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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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i have done latrine duty already on one. i may even consider walking the dog. i will do this will do this.....



when to the last buffet for dinner, oh boy, i am not going to miss it.


so far i drank 66 oz.'s of water. i will have more coffee. i will go buy green tea.

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not that much water, but i went to an asian buffet for my last supper, so i am very thirsty. did my drops early this morning.


having a grapefruit right now, eating it slowly so it does last. question, melba toast how many? my brain cant figure out it has 6o calories for 3 so what will 20 calories be?

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That would be one measly melba...that is why I just didn't bother with them. Thought I burned more calories getting IT out of the box and chewing it...only to think afterwards...that is it??????


That is good that you are flushing after Asian Buffet, that would have a lot of sodium in it. May cause some retention...but I am 99% sure you will still have a loss in the a.m.

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is it me or am i the only one who is tired?


I was sleeping on the couch @ 6:30 last night and in bed by


I does get better. Give it a week. How is it going other wise?

Any drop this am?

I am SO FRUSTERATED no drop for DH or I in 6 mornings..:mad:

I need HELP.. I was going to try an apple day today then

I saw 4 big red strawberries in my lunch box. So if no loss

tomorrow I will do apple day. I just dont understand, I am doing

the exact same thing as last time except different brand of

hcg.. Any thoughts??

Have a great weekend,


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Sheri - I lost 4 pounds, granted it was water, but i didnt have a gain. I wont have big hopes after today. I did discover a good mid morning shake frozen strawberries with the stevia vanilla creme drops, better than what we can buy!


I am pooped, where did my energy go? I have been taking little cat naps, or are they power naps?


How about where you do the steak (I dont eat meat, so I am not sure of it) my book is a bit different, I can have peaches, eggplant, and a few other things. Are you drinking enough? I have finished my water for the day, but i will space out 33 more oz.'s, yes i am floating, i hear it rumble in my belly, hehehehe... I wake up hungry, but I saved my melba toast and had it with dinner. That seemed to help, even when my husband took out cookies. A moment on the lips for a life time on the hips, not worth it to me. But then again this is only day 2...

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Peaches and eggplant??? I'm so jealous!! lol

Ok, skipping the eggplant...

Good luck to you Army! It's so excited to get started!

I have a hint. Save the melbas for when you're really hungry. I eat the ones that are round, I think Old World makes them? You can have 4 for 60 calories. They have sesame, garlic, and plain. The sesame and garlic ones are the bomb! lol

When I have to jumpstart a stall, I forego the melbas for a day and it always get the weight moving again. Just my body? Not sure, but I know i lose better when I don't eat them. I need them for the hunger sometimes.

Who asked about Hallie? Yes, she is quite hungry. She is 5'8" and has lost 5 1/2 lbs. She really doesn't need to lose much, just a little on the hips and tummy. I also think she's hungry because she has to play tennis matches almost daily leading up to varsity tryouts. So that's 2-3 hrs. running on the courts in Houston heat. Poor baby!

So I've bumped her up to 600 calories on days when she has matches. She is getting all the water in, and even more like 12 cups a day when exercising. Any suggestions for her?

With the meat, I know it causes me to slow the losses. I can do the seafood without problems, but red meat likes to just sit there for some reason.

I'm with ya on the tired part. I think it's the heat. Cannot wait for November! lol

Don't forget, sliced strawberries with a packet of stevia and a little water...makes the BEST dessert for evening cravings! Also, loved those baked apples...

And in order to slice your chicken breasts real thin, partially freeze them.

Anyone have an egg on the hcg diet? I've been allowing Hallie to have one in the mornings before she plays. I've heard conflicting info on eggs...

Ok, off to get MIL a birthday gift.

Hang tough girls!!!!



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Hi Army,

No, she is filling in the additional calories with extra protein. In addition to the daily egg, she is getting about an extra 3 oz. of chicken each day. And while I say she's starving, what I really mean is she's a teenager who is used to snacking all the time so actually feeling hunger is a new thing for her. I have gotten her to confess that she's not always hungry, she just feels like eating...lol, sounds familiar...


Ok, off to tuck!


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curious how much court time she has? i know when i did another program that was almost as strict, i was going to the physical therapy and they had me add an additional meal.


teenagers are always looking for food (then again, most adults are too) i am looking at ways to flavor water. i froze straberries, i took one (out of my alotment) and soaked in a little stevia chuncked it and put it in my water. wasnt bad.


i know somewhere on a website i saw a chart with calories in and calories out if you are exercising. my book has a guide if you do strenuous cardio, not sure what drops you both are on. I can check my book and/or email you the page? Let me know.


I did have a 3 1/2 lb loss, yay. But i know it will quickly come to a stand still.


Have a great day!

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Yea Army!!!! That is so fabulous! Are you peeing constantly? Oops, personal question, lol

I always look at it as peeing the fat out of my body...<g>

She is winning (or losing) her matches pretty quickly, usually in 2 hrs. or less and tonight she is going to the movies (Winnie the Pooh) with other seniors and taking a sliced apple in a baggie. I'm so thrilled for her that she hasn't cheated. She is having VERY small losses, total is 5 1/2 or 6 lbs. but she doesn't need to lose much. I remind her of that each day.

Anyway, I'd say 2 hrs. of singles tennis. I'd love that info if you have time. My email is liztoybiz at aol dot com.

Ok, anyone considered doing those flavor drops you put into water?

Also, trying something new tonight. Taking a foil bag, filling it with unpeeled large shrimp doused with tony cacchres, garlic powder and onion powder and throwing in some broccoli and am going to cook it on the grill. I'll let you know how it goes. Also, did a splash of worchestishire (sp?) as I figured very little of it would penetrate the shells...If it's good, you'll all want to do it because it was too easy...


Off to sweat over the grill!



Sheri, any loss today? I am so sorry, I know your pain. I would go two days with no loss, then a pound, rinse and repeat. Something that I did that started losses going again was leaving out the melbas for a day. Don't know if you eat them or not.


Ok, really leaving!

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Liz, a common occurence we are all sharing! Not too personal at all, and it was funny, it made me giggle havent done that in a while so thank you!


As soon as daylight breaks as it is 435 am, I will copy the info and email it.


Big suggested not eating the melba I believe she was spot on with that. I am going to forgo them unless I continue with my wicked, leave me alone I can eat wallpaper headaches!


Two hours of tennis on a court is equivelant to 2 hours of cardio, so she should have additional calories.


Funny, I took chilean (sp) sea bass, with a little mrs.dash, and small orange slice into foil, and put it on the grill. Best clean up ever open and dispose! I also did zucchini like that last night.


I am not sure what seasonings to use, I hope the mrs.dash was ok. I only lost 3/4 of a pound disappointed a bit but at least the scale moved downwards....


Okay, I used the stevia flavored drops. Lemon and Orange are flavorless, but made my water sweet to drink. I am going to get green tea today and try that with the true lime and lemon crystals that I use. Love them, but I do add a little stevia to make them less tart. I am going to freeze them today to make slushies, makes me feel like i am having somethong i cant. Vanilla Creme and Chocolate Rasberry, are pretty good, they go in my coffee in the afternoon when I need a pick me up, and boy going to bed at 9 is the pits. I normally get up around 4, today eyes wide open at 3!


Hoping we are loosers today and having a great day.

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Good Morning losers...

Army great job on the losses..

Great grill suggestions girls. I will have to try that.

Ok my plans food list does not include broccoli or zucchini.

Do you think its ok?

DH and I have been enjoying english cucumbers sliced thin

with ACV and mrs dash. I use mrs dash all the time. Army I think it s


6 day stall broke this morning.:p:D

Down 3lbs and DH 2lb. I haven't had a BM:eek:

in 3 days though. I drank smooth move tea the last 2 evenings.

A couple hours after I drink it my stomach starts to rumble, gas

and then my stomach blows up like a balloon.:o Once I have a smooth move I hope to lose a few more.

Liz how much are you down?

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Oh and by the way I dont eat melba's and I LOVE

water drink a TON. Its very easy for me to get all

my water plus some..

DH cut out his melba the last 2 days plus his

stevia flavored drink packet. Not sure if that

had anything to do with his loss..

Happy Sunday

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Sheri, I spit my coffee when I read your comment about blowing up like a balloon! Good luck with that and hope everything comes out alright...groan aloud here.

I am so excited for y'alls losses! It is crazy how this thing shakes out. I remember doing the exact same thing first round. I'm down 9 lbs. and I think this is day 9 or 10 of vlcd. I wish it weren't a do-over but when you pay no attention to what you're cramming in your mouth, you regain weight. Amazing! lol

Army, your sea bass sounds awesome! This group knows that I cannot cook fish and make it taste good but maybe I wouldn't hurt sea bass...lol

BTW, the shrimp were INCREDIBLE!!!! Family begged for more of them and I forgot to measure so I wonder how many calories I ate from shrimp! oops

Ok, gotta get ready for church, have a beautiful day kids!!



ps. Army, did you measure your body? If not, you MUST do that!! lol, i know I'm being bossy but it will carry you through many days when you don't lose pounds. I do upper arm, above bust, bust, under bust (bra band) belly button, hips, each thigh and each calf. I make a note on my measurements where I'm measuring if unsure, like hips are 4" from belly button on my daughter, that way it's the same each time. Those trunk measurements will make you estatic, even after 7 days...Ok, end of rant. Big can tell you that this is my soapbox...

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Liz, as soon FIFA is over, I am going to email you - I have had a crazy day, went with hubby to a friends breakfast place and I DID NOT EAT!!!!! Stayed for more than a few hours, since she was so busy I was helping her. Good moderate exercise. Considering I have not done anything for a while, I am going to start taking 20 minute walks they say that is allowable.


Shrimp is low in calories, higher in sodium, but the small amount we know you ate are is fine.


No, I completely forgot, I wish someone would have reminded me, please go ahead and rant to me so it will make me get up and actually do it!


Sheri - Smooth move tea can make a space shuttle go into orbit; been there done that. And boy is it painful, I have to ask are you ok? Other options that supposedly are good are metimucel (sp) I believe one of the companies make a carb/sugar free version I may have some as I gave it to my dog, when she first had back problems. (apparently they dont go when their back goes out, but like humans too, certain meds made it worse). Back to the tea, I have diluted it and that does help, the bloat however is as bad as unclogging the clog!


I am actually feeling fat today. Not sure why. ugh just one of those days.


Does anyone know when my energy will be back? If you find any, please send it my way, all the way in S.Florida!


Wishing everyone a great night, and let go losers..

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Well I totally forgot about this thread.


I learned about this diet back in May, and then in May/June posted a question to this thread. Got a couple responses, and then went off to google and research for myself.


I'm so glad I did!


I started loading on June 9, and this morning was my 36th low-cal day. I'm down 25.2 lbs. Woot!


I ended up going the homeopathic hcg route, using pellets instead of shots, and they are working WONDERFULLY for me. No hunger at all, but I will admit that I sometimes get bored with the protocol foods, lol. It's ok, I'd rather be bored than running in circles without losing weight like I used to be. :)


Anyway, just wanted to check in. I don't log in here as much as I do some places...

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I everyone, I just finish reading all of you all posts. I am so impressed with everyone weight loss....Congrats are definity in order. ;) I just placed my order yesterday. I ranned into one of my girl-friends the other day, and she told me that she was on the HCG drops. She had already lost a pants size within a week time. WOW!. My mouth fell open. Please, Please tell me what you are doing. I hope that I can be included in all of this wonderful support team you all have going on. Count me in! Sailing in a few months, but this is a life time change for me. Really need this:).

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good morning fellow losers, i am down 1.2. not at the 10 pound mark, but i will take it! doing the happy dance 8 pounds down the drain, hehe.


skipped the melba toast, but i did buy another brand yesterday that i havent tried yet, i will today. i am going to use them with my tuna for lunch as bread. they do get soggy enough if you let them sit with tuna on them ( i can easily pretend it is a sandwich) and tomatoes.


any other food suggestions i am all ears.


have a losing and a great day.



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