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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Welcome Mcfaithie! Sorry...no tips here. I'm a P3 newbie too and definitely NOT an expert!

Blueyesdm-I think I know what # you're talking about and that's GREAT! I can't wait until I get to that #...I've still got a ways to go. :rolleyes:

Block-2lbs...that's awesome! I hope your DD feels better soon.

AZ-HAPPY BIRTHDAY and have fun on your cruise!

Big-The jacuzzi comment was hilarious!!

Jifner-I'm jealous about that day off. I bet it was a good day even though you had to clean house.


Sorry that I haven't posted in a couple of days. It's been kinda crazy around here. As I suspected, the stress from my DS moving out made me gain a little bit (.8). I'm feeling better about it now and I realize that it is time for him to spread his wings. He came by to visit on Sunday...DH said that he was just hungry and wanted some of my diet Fajitas LOL, but I think he was just missing us. I woke up to a 1.8lb loss on Monday and then another 2lbs this morning! :eek: I couldn't believe it! I guess DS's visit helped me out!

I'm slowly adding more things to my diet. I had a salad for lunch that had some grilled lemon pepper chicken on it. It was SO yummy, but my stomach did NOT like it later if you know what I mean. :o Note to self: no more lemon pepper chicken!!

BTW, two different people noticed my weight loss today! I've been waiting for somebody else to notice it besides my DH and me. I was so proud!

Have a good night and I hope everybody has a great day tomorrow with lots of losses!

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Disney - So glad you got to see DS again! I'm sure that's totally stressful. Sorry about the lemon pepper stuff, I eat that a lot with no issues. That's good people noticed! I've had very few notice which hurts me but whatever. There are a few at work who have said things and of course DH and DD notice it. I know I feel good and I can feel my clothes getting looser.


AZ - Happy Birthday and have a wonderful time on your cruise!! I'm eager to hear how you do on it, since mine is less than 5 weeks away. :eek: Sorry to hear you are up...sounds like you enjoyed celebrating it though!


Block - Congrats on your 2lbs!! Hope DD gets to feeling better.


McFaithie - Welcome to the group!! I'm still in P2 so I have no tips but I'm sure you have plenty for us!! Where do you find SF Chocolate Almond milk? YUM!!


Jennifer - Water is so important! Drink half your body weight in oz's if not more. I push the water all day but I have no issues drinking water, it's what I've always drank. You are doing great! I was having .5 losses for awhile but over the weeked I got a loss of over a pound and the past few days have been .8 so I'm so happy about that. It feels good to see that scale move every day doesn't it!? I have 3 more weeks left I think...until I start P3 to balance out the body before the cruise. But after I return I'll start the HCG again, probalby after Mother's Day.


Bighorn - How you doing after that oatmeal??


I'm doing good! Still losing every day which is nice but I think TOM is getting ready to start so I might have a stall. Crossing fingers that doesn't happen. Time for me to go to bed but wanted to check in with you gals!!


Wishing you all a loser day tomorrow!

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Good morning Ladies,

Home today with DD...she is not allowed to return to pre school til she hasn't had a fever in 24 hours...so I'm home with a 3 yr old bouncing off the walls..No fever.

Disney, I can't imagine the day that my daughter is not home with us...I have a long ways to go...

Blueyes, You plan on starting your round 2 after mothers day ? Me too !

I also don't know why more people haven't noticed a 25lb loss ??? It frustrates me ? Someone I do business with came into work the other day he hasn't seen me since december ...when he walked in and saw me said "oh my goodness, you look good you lost alot of weight..you look so good !!!" Others that I work with everyday were looking like..what are you talking about ??

Have not been on the the scale this morning, I was just eager to see how everyone else was doing ?? I'll have to see were that 2 lbs is ?? LOL

DD wants me to play UNO...so off I am...

Have a great day loosers !!!

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Happy Wednesday ladies!!


Block, sorry your DD has been sick, but glad that she's up and bouncing off of the walls now. :) And nice that someone saw your loss and acknowledged it. I have found that some people are a bit reluctant to say something about weight loss for fear of hurting someone's feelings or that you are sick. Good to hear that it was noticed!!


Disney, so nice that your son came by for a visit, and that it helped you. Way to go on the nice losses this week!!


Dawn, hope that TOM isn't to hard on you this week. So glad I don't have to deal with that issue anymore (hysterectomy a few years ago).


OK, time to brag on myself. As of today I have lost 25 POUNDS!!!! I am very pumped up about this, I'm almost keeping track with my DH, he's at -26.2 pounds. I have never been able to lose as fast/much as him on any diet that we have done before. I am truly thankful that a co-worker sat down with me about 6 weeks ago and told me about the success she was having with HCG, I feel like this is changing my life in a permanent, positive way!! I'm thinking that by the time I celebrate my "milestone" birthday in August, I will be a whole new (smaller and healthier) person.


I hope that you all are having a wonderful day!!

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Congratulations Jennifer !!! 25 lbs Yea !!!!!

I also have a milestone Birthday coming up....not anytime soon Jan. so really 2012. A milestone none the less. When my last birthday came and went I said to myself " Have No choice, next year I will turn 40 no matter what. BUT I won't be FAT and 40..." so I have given myself a whole year to lose the weight so I can look 40 in the face looking and feeling good.

It feels so good to hit those milestones..now you can look forward to the next one.

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Nice job Jennifer, what an acomplishment! And kudos to all you losers :~)

Sorry Block your DD was sick, it is amazing how fast they recover though.

The oatmeal has "blown" out of me and I am slowly losing that gain, must be the re-adjustments take longer in P4.

I always said, I was going to lose 40 pounds by the time I was 40, well that came and went. So then it was 50 pounds by 50 and that came and went...now I am 54 and have lost 36 LDW(not counting the daily ups and downs) So now I want to lose 15-20 more and then I will be happy(?) But I feel so much better now than I have in years, so if I don't lose another pound, I can live with this weight.

It was astonishing to me also that people didn't notice a 25 pound loss...it's like "look at me, do you need some freaking glasses people?" But it takes a while for the body to "form" with the new weight and they will notice.

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Jennifer - Congrats on your 25lbs!! That's so awesome! Doesn't it feel so wonderful??? I'm so close to the 30lb mark now I can taste it. Give yourself another week and you'll probably be hooraying about that too. Keep up the good work!


Block - Is DD feeling better? Oh darn, I'll have to ask DH to record Rachel Ray. Thanks for the heads up!


Bighorn - So glad that "blew" out of you! I'm having the same issue you had for some unknown reason. I did drink these cali kicker last night, I don't think they did good to my tummy so I'm so bloated today and it reflected on the scale. Boo!!


Hope everyone has a loser day!!


like I told Big - I feel so bloated and didn't have a loss this morning. TOM is over I think...wasn't much to deal with I tell you but whatever. That's the way my body rolls! I did also have a stressful day yesterday which could be a factor in this. I'm just going to keep on keepin on!

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Guest Host Cheryl
I believe on Rachel Ray tomorrow she will be doing a segment on Diets...Hcg is one of them. I'll have to record it.


Thanks for sharing this information. You all have been doing so well on the diet. Congrats to each of you! I'm going to jump back on and do it again. Cruise dates will be here before I know it. After losing 10 lbs on the diet, I enjoyed the holidays and have been dragging my feet at starting it back up. Thinking next Monday will be my official first day back on the diet.

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New to this board and coming to yall for advice. I have been doing the HCG now since Feb. 15 and have lost a total of 13lbs. I have been at a stall now for 6 days. I did the apple day they recommended Monday but my weight is still same. :confused: Don't understand. I haven't change my eating any, same stuff been eating from the start. Any suggestion on this. Please help. I was hoping of last week I would have at least 5 more pounds off by March 19th but I dont guess that will happen now.

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New to this board and coming to yall for advice. I have been doing the HCG now since Feb. 15 and have lost a total of 13lbs. I have been at a stall now for 6 days. I did the apple day they recommended Monday but my weight is still same. :confused: Don't understand. I haven't change my eating any, same stuff been eating from the start. Any suggestion on this. Please help. I was hoping of last week I would have at least 5 more pounds off by March 19th but I dont guess that will happen now.


Sorry your stalling...I think we all did about that time but had luck with apple day. Okay, really truly be honest with your self and look at what you are eating..double check serving sizes and calorie count. Did you change brands of anything? Try not eating the melba toast or breadsticks for a couple of days. Make sure something doesn't have any sugar in it. Are you drinking LOTS of water...if yes ...drink MORE..

AND yes you could have 5 more lbs off by the 19th. It will start going down again. Don't give up look at how much you have lost so far? Keep it up !!

Sometimes eating the same same is the problem too...mix it up a little bit.

How are you feeling other wise ??

DD got sent home from school again today with a fever...she didn't have a fever when IU took her to the Dr.:confused: But the dr. said it must be a sinus infection...Okay. So I will be home with her again tomorrow...snugglin and doing laundry;)

Have agood night losers!! OOh and I have to find that Rachel Ray episode...How was it?


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Sorry your stalling...I think we all did about that time but had luck with apple day. Okay, really truly be honest with your self and look at what you are eating..double check serving sizes and calorie count. Did you change brands of anything? Try not eating the melba toast or breadsticks for a couple of days. Make sure something doesn't have any sugar in it. Are you drinking LOTS of water...if yes ...drink MORE..

AND yes you could have 5 more lbs off by the 19th. It will start going down again. Don't give up look at how much you have lost so far? Keep it up !!

Sometimes eating the same same is the problem too...mix it up a little bit.

How are you feeling other wise ??


DD got sent home from school again today with a fever...she didn't have a fever when IU took her to the Dr.:confused: But the dr. said it must be a sinus infection...Okay. So I will be home with her again tomorrow...snugglin and doing laundry;)

Have agood night losers!! OOh and I have to find that Rachel Ray episode...How was it?




Thanks Janet for sugestions. I do pretty much eat the same thin over and over. I did cut out the melba toast out the last several days. I make sure I weigh my meat and measure my veggie I am eating. Only use herbs to seasoning with. I eat lots of shrimp and fish, sometimes 97% lean hamburger meat. I steam and bake all my meat. No butter or grease. My veggies I eat are raw or steam it herbs and lemon. I eat lots of lettuce, tomatoes and onions, oh asparg. Sometime I do eat cabbage.

Maybe I need to drink more water. I drink lots of plain decaf tea.

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Welcome and hang in there! I know alot of people will gain or stall with beef and shrimp.

Do you not like chicken? I know people get sick of chicken but there are alot of recipes for all phases that help chicken not taste so much like chicken...LOL We have all been there as was stated and you came to a great group for some ideas and support. The water is KEY...at least 80 oz a day. I found that I had to use some flavorings (stevia or natural like lemon) to get that much and more down.

Another thing is that if you don't have alot of weight to lose it does come off slower and stalls are more frequent. It sounds like you are strict with measuring and food, so maybe mixing it up might break your stall.

There is a website I have mentioned before (I know you gals are sick of this..LOL)

it is http://www.liquidhcgdiet.com They have a wealth of recipes and information. Good luck and let's hope you have a big loss tomorrow. Keep coming back here though!

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You mentioned you are eating alot of fish. Where is the fish from ( farm raised??) and what type of fish ?? some fish like salmon in NOT on protocol neither is farm raised.

Hope you get thru your stall...



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Happy Friday ladies!! How's everyone doing?


Welcome to KDH, you have come to a great place for advice. I can only agree with what everyone else has said, but want to emphasize that you need to drink WATER, not tea. You can have unsweetened tea, but you must also drink lots and lots of water. And yes, what kind of fish are you eating? It must be a white fish like tilapia or orange roughy. Tuna isn't even on protocol even though some do OK with it. You need to vary your proteins, never the same one twice in a day.


Janet, your poor DD!! Did they put her on antibiotics for the infection? She won't get over it without them. Oh well, enjoy your time home with her!


How's P3 going for everyone? I'm really, really, really starting to look forward to a few more foods being added back to my diet - but it's getting close. My last injection is in 12 days!! DH mentioned this morning that he's starting to get tired of the menu, so we will have to make a favorite tonight - spicy garlic shrimp!! It's really good, going to keep preparing this one even after we are done with P2.


So what's up for the weekend? I'm working :( those kids in college are expensive, so I work an extra job one weekend a month, and this is that weekend. It's supposed to be nice here this weekend, in the lower 70's. And we spring forward Saturday night, so it will be a shortened night for us all.


Hope you all have a great weekend, I probably won't be around much until Sunday evening due to working.

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You mentioned you are eating alot of fish. Where is the fish from ( farm raised??) and what type of fish ?? some fish like salmon in NOT on protocol neither is farm raised.

Hope you get thru your stall...





Hi Janet. I am eating tilapia. I think maybe one of my problems is I am not drinking enough water. Like I said earlier I drink tons of unsweet decf tea. I figure since it is made of water I could get away with that but I guess not. So starting today I will have only one glass of my tea then drink tons of water.

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also wanted to add, if you are constipated, that may be a problem too. Also are you exercising at all? Are you into P3 yet?



Hi. I am in P2. I started Feb. 15th. I would like to lose at least 15 more pounds total. I was hoping to have 5lbs off by March 19th. I don't exercise much, just do a little muscle toning for my arms. When I first started this program I was told not to exercise. Should I be? I don't think I am constipated, I go about every couple days. Can I taking a regular lax. pill doing this program? Sorry for all the question but I figure you all have been on this journy and can help me.:)

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Welcome and hang in there! I know alot of people will gain or stall with beef and shrimp.

Do you not like chicken? I know people get sick of chicken but there are alot of recipes for all phases that help chicken not taste so much like chicken...LOL We have all been there as was stated and you came to a great group for some ideas and support. The water is KEY...at least 80 oz a day. I found that I had to use some flavorings (stevia or natural like lemon) to get that much and more down.

Another thing is that if you don't have alot of weight to lose it does come off slower and stalls are more frequent. It sounds like you are strict with measuring and food, so maybe mixing it up might break your stall.

There is a website I have mentioned before (I know you gals are sick of this..LOL)

it is www.liquidhcgdiet.com They have a wealth of recipes and information. Good luck and let's hope you have a big loss tomorrow. Keep coming back here though!



Hey thanks for this website. There are some good recipes I am going to try. I do eat some chicken but not much. I am going to try the taco salad out today and use shreded chicken. :)

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Hi. I am in P2. I started Feb. 15th. I would like to lose at least 15 more pounds total. I was hoping to have 5lbs off by March 19th. I don't exercise much, just do a little muscle toning for my arms. When I first started this program I was told not to exercise. Should I be? I don't think I am constipated, I go about every couple days. Can I taking a regular lax. pill doing this program? Sorry for all the question but I figure you all have been on this journy and can help me.:)


LOL nothing is sacred here...you sound regular enough and if you push the water, that will help in that department too.

As far as exercise, it can make you retain water, thus a stall or gain.

Everyone is different but I know that beef wasn't nice to me so I only had it once a week...usually as a taco wrapped in lettuce.

Do you plan to do another round? You can be on P2 anywhere from 21 to 40 days. I admire all you gals that hung in there for over 21 days, that was my limit on both rounds. I really liked P3...structured but not such a strict food protocol.

I seem to be leveling out now in P4 and have actually had oatmeal the past two mornings but 1/2 servings. I also have Beano on hand, as I am finding myself full of hot air (and I do not mean that as a political statement:p) and that has helped alot.

Did anyone see the Rachel Ray segment? Just wondering how it came across....

Have a great week-end everyone and hope it is a losing one for you all!


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Only got to see a wee sbip from the rachael ray show...um it was okay. I have to say that if I hadn't had it recommended to me by someone I NOTICED losing lots of weight amd keeping it off I never would have done it...I would not have believed it. Anyone else? How did you learn about HCG ?


DD is on anti biotics :( But seems to no longer be running a fever.


Stayed the same on the scale today ..But isn't that the point on P3 !!!


Looking forward to my cruise and just got my cabin number !! Trying to clean up the pigsty I live in a bit before I have a business trip to go on and In-laws come to stay with DD. Isn't the excercise ??;)


KD - I also would stall when I stopped drinking as much caffinated Iced tea?? Some How the caffeine helped me...Maybe I'm wrong .


Good luck to all !! you losers

Off to start a Packing pile !!


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Yup Block, you are doing great, maintaining. It's funny how our mind gets used to the losing.

I saw HCG advertised in the paper from a country craft shop of all places. I looked it up on the internet and read Dr. Simeons manuscript. To tell you the truth, if I hadn't read the manuscript, I don't know if I would have done it. I liked the science behind it and it made sense. I went and talked to the lady who ran the shops and she was on her 2nd round and showed me her before pictures...I was flabbergasted! Bought the drops and book right there that very minute...what a great diet this has been for me.

Lucky Block going away on a cruise and having family to take care of your daughter. Have fun and I have forgotten, when do you leave and for where?

Caffeine is a diuretic so it does help get rid of the fluids, I love my coffee and teas.

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OOOh Did I miss lead someone???

DD will be with us on the cruise... I would miss her to much and keep asking my DH what he thought she was doing ?? We don't have any family left around us..they have either moved away or died.

My in laws live 6 hours away and I have to go on a 2 day business trip and they are coming to help out with My Daughter. I will miss her.

I will also have to try and find a healthy way to eat.. I will be in N.C, They eat fried porkchops on biscuits for breakfast.(MMM) I'll come up with something its only 2 LOOOONNNNGGGG Days.

Hope everyone had a good day !!!


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