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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Its my 4th week in p3...when can I start to add a little bit of carbs.. I took 2 bites of pizza crust last night:p. I won't go carb crazy because I realize that its sometimes a waste of calories. I don't miss the sugar all to much...but would love a little bit of dark chocolate.

[B]A weakness of mine is chocolate bunnies...so cute and yummy. I love a chocolate bunny !! They are in the store's every where. Easter baskets in general....I LOVE easter baskets. Like a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Maybe it's the pretty colors of spring...the grass that lingers on the carpet til july... I love it all. Chocolate eggs filled with raspberry whipped filling mmmmmmmmmm. The coconut nests with jelly bean eggs. Marshmallow rabbits coverd in chocolate. I LOVE IT. Keep the peeps...But they are a must in the basket, the basket does not look the same with out them. I could spen hours in the store looking at Easter candy !!!! [/B]

[B]Yesterday I made a chocolate egg cream for DD with Raspberry seltzer...I took a sip...Heaven Pure Heaven.... [/B]

[B]Have a good day all![/B]
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[quote name='Bighorn Hockey Nut']No, your a good mama..I mis-read it. Have a safe, "healthy" business trip![/quote]

[quote name='block']Terry,
Its my 4th week in p3...when can I start to add a little bit of carbs.. I took 2 bites of pizza crust last night:p. I won't go carb crazy because I realize that its sometimes a waste of calories. I don't miss the sugar all to much...but would love a little bit of dark chocolate.

[B]A weakness of mine is chocolate bunnies...so cute and yummy. I love a chocolate bunny !! They are in the store's every where. Easter baskets in general....I LOVE easter baskets. Like a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Maybe it's the pretty colors of spring...the grass that lingers on the carpet til july... I love it all. Chocolate eggs filled with raspberry whipped filling mmmmmmmmmm. The coconut nests with jelly bean eggs. Marshmallow rabbits coverd in chocolate. I LOVE IT. Keep the peeps...But they are a must in the basket, the basket does not look the same with out them. I could spen hours in the store looking at Easter candy !!!! [/B]

[B]Yesterday I made a chocolate egg cream for DD with Raspberry seltzer...I took a sip...Heaven Pure Heaven.... [/B]

[B]Have a good day all![/B]

:D:):eek: You sent me over the edge! LOL That is quite the rant about Easter candy, they need you as a spokewoman! Or you may need an intervention! LOL
So let me get this straight, you are still doing P3 and are in the 4th week?
You aren't suppose to start adding starches or sugars until you are in P4, which you could be since you have done more than three weeks of P3. That is what P4 is....S-L-O-W-L-Y :p adding sugars and starches. The scale will tell you if you are doing ok with your food add ons. I know the oatmeal made me gain and bloat immediately, so I cut the serving in 1/2 and then upped it everyday and I can eat a whole serving now with no gain. Everyone is different, some are more sensitive to carbs and sugars.
I think as long as you don't go hog wild on adding in some candy, see what it does.
If you did P2 for 21 days, you need to do P3 for 21 days, and the same length for P4 before doing another round. This is how the protocol is written BUT people vary it to what works for them. So how long did you do P2? You really can work this diet to fit your schedule and for me nothing is written in stone but I do better with the strict schedule...but also only do P2 for 21 days...I just can't muster the willpower to do more.
Now calm down and move away from the chocolate! You made me truly LOL
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Another thing to remember about P3 and P4, is to keep the calories up to at LEAST
1500, but most people do 1800-2200 a day. If you cut your calories short, it must confuse the body and you may actually have gains. Maintain...that is the key for P3 and P4...stay in your 2 pound LDW window. If you do go over that window, do not jump into a correction day, I give it a day or two and it usually goes back down on its own...I figure it is fluid. But during that time do not add anymore new foods, until you stabilize.
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[quote name='Bighorn Hockey Nut']LOL nothing is sacred here...you sound regular enough and if you push the water, that will help in that department too.
As far as exercise, it can make you retain water, thus a stall or gain.
Everyone is different but I know that beef wasn't nice to me so I only had it once a week...usually as a taco wrapped in lettuce.
Do you plan to do another round? You can be on P2 anywhere from 21 to 40 days. I admire all you gals that hung in there for over 21 days, that was my limit on both rounds. I really liked P3...structured but not such a strict food protocol.
I seem to be leveling out now in P4 and have actually had oatmeal the past two mornings but 1/2 servings. I also have Beano on hand, as I am finding myself full of hot air (and I do not mean that as a political statement:p) and that has helped alot.
Did anyone see the Rachel Ray segment? Just wondering how it came across....
Have a great week-end everyone and hope it is a losing one for you all!

Questions here. I was planning doing another round of P2 to make it 40 days but problem is I am going on a cruise next week. When I started this I wasn't thinking about having to stop and restart. Can you even do that? I thought about continue doing this on th ecruise but that might be kind of hard. So my question is what do I need to do. Am I allow to stop one week and restart and just becareful on what I eat on the cruise. I am scared I will gain back what I lost in that week. usually in the past I have always lost on cruises cause of all the exercising I get in. I don't eat sweets, thank goodness. But since I been on this program I am worried it might be different now. Help any suggestion girls?
Also another question--have any of you do the 1 egg with 2 egg whites instead of the meat thing. I was craving an egg today so I made an omlet with 1 egg and 2 egg whites and added some tomatoes, no grease or butter--used non-stick pan and steam it. It was so good. I hope that was ok. I gues I should ask before doing it.
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Questions here. I was planning doing another round of P2 to make it 40 days but problem is I am going on a cruise next week. When I started this I wasn't thinking about having to stop and restart. Can you even do that? I thought about continue doing this on th ecruise but that might be kind of hard. So my question is what do I need to do. Am I allow to stop one week and restart and just becareful on what I eat on the cruise. I am scared I will gain back what I lost in that week. usually in the past I have always lost on cruises cause of all the exercising I get in. I don't eat sweets, thank goodness. But since I been on this program I am worried it might be different now. Help any suggestion girls?
Also another question--have any of you do the 1 egg with 2 egg whites instead of the meat thing. I was craving an egg today so I made an omlet with 1 egg and 2 egg whites and added some tomatoes, no grease or butter--used non-stick pan and steam it. It was so good. I hope that was ok. I gues I should ask before doing it.

Kim....I can e mail you what my book says but because of copyright laws I hesitate to cut and copy on this forum. My e mail is terkatz at yahoo dot com and I will forward it on to you.
The egg sounds alright but the scale will let you know. I know there are lots of people who do the eggs instead of the meat all the time.
How long is your cruise? I know for menses they allow a 4 days stoppage, but hopefully your cruise is lots longer than that!:D
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[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][COLOR=mediumturquoise]I didn't touch any Easter Candy today... But I touched and looked at it.:p[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][COLOR=#48d1cc]Today was not a good day. Had to remove DD from the mall for bad behavior. When we got home it got worse ! Then we all took naps from being so exhusted from fighting. How is it that I fight with a 3 year old...Last I checked [B]I[/B] was the parent...Then I have to try and plan a birthday party for her....UGH!! she will be turning 4 in 3 weeks. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][COLOR=#48d1cc]This brings me to a question regarding the program. Has anyone felt a bit of depression of sorts while going through the Phases...I was so Happy and excitied that I had lost the weight...I felt so accomplished!! and in charge again, like I was on a vacation !! Then the past week or so I feel like I could slide right back into my old habits....because I'am just ...uck !![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][COLOR=#48d1cc]and after the incident today in the mall...I hate having to disapline her..I hate it..I hate being the bad person. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][COLOR=#48d1cc]Is it just the crappy side of being a parent or something else?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][COLOR=#48d1cc]My mom passed when DD was 5 months old...This would have been a question I would have gone to her with....[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][COLOR=#48d1cc]Sorry this was heavy...but I feel free here !!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][COLOR=#48d1cc]Today I [B]wanted to eat the chocolate bunny!![/B] But I now food will not change how I feel ...long term.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][COLOR=#48d1cc]Thanks LOSErs !!!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Janet, sorry you've had a rough day. Butting heads with your daughter is never easy, even when she's only 3 years old. Hang in there girl, it will get better! Good for you for realizing that chocolate bunnies don't fix anything. :) I've felt a twinge of that depressed feeling that you mention, it's OK. I'm thinking that with a less regimented eating plan now that you're on into P3, that perhaps you are feeling like you aren't in total control, there's a factor of the unknown. Keep coming here for support. You have made too much progress to backslide now!! Any chance that the weather is getting nicer where you live yet? (where do you live??) If spring is popping out, take DD out to the park or backyard and play tomorrow. Time spent outdoors will help lift your mood also. (been there with the little ones, I miss my kiddos being little)

I worked a 10 hour retail shift today and I'm beat. Going to work again tomorrow, shorter shift on Sundays. :) Have a great day tomorrow everyone!
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OK Janet, it sounds like you entitled to at least eat one ear of that darn chocolate bunny. LOL Just joking and I hope you stay on track but if not, we all understand and
have been there!
Speaking from personal experience, our house was mean ole Mom and Dear ole Dad syndrome. As a parent, it is nice to be friends with your children, but as a parent it is the hardest part (sometimes) to be the parent...JMHO
I felt most depressed and darn right P O'd that I was following protocol and not seeing the results I wanted..but it passes and even learned not to use food to soothe those emotions, not that I am perfect in this BY ANY MEANS! Just do the best you can and don't give up when you slip up, forgive yourself and as one of the gals said....move on. Very good advice, not to be stuck in the past.
Tomorrow is another day and I'll bet that incident today has already left your DD mind, and be kind to yourself...you have achieved much and you have every reason to be proud of yourself.
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[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Thanks Jennifer,[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4] It is starting to get nicer here ( Long Island, NY) We are actually starting to get things ready in another month to open our pool. I work retail as well...so I miss time with my daughter,by the time I get home its almost 7 pm. That is my problem a bit too...I don't have enough daylight hours with her..which makes days like today even harder. I try and have fun and she turns into a witch...:eek:[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]I think I have been making myself feel better with food for WAY to long..and it has to stop now. 'cause it could get alot worse...:o[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Thanks for the support and taking time to read my winded post. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]**Cruisin in 5 weeks ! and my pants really don't fit...Life can't be to bad :p[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='block']Terry,
Its my 4th week in p3...when can I start to add a little bit of carbs.. I took 2 bites of pizza crust last night:p. I won't go carb crazy because I realize that its sometimes a waste of calories. I don't miss the sugar all to much...but would love a little bit of dark chocolate.

[B]A weakness of mine is chocolate bunnies...so cute and yummy. I love a chocolate bunny !! They are in the store's every where. Easter baskets in general....I LOVE easter baskets. Like a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Maybe it's the pretty colors of spring...the grass that lingers on the carpet til july... I love it all. Chocolate eggs filled with raspberry whipped filling mmmmmmmmmm. The coconut nests with jelly bean eggs. Marshmallow rabbits coverd in chocolate. I LOVE IT. Keep the peeps...But they are a must in the basket, the basket does not look the same with out them. I could spen hours in the store looking at Easter candy !!!! [/B]

[B]Yesterday I made a chocolate egg cream for DD with Raspberry seltzer...I took a sip...Heaven Pure Heaven.... [/B]

[B]Have a good day all![/B]

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]When you said that you don't miss sugar all too much, I said to myself, "Naaa, I don't either"...UNTIL you started naming all of the different kinds of candy! Now, I want to go and buy out the whole store!! LOL![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Thanks Girls !!!
I felt like I just need to say something and have it acknowledged and MOVE ON....Parenting isn't easy...But certainly rewarding.

I Will stay strong !! I ate 3 onion rings yesterday (before the bad mall trip;)) and I thought I was going to see it on the scale this morning...Like terry said add things slowly and see how we react to them. I was down 1lb this Morning:)...That makes a total of 28lbs..now its a pound pass what I need maintain during p3 but I'm moving into p4....??

I can't believe I had the will power to lose 28lbs ?? I'm blown away by this.

Jennifer, what type of retail business do you work in ???

Ladies Be the best losers you can be today !!!

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Janet, congrats on the major accomplishment of maintaining your weight on P3!! I hope to do that too. Think how great you're going to look and feel on that cruise!! What ship, ports, etc are you doing??

As for retail, I'm a pharmacist. My full time job is in a hospital (a very nice, small physician owned specialty hospital!) But since I have the twins in college, I work one weekend a month in a retail pharmacy (Kroger grocery store). And they were baking ALL DAY today in the bakery, right next to the pharmacy OMG!!! the smell of cookies was everywhere, it's just not fair. But I honestly never even considered going to get even one. You know, it just didn't even cross my mind cuz it's not worth it right now.

It was a beautiful day here, in the mid-70's. I got home at 5pm, and we loaded up the big poodles and took them to run (them, not us), did a little training with them, and enjoyed the beautiful outdoors. Now we are sitting out on the patio while hubby is grilling a steak for dinner. I absolutely love our patio, we spend many hours out here in the summer, relaxing with the music playing, watching the dogs play. Yay for spring! :) The sun is just starting to go down at 7:30, I really like the time change also.

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week!! We are starting a beginning dog agility class tomorrow night, I'm looking forward to trying something new with the pups. Take care everyone...
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Janet - Sorry about the incident with DD at the mall. It happens to all of us. It breaks my heart when I have to discipline my daughter but it's for the best. I do it because I love her. You have me craving chocolate like a fiend now!! That's so awesome you ate onion rings and still lost the next day. You are doing great!! Keep up the good work and I hope DD is better. She loves you no matter what!!

Jennifer - That has to suck working around a bakery. I love to bake and I miss it so much, it kills me! I'm so excited for when I return home from vacation I'm baking my mom a birthday cake so it keeps me motivated! I was baking all the time before, which is why I gained so much weight. I think it's great it didn't cross your mind to go there. I wish I could just see 60's! We are in the 50's but its raining. I hate the rain!

Disney - How you doing?

AZ - hope you are having a wonderful time on your cruise!!

Kim - Welcome! Wish you found us earlier!

Today has been one rough day. I took DD to the movies where she got popcorn, I chewed gum. Didn't have one piece! Then we go to Starbucks so I can get iced tea - she gets a cake pop. I'm dying here! I feel so hungry but I know it's mental hunger, I want to eat those things. So, I did eat a LF cheese stick and just pushing the water. But you don't know how badly I wanted to break down and eat just half of a cake pop. I was talking to DH last night about how every night, I had to eat dessert - ice cream, cheesecake, cupcake, anything sweet. No wonder I gained so much weight and how unhealthy of me! I promise I will never do that again. Even when I'm at my goal weight I can't think to even eat like that again. Those things need to be treats I enjoy once in awhile not each night. But wow I found a determination in me these past almost 2 months now that I didn't know I had. Never thought I'd say no to cakes and popcorn at the movies and bites of friends appetizers at dinner. I've come to far to screw up now is what I say! I just hope the cruise doesn't set me back. :confused:
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I've come to far to screw up now is what I say! I just hope the cruise doesn't set me back. :confused:

[B]I hear you... Tonight I wanted something...sweet maybe . I said okay..I ate a small cupcake ...It wasn't good so I ate an apple it actually tasted better ???? I think I need DARK chocolate...and I'll be fine..Lets see what the tiny cupcake does tomorrow.. But I won't do that again...wasn't worth it at all/[/B]

[B]Thanks all for listening to my rant over my witchy child:p[/B]
[B]I'am going back to watching HOARDERS on TLC...makes me feel like my house is clean... I may eat to much but this woman sleeps with a guinea pig...hay and all ????:eek: To each's own.[/B]
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]Janet-You're right...parenting definitely isn't easy, but worth EVERY second! I stopped by to see my DS yesterday at his new place and he seems to be doing well. It's so sad that he isn't at home anymore, but so rewarding to see him doing so good on his own. I miss him terribly, though!

Jennifer-Congrats on the 28lbs!

Dawn-I'm SO proud of you for being strong and not eating any popcorn or cake pops (whatever those are:o). You're doing so good!

I've been doing ok, I guess. One day, I'll be down a pound and the next I'll be up one. I know that's the [I]point[/I] of P3, but I still have alot to lose. I'm just not ready to maintain.

Have a good day tomorrow, everybody!
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Dawn...what is a cakepop? I used to have or want to have dessert every night too...now I am "trying" to do healthier choices. I just LOVE yogurt with chopped pecans and fresh blueberries, it is almost a meal!
I love cake of any kind and I could not trust myself to even try a small piece or cupcake. I have my grand daughter's 6th birthday in two weeks, that will be the test of having a small piece, but I will have to serve myself as I know what other people think is small, really isn't.
Block, can you believe that people can live like that? (Hoarders) It really has to be a mental issue, and you have to sympathize.
Had a good maintaining week-end...even had a full fledged sandwich with 2 pieces of Ezekiel bread. Had the oatmeal for breakfast, so adding the starches is going ok...once I got settled into P4. I think the sugar thing will be harder for me to add as I have a portion control problem when it comes to sweets. The bloating and "noise" seems to have subsided with the starches/carbs. Maybe it was just too much to start with a full serving of the oatmeal.
Jennifer, are the dogs young pups? The weather was very nice here too, for us anyways. I love steak on a grill...could just eat that and call it good some nights.
Have a good weigh in Monday morning all!
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Janet - We own a guinea pig and she sleeps in her cage and there is no way I could imagine sharing a bed with her!! EWWWW!! That show is just so gross. Very disturbing. I love dark chocolate. I do have this diet hot cocoa that's 25 cals that I eat when I'm craving and it helps. Hope you don't see a rise in weight from that cupcake. Funny how the apple tasted better. I swear I'm going to taste a mocha - something I drank everyday - and hate it!!

Denise - I'm sure that is frustrating the fluctuating but at least it's only a pound that goes back and forth.

Bighorn - The yogurt sounds good. I know i love my greek yogurt with fresh berries. Yum!

A cakepop is a ball of cake on a stick with hardened icing. Starbucks is serving them now. I love anything to do with cake. I used to bake cupcakes like every week!
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[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Morning ladies,[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4] up just 1 lb from the cupcake...not bad I was below my 2 lb's anyway...thats the only reason I tried it.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Terry...if you have a cake problem..your better off not knowing what a cake pop is...LOL[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Have a good day ladies...Make healthy choices !![/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
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[quote name='block'][B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Morning ladies,[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4] up just 1 lb from the cupcake...not bad I was below my 2 lb's anyway...thats the only reason I tried it.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Terry...if you have a cake problem..your better off not knowing what a cake pop is...LOL[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Have a good day ladies...Make healthy choices !![/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

At least it's only a pound! Just a little cupcake and a pound gain. So glad I never gave in to that cake pop temptation yesterday!! :eek:

But hey it makes sense on why I gained so much weight last year if I was eating a few cupcakes a week!!
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Ok today has been 29 days since starting this program. I am down a total of 14lbs. Yesterday was my daughter's 17th birthday. I fix her friend hot dogs and dip with of course a birthday cake. I ate 1 hot dog with chili, NO cake--but I am not a big sweet eater. Big mistake. I was sick all night. I guess my stomach isn't use that junk right now. I guess I learn my lesson. Thank goodness I didn't gain from it. I still weigh the same as of yesterday. My mini goal as of this weekend was to lose 3lbs by March 19th but I don't think that will happen. (maybe it would if I didn't miss up yesterday) but I am ok with that. Maybe I can lose at least 1 more pound.

I am so glad I found this board. All of yall help so much. I read everything and learn something new all the time.
I am going on my cruise this Saturday. My plan is to stop program for Sun.-Wed. (4days) than start back up after that for another round. While cruising I will still watch what I eat and not go crazy. I will keep my fats and calories down. Hopefully when I get back I can reach my goal of another 13lbs gone.
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kdh - I can only imagine how bad that hot dog made you feel! Thank goodness it didn't make you gain though. Good for you for saying no to the cake. I've had to turn down cake a few times since starting this diet and I'm a total sweets lover. Good luck eating on your cruise! Are you on P2 now?

Good morning to all you other losers!!

I'm stalled again - super bloated for some reason. Not sure what the deal is but my tummy hasn't been happy the past few days. I really need to push the water today, I had a hard time yesterday for some reason. I leave in 24 days and I'd like to drop another 10 lbs at least. We shall see though since I switch over to P3 in a couple weeks. Yikes!!
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Guest Host Cheryl
[quote name='block'][SIZE=4]OOh and I have to find that Rachel Ray episode...How was it?[/SIZE]


I did manage to catch the Rachel Ray show. I was impressed with the what the two ladies had to share and with the before and after pics. The expert Rachel had on the show obviously wasn't a fan of HCG. He basically recommended diet and exercise without HCG. Dr. Oz had intitially had the same reaction to the HCG diet but he came around a bit.
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Morning ladies! How's everyone?? Well, the scale was kind to me today and deducted 1.0 from my weight after a couple of days with no real change. Nice! Haven't posted in a couple of days, been super busy working and playing! Last night my husband and I took the dogs to a beginner dog agility class and we had a blast. An hour spent with the 2 big poodles outdoors learning new things, we all enjoyed it! Big, you asked if they were puppies, no they aren't. They are 2 and 3 years old, we enjoy them a lot doing obedience training, now agility training, and therapy work.

Cheryl, I saw the Dr Oz segment, and thought he did a good job of presenting a balanced view of the HCG programs, presenting both pros and cons. In the end he couldn't explain how it works, but did agree that it does and it appears to be safe with a doctor's supervision. Seems like all the other segments that I have seen on various programs over the last 2 weeks are telling us we are all wrong and going to die (or something drastic along those lines :) ). Most of the naysayers don't seem to really understand how the whole program works, or even to have read Dr Simeon's protocol. :(

kdh, sorry that chili dog made you sick. I'll remember that next time I want something that I shouldn't be eating! Glad you didn't have a gain from it! I hope you are successful at maintaining on your cruise, let us know how it goes!

Block, you're maintaining well on your P3!

Dawn, hope the bloating goes away and you see a nice loss with it's exit.

Have a great day everyone!!
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Jennifer---I am doing a happy dance for you and me. I am down another pound today.:D That means I might reach my mini goal of losing 3lbs this week. Today is only Tuesday so that is only 2 more pounds. I will have to drink lots of water, water, water. It is a good thing I like water.

Dawn---I am on P2 right now. I will do 1 more round of P2 before moving on to P3.
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