before breakfast, (but after coffee!) just to see where I was and that set the tone for the day. I used the main dining room as opposed to the buffets...PORTION CONTROL ISSUES FOR ME! I did eat the higher carb/starches in the morning. I ate dessert every night but sometimes went Sugar free. I took the stairs, walked the deck and walked as much as I could in ports and snorkeled. That helped keep the weight down. I came home from the 10 days cruise and Christmas was the following week...after that I had a net gain of 4 pounds...so that is not so shabby. Enjoy your cruise but remember how far you have come and what it takes to keep that!

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Janet - Yes, I hit the 5 bags of sugar today and I love that. It really gives me an idea of how much fat I have lost. Impressive I must say!! Congrats on your clothes!! I don't expect my suits to be bigger either, but hopefully look a bit better on me. I just wish my thighs would disappear more. I have such heavy thighs but I always have. Oh well 25 lbs is still a great loss and I have a few more weeks to lose more. I hope I can get at least 10 more in there! I'm so scared to start P3. I do in a couple of weeks. Yikes!! Tater tots, all this talk of taters tots has me wanting 'em!! I'm eager to see how I do on the cruise too.


Bighorn - You did so good on the cruise. I hope I can be just as good. I love the fu fu drinks too! They are packed with calories and tons of sugar. I may need to weigh in too each morning in the gym. That could make a me a bit OCD on the cruise though!!


Disney - Sorry to hear your little one is out of the house! I don't want to think about those days. Stress will definitely affect the weight loss. I had a gain this week due to stress but thankfully I lost it. I hit my milestone today so I'm very happy about it.


Hope everyone else is doing great too!!


I was so scared because I went out to dinner Friday @ Red Robin and totally broke protocol. I ate this chicken advocado wrap. I ate half the wrap and the rest I took out of the wrap and ate plain. Had a salad with LF dijon dressing too. I totally expected a gain the next day but lost .3 which I was shocked!! I lost a pound when I woke up this morning so I'm doing good suprisingly! I hate to say I finally cheated, but I don't want to call it a cheat because I was rational about it. I could have gotten a salad but this wrap was calling my name. I know the advocados are a no no on P2 but wow it tasted good!! And even better when the scale didn't go up in the morning!!

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Dawn, you did very well with your losses, and we all have our problem areas. They will shrink but probably never go away, that is what makes us individuals. Our inherited genes prevail, and you know there is absolutely nothing wrong with curves. Unfortunately for me I was just one big curve...LOL...but now I'm curvy in a good way.

Do weigh in every day, you don't have to be OCD (I am too btw) but it does set a tone for the day, makes you think, do I really need that 2nd dessert? Do I have to take the stairs? LOL It is depressing enough to get off a cruise ship, let alone come home to reality and then see a big gain staring you in the face. Just helps to be accountable for me.

You all have come far and the best is yet to come, more rounds or working on maintaining, it is all just for you!

Have a GREAT week and think positive!

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Thanks Bighorn! I've always been curvy, even when I was younger. I'll always have a butt and those hips. Just a matter of trying to shrink some of the fat around those areas. I've already decided that I will not eat anything from the bread basket, only one appetizer, one dessert, no sugary snacks during the day (I'm sure this will be hard). I mean I'm sure that I'll eat something from the Cafe or whatever but definitely not a daily thing like I normally would. I also want to order a cheese plate at night so when I come back to the room I can eat that with some fruit before bed if I'm hungry. Typically we'd call room service for a burger or stop for pizza. I'll try my best to workout but like DH said tonight - we are on vacation too. We've got a couple snorkeling trips and other activities that will keep us busy so I'm not too worried. The stairs are also great in lieu of the elevator. We did really well with that on our Hawaii cruise many years ago. I hope I can come back and say I gained less than 5lbs!

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Hello!! I didn't fall off the planet or anything, just had the weekend off and wasn't on the computer much. Looks like everyone is doing well. :) Dawn, congrats on the 25 pound mark!! I hope to be right behind you. I didn't have such a great weekend as far as losing, lost 0.2. 0.2. and 0. Yep, only 0.4 pounds in 3 days, so it looks like I'm heading into a stall. I also had an issue with major constipation (I know, TMI) over the weekend, but hopefully that is all better now. I'm staying on plan, no cheats, so I'm gonna beat this stall our, pushing water hard today to see if that will helps also.


Block, I'm so jealous of you packing for your cruise!! I don't get to go until September, and I'm so ready to go. Isn't it fun when your clothes are too big when you try them on? I guess you'll just have to get a few new things, huh? ;)


Disney, sorry to hear you're having a tough time with you baby moving out. It's rough, isn't it? But also nice after you get used to it. I have twins, and the both left for college at the same time. The house was horribly quiet for a few days, but DH and I really are enjoying our empty nest now. We are close with the kids, talk to them often, so it's not so bad. Also, we have 3 dogs to keep us entertained!


I hope that everyone has a great week, keep up the good work all!!

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Sorry about your stall Jennifer!! I had to do a steak day once to break one. Lost almost 3lbs the next day. You may want to try it.


I hit another milestone this morning that I'm proud of...don't care to share it on the internet but I kissed a # goodbye so that's pretty darn cool. I think I'm more motivated now than ever!! Lost another 1lb this morning. Woohoo!!


Hoping you are all losers today!! :)

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Kudos on the losses! I am maintaining but after eating oatmeal this a.m. I will have to see what the scale says tomorrow. It's my intro to a little starch, but I have to tell you, I bloated so badly today and had such gas, I had to skip water aerobics. I swear I would have made that big ole pool a giant jacuzzi! I will not be having oatmeal tomorrow no matter what and we'll see if in a few days, I'll try again and maybe just 1/2 a serving...I LOVE OATMEAL!

I won't freak out on a gain as long as I am in the window (2 pounds LDW)

Good for you Jennifer to have some time away from the computer! Those losses may be small but they are losses and I think you are doing great! To me, a stall is no losses for two or three days, but I hope you have a big loss tomorrow,

I am looking forward to a little trip March 19th. Sadly my cruise isn't until Dec....so far away.

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Bighorn - I'm laughing @ your comment about the jacuzzi!! hehehe I LOVE oatmeal. I was just telling DH I can't wait to eat some. I sure hope it doesn't have the same effect on me. I used to eat it everyday for breakfast. (when I wasn't eating a bagel or muffin) ;)

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Hey gang.... we leave for Voyager of the seas on March 13

I will just be less than one week into HCG phase 3.


I have lost 10 lbs. and am at my college...pre 3 kiddo weight!


I am scared to death of backtracking!


Any hints or tips to help with this p3 newbie?




14-Mar-2010 Freedom Of The Seas 7 Night Eastern Caribbean Cruise 1

14-Mar-2009 Liberty Of The Seas 7 Night Eastern Caribbean Cruise 1

16-Mar-2008 Vision Of The Seas 7 Night Mexican Riviera Cruise 1

18-Mar-2006 Voyager Of The Seas 7 Night Eastern Caribbean Cruise 1

20-Mar-2005 Rhapsody Of The Seas 7 Night Western Caribbean Cruise 1

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Welcome and congrats on the loss!

My advice...eat clean (protocol, no sugar, no starch), push the water, get some exercise (not over doing it as you will retain water). But most importantly...Have Fun.

With this said, you can eat sugar free desserts, but probably shouldn't do the alcohol, because of the sugar mix/carbs. Think: protein, raw foods (vegs and fruits) for meals.

Weigh daily if you can, to help you keep on track...gyms ususally have a scale.

Good luck and happy sailing to you.

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Yikes...big gain(1.3) P4D2...must have been the oatmeal, as the rest of the day was clean eating. Will try oatmeal again in a few days but a 1/2 serving. Will see what tomorrow's weight is before I freak out...LOL Oh the see saw continues...but I know things will adjust.

Have a great day!

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Hi girls just checking in quick.

Working tons up untill I leave on thursday AM.. :p:D

Its my birthday week so we have been celebrating a few

different times over the weekend.. :mad: Up 5lbs since my last

shot.:( Back on it but I leave for Vacation thursday. UUHH

I dont want to blow all that hard work. But do want to enjoy

my trip.:rolleyes:

Hope all of you are doing well.

Big your doing wonderful staying on top of your weight.

Have a great day all.

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Morning all!! Welcome McFaithie, looks like you did well, hope you are able to maintain your loss, we have some on here having great success maintaining. Can't offer you any advice about P3, I'm not there yet.


Big, that pound will go away, you just know that oatmeal is not your friend right now (in more ways than one, apparently) :)


AZ, get back on track for a couple of days before you leave, then HAVE FUN on your cruise!! We want to hear all about it when you get back, including pictures of you..


Dawn, congrats on the milestone. I'm pretty sure I can guess it, and I hope to be there some day. You are doing great - how much longer on P2 for you?


And as for me, the scale went down 0.6 today, that made me very happy! I will push the water again today, I'm convinced that's key to getting the weight off. Day off of work today, so laundry, housework, etc. It's overcast and drizzly out, so no long dog walk like I had planned. I will go on an outing with my big girl, we are working on her therapy dog certification - so a trip to Petsmart in town for practice meeting people calmly is in order.


Block, Disney, how's it going???


Have a blessed day everyone!

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Welcome McFaithie....What took you so long to get here??? You could have helped along the p2 phase.

R1 P3 D27 - Thats right I was pushing myself to work out this morning and I stepped on the scale and I was down 2lbs ???? WHAT?? So needless to say I didn't bother working out ...and I have been tempted to eat chocolate. I haven't but the days not over...TOM arrived yesterday sooo I don't think I will have a chance saying NO to the chocolate...Give me strength.

I had to pick DD up at preschool today...home sick ...again. We are just snuggling under the covers watching TV. I needed this !!!


I suppose I will be up 2 lbs tomorrow I haven't a clue why I was down. My clothes are getting really big ! Oh BTW I need a vacation...REALLY bad anyone else... 6 weeks and counting


Hope everyone else's day was as good as mine:o

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Welcome McFaithie....What took you so long to get here??? You could have helped along the p2 phase.

R1 P3 D27 - Thats right I was pushing myself to work out this morning and I stepped on the scale and I was down 2lbs ???? WHAT?? So needless to say I didn't bother working out ...and I have been tempted to eat chocolate. I haven't but the days not over...TOM arrived yesterday sooo I don't think I will have a chance saying NO to the chocolate...Give me strength.

I had to pick DD up at preschool today...home sick ...again. We are just snuggling under the covers watching TV. I needed this !!!


I suppose I will be up 2 lbs tomorrow I haven't a clue why I was down. My clothes are getting really big ! Oh BTW I need a vacation...REALLY bad anyone else... 6 weeks and counting



Way to go Block, 2 pounds is great. And also Jifner... good loss!


For my chocolate fix, I use the unsweetened chcocolate almond milk (45 calories for 1 cup) and I add one stevia or splenda and I put it in the blender to froth it up. Also maybe sugar free chocolate pudding using almond milk or skim???

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Thanks for the info! I plan on walking in the gym most days.... only skipping excursion days....


I did the 21 day p2 and was so blown away by the results that I did not look around for others until the very end!


I have looked at the posts about steak days and apple days if things move too much.


Plan on eating clean... I am allergic to gluten and am a type two diabetic (diet controlled)

So most desserts and breads do not attract me!


But I do like chocolate!


Should I be ok doing sugar free ice cream for dessert?


I also plan on bringing raw almonds to snack on .... anyone have problems with this?


thanks for the info and input :)




14-Mar-2010 Freedom Of The Seas 7 Night Eastern Caribbean Cruise

14-Mar-2009 Liberty Of The Seas 7 Night Eastern Caribbean Cruise

16-Mar-2008 Vision Of The Seas 7 Night Mexican Riviera Cruise

18-Mar-2006 Voyager Of The Seas 7 Night Eastern Caribbean Cruise

20-Mar-2005 Rhapsody Of The Seas 7 Night Western Caribbean Cruise

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