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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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arhillbilly.....my load days were saturday and sunday as well.....I'm just doing a short round (19 days) so I can lose a few more before our cruise. I sure wish I had found this thread earlier this year and got with the program earlier so that I could be thin for the cruise but I guess that I will be happy with thinner than the last cruise.


I'm not sure how you implement two different weight loss plans into one. I have a hard enough time implementing one. Good luck with that.


Big...so tell me again what is your total loss from the beginning? I want to be just like you when I grow up....All kidding aside....I love the guidance that you give. Even when you are being funny there is guidance there.


Is Army back from her cruise yet? Report in Army.

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46 pounds in three three rounds. 2nd round was the hardest but think it is because I started 6 weeks after the first. I did have more success this last round, had a few months break between rounds. For me anyways, maintaining for a longer period, really sets that new weight. Seems I always have 2-3 pounds rebound weight between round but am much better off than I ever was.


ARMY...I know you are back...check in! I think she had a business trip this coming week or week-end...but she will be back soon.


Good choices today girls!

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Hey ladies, I didn't even buy clothes on Saturday. I came home with some craft things to make my GD some cute headbands and a 15X mirror to see my eyes better when putting on makeup. But it was fun just trying on things.


I am in P3. So far, so good. The scale went up a couple of days ago, but it is already down below my lowest weight! My daughter has lost 12# (so proud of her).


Keep up the great work everyone!

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46 pounds in three three rounds. 2nd round was the hardest but think it is because I started 6 weeks after the first. I did have more success this last round, had a few months break between rounds. For me anyways, maintaining for a longer period, really sets that new weight. Seems I always have 2-3 pounds rebound weight between round but am much better off than I ever was.


ARMY...I know you are back...check in! I think she had a business trip this coming week or week-end...but she will be back soon.


Good choices today girls!


Big, that is just fabulous about the 46 lbs....I'm hoping that I can lose 10 lbs in 19 days.....That's pushing it but that would make me feel a whole lot better about my clothes choices for the cruise. No matter how much I lose I am way better off than I was 2 and 1/2 months ago. Big and AZ you are both a huge part of that....Pat yoursleves on the back and be so very proud of everything you have accomplished. For me...it's been just like talking to my girlfriends...We're all supportive of each other...I just love that.


Liz, if you are lurking, please stop by and say hi....I miss you and your humor..

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Medical...why didn't you buy any clothes? Are you going to do more rounds? I found going to the consignment shops can get you some nice smaller clothes...you do so deserve a few new outfits! Congrats to your daughter too...12 pounds!


Robo...you are much too kind, we helped but YOU DID THIS! Now if I were there to beat you with spiral cut zucchini (cause wet noodles have carbs!) then we could take the credit but it is you sweetheart! If you follow that protocol very closely and no cheats, there is a pretty good chance you can lose that 10 in 19 days...we are all pulling for you.


arhillbilly...sorry to hear you had a bad day. I used to hate going to the dentist, didn't go for 12 years! But I got over it and now I am a faithful follower of mine and go once a year. So far I haven't had any major issues though. Hang tough and today is a NEW day, stay strong and remember this is all for YOU!


Off to a Naturopath this morning for some alternative ideas for my cholesterol. Feeling much better and hope to get a full week of work in next week. Won't be long and me and AZ will be sailing the high seas!

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Hey, what a good idea! I didn't even think of the resale shops. I may try them tomorrow. But I will have to feel better. I have a bug.....started with a sore throat, then achy-ness all over, now sinus pressure and drainage. I toughed out two days at work feeling like this and wearing a mask whenever I had to assess a client. I just want sleep now. :(


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Good Morning Losers,


Big that is a great idea about resale shops.

I went last week and bought smaller jeans :p

Great prices for nice clothes. I also went to Ross

and bought two new sweat suits. Original price tag

was over a 100.00 I got them for around 25.00. :D

I had to buy ALL new clothes. All my clothes in my

closet too big. I had things that I was waiting to fit into. To big :)


Robo, Thanks for the credit but it was ALL you.

We are here for support but you did all the work. You should

be able to lose 10lb. Fingers crossed. I didn't realize you

were cruising before Big and I.:eek: Tell me about it.

Where you going? EXCITING


Medi, feel better

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Good morning....................

It's taken me 5 days to get off my gains from last weekend along with the two loading days (also last weekend) I am lower this morning than my last round. I'm aiming for 10lbs ladies between now the the 12th....Hoping to make smart choices on the cruise as well. There is a lot going on right now. Our friends are moving back and should arrive by noon tomorrow. Pascale cooks like a dream (she's from Belgium) and they will be staying with us for at least a week before things get finished in their house so they can move in. This is probably going to require an intervention so that I don't fall off of the P2 Wagon...


Big I can't believe what a fabulous idea the resale shop is....Heading there today....


AZ..I LOVE Ross's....went there last night a bought a couple of sweaters. I just realized that I didn't have a thing to wear that had sleeves in my closet. We are doing Western Caribbean...Labadee - Haiti - Grand Cayman and Cozumel.....I sure hope that Rina hasn't torn up Cozumel to much....


How is everyone else doing? Let us know how we can help you on this journey.


Keep it fresh today ladies...change it up a bit. Make it a point to try something new. I bought that Gourmet Cookbook and was really hoping to make some receipes out of it this weekend. I left the crazy thing at work yesterday so it's either go to work or don't make anything. Guess I'll make the drive.


Have a great day and check in when you can.



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Good morning....................

It's taken me 5 days to get off my gains from last weekend along with the two loading days (also last weekend) I am lower this morning than my last round. I'm aiming for 10lbs ladies between now the the 12th....Hoping to make smart choices on the cruise as well. There is a lot going on right now. Our friends are moving back and should arrive by noon tomorrow. Pascale cooks like a dream (she's from Belgium) and they will be staying with us for at least a week before things get finished in their house so they can move in. This is probably going to require an intervention so that I don't fall off of the P2 Wagon...


Robo, That is GREAT news about your weight..:p Is this your

lowest? WOOT WOOT

Ok about your friend coming that is great and so exciting to have

good friends close by. But for her cooking try and stay true

eat veggies and meat. Remember after the eating is all

said and done it wasn't really worth it (at least to me) always

taste good at the time but after I always think not worth it !!

Also remember how ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL it feels

being down a few lbs..:D


AZ..I LOVE Ross's....went there last night a bought a couple of sweaters. I just realized that I didn't have a thing to wear that had sleeves in my closet. We are doing Western Caribbean...Labadee - Haiti - Grand Cayman and Cozumel.....I sure hope that Rina hasn't torn up Cozumel to much....


Have never been to Labadee - Haiti let me know how you like them.

Oh heck your on a cruise they have a beach I know they will be

GREAT..:p Our cruise also stops at GC also we our doing Jet ski

to Stingray Island then to Rum point. Love Cozumel. What excursions you doing?

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Have never been to Labadee - Haiti let me know how you like them.

Oh heck your on a cruise they have a beach I know they will be

GREAT..:p Our cruise also stops at GC also we our doing Jet ski

to Stingray Island then to Rum point. Love Cozumel. What excursions you doing?


Sorry about that...Labadee is Haiti..duh....The other port is Jamacia....


We are just doing a beach day in Labadee,


Jamacia we are going to an all-inclusive Hilton Rose Hall.....we are also doing jet ski's, paddle boats, tubing in their lazy river there etc...can't wait


Grand Cayman we are just going to do the town.....Has some lunch and go to seven mile beach


Cozumel - we are taking the cozumel bar hop tour (sounds worse than it is) which goes to the remote side of the island...We like to have drinks but no to excess..I read the trip advisor reviews and on the 88...there was not one negative thing. Everyone loved it. There are, I believe, 4 stops at restaurant/bars and that side of the island has no electricity but you can get a massage on the beach at one place.....another place has a couple of resident dogs that curl up by you.....I'm really looking for that this one. Our friends are doing the Tulume ruins and I didnt think I could take a 45 minute boat ride in rough waters and then an hour bus ride to the ruins (each way) so we are splitting up for this stop.


Just finished tying on bathing suits from my bin and all I can say is....why don't they make something for us old ladys so that our boobs don't look so darned bad....Oh well....that's why we have cover ups....


I am just so thankful that I have lost enough weight to feel great on this cruise.....Usually I drag my feel until it's to late and then I'm miserable. Whole new me and attitude this trip.

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Sorry about that...Labadee is Haiti..duh....The other port is Jamacia....


We are just doing a beach day in Labadee,


Jamacia we are going to an all-inclusive Hilton Rose Hall.....we are also doing jet ski's, paddle boats, tubing in their lazy river there etc...can't wait


Grand Cayman we are just going to do the town.....Has some lunch and go to seven mile beach


Cozumel - we are taking the cozumel bar hop tour (sounds worse than it is) which goes to the remote side of the island...We like to have drinks but no to excess..I read the trip advisor reviews and on the 88...there was not one negative thing. Everyone loved it. There are, I believe, 4 stops at restaurant/bars and that side of the island has no electricity but you can get a massage on the beach at one place.....another place has a couple of resident dogs that curl up by you.....I'm really looking for that this one. Our friends are doing the Tulume ruins and I didnt think I could take a 45 minute boat ride in rough waters and then an hour bus ride to the ruins (each way) so we are splitting up for this stop.


Just finished tying on bathing suits from my bin and all I can say is....why don't they make something for us old ladys so that our boobs don't look so darned bad....Oh well....that's why we have cover ups....


I am just so thankful that I have lost enough weight to feel great on this cruise.....Usually I drag my feel until it's to late and then I'm miserable. Whole new me and attitude this trip.

You will have to let me know about Hilton Rose Hall in Jamaica.

We have enough Hilton Honor points to go there for 10 days. :p

We were looking into next October.

All of your excursions sound WONDERFUL :D Next

time I am in Coz I want to do that same excursion so report

back on that one also. Are you all pack and ready to go?

How's Ph 2 going? Hope you did great this weekend with

BIG losses.

How are all you other losers doing? Big we haven't heard from

you in a few days. How Ph 3 treating you?

Medi you feeling better?

Army you back yet??


Hey Liz I know your out there some where girl. Check

in and say Hi.

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So I wanna know something....who touched the Halloween candy????


I just had a tiny package of M&M's. I think I needed it to make me better. ; )




I didn't touch any candy BUT...I have been baking for the NY hunters that are here staying with us and that has thrown me off track. I am back on the wagon today and if I gain anymore tomorrow will be a correction day. I don't know if it is the stress and still recovering (pity party for me) that has thrown me for a loop of NO WILLPOWER.


Anyone hear from ARMY? Where are you girl?????:confused:


How are all the newbies and newcomers doing?

I am on P4 now and won't do another round until Feb or March 2012.

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No candy for me. We didn't even buy any.


Remember I told you all I was going to do Boot camp??

Well I finally started today :eek:

5:30 am WOW I thought they were trying to

kill me:rolleyes: That was intense. I'll keep ya all posted.

Trust me I don't want to go back so I will have to talk

me self in to this..


Where is everyone?? Robo, Army, Medi and LIZ

Chooc and arhill???

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Started a second round Oct 29. Thoought the halloween party would make a good load day. :)

Started phase 2 monday up 3 pounds to 184 this morning weighed in at 178. Loving this protocol. My plan is to only do 23 days this time so I can be in phase 4 by cruise day December 20th. Some of my old clothes are starting to fit. Even a dress I was hoping to wear for one of the formal nights is fitting again!!

May have to start another round in late January to get to my ideal size.

Feel so much better after the first round. No more aches and pains.

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Started a second round Oct 29. Thoought the halloween party would make a good load day. :)

Started phase 2 monday up 3 pounds to 184 this morning weighed in at 178. Loving this protocol. My plan is to only do 23 days this time so I can be in phase 4 by cruise day December 20th. Some of my old clothes are starting to fit. Even a dress I was hoping to wear for one of the formal nights is fitting again!!

May have to start another round in late January to get to my ideal size.

Feel so much better after the first round. No more aches and pains.




Congrats on the 1st round and best wishes for you on this round. Where are you going on your cruise? Hopefully somewhere warm, I am doing S. Caribbean Dec 1st!

Stay with us here...we are good support...well those of us who are showing up these days:DJust kidding girls, but am wondering where you all are:confused:

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I am here! Welcome WM! Where in Texas are you? Sounds like you are doing great.


I am going to start another round on Tuesday. I have held my weight steady and feel great. I want to take a few pounds off before the holidays. I think I will do two weeks, take a break for Thanksgiving, then do another three weeks before Christmas. I will just have to be careful on P3 during Thanksgiving week! We are having my whole family at our house for Thanksgiving, so I will be busy.

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Back on track - I did a mini load last week and have gotten back into the swing of the losing thing - down 5 more lbs so far. It's great to have all you guys' support. I'm off to the Caribbean on the 30th of December so I think I'm going to try to go hard until the week before we leave and then do P3 for the holiday. Who knows - that's the plan so far.


I get what your saying WM - I cleaned out the closet and my drawers the other day so of course I had to try on - things fit that haven't fit for two years!!!! That's exciting. I have a "Cruise Clothes" pile now. With any luck, they will be too big - hee hee.


Good Luck to everone and keep up the great work! You all inspire me!

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ROBO....bon voyage...you are about on your way;~)

Me and AZ have a few weeks left til we depart on our cruises.

Choochala...you are one to really appreciate the warm weather cruises in Dec like me.


Hunters leave tomorrow and good thing, I was almost going to do a yogurt day. Grandkids are coming this Friday for the week-end so I will be busy. Holiday right around the corner too, things are a hopping.


Hope everyone is well and doing ok with staying on track.


ARMY...we miss you.....stop in, put your feet up and say hi.

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Robo where are ya girl??? Packing and getting

ready for your cruise??

Medi good luck on your next round.

Chooch, Get back on track and GREAT job on the 5 more down.. :p

Big you holding strong?? Do you have any clothes that

fit for your cruise? Are ya all packed and ready to go?

Do you have room room for all your extra's? and all the shoes?

DH and I are holding steady. Maybe up 1 or 2 and down 1 or 2.

WOW first time ever I have maintained.. I cant afford to gain

any weight anyway's. I bought all new smaller sizes and got rid of

my bigger stuff. I have no choice. :p

OH and BTW I LOVE bootcamp. It is kicking my butt.

But look forward to going daily..

Check in girls,


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Can I join in?

I am on my second day of P2, forgot to weigh in tho so I will do that tonight and track my progress.

This thread is a great idea, I know I could certainly use some support, today was tough but I made it through it just like I was supposed to.

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SLACKER....me that is. Haven't been posting much and not being very good with food... I am 3 pounds over LDW and tomorrow is back on the wheel. Had company for two weeks that I cooked breakfast and dinner for (three men and hubby-hunters)

Grandkids this week-end and after all this I am amazed I don't weigh 300 pounds...LOL

So back to exercising, protein and veggies and my beloved Greek yogurt!


How are the rest of you doing? Robo has sailed and hope she has a tremendous time. 17 days til me and AZ sail! I have lots of clothes that fit...as I am a bit of a shopper and have been gathering as I go along...always buying 12-14...knowing I WILL NOT GO OVER those sizes. Funny how some 12's can be loose and some 14's tight...no consistancy. But considering I came from 22's and 2-3X....I AM HAPPY;~)


Have a great week fellow HCG'ers...be good to yourself!

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Can I join in?

I am on my second day of P3, forgot to weigh in tho so I will do that tonight and track my progress.

This thread is a great idea, I know I could certainly use some support, today was tough but I made it through it just like I was supposed to.



:Dwelcome!!!! I was posting as you posted.....are you on P2 or P3? P2 being low calorie (500)

You will do great if you follow the protocol and hang with us here!

Glad to have you join:)

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:Dwelcome!!!! I was posting as you posted.....are you on P2 or P3? P2 being low calorie (500)

You will do great if you follow the protocol and hang with us here!

Glad to have you join:)


I am actually just staring P2, I just edited my post, thanks for pointing that out.

I am very happy to be welcomed to this group, I think it will help ensure my success.

I am cruising on Dec. 23 and again on Feb 27th, I hope to be at my final goal by the Feb cruise which would be to lose 45 pounds, I am ready!!!

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