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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Welcome Jennifer! I'm also doing the injections and they are working good for me. I've lost 15lbs in 3 weeks which is nice and have been following the "Pounds and Inches" very strictly too. I'm into my fourth week now but I'm going to do one more round before my cruise in April. These girls on here are great support.


I also belong to a group on FB for HCG support - if any of you are interested please send me an email and I will invite you - blueyesdmg@msn.com They are also another great source of support!


Bighorn - Thanks for the info on the Atkins and P3. I know I'll be freaked out when I start. :) I've done SB in the past so I am probably going to follow that pretty closely when I'm done. It worked for me in the past, if I had stuck with it I probably wouldn't be here now. :rolleyes:

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Disney - Oh taters tots sound so good!! Did you still lose eating a couple??



I'm down .60 today and I'm so proud to say I've finally hit the 20lb mark!! 15 of those are from doing HCG and the other following WW at the beginning of the year. I'm super excited!! I would love to hit another 20 before my cruise...not sure I will with my average weight loss being .50 a day but I'll take what I can get. At least I feel so much better.


NO! I gained .4lbs! I guess that's what I get for cheating! :mad: I have no one to blame but myself so I can't be mad...I guess.

Congrats on the 20lbs!! I believe that you can do another 20 before your cruise. ;)

I have lost 15lbs so far on P2. I'm hoping to lose at least another 10 before I go to P3.


Wow, what a good support group you are for each other, mind if I join? I've read through the entire thread and I'm seeing some great results here! I'm doing injections, I'm on day 10 of my first round, and I'm down 14.4 pounds from my start weight. I'm following Dr Simeon's protocol fairly strictly, and doing well. I have the added bonus that my DH is doing this along with me. I'm planning on doing 40 days (am I crazy) with doing a skip day every Sunday.


I have a cruise planned for mid-September, so I'm hoping to finish this round of injections and be able to do one more before we go. It's interesting and informative to see those of you that are already in P3, it gives me hope. Like others have said, I'm pretty nervous about going back to more food. Self-control didn't really get me where I am today, did it?


Well, it's nice to meet you ladies, and I hope to be part of your support group! Have a great and successful day everyone.


Hey Jifner! 14.4lbs in 10 days? That's GREAT! :) I'm sure it's nice that your DH is doing this with you. A good support system is very helpful! My DH doesn't have any weight to lose, but has been VERY supportive of my decision to do this. He lost around 50lbs a couple of years ago and has kept it off, so he knows what I'm going through. Also, everybody on here has helped me tremendously! The recipe ideas, websites that they have mentioned, and the support they have given has been great.

Welcome to the group! :D


Block-You were right...I can't have tater tots! You rest assured, the next time I want to eat some tater tots I'm going to have a little 'Block' on my shoulder that says, "DISNEY, YOU CAN'T HAVE TATER TOTS!!" LOL! ;)


Bighorn-You were right...I should have said NO! :)


I hope everybody has a great afternoon!

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Disney - Sorry about the gain but I'm sure it was those tasty tater tots! Sometimes you just have to think twice before you put anything in your mouth. I was @ Costco this weekend and almost grabbed cheese and was like nope can't have it. UGH!!


I'm hoping for another 20 we shall see!! Thank you :) you'll have no prob with your 10...provided you don't eat tater tots! hehehe ;)

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Good morning Ladies!! I tried really hard yesterday because of the .4lb gain after eating the tater tots. It really paid off...I lost 1.8lbs yesterday!! :D I didn't believe it at first. I kept stepping off of the scale and then back on...off and on, off and on, etc... I am so proud of myself!! I hope all of you had a good day too!!

Good luck to all of my loser buddies! ;)

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Disney, that's great! Isn't it nice to see all of your efforts paying off so well?


Dawn, congrats on that 20 pound mark, you are doing great. I know that you will continue to do well, you're gonna look great on that April cruise!


I hit a big milestone today, I have lost 15 pounds!! I'm doing a big happy dance over here. I'm feeling good, and only have an occasional headache. So happy that a co-worker pointed me in this direction, HCG has been great so far!!

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Disney - Awesome job girl! I'm scared because I forgot lunch today, it's snowing like crazy and my coworker ran out to grab lunch so I got a chill from Wendy's. :eek: And I gained this morning (blaming hormones and water) since I was so good yesterday. I guess we'll see what happens to me. I'll def be going home and working out tonight!!


Congrats on your 15lbs Jifner!!!! :)

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WOW Disney, amazing loss! Congrats to you and all you girls for reaching goals and milestones. For those of us who were less fortunate, we will hang in there huh? I worked my Butt off at the gym yesterday and had low calorie, no cheats and gained another .2 lbs. Not much but after that workout, I figured I had a "Disney" loss coming. Maybe I built some muscle and that does weigh more...ok, I am reaching...LOL

Took today off from all exercise and then will do water aerobics tomorrow, we'll see then what happens.

Our cold weather is suppose to hit Thursday, a low of -10, just hope the wind doesn't come.

Have a great HUMP day tomorrow!

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Welcome JINFER !!!!

Thanks BigHorn ..I read that myself about the 2lbs..but why couldn't it have gone the other way ? with the extra calories and fewer restrictions I feel as though I'm pigging out .

Still want Tater Tots:p

Wish I had more time before my cruise for another round:( I sail away april 17th. But I will have time before the summer !!

Losers !!! Have a good evening !

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Welcome jinfer...

You are joining a great bunch of LOSERS..:p

Disney great job keep. I know it feels good.

Big it must be the muscle :D You crack me up.

Hang in there, Sounds like your doing a great job on

phase 3.

OK I am still at a STALL. I have still been 100% on plan

Tom is slowly leaving but I thought by now the scale would

start moving.. I hope I see a loss tomorrow I am starting to

get discouraged. My 21 days is up on thur but I wanted to lose 5 more lbs. I will see what happens in the next few days. Might have

to stay on phase 2 for a few more days.

Hope you all have a great night


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Jifner-Congrats on your milestone of 15lbs!! That's GREAT!

Blueyesdm-Maybe the chili won't be too bad for you. That was probably the best choice you could have made from the Wendy's menu.

Bighorn-I don't think your reaching, you probably are building muscle.

Don't let it get ya down. I'm sure you will have a loss tomorrow. :)

Az-My TOM messed me up too. That's why I decided to extend my P2. Don't get discouraged.


Good luck to everyone tomorrow!

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Block - I'm doing another round and my cruise leaves before you!


Bighorn - I heard that sometimes when you work out your body retains more water, something about it surrounding your muscles so maybe that is why?? Keep up the excercise!


AZ - Sorry about no losses. It must be TOM - it's evil!! Wishing you luck tomorrow!


Disney - It was good chilli! I didn't eat the beans though - yay! Thankfully there weren't too many....it was damn good too!

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Blueyes That was interesting..kinda makes you want to feed donuts the nutrisionist with the curly hair :D I agree it may not be for everyone. I do feel the need to eat will on the vlcd ,or hungry when its time to eat but i'm able to satisfy that hunger. But all in all Dr. Oz seemed intersted in the diet. OOOOh I could go on and on. WHen did this air ?


Still holding my own on P3...

who's close to joining Bighorn and myself on P3 ???

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Hi Girls, Hope you all are losers this morning.

I AM NOT...:mad: Still at the same weight.

I am suppose to end phase 2 on Thursday. Then

I would be on phase 3 for only 2 weeks before I leave.

But now I still want to lose a few more lbs so I will stay on

phase 2 a few extra days. I will only be on phase 3 a very short time before I leave. I will try to be half way good on my vacation.

But do want to enjoy also. so I know when I get home I will

have to start back on phase 2.

I wish I had more time...

Block when do you leave?

Have a great day girls

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Blueyes That was interesting..kinda makes you want to feed donuts the nutrisionist with the curly hair :D I agree it may not be for everyone. I do feel the need to eat will on the vlcd ,or hungry when its time to eat but i'm able to satisfy that hunger. But all in all Dr. Oz seemed intersted in the diet. OOOOh I could go on and on. WHen did this air ?


Still holding my own on P3...

who's close to joining Bighorn and myself on P3 ???


Seriously that nutritionist pissed me off! If your hungry - just eat!! Unfortunately for some people who suffer with obesity once they start eating, they can't stop or they make unhealthy choices. So, it's not that simple! Just cus she can probably eat a cheeseburger everyday and not gain a pound does not mean the rest of us are the same. I'm glad that Dr. Oz was so interested too and he didn't seem to put off by it. Of course the one guy talking about people with heart issues and stuff freaked me out but who is to say those heart issues weren't a result of their obesity? Being overweight is not good for your heart. That aired yesterday.


AZ - I'm sorry you haven't lost any. Perhaps you should do a steak or an apple day?? I don't think you'd have an issue extending P2. Hang in there!!


Hope everyone else is a loser today! Surprisingly I woke up and lost that gain I had yesterday. Woohoo!! And that was with eating that chili (minus the beans) hehe I feel good again! Hoping to hit my next goal soon!

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Good afternoon all! Looks like I wasn't the only one that caught the Dr Oz show, I recorded it and watched it last night. I was pleasantly surprised that he was somewhat supportive of the diet. I do wish they had gone more in-depth and explained about P3 and P4, it's much more than just a 40 days of shots!


Looks like everyone's doing well on P3, and AZ, it looks like maybe you need an apple day. I also read that if you do an apple day and you stay stalled that perhaps you are getting tolerant to the HCG and it's time to end the cycle - has anyone else read that? Maybe you do just need to stop here before your cruise (I'm jealous!!BTW) and do another round after you get back.


Hope everyone has a great afternoon!!

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Looks like everyone's doing well on P3, and AZ, it looks like maybe you need an apple day. I also read that if you do an apple day and you stay stalled that perhaps you are getting tolerant to the HCG and it's time to end the cycle - has anyone else read that? Maybe you do just need to stop here before your cruise (I'm jealous!!BTW) and do another round after you get back.


Hope everyone has a great afternoon!!


Maybe a great idea.. If scale has not moved by tomorrow

am then I will start tomorrow. I don't eat red meat so cant do a steak

day but I will do an apple day. So I just want to get it straight. I start at lunch tomorrow 6 apples and end at lunch the following day.

Can I eat dinner the second day??

Great loss blue..

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Looks like everyone's doing well on P3, and AZ, it looks like maybe you need an apple day. I also read that if you do an apple day and you stay stalled that perhaps you are getting tolerant to the HCG and it's time to end the cycle - has anyone else read that? Maybe you do just need to stop here before your cruise (I'm jealous!!BTW) and do another round after you get back.


Hope everyone has a great afternoon!!


Maybe a great idea.. If scale has not moved by tomorrow

am then I will start tomorrow. I don't eat red meat so cant do a steak

day but I will do an apple day. So I just want to get it straight. I start at lunch tomorrow 6 apples and end at lunch the following day.

Can I eat dinner the second day??


Great loss blue..


I've heard of people doing egg days too. Not sure how those work though...I think you can eat lunch the following day after your apple day.

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Noon one day til noon the next day and then you can eat that dinner. Just make sure it isn't the whole sha-bang (500 cal) in one sitting:~) Just a normal P2 dinner.

People do become resistant to HCG. That is one reason, since I have done 2 rounds back to back, that I will wait 9 months to a year before I do this again.

Hope it comes off for you AZ.

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Az - I did an apple daytowards the end...and I lost 2lbs. I do wonder if that is the two pounds that have come back to me in P3 ??? I don't know. The apple day was actually pretty easy..Get big apples and maybe different kinds. That should help.


I cruise April 17th out of NYC on the Jewel. I really don't think I have enough time to do another round . I also have a trip planned mothers day weekend with my dd and BF to WDW !! just for a long weekend. And I love a dole whip so I will have to break for it ! I'll share it.


Have a good night sweet losers.


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Az - I did an apple daytowards the end...and I lost 2lbs. I do wonder if that is the two pounds that have come back to me in P3 ??? I don't know. The apple day was actually pretty easy..Get big apples and maybe different kinds. That should help.


I cruise April 17th out of NYC on the Jewel. I really don't think I have enough time to do another round . I also have a trip planned mothers day weekend with my dd and BF to WDW !! just for a long weekend. And I love a dole whip so I will have to break for it ! I'll share it.


Have a good night sweet losers.



I am leaving town on April 8th but figured that gives me 3 weeks on mainteanance if I stop on the 21st. I'm going to start my second round on Saturday which gives me 3 weeks. In the 4th week (21st) I'm going to drop my dose to half and start to increase my calories, and that gives me 2 whole weeks of no shots. So I guess I don't see why you dont have time for one more round since you leave a week after me.

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Az-I'm sorry you didn't have a good day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for you!


Blueyesdm-WOOHOO! Congrats on the loss...even with the chili!!


Block-WDW...did you say WDW?? Can I squeeze into your suitcase, PLEASE?? You see my screen name, don't you? I am a Disney NUTTTT!! :D


I woke up to a loss of 1lb this morning. That was a pleasant surprise. I really wasn't expecting that.

I hope everybody has a great day tomorrow!

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