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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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SoCal NO DIET COKE! I read in one of the books no pop. Be careful only drink 1/2 of your body weight in water otherwise you dilute vitamins, minerals and protein. I was drinking so much and that is what I was told yesterday, only half of your body weight.


Big I ordered root beer still hasn't come I actually just spent a fortune on stevia! I think we should all buy stock in it.


I am plugging along we leave in two weeks. Nervous I will become miss pigster, oink oink.


Where is the rest of the crew?



Army is "No more than half your weight in food ok"? OMG this week has been disasterous for me. P3 is not a good thing to start when you have company that cooks French the whole time you are here. We will not even go over what I ate over the last 7 days because more of it I wouldn't even know how to spell. Needless to say I'm up 5 lbs from LSW and don't really know where to start today. Do I do a steak day or an apple day or for goodness sake...........just don't eat....and drink lots of water.


Wests5...I'm so sorry...I haven't had a chance to go online this week and I see you wanted to know where I got my shots.....It was at hcgbasics dot com and there are links in there. The site is by someone that has been on the HCG journey and if you e-mail her (Amanda) she even responds back to you. I've had fabulous luck with the shots. Maybe not weight wise because I am a little older and it doesn't seem to come off me as quick as others but I had to make myself eat because I just wasn't ever hungry...


Today is day 1 at the gym....I didn't exercise the whole time I was on P2 and then company came the 1st day of P3 and here we are...Today I will do some cardio and a few machines to tighten up my flab...Just a recap.....P2 after 40 days (plus 3 without shots) I lost a total of 26 lbs and 19 and 3/4 inches.....


For all of you newbies....Please please please make sure to take your measurements. You will thank yourself later.


6 weeks from today is my cruise and I have to find a common ground as far a balancing exerside with food....I know that for sure now. Maybe I can get up early and hit the gym to help offset some of the calories I will be taking in. Old habits die hard and this past week has shown me that I am not as stable as I would have hoped. I am, however smart enough to know that if I don't hit the gym today and each day going forward this will all be lost very quickly. Help keep me on track ladies.....


Have a fabulous day and lets hear how everyone is doing.


Liz where are you girl?

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Woo Hoo, down 4 pounds!!! It took 6 days for the scales to move though.


SoCal, you are doing great!


I have put the lemon stevia in a water bottle to take to work. The others I have used in my coffee and I don't like the aftertaste. I don't have trouble drinking my coffee black though, thank goodness.


Big, I am so jealous. Our weather is going to be nice for a while, and our highs will be in the 90's again by the end of the week. Ugh, tired of the heat.


Robo, sounds like you had a great visit. Can't kick yourself for the past, just pick up and go on. Good luck.


Here's to a great week for all of us.



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Medical, that was so great to read about your drop!!! I'm sure getting through the six days was hard, but that's a great thing to see 4 pounds down at one time. Congrats!!!


Army Mom, I'm with you...exercise? I am staying away from Diet Coke, for sure. It wouldn't be worth it to go this far and then have a cheat. I did pick up some no sodium/carb/sugar, cherry flavored water yesterday. It's not remotely the same, but it's nice to have the carbonation.


Robocop, I took my measurements yesterday. How often do I measure myself?


Since I know you will all understand, yesterday, I fit into a pair of capris that I bought but have never worn because they never fit. I stood in front of the mirror and just cried. Completely worth giving up the candy corn for Halloween. :)


I've read alot of you that have increased energy. Does anyone feel like they have less energy? I feel like I'm dragging. Any remedies?


Thank you for accepting new losers into the group. :)



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Good feeling huh Stacey? Keep up the good work and hang in there...maybe you will be buying new capris!


Robo...sorry to hear about your gain...but life happens and sometimes you just have to go with the flow and enjoy yourself.


Medical!!!!!!!!!! Wow that is fantastic!!!!!! Send some of that movement my way:~)

I was only down (I know a loss is a loss) 3 ounces. Can tell that the tummy is S-L-O-W-L-Y going down.


I cannot wait to get to P3 this Friday...I already have a steak thawing (more than the mere 100 grams of meat I have been eating) Hockey starts (I am a fan) Sat. and I am so looking forward to that...well minus the smell of the popcorn, which I have dearly missed these past few weeks....and still can't have in P3 :~(


OK girls have a great week and stay on track. I hope to report a Medical Ma'am loss tomorrow! A girl can dream can't she?????

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About to finish my first round of HCG. It will be a 33 day round because I want to fit in a 23 day round before the cruise (12/20/11) and not be on phase 3 when we leave home on 12/18. I have lost 18 pounds since Sept 5th. I am glad this has been easy to stick to. But I do miss Coke Zero. I know I will never be able to drink it like I used too. But I will indulge once in a while when I get to my final goal weight. I plan to do (what I hope will be my last) round when I get back from our holiday cruise. Hopefully with lots of walking on the ship I will not gain.


Glad to see this thread here, because this is sometimes considered controversial way to loose weight but those that complete on round or even a few days know it works. And works well!!


Happy loosing everyone, keep up the good work.

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Welcome Warrior. That is a great loss for your first round! I have cruised and not gained because of my exercise and walking, so I know it can be done. Do you do shots or the drops?


I am down 6 pounds now and my rings are getting loose, especially in the evening. My daughter has lost 4 pounds. She says she is not cheating and I have encouraged her and told her it will start to drop off.


Army, have you measured yet?


Robo, where are you? How is P3 going for you now?


Got to get some rest. I will check in tomorrow if I have big losses to report.

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Congrats on your weight loss, but I just had to mention HCG drops really cannot work orally. Your loss is due to the drastic cut in calories. You must have amazing willpower.


My daughter was on HCG shots, brand name Humatrope. It is waaaay expensive, several thousands of dollars a month, but covered by insurance for idopathic short stature. Without the shots she would have only been 4'7. We eventually got her to 4'10. She hated the shots at first, so I asked if there was an oral type. The endo. laughed and said the diet people would have you believe there is but taking the hormone orally means it is digested and never makes it to your blood stream. Shots were the only way to get it.


When taken sublingualy it does enter the blood stream.

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Wow - this is all great incentive for me - I've been on the drops for 2.5 weeks and lost a total of 18 lbs and 9.5 inches. It's great to hear of others success stories. My goal is about 40 lbs total so I will probably do two rounds of P2. I'll keep reading for more information.

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Medical - I actually have been using an HCG nose spray. There is a pharmacy here in Texas that mixes it, but requires a prescription. I had it prescribed by my doctor (internal medicine). It works well but is $190 for 40 days, so I will be switching to drops for round two. I am considering the shots for round 3. Wondering if the shots are the most effective.

Congratulations on loosing, tell your daughter to hang in there and not give up. She is doing great and it will be worth it in the end. My loss was slow and not as great as others have had, but I was desperate and my metabolism and endocrine system was tired. I feel better and my aches and pains are subsiding.


Happy loosing everyone!

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I was on the HCG for 8 days and lost 12 lbs. By the 9th day I just couldn't do it anymore. LOL I was following the Protocol and wow was so limited. My issue is that I really only liked 3 vegetables on the list and they really don't want you eating the same veggie two days in a row. I also felt like I was starving to death. I was on the oral HCG. I quickly went to Weight Watchers after the 12 lb loss so as to continue the diet mode. After the HCG, I feel like I'm at the all you can eat buffet on WW. LOL I lost 6 lbs the first week on WW and down 3 lb this week so far. I am wondering if I can use the HCG along with my WW diet and will it work even better. Has anyone tried it and what results were you getting? And wtg to all of your weight loss!

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I was on the HCG for 8 days and lost 12 lbs. By the 9th day I just couldn't do it anymore. LOL I was following the Protocol and wow was so limited. My issue is that I really only liked 3 vegetables on the list and they really don't want you eating the same veggie two days in a row. I also felt like I was starving to death. I was on the oral HCG. I quickly went to Weight Watchers after the 12 lb loss so as to continue the diet mode. After the HCG, I feel like I'm at the all you can eat buffet on WW. LOL I lost 6 lbs the first week on WW and down 3 lb this week so far. I am wondering if I can use the HCG along with my WW diet and will it work even better. Has anyone tried it and what results were you getting? And wtg to all of your weight loss!



skiwee...I only ate 4-5 of the veggies allowed so I know where you are coming from. It is a hard diet but the results are what keep people going. Possibly your drops weren't very good as the hunger does go away for "most" of us after the first week. Not to say there weren't moments that all of us felt VERY hungry.

The choice is always up to you but if you are losing on WW, that is what you should stick with. I don't think the HCG will enhance any other weight loss. Good luck to you on your journey!


OK into P3 today....lost 18 pounds over the 23 days, that darn load weight really took a toll on me. I think next round (2012) I will really figure out a better plan for load days, concentrate more of the fats and less of the carbs and foods I will miss. I hate that I gained so much for load days, even though it all came off in two days..it is frustrating to have so much of a gain.


Going to do about 1200 calories today and by next week get up to 1500-1800. Of course the daily weight will be my forecaster for the day.



I also noticed that of 1000 some posts on this thread...we have had over 41,000 views! Can you say lurkers???? LOL...Hope that maybe a few people may open their minds to this diet, and I know more and more Dr.'s and Naturopaths are being more open minded about this, and that is just from the information in my small community.

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Hi Losers, Just checkin on you girlies..

WOW Big you did a great job on your round. Congrats to you Loser.

DH and I are also doing another round in 2012.

Welcome, Socal, WM and Choo, Hang in there this is

a GREAT plan.

Medi, looks like you are having a great round keep going.

DH and I are hanging in there with PH 4. I am below

lowest inject weight. I eat mostly PH 3 but several meals

have added in PH 4 foods. Like yesterday I had 4 chips with salsa

and then ate a bean tostada then I even ate a candy bar and

lost a lb :eek:.

So HAPPY with the results. Seems like I am stabilizing..:D:p

Have NEVER been able to maintain a weight loss for more

then a few days.

Robo, Where did ya go girlie?? Check in a let us know your

still with us. I miss you

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I was on the HCG for 8 days and lost 12 lbs. By the 9th day I just couldn't do it anymore. LOL I was following the Protocol and wow was so limited. My issue is that I really only liked 3 vegetables on the list and they really don't want you eating the same veggie two days in a row. I also felt like I was starving to death. I was on the oral HCG. I quickly went to Weight Watchers after the 12 lb loss so as to continue the diet mode. After the HCG, I feel like I'm at the all you can eat buffet on WW. LOL I lost 6 lbs the first week on WW and down 3 lb this week so far. I am wondering if I can use the HCG along with my WW diet and will it work even better. Has anyone tried it and what results were you getting? And wtg to all of your weight loss!


skiwee - I feel your pain. My 'light at the end of the tunnel' is that I keep telling myself 'it's only for 23 days'. This really helps with my psyche. I've done atkins before and find that very flexible with what I can eat and what I like to eat (BTW - these are two very different things :D) I don't like veggies either especially cooked ones! What I do is grill them with some spices so they're still a fair bit crunchy - that helps.


P3 is going to be like a vacation from all the hard work. Mind you I'm not there yet but will be next Wednesday. If it's not so bad, I may stick it out a bit longer if I'm still losing. Glad WW is working for you. I found that it was just way too much food for me - I didn't lose a pound. Either that or my metabolism is so slow that it didn't kick in - Mental Pause - ARGGGG:mad:

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Robin, louder. I will, maybe tomorrow!


I am on strike....I am not going to post to this board until Army measure's herself. It takes me longer to yell at you then it does to just do it....Come on Nike....."Just do it"


AZ......I made my reservations for Phoenix earlier this week. I will be there and spending the nights of October 20, 21 and 22.....I have no idea where that is in relation to where you are but we are staying at the Embassy Suites - Biltmore...Bringing DH and DD with me....See...I bet you though DD was dear daughter but it is actually dear dog....


Big...didn't you start P3 today....?????

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I am on strike....I am not going to post to this board until Army measure's herself. It takes me longer to yell at you then it does to just do it....Come on Nike....."Just do it"


AZ......I made my reservations for Phoenix earlier this week. I will be there and spending the nights of October 20, 21 and 22.....I have no idea where that is in relation to where you are but we are staying at the Embassy Suites - Biltmore...Bringing DH and DD with me....See...I bet you though DD was dear daughter but it is actually dear dog....


Big...didn't you start P3 today....?????


:DLOL...now you've done it ARMY...you better do what the lady says and no one gets hurt.


Yes...I am on P3 and I did tend to go a little crazy today...we'll see what the scale says tomorrow. I HAD to have some cheese and turkey pastrami:)..Then a steak and salad for dinner with MIXED VEGGIES in it.


Army...if you are hungry...eat a little extra protein...just make sure it is hunger...you know not brain hunger...LOL

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:DLOL...now you've done it ARMY...you better do what the lady says and no one gets hurt.


Yes...I am on P3 and I did tend to go a little crazy today...we'll see what the scale says tomorrow. I HAD to have some cheese and turkey pastrami:)..Then a steak and salad for dinner with MIXED VEGGIES in it.


Army...if you are hungry...eat a little extra protein...just make sure it is hunger...you know not brain hunger...LOL


That first day off of P2 is just like a relief....I am so not as dedicated about preparing meal ahead of time with this phase. On P2 I made sure that I had what I needed for all week long withing working and everything. I've kind of gotten off to not such a good start on P3...well it's been 2 weeks already. I am down .4 of a lb from my last shot weight but need to get some direction real fast...I feel like I am just trying to mix P2 and P3 and feeling guilty if I eat more....It's just a mind thing that I will definitely work thru.


Hey Big I see that you have been to Alaska in September....What port did you leave out of and where did you end up? We just book September 2012 out of Seattle and ending in Vancouver. It's kind of strange because it is a Friday to a Friday...Talk about screwing up two different weeks of vacation....Did you have good weather or was it cold and rainy?


Hey I have a receipe that I would like to share with you. I love it and it is fabulous on grilled chicken


You can do what you want with the Olive Oil (which really is the only bad item for P2) I just put a couple of tsp. in after it was all prepared



Roasted Tomatillo Salsa


1 lb tomatillo, husked and rinsed

1 Jalapeno, split down in the middle (keep as much or little of the seeds as you want depending on your level of spicy)

1 medium red onion, sliced

2 garlic cloves

3 Tbsp Olive oil


1/2 bunch of fresh cilantro

2 limes, juiced


Preheat oven to 375*

On a roasting tray place tomatillos (sliced in half), jalapeno, onion, garlic, salt and olive oil.

Roast for 30 to 40 minutes...Cool

Add Cilantro and lime juice and puree everything until smooth. (I use a Cuisanart hand blender) Keeps for a least a week in the fridge...

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Robo: That recipe sounds wonderful. I had a chicken breast tonight with LOTS of cilantro on it.


I have to do my grocery shopping in the morning. I am so sick of fish. I have had it every day this week and need a change.


I entered a new 'decade' on the scale this week. That is a real milestone for me. I feel like celebrating!

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That first day off of P2 is just like a relief....I am so not as dedicated about preparing meal ahead of time with this phase. On P2 I made sure that I had what I needed for all week long withing working and everything. I've kind of gotten off to not such a good start on P3...well it's been 2 weeks already. I am down .4 of a lb from my last shot weight but need to get some direction real fast...I feel like I am just trying to mix P2 and P3 and feeling guilty if I eat more....It's just a mind thing that I will definitely work thru.


Hey Big I see that you have been to Alaska in September....What port did you leave out of and where did you end up? We just book September 2012 out of Seattle and ending in Vancouver. It's kind of strange because it is a Friday to a Friday...Talk about screwing up two different weeks of vacation....Did you have good weather or was it cold and rainy?


Hey I have a receipe that I would like to share with you. I love it and it is fabulous on grilled chicken


You can do what you want with the Olive Oil (which really is the only bad item for P2) I just put a couple of tsp. in after it was all prepared



Roasted Tomatillo Salsa


1 lb tomatillo, husked and rinsed

1 Jalapeno, split down in the middle (keep as much or little of the seeds as you want depending on your level of spicy)

1 medium red onion, sliced

2 garlic cloves

3 Tbsp Olive oil


1/2 bunch of fresh cilantro

2 limes, juiced


Preheat oven to 375*

On a roasting tray place tomatillos (sliced in half), jalapeno, onion, garlic, salt and olive oil.

Roast for 30 to 40 minutes...Cool

Add Cilantro and lime juice and puree everything until smooth. (I use a Cuisanart hand blender) Keeps for a least a week in the fridge...



YUM...that sounds good...thanks for sharing.


Yes..did Alaska/ Seattle round trip. I have been to Alaska many times but only this once by ship. We were Sunday to Sunday and just drove over to Seattle.

Our ports were...Glacier Bay, Juneau, Sitka, Ketchikan, and Victoria Canada and then to Seattle.

We went the second to last sailing in Sept. and it was rainy for the most part but we enjoyed it. At least the Glacier viewing was a dry day...a little dreary but I am an old Oregon girl so I am used to the dreary skies.

I have heard from many people that they had really nice weather late Sept. so I guess you just never know , but if you haven't seen Alaska...don't pass up any opportunity, it is majestic!

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Robo: That recipe sounds wonderful. I had a chicken breast tonight with LOTS of cilantro on it.


I have to do my grocery shopping in the morning. I am so sick of fish. I have had it every day this week and need a change.


I entered a new 'decade' on the scale this week. That is a real milestone for me. I feel like celebrating!


:DHere's to new decades! Congrats!

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