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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Yes,, I am in P2. I think I am doing another two weeks, maybe four. I am down a TOTAL of 19.5 from the beginning of my first P2. That takes into account load days the first time. I usually don't count those though. I feel really food this week and am being so good!

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Yes' date=', I am in P2. I think I am doing another two weeks, maybe four. I am down a TOTAL of 19.5 from the beginning of my first P2. That takes into account load days the first time. I usually don't count those though. I feel really food this week and am being so good! [/size']



Good Job!:D I don't know how you gals can do the long P2 phase, I just don't have it in me to do more than the 23 day rounds.


ARMY...you are a busy girl. Tell us good-bye before you go.:cool:


Busy week-end for me...shampooing the carpets...oh yea! But it will burn some calories and I always feel so much better after it is done. Up a smidge this a.m. but still in 2 pound window. Going to town for more Greek Yogurt today and some flavored Stevia.

Gee I can't believe the month is 1/2 over already!:eek:

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Still here, I have been up for hours. I have been having a horrible relationship with food. Not sure why.


Haven't packed yet, our iPhones lost all our music from an update, so I will have nothing to listen to as I walk on the ship. Unless hubby reinstalls all our cd's today -:(.


Doing laundry tiny loads, but I am a separator of things!


Going to start packing before my luncheon, finish tonight. Hair and nails done, haven't pulled out my shoes yet! Not a fan of packing since I do it myself!


Ugh, maybe next cruise we will do the nude cruise, no clothes required... But I am afraid I would stick to the seats!!!!!!


Ladies have a great day mine will be busy, will say bye tomorrow!

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Hello everybody, can I join in? I am (well supposed to be) on P2D27 but really messed up this weekend. Thought if I got on this thread it would hold me accountable.



Well we can sure make you accountable!:) Just kidding...welcome and get right back on track, everyone makes mistakes. D27, how long are you going to do P2?


ARMY...I miss you already:(

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Oh Big, here I am. As I sit here wondering what else I have to do other than the toilets, hehe. What did I forget to pack? Not sure.


I am going to attempt to walk everyday to keep some of the calories off of me, wish me luck I will really need it.


Ladies, I already know when I get back I will do another round.


I know Big will keep a watchful eye on everyone. Newbies welcome and wishing everyone the best. I hear a toilet calling my name to be cleaned!


Going to finish packing, yes I am still packing!


Bon Voyage to me, we are leaving today.... YAY! :-)

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Good Morning, I restarted my pellets today, I have not been very good lately so here I go again. In the past I did 30 day round then P3, so now I am going to do 2 more weeks then head to P3. I just dont know why I sabotage myself...:( Thanks ladies for welcoming me:)

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Deedee' date=' don't blow it!!! We all want to hear of your great successes! Day at a time......heck, an hour at a time. You can do this![/size']

Thank You! I did really good yesterday & so far today. I am back on track & it feels so much better.

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Can I join in also? I started the shots at the end of May....have done 2 40 day rounds....screwed up big time and restarted several times during the 80 days....finally gave up....decided that I wasn't "mentally" prepared to do it. Had only lost 15 pounds and 18 inches, but was beating myself up...what really upsets me is the fact that it cost me $450....


Soooo, I will get the HCG tomorrow and Sat and Sun will be load days. I believe I am ready to do this. I have an incentive now...my cruise leaves on Nov 27 and also on the cruise is a man that I have been seeing (we broke up a few weeks ago) and 3 of his friends (female) one of whom is his ex wife. I want to look great when he sees me again...LOL....


Can't wait to get started again....I will also be doing the 6 week body makeover along with the HCG....I am determined this time :)

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welcome all and sorry for being absent....ARMY would have me spanked if she knew...BUT I have been ill. Built an allergy to my statin (cholesterol med) and it has been a few agonizing days (muscle pain to the max). Good side of it, is that I haven't lost my appetite and stayed on track for P3 and maintained. I managed to get the 1500 calories a day in, sometimes a struggle as walking was agony. On the mend and hope that all is well with everyone.


Mind over matter IS the major battle with this diet/lifestyle....no matter what the incentive is...LOL revenge? counts.


If you fall off the protocol, flush it out with water, get rid of the guilt and get back on BOARD! Once you see the results, you will be motivated not to slide back. Everyone makes mistakes but don't let yourself eat your way out of them.


Hope to be posting more soon!

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Welcome Arkansas! That is interesting that your former friend planned a cruise with FOUR women! (There has to be a story there.) ;) Haha! Your chance to shine!


Big...so sorry you have been sick. How will they treat your elevated blood levels now, since you can't take that statin? Will another one work for you?


Well, I am finally to the point that I will have to buy new clothes! I am using belts on every pair of pants I can to keep them up. I wore a med fitted blouse yesterday that I had never gotten into. Yeah! Shopping trip tomorrow! :D

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Welcome Arkansas! That is interesting that your former friend planned a cruise with FOUR women! (There has to be a story there.) ;) Haha! Your chance to shine!


Big...so sorry you have been sick. How will they treat your elevated blood levels now' date=' since you can't take that statin? Will another one work for you?


Well, I am finally to the point that I will have to buy new clothes! I am using belts on every pair of pants I can to keep them up. I wore a med fitted blouse yesterday that I had never gotten into. Yeah! Shopping trip tomorrow! :D [/size']


Congrats!!!:):DMedical! Have fun shopping! Buy them a little snug cause you KNOW you are going to lose more;)


I will never do another statin again, 2 of my liver levels were 10X what they were suppose to be! I will try something else (homeopathic or otherwise) I will also get another blood level done since I have lost more weight...they weren't that elevated to start with, just a high triglyceride count...see if they have moved since the weight loss. I have seen some conflicting reports about these lipid levels and people's health. I just know I never want to go through that again.

It is a little strange as on my maternal side, the cholesterol and triglycerides have always remained high even with medication, but no heart disease runs in the family, no one has died from a heart attack or had a stroke. Not to say it couldn't happen, but makes one wonder.


Have a GREAT Friday girls!

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Welcome Arkansas! That is interesting that your former friend planned a cruise with FOUR women! (There has to be a story there.) ;) Haha! Your chance to shine!


Big...so sorry you have been sick. How will they treat your elevated blood levels now' date=' since you can't take that statin? Will another one work for you? [/font']


Well, I am finally to the point that I will have to buy new clothes! I am using belts on every pair of pants I can to keep them up. I wore a med fitted blouse yesterday that I had never gotten into. Yeah! Shopping trip tomorrow! :D


Congrad's Medical - I'm always glad to hear the successes here. I'm down another 6 lbs this week so that's great. I need to measure this Sunday cause I haven't done that for a while. I sure notice in my clothes though.


I'm not telling anyone what 'diet' I'm on anymore cause the last time I tried to explaine it, two girls from my work tried an intervention on me - "Oh we're so worried about you - 500 calories a day can't be healthy". I burst out laughing and just walked away - Then I went back and said sorry for cracking up but I'm fine thanks. YIKES! People just can't be happy for anyone. I feel so good taking the drops that I don't know what I'll do in P3???

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Congrats on the loss, that is huge! And the way the clothes fit has got to make you SMILE. Keep up the good work Choochala!!!!!!!!


P3 can be a breeze for some, you will be astonished how much more you can eat (make sure to get in at LEAST 1500 calories a day) and maintain your weight. You do have a 2 pound window to work with, so keep that in mind. There are correction days if you go over the two pounds but I never had to do one until this last round, which was my third.

Remember to slowly introduce new foods and weigh yourself every day, noting if something brings on a gain. No sugars, no starch for P3, easy to do. Be on P3 as long as you were on the drops or shots and then you can go to P4.

We are here to help each other, so give us a holla.

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Happy Friday!!!


Ok, I'll admit it...I have been a lurker...checking in to see how everyone has been doing lately.


These boards are so wonderful and it's such a great experience to go through when others are doing the same thing...seeing the scale drop numbers, seeing some number shift up and down...It's just nice to know that someone can relate and understand.


As others have said, I've heard so much negativity from people, I just don't say anything. Regardless of the negativity, I've been completely happy with this program so far. At my 21st day, I was down 19 pounds. I stopped the program going into my 22nd day and moved into the next phase. I thought it would be hard, and I was definitely fearful (still am), but I'm pleased to see the numbers continuously shifting. Not great losses, but still, losses. I'm so happy to say that in a total of 5 weeks, I have dropped 25.5 pounds.


For those of you just starting, keep up the good work and just think of how worth it will be in the end, when you're putting on clothes that make you smile and you feel so proud of yourself.


It was because of these boards that I started this program that one Friday. I can't thank you all enough for being such an inspiration.

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Good to hear from you SoCal...how is it going?


I have actually lost 2.5 pounds on P3...don't know if it because I had been sick, although I was getting the calories in, but who am I to complain???


Hope everyone has had a good week-end and enjoy your Sunday.

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Good to hear from you SoCal...how is it going?


I have actually lost 2.5 pounds on P3...don't know if it because I had been sick, although I was getting the calories in, but who am I to complain???


Hope everyone has had a good week-end and enjoy your Sunday.


Every little bit counts, right, even if it's because you're sick. I had a kidney stone episode yesterday and didn't eat anything. Although the pain IS NOT WORTH IT, it was nice to see that I have moved into another set of numbers. As of this morning, down 28 pounds.

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Welcome Arkansas! That is interesting that your former friend planned a cruise with FOUR women! (There has to be a story there.) ;) Haha! Your chance to shine!


The cruise was planned with just him and his 2 friends...I wasn't included. (if the ex hadn't invited herself, I would have been) I had been watching it for a couple of months to see if the price would come down. I was going to cruise with my girlfriend, but then since that is the Sat after Thanksgiving, she will still have company, so I booked it as a solo. This was nothing to do with us breaking up....We are just wanting different things.


However, I want to lose at least another 20 pounds before the cruise, because I have found some "killer" dresses to wear and they will look even more sexy with a few more pounds off....then when we do see each other (small ship, approx 2000 passengers) I want him to wonder why he let me go :)

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Yikes - had an up day today! We had my daughter's baby shower on Saturday and then I had all the kids and families over for dinner on Sunday so I'm thinking it is because I didn't eat enough on Saturday and then probably too much yesterday! Crap! I kinda forgot to take my drops yesterday too with all the people and playing with my newest grandbaby - she's so beautiful. Oh well, if I have to sacrifice 1.5 lbs to get to sit and cuddle my baby, I can do that. There's always tomorrow - and today for that matter. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Keep posting so I can stay motivated - you guys are an inspiration!

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Hi Losers just checkin on ya all..

I cant express enough what a GREAT

program this is. I am amazed every time I try

on my clothes. Stuff I never thought I would

EVER fit into is to big.:D:p This is the BEST

program ever. I would stick to the program and

you will all be amazed. It took me a few times but

DH and I are maintaining our losses. The first time

ever to maintain a losses.


Big, How are ya feeling? You must be getting ready

for your cruise? 36 days for you and 37 for me :D


Robo, Where are ya girlie?? How was your trip to

Phx? I would have loved to met up with you but DH

and I were out of town. If you ever come back this way

lets do it. Check in and let us know how ya are.


Happy losing ya all.. :)

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Hi Losers just checkin on ya all..

I cant express enough what a GREAT

program this is. I am amazed every time I try

on my clothes. Stuff I never thought I would

EVER fit into is to big.:D:p This is the BEST

program ever. I would stick to the program and

you will all be amazed. It took me a few times but

DH and I are maintaining our losses. The first time

ever to maintain a losses.


Big, How are ya feeling? You must be getting ready

for your cruise? 36 days for you and 37 for me :D


Robo, Where are ya girlie?? How was your trip to

Phx? I would have loved to met up with you but DH

and I were out of town. If you ever come back this way

lets do it. Check in and let us know how ya are.


Happy losing ya all.. :)


Hey AZ

I'm here...Just have been real busy trying to stay on top of work etc. I've been reading.....just not posting...It would have been so nice to meet up with you as well...Maybe next time I'm in Phoenix.


Last Saturday and Sunday were my load days...well actually I have been loading since Thursday (with the Phoenix trip) and "Holy Smokes" it sure is good to be on P2 again. P3 has been very stressful for me....I've got 19 days of shots and 3 VLCD days and then I am on a plane to Orlando for our cruise. I'm still trying to get off my gain weight from the weekend but by tomorrow should be on the down slide....Wish me luck....I don't have much time.


Big...are you feeling better honey? Sounds like you really had a time of it. Here's a hug from me {{hug}}. Are you back to feeling like yourself again? I know you said you were still losing in P3.....just be careful...


I am loving the slimmer me but I can tell you that the worse thing I have ever encountered is Facetime on my new iPhone 4S....Good grief...I really look old and I now have my mother's neck....When did I turn into my mother.


Welcome to all of the newbie's.....I'm so glad that you stopped lurking and decided to join in....Each and every person here has made a very valuable impression on my life and I so look forward to sharing with everyone.


Medi....how are you doing? You just sound so upbeat....I'm so glad that you are having as much fun losing as I am...


Take care...got to get back to work.....Put those scales in the downward slide......





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AZ...yes...just over a month. I would have the suitcases out but I have company coming Fri for two weeks (NY hunters). I just bought a load of backpacks and school supplies for the kids in Samana, DM. So I have to fit all that in plus my snorkel gear. Gawd! Where am I going to put all 10 pairs of shoes???? LOL I am going to try and do one carry on and one checked...we'll see.


Feeling much better but quite a bit of muscle loss/weakness. Suppose to get better with time but I am not a patient person. I have leveled off and stopped losing, staying under the 170 mark and maintaining 167 for the most part. Thanks for the HUG Robo. Sounds like you got a plan on this next round...wishing you the very best! So you will be at P3 for your cruise? That is doable but no carbs/sugar would put a damper on it for me. I really make wiser choices but oh those desserts! And I know about the loooking older!!!! Wow my fat face must have really took care of all those wrinkles I now have...LOL I am hoping that things adjust themselves...SOON. Otherwise I guess I may have to buy stock in the wrinkle cream company.


so how goes it choochala and arhillbilly? Any questions for any of us?

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No questions....I have actually been on this since May....after 2 80 day go rounds, I knew that I wasn't mentally prepared to do it and stick with it. So I took a break. Just started again over the weekend with Sat and Sun being my load days. Doing great so far...actually down 4 pounds. I also got my "6 week body makeover" in the mail today.....not sure how I am going to incorporate both it and the HCG....

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