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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, You all are way TOO funny...

I would kill myself if I was really pregnant, so would


I was really saying that when you are on HCG and its the

REAL McCoy your body thinks your pregnant and uses your

fat more efficiently. I was questioning my HCG strength. I had

blood work done at the Dr for another reason. That's when my Dr

told me I was pregnant (not really) it was the hcg in my

system. OMG Please don't wish that on me..

Robo I am old too. I have all the aces and pains like

you all.:( DH and I did get a GOOD laugh out of it.:D

Read it again.....


Hey Losers Guess what????

I am Pregnant...:D:p

At least that's what my blood test came back as....

I was SO happy to hear the news..

I was questioning my HCG strength. I was second guessing

if it was real or not. Well I had blood test last week and when

I went in for my results they came back that I was pregnant.

That means my HCG was the REAL McCoy..


Silly Girls



Oh you are so bad:p................bad to the bone.....What do you think girls.....should we put her over our knees and paddle her? All 32 lbs less of her... I was practically picking out baby clothes and names.....I was actually just going to post and tell you that you were probably going to have to cancel your next cruise.....Well I have learned my lesson...


So I'm now calling you Baby Cakes instead of AZ....

You're just lucky that it's a 5 hour drive for me to come spank you.....


All kidding aside..both you and DH have done fabulous..I wish I was losing as fast as you two but at least this way my old skin will have a chance to catch up to my new body....I LOVE THIS DIET!!!!


I wish you tons of good inches lost in P3..... Come on little losers.....Where are you!!!



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Hi all, thanks for the information and support. I didnt receive my drops today :( but have been promised they will be with me in the morning. I did however receive from the supplier details of the full diet. Printed about 50 pages! I shall read these tonight and get fully ready for the program. I am concerned about all the water. I have a mild case of interstitial cystisis (not sure about the spelling) however water makes me go even more than normal which is more than the average person to start with! I like herbal tea which at least has a flavour i can have without sugar. We also sell here in NZ Zero water which is made with stevia. I am hoping this will be ok.

I am determined though. I have just over 4 weeks till my holiday and 6 till the cruise and i am hoping i can do the full diet in this time. I only want to lose about 10 pds though. What do i do if i lose this in the first couple of weeks? Do i then go onto maintenance?

Anyway, thanks for the tips.

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Aah, i have just read through all the paperwork and may have found a snag for me. I thought when i would have salad, it meant more than one ingredient! But to just have the salad greens without tomato, aah, or to only have cucumber without anything else!:eek: I could probably do the taco meat in a lettuce leaf without a problem, but just chicken and spinach?? (and spinach bloats me) This could be more of a challenge than i was expecting. :confused: Well i guess we will see how it goes. Tomorrow is day one with the loading up days so i will try to get a few recipes together for the next week so i can get this sorted without freaking out. Any advice to make this easier?? All help will be greatly received.

Thanks all. :)

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Hello Everyone! I have done a modified version with the shots - I wont go into detail about this since it is not the true HCG diet.


I just received my drops yesterday. I have not really read any of the material yet as my good friend is doing this and is a few days ahead of me and kind of filled me in on what to do. I will take time later to read it in full- I guess today would be my first day and my loading day.

I hope to lose 30lbs, but 50 would be ideal. I will be reading this thread often. Have a great day

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Welcome Sandyjabs. Have fun 'loading'.


Glenlea: Be careful due to your condition. You definitely should not have the citrus! The apples are wonderful for you and maybe you should think about replacing the strawberries with blueberries. Don't drink any tea that has caffeine and slowly increase your water to see what you can tolerate. Do spices cause a problem for you? The vinegar is a bad idea for you also...what to do about salad dressing????? You don't want to aggravate your pain!!! Good luck.


Yesterday was awful for me. :( After the funeral there was a big buffet and I did some emotional eating. Daughter had a flat tire and had to drive home on her 'donut' spare slowly and we followed them. The guys had tried to get it fixed but Walmart (only place open) wouldn't fix two holes in a tire, only one, and they didn't have her size tire in stock. SUCH a long hard day.


But today is a new day! I am back on track. I was going to only eat fish and lettuce today, but my sister said don't do that. I am taking her advice and just sticking to the diet protocol without 'punishing' myself. I won't weigh until Wed. so I don't get discouraged.

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Oh you are so bad:p................bad to the bone.....What do you think girls.....should we put her over our knees and paddle her? All 32 lbs less of her... I was practically picking out baby clothes and names.....I was actually just going to post and tell you that you were probably going to have to cancel your next cruise.....Well I have learned my lesson...


So I'm now calling you Baby Cakes instead of AZ....

You're just lucky that it's a 5 hour drive for me to come spank you.....


All kidding aside..both you and DH have done fabulous..I wish I was losing as fast as you two but at least this way my old skin will have a chance to catch up to my new body....I LOVE THIS DIET!!!!


I wish you tons of good inches lost in P3..... Come on little losers.....Where are you!!!




Cyndee, DH and I are still cracking up over this..:p:D

I was talking to DSIS last night I said to her my blood test

said I was pregnant.. I have never heard her scream so loud.

OMG SO funny.

DH lost two more lbs:p and I gained two.:( Well flow

arrived yesterday and I have not had a bowl movment in a

week. I have not added anything in ph 3 except a little more

protien and a few veggies. I am really scared to start adding

First I need to get back down two lbs.

WELCOME new losers..

BIG where the heck are you now???

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Here I is....and I got back yesterday from girl camp. I re-read AZ "baby story" and actually understood what she was saying, but then the other posts had me confused. I blame that on destroying more than a few brain cells this past week-end.


I would have to say to those of you not having bowel movements every three to four days...you really need to do something about that. If you are drinking your water and eating according to plan, you shouldn't be a week with no GO. Do the smooth move, if that doesn't work (because it doesn't for some) try to get some sugar free MOM. As a nurse, my point of view, is that these things usually don't get any better after a week...Yikes.


Medical...sorry to hear about your trying times...keep plugging along and I hope that this week goes better for you.

ANYONE with health issues really need to seek the advice of their Dr. or do the research and see what options are availbale to you. There are many variations of the HCG diet and some may work better for others. I know that a website called lowcarbfriends.com is a good one to see what type of "rogue" HCG diets there are. Also support and advice for people with medical issues.


OK...my brain and body is still too pooped to think clearly...LOL So I will say...congrats to all the losers, hang in there for all the stallers and gainers, tomorrow is another day.

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When you load - do you eat, eat, eat - or do you just eat normal 3 meals and snacks but indulge in sinful things? I do not know if I am loading right? I had some eggs with potatoes and cheese for breakfast, McDs quarterpounder w cheese and fries w coke and caramel frappe' for lunch, chicken and pasta for dinner and a slice of key lime pie - I did have a little snack of some baked tortilla scoops and fresh salsa. Is this enough because I feel very full and feel like I am loading lol.

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When you load - do you eat, eat, eat - or do you just eat normal 3 meals and snacks but indulge in sinful things? I do not know if I am loading right? I had some eggs with potatoes and cheese for breakfast, McDs quarterpounder w cheese and fries w coke and caramel frappe' for lunch, chicken and pasta for dinner and a slice of key lime pie - I did have a little snack of some baked tortilla scoops and fresh salsa. Is this enough because I feel very full and feel like I am loading lol.


Eat what you are going to miss the most, but concentrate on fatty foods as this is what will "see you through" the first couple of days to a week.

Eat plenty but don't make yourself sick:)

Good luck and we look forward to hearing about your progress!

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Ok, still have keyboard issues so typos beware.

Crap, you're not preggo. I was all excited for a 'hcg baby' but I thought I remembered that your kids were older so I was confused...I personally would just drink the koolaid now if I became pregnant. No thank you!


Ok, let's see. I know people had questions but with th puter messing up I'm not going to reread. So here are some anwers if it helps. Fat-free italian dressing is allowed. One spice to watch out for is garlic salt. cantembr what ingred. was bad innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn it butone was. grrr. So sorry abou this!

Yes, eat what you will crave. Fo me it was sushi, exican and ice cream ina choc. diped cone.

Crap! TTTTTTTThis iscrazy!

Possessssseeeeeed keyboard!

Wecomeeeeee Sandy and Glllenlea! III am usuaalllllllllllllllllly not this weirddddd!!!!!


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Ok, still have keyboard issues so typos beware.

Crap, you're not preggo. I was all excited for a 'hcg baby' but I thought I remembered that your kids were older so I was confused...I personally would just drink the koolaid now if I became pregnant. No thank you!


Ok, let's see. I know people had questions but with th puter messing up I'm not going to reread. So here are some anwers if it helps. Fat-free italian dressing is allowed. One spice to watch out for is garlic salt. cantembr what ingred. was bad innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn it butone was. grrr. So sorry abou this!

Yes, eat what you will crave. Fo me it was sushi, exican and ice cream ina choc. diped cone.

Crap! TTTTTTTThis iscrazy!

Possessssseeeeeed keyboard!

Wecomeeeeee Sandy and Glllenlea! III am usuaalllllllllllllllllly not this weirddddd!!!!!



I'm still cracking up......:):):D:D I haven't laughed this hard in sooooooooooooooooo lonnnnnngggggnngg. Bless your heart.....you just kept on a typin'

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Ok, still have keyboard issues so typos beware.

Crap, you're not preggo. I was all excited for a 'hcg baby' but I thought I remembered that your kids were older so I was confused...I personally would just drink the koolaid now if I became pregnant. No thank you!


Ok, let's see. I know people had questions but with th puter messing up I'm not going to reread. So here are some anwers if it helps. Fat-free italian dressing is allowed. One spice to watch out for is garlic salt. cantembr what ingred. was bad innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn it butone was. grrr. So sorry abou this!

Yes, eat what you will crave. Fo me it was sushi, exican and ice cream ina choc. diped cone.

Crap! TTTTTTTThis iscrazy!

Possessssseeeeeed keyboard!

Wecomeeeeee Sandy and Glllenlea! III am usuaalllllllllllllllllly not this weirddddd!!!!!



And just in case Liz was trying to tell you something important....it was probably "DON'T FORGET TO MEASURE YOURSELF":D:D:D:D

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Hi everyone, well i have lived through my first day of loading, had bacon and egg bap for brekkie, hot chocolate for morning tea, a home made curried beef with rice for lunch followed by potato crisps, some sweets this avo and lasanga for dinner with a magnum icecream. i felt really bad eating this as i have tried for so long to lose the weight and knowing each mouthful was probably adding another 100gs to my weight was a bit wierd.

Anyway, another day tomorrow. i am looking forward to it again with some more much loved foods and then for the day after.

I have gone onto one site that someone here recommended for recipes and note that some of these recipes have two veges with the meal, e.g. Lettuce and tomato at once! I thought this wasnt allowed. I hope it is allowed because this would be much easier to cope with.

Medicallady, thanks for the advice. i only have decaf tea and coffee now and keep well away from any citrus. I find anything with the pulp in it agravates the problem. funny though, spices do not do anything but plain water does, very wierd.

Well, lets see how tomorrow goes.

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I feel bad eating all this ice cream and chocolate too - funny how that works because if I wasnt on this diet it wouldnt phase me in that way.


I am going to have a McDs M&M McFlurry later - this is something I absolutely love and will miss :(


I work a 12 hour shift tomorrow so I am thinking that my 1st day on VLCD will go well since I will be busy and not thinking about being hungry (if that happens) My friend who is 2 days ahead of me on this diet, txt me today and she is down 2 pounds. I hope you have a good 1sst day tomorrow Glenlea.


Thanks for answering my questions so promptly everyone

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Bet the baby stole it Az... :-)

Puter doesn't know I'm here yet because it isn't freaking out...shhh!

Loading feels so very wrong, but is an important step in the process because your hcg will really get revved up with lots to feed off. Ok, my personal opinion, no scientific fact behind it.

BTW, Dr. Oz is covering hcg today. Everyone hates it so this should be good...


oops, skipping letters again, ott go!

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Hi, right now its breakfast time on my second day of loading. Weighed myself and put on 300g, mm:confused: I notice on a site someone put up here called HCGweightlossdiets.com that they had different veges for example that you can have. One of their recipes did say mushrooms but this is not on the list of veges to buy. does anyone know if mushrooms would be ok to eat? It also had melon, pineapple and pears on the list. surely these would not be allowed?

Good luck everyone today.

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Hi, right now its breakfast time on my second day of loading. Weighed myself and put on 300g, mm:confused: I notice on a site someone put up here called HCGweightlossdiets.com that they had different veges for example that you can have. One of their recipes did say mushrooms but this is not on the list of veges to buy. does anyone know if mushrooms would be ok to eat? It also had melon, pineapple and pears on the list. surely these would not be allowed?

Good luck everyone today.


What you will need to do is pick one of the HCG plans and stick with that one only. I think that most of us have followed Dr. Siemons food list which doesn't allow mixing of vegs and is much more strict on foods allowed. Did you get a food plan with the HCG you ordered? If you decide to follow the original protocol and do not have the plan, let us know and we can guide you to a website so you can have a food list and plan.

DO NOT worry about the loading days gains, they come right off and you need those fat cells fluffed up for the VLCD (very low calorie days)


The baby stole it....very funny. Back with you gals later and save an egg and crack a :)

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Hi, right now its breakfast time on my second day of loading. Weighed myself and put on 300g, mm:confused: I notice on a site someone put up here called HCGweightlossdiets.com that they had different veges for example that you can have. One of their recipes did say mushrooms but this is not on the list of veges to buy. does anyone know if mushrooms would be ok to eat? It also had melon, pineapple and pears on the list. surely these would not be allowed?

Good luck everyone today.


I was so excited to find this thread within the Cruise Critic Forum!



I usually follow the Simeon's protocol to the letter, but this time, I decided to buy the small low-carb meals from My Fit Foods. I don't have to think about cooking at all, so that has been wonderful. The veggies are usually mixed in those meals, and they use some oil. I've been on the diet 6 days and lost 10 pounds. I'm just trying to keep my calorie intake below 700. This is by far my best weight loss on HCG. I also seem to be more successful with the homeopathic drops from rebekahspureliving.com. I have used Releana (prescription) and another homeopathic bought from a chiropractor. I like Rebekah's the best. I am also taking her HCG booster which contains B-12 and Velvet Antler. That could explain my good results thus far. In my opinion, you have to figure out what works best for your body. I have a friend who has to follow Simeon's exactly--including the whole no lotion, oils on the skin, etc. I'm not encouraging anyone to go rogue, or create an excuse for someone to cheat, but I thought I'd share my experience since this is my first time to not follow the original protocol.


If you get really desperate for a change, you might want to try miracle noodles.


Good luck, everyone!

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Budsamwalt- Great job in 6 days, Wow! This givves me hope.


I am on my first VLCD. I already cheated and put splenda in my coffee :( I have to have coffee and I have to have it sweet. I am going to try to find time this weekend to go to Chamberlins for some stevia with flavors too.


I am also coming down with a cold :( and will need to take some cold medicine that may have added sugar.


I am using the Metamorphic Homeopathic drops and that food plan.


Good luck Glenlea on your first VLCD today :)

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Hi Glenlea, good luck today, I have eaten mushrooms through my 4 rounds. Personal choice. I also ate zucchini, red/orange peppers and squash. My son is on this and fully convinced it is the calorie amount not hhhhh the combos. oops, doing it again!

Welcome budsam and sandyjabs! Sandy, don't stress and best of lukwith you cold. just do what youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu can. oops, gremlins again.

Are all ofyou ok? earthquakwis?




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Hi everyone. I have just finished my first VLCD day. It was not so easy. I only had a tea for breakfast which was wierd as i love my morning coffee even if it is just decaf. However i cant have black coffee, i really dont like the flavour without the milk. I will try one in the morning with only 1 tbsp of milk (if i remember right, we are allowed). I lost all momentum this afternoon about 3. I had my 2nd apple of the day and that didnt help much. By 4pm I had to have some gum (sugar free but not aspartame free unfortunately) but it kept me awake.

All the water is sending me to the bathroom heaps. i dont enjoy that bit.

I had ground beef with moroccan seasoning and a tbls tomatos in it when i cooked it. I tried eating it in lettuce leafs and ended up nearly wearing most of it. I gave up and ended up putting the mince on top of the lettuce. i did cheat though, i cut down how much lettuce i had and had 2 cherry toms to go with it. it was more palatable for me. I know i will probably cheat, but i am a really really fussy eater and i can do the 500 cals per day but will struggle and give up if i dont make this something i can manage.

I am looking foward to stepping on the scales in the morning and hopefully will have a nice surprise of hopefully at least losing the weight my loading days put on.


Sandyjabs, i hope you are enjoying this process and being successful even with the stevia. I hope the cold is not a bad one and passes quickly.


Liztoybiz, thanks for the advice. I will remember it when i really struggle.


good luck everyone, hope to post again soon.

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